The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.

Yet I've seen you do the same. I've watch you attack people for things they said or did ages ago. I've seen you attack posters for posts they wrote years ago.

Reputation follows people around. You play a stripper and prostitute, and then people don't want you teaching in the public school.

This is normal. Your reputation will follow you around. It's been true throughout history, and it's true throughout the world, in every culture, and it will continue to be true in the future.

There are things I've said and done that I regret, that have followed me around. Grants, not to an extreme level, but then I didn't say or do extreme things.

Why you think everyone that happens to have your political ideology, should be given a free-pass for their past, while you don't give the same free-pass to those you disagree with, is beyond me.
DeBlahblah made himself look small when he sympathized with the victim and insulted the police. He should have stayed out of it.
DeBlahblah made himself look small when he sympathized with the victim and insulted the police. He should have stayed out of it.

No, we can't allow any sympathy for the victim, or mention the reputation that bullies have What a marvelous right wing way of thinking.
To be fair, Sharpton did get into some questionable things in the past. However, in the last several years he has regained a certain amount of credibility even if his voice is still like fingernails on a chalkboard. I don't say this to minimize him, because I do like hearing what he has to say and respect his opinion. I watch his show when I can. This is only to acknowledge that he will never be redeemed in the eyes of many. They hate the mere idea that the status quo is not the correct way to continue, and the legitimate claims of blacks of police misbehavior forces them to admit they have been wrong. It's easier to kill the messenger than it is to change anything. I guess I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.

Once the hate is there, they have to have a reason to move past it. Nothing Sharpton could ever say will give them a reason to do that. I didn't think too much of him myself, until he started his TV show. I was less than fair, but I listened to what he said, and it made sense. I still think his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard, but I guess I can get past that part.
I gotta give you props brother. You're a better man for it.
Let's start here
New de Blasio aide has history of vulgar tweets New York Post
Then move on to here, along with his motorcade wanting to defy traffic laws, itself, to alllwing police protesters to defy the law to stopping traffic on bridges and busy streets-

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced the start of a significant retraining of the nation’s largest police force.

Mr. de Blasio said the grand jury’s decision had focused the public’s attention on the relationship between the police and the public.

“Fundamental questions are being asked, and rightfully so,” he said. “The way we go about policing has to change.”...
When Mr. de Blasio was running for mayor, he promised sweeping reforms of the Police Department and was often scathing in his campaign trail criticism of the department. Those scars have not fully healed, and he is still viewed with suspicion by some in the law enforcement hierarchy.

Thank you for at least providing something corporeal to talk about.

However, these "grievances" are incredibly petty. A campaign volunteer posted some mean tweets, got let go, and later got a position with the city somewhere around park ranger in terms of power. Do you really think the NYPD is citing Kicy Motley as a reason for their protests? There's a reason this story didn't make it outside of a gossip-rag like the NY Post.

And is a three-day refresher course for the police department after a videotaped murder really such a slap in the face to their dignity? You can't choke a man to death in broad daylight, have the video go viral, and then expect nothing to happen - unless you're the NYPD. Their union president actually had the gall to attack the department for putting that officer on desk duty after the event - NYPD officer stripped of his gun badge over chokehold of Eric Garner police say

So you tell me: is protesting any accountability at all the behavior of a police department that wants support, or that wants complete, unquestioning obeisance?
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.

Yet I've seen you do the same. I've watch you attack people for things they said or did ages ago. I've seen you attack posters for posts they wrote years ago.

Reputation follows people around. You play a stripper and prostitute, and then people don't want you teaching in the public school.

This is normal. Your reputation will follow you around. It's been true throughout history, and it's true throughout the world, in every culture, and it will continue to be true in the future.

There are things I've said and done that I regret, that have followed me around. Grants, not to an extreme level, but then I didn't say or do extreme things.

Why you think everyone that happens to have your political ideology, should be given a free-pass for their past, while you don't give the same free-pass to those you disagree with, is beyond me.
Who have I attacked for their past that is no longer their present?
Don't turn your BACK...ON COPS or the civil order. All the black crime, and black on black murders...A black issue. Who's fault is black crime in black communities? And the fact there is a shortage of blacks cops in black communities? Vietnamese, Hispanics, Italians, Germans or Irish grew past all this. In a few short years, why can't blacks? Stop blaming racism.
I agree that it is costly to keep hiring new people, HOWEVER, I have worked in upper management for too many Corporations to KNOW that they would be fired....without blinking an eye....
No, I don't buy that.

