The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

Have they defied any direct orders?


They have every right to protest and a silent turning of the back is certainly more acceptable than shutting down bridges and highways.
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now
2. How are they helping?

Actually, you make yourself seem small, as with those who agree with your post. I'd wager you've never had to put your life on the line for anything, unlike those cops out there. When your own mayor throws you under the bus, it tells you your sacrifice means absolutely nothing to him.

How are they helping? They must be helping a lot if even Al Sharpton is calling them for protection against death threats.

But here you are crying "Nay! It was racism!"
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

How is the mayor helping by throwing his own police force under the bus? You don't mind when unions go on strike for pay, but if cops go on strike to demand a little respect from their employer, heaven help us all.

He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Hey, Einstein, the Police Department serves the entire city as a whole too. Earth to you.
get their butts out of uniform and Protest like the rest of the citizens do, on the sidewalks or streets.

It doesn't matter what they're wearing. Their freedom of expression doesn't go away just because they're police. Oh by the way, these guys are on the sidewalks and streets every day making sure law and order are maintained, even through pain of death.
It's pretty obvious what's going on as some people contort themselves into double standards so they can support people whom they politically agree with. Hopefully, most people don't fall into this category. I think the best we can do on a personal level is to apply the same standards to republicans as to democrats, blacks as to whites, men as to women, gerbils as to hamsters, Trekkies as to those Star Wars losers. Live long and prosper... assholes.

This post wins the thread.

Set phasers to PARTY and have a Happy New Year, Captain!
Taking a job that may lead you to being shot does not give you permission to kill people for minor crimes and/or because they look scary.


At least in Micheal Brown's case, he was doing more than 'looking scary.' Try having a behemoth of a human being charging you at full gallop with full intentions of killing you. Someone taking a job as a cop does not mean you can automatically condemn him/her for doing what they do best. Nor does it debar them the right to take appropriate actions to ensure their safety.
Let's start here
New de Blasio aide has history of vulgar tweets New York Post
Then move on to here, along with his motorcade wanting to defy traffic laws, itself, to alllwing police protesters to defy the law to stopping traffic on bridges and busy streets-

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced the start of a significant retraining of the nation’s largest police force.

Mr. de Blasio said the grand jury’s decision had focused the public’s attention on the relationship between the police and the public.

“Fundamental questions are being asked, and rightfully so,” he said. “The way we go about policing has to change.”...
When Mr. de Blasio was running for mayor, he promised sweeping reforms of the Police Department and was often scathing in his campaign trail criticism of the department. Those scars have not fully healed, and he is still viewed with suspicion by some in the law enforcement hierarchy.

Thank you for at least providing something corporeal to talk about.

However, these "grievances" are incredibly petty. A campaign volunteer posted some mean tweets, got let go, and later got a position with the city somewhere around park ranger in terms of power. Do you really think the NYPD is citing Kicy Motley as a reason for their protests? There's a reason this story didn't make it outside of a gossip-rag like the NY Post.

And is a three-day refresher course for the police department after a videotaped murder really such a slap in the face to their dignity? You can't choke a man to death in broad daylight, have the video go viral, and then expect nothing to happen - unless you're the NYPD. Their union president actually had the gall to attack the department for putting that officer on desk duty after the event - NYPD officer stripped of his gun badge over chokehold of Eric Garner police say

So you tell me: is protesting any accountability at all the behavior of a police department that wants support, or that wants complete, unquestioning obeisance?
They are protesting because the mayor made things worse by applying a blanket statement that the police are racists and out to hurt black people. THAT is the message that was sent. How do YOU think the cops that are out there every day risking their lives and trying to be honest and proper feel about that? how do you think that it is not putting them in DIRECT danger?

There is nothing wrong with their protest and nothing wrong with the manner that they did it in.

Aren't you the one who wrote that long anti-gun control post, with the data on gun control re: handguns in Chicago? I liked that post a lot, actually.

But there ARE cops out there that are racist, and that are hurting black people. It doesn't have to be ALL of them for there to be a serious danger that parents, as responsible caretakers, HAVE to address with their children. John Crawford III, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner - these individuals are not anomalies. They are representative of a systemic problem in many police departments. And rather than face the justified anger and frustration that is a direct result, police continue to circle the wagons around the worst of themselves and act bewildered and outraged in response to every call to accountability.

That's what makes this protest over the mayor's comment such a farce.
NYPD cops still confused:
"An unapologetic Mayor de Blasio spent more than two hours with NYPD union leaders to “allegedly” repair their fractured relationship — but insiders said he left them cold by offering no solutions, and often sat in total silence.

"Hizzoner never walked back his divisive comments following a grand jury’s decision not to indict the Eric Garner chokehold cop. He also didn’t express any remorse for allowing police-hating protesters to run amok in the city, sources said.

The union reps left the unprecedented meeting 'confused' and unsettled.

Maybe the corrupt union fucks should stop covering for rogue cops?

8216 No resolve 8217 from mayor 8217 s sitdown with NYPD unions New York Post
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
my example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate

Except we aren't talking about the private sector. These are public sector police unions. Funny we talk about unions here. On one hand, liberals vehemently defend them, whilst on the other single them out for protesting their treatment by their employer.

Er, isn't that a conflict of interest?
People who care about liberty and freedom should be concerned about a large paramilitary force trying to use their power to oust a civilian leader who challenges their power. They're not just talking, they're actively refusing to do their jobs, in the hopes crime will increase and put pressure on people to remove the mayor.

So, it appears what is almost a military coup is now fine with the right, as long as it's against people they don't like. The American right has officially become a group of scaryass police state fanatics.
People who care about liberty and freedom should be concerned about a large paramilitary force trying to use their power to oust a civilian leader who challenges their power. They're not just talking, they're actively refusing to do their jobs, in the hopes crime will increase and put pressure on people to remove the mayor.

So, it appears what is almost a military coup is now fine with the right, as long as it's against people they don't like. The American right has officially become a group of scaryass police state fanatics.

They're not refusing to do their jobs, they are now doing it BY THE BOOK, which means everything is slowed down so all I's are dotted, and "T's" crossed... what used to take 10 minutes, now takes 30 minutes. You want them on the supposed straight and narrow, and when they do it, you assholes complain!

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