A CEO wouldn't engage in wholesale firing if something like that happened. What would likey happen is that middle managers and first-line supervisors would be giving the rank-n-file employees a good talking to about proper behavior of adults in the workplace.

Nooo, please don't bring back this ridiculous CEO/employee analogy. I don't care which side you're arguing, this is about police and the mayor, and that's so different from anything in the private sector as to make any comparison useless.
I'll use whatever analogy I wish. If you cannot grasp how they are similar, come back in about 10 years when your old enough to understand it.
You're right. there is no frikken REDEMPTION for that race hustling slime ball Sharpton who has brought false charges against many and now because of it he has BLOOD on his hands from those MURDERED police officers who happened not to be whities, but MINIORITIES. yet some of you still take his and that Comrade DemouthBlasios side


Revisiting Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton
There are similarities between the case of the 15-year-old Brawley, who cried rape, and today's grievance culture.

all of it here:
Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton Provide Lessons for Today PJ Media
And you, and your butt boy Dubya, have thousands of gallons of blood on your hands for starting retarded wars. :thup:

Good to see that you've finally admitted to being a fascist big government supporter though. You never fooled anyone.
Actually this started the war. You Leftwats have short memories.

And Dubya warred against the wrong people.
That's horrific.
:crybaby: Yes, there will be even more now, with the lack of support by the Obama/Holder/deBlasio/Sharpton anti-American leaders defending the actions of the lawbreakers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014: report

(Reuters) - Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

"Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014," the website said.

The deadly ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20 was a flashpoint in a deepening rift between the city's police department and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The mayor had expressed qualified support for protests sparked by the deaths of unarmed black men in confrontations with white officers, and said he warned his biracial son of the "dangers he may face" in encountering police officers.

Gun deaths for U.S. officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 report - Yahoo News Canada
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.

There is a big difference in being against abusive government and anti- government.
Yes there is but lately I've seen conservatives defending abusive cops.
DeBlahblah made himself look small when he sympathized with the victim and insulted the police. He should have stayed out of it.


There were other ways he could have done this, but he chose to play to the crowd at the expense of the cops.

Not unlike Obama's "you didn't build that" message to the screaming throng against business owners.

Divide, divide, divide.

DeBlahblah made himself look small when he sympathized with the victim and insulted the police. He should have stayed out of it.


There were other ways he could have done this, but he chose to play to the crowd at the expense of the cops.

Not unlike Obama's "you didn't build that" message to the screaming throng against business owners.


Oh look! You brought that up again. Hope you feel better now that you've used that lie one last time this year.
You're right. there is no frikken REDEMPTION for that race hustling slime ball Sharpton who has brought false charges against many and now because of it he has BLOOD on his hands from those MURDERED police officers who happened not to be whities, but MINIORITIES. yet some of you still take his and that Comrade DemouthBlasios side


Revisiting Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton
There are similarities between the case of the 15-year-old Brawley, who cried rape, and today's grievance culture.

all of it here:
Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton Provide Lessons for Today PJ Media
And you, and your butt boy Dubya, have thousands of gallons of blood on your hands for starting retarded wars. :thup:

Good to see that you've finally admitted to being a fascist big government supporter though. You never fooled anyone.
Actually this started the war. You Leftwats have short memories.

And Dubya warred against the wrong people.

With lots of Democrat support. Are you one of these imbeciles that thinks one man can take this country to war?
It's pretty obvious what's going on as some people contort themselves into double standards so they can support people whom they politically agree with. Hopefully, most people don't fall into this category. I think the best we can do on a personal level is to apply the same standards to republicans as to democrats, blacks as to whites, men as to women, gerbils as to hamsters, Trekkies as to those Star Wars losers. Live long and prosper... assholes.
You think the cops don't know what the job is before they take it?

That's part of what makes them better than mouthy little weasels like you. You think that "knowing what the job is" means it's OK when some idiot politician makes it many times more dangerous, you idiot?

If acknowledging the fact that blacks have had to have that talk with their kids for decades makes it more dangerous for them, then they should work on eliminating the need for that talk instead of being mad because somebody mentioned it.
And this lie makes it here AGAIN.

This is not a 'black' talk. Everyone tells their children not to do stupid shit when the police are around. It does not matter what color your skin is - the cops can and will take you down if you act a fool.
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN

Most cop ambushes are by anti-government conservative types. Therefore, by their own standards, the conservatives here on this thread are all personally responsible for those cop deaths.

Whitehall? He's cackling as savors the cop-blood he's licking off his fingers. Stephanie? She's down on the ground like a dog, lapping up puddles of cop blood. Unkotare? He's doing shots of cop blood with his pals and bragging about it. SaintMicheal? He's drinking cop blood from a chalice, like it was a new sacrament. And so on.

That's just by their own standards, of course. Those aren't the standards of normal people, but since those conservatives created those standards, they have to have them applied to themselves.

Now, since the conservatives on this thread are so fanatically pro-cop-killing, why should anyone care what they say?
Care to substantiate that asinine claim?
To be fair, Sharpton did get into some questionable things in the past. However, in the last several years he has regained a certain amount of credibility even if his voice is still like fingernails on a chalkboard. I don't say this to minimize him, because I do like hearing what he has to say and respect his opinion. I watch his show when I can. This is only to acknowledge that he will never be redeemed in the eyes of many. They hate the mere idea that the status quo is not the correct way to continue, and the legitimate claims of blacks of police misbehavior forces them to admit they have been wrong. It's easier to kill the messenger than it is to change anything. I guess I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.
I dont need to go back even a single year to find Sharpton's race bating and hate mongering.

you seem to be the only one bringing up the distant past. Sharpton never changed out of his race baiting and he is a worthless POS because of it. How anyone can defend the asswipe is really beyond me.
Look at this patsy trying to get his way, all the benefit from publicly posturing and positioning himself to his political connsituency WITHOUT any of the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with it...

Real questions? The idiot was trying to bring controversy to a funeral and you berate the officer for giving the proper response: that is an issue for TOMORROW. You know, when you are NOT standing over the grave of a murdered cop.

The partisanship makes you say some insane things.
Let's start here
New de Blasio aide has history of vulgar tweets New York Post
Then move on to here, along with his motorcade wanting to defy traffic laws, itself, to alllwing police protesters to defy the law to stopping traffic on bridges and busy streets-

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced the start of a significant retraining of the nation’s largest police force.

Mr. de Blasio said the grand jury’s decision had focused the public’s attention on the relationship between the police and the public.

“Fundamental questions are being asked, and rightfully so,” he said. “The way we go about policing has to change.”...
When Mr. de Blasio was running for mayor, he promised sweeping reforms of the Police Department and was often scathing in his campaign trail criticism of the department. Those scars have not fully healed, and he is still viewed with suspicion by some in the law enforcement hierarchy.

Thank you for at least providing something corporeal to talk about.

However, these "grievances" are incredibly petty. A campaign volunteer posted some mean tweets, got let go, and later got a position with the city somewhere around park ranger in terms of power. Do you really think the NYPD is citing Kicy Motley as a reason for their protests? There's a reason this story didn't make it outside of a gossip-rag like the NY Post.

And is a three-day refresher course for the police department after a videotaped murder really such a slap in the face to their dignity? You can't choke a man to death in broad daylight, have the video go viral, and then expect nothing to happen - unless you're the NYPD. Their union president actually had the gall to attack the department for putting that officer on desk duty after the event - NYPD officer stripped of his gun badge over chokehold of Eric Garner police say

So you tell me: is protesting any accountability at all the behavior of a police department that wants support, or that wants complete, unquestioning obeisance?
They are protesting because the mayor made things worse by applying a blanket statement that the police are racists and out to hurt black people. THAT is the message that was sent. How do YOU think the cops that are out there every day risking their lives and trying to be honest and proper feel about that? how do you think that it is not putting them in DIRECT danger?

There is nothing wrong with their protest and nothing wrong with the manner that they did it in.

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