The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

Aren't you the one who wrote that long anti-gun control post, with the data on gun control re: handguns in Chicago? I liked that post a lot, actually.

But there ARE cops out there that are racist, and that are hurting black people. It doesn't have to be ALL of them for there to be a serious danger that parents, as responsible caretakers, HAVE to address with their children. John Crawford III, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner - these individuals are not anomalies. They are representative of a systemic problem in many police departments. And rather than face the justified anger and frustration that is a direct result, police continue to circle the wagons around the worst of themselves and act bewildered and outraged in response to every call to accountability.

That's what makes this protest over the mayor's comment such a farce.
Yes I was, thank you.

I don't think anyone actually thinks that there are not bad cops out there. I, personally, believe that the problem is a lot more pervasive than most like to believe. That, however, does not make what the mayor stated correct or even prudent. He was directly capitalizing on anti police rhetoric and trying to use it to make himself look good. There IS a problem that needs to be addressed but the absolute WORST thing any politician can do is undermine the public's trust with the police. The police have done enough of that themselves to have outside forces capitalizing on it. Instead, there should be investigations and actual changes in the process to address the simple fact that the police do not seem to be held accountable in situations where violence ends up being used.

Obama actually came up with a reasonable solution: the body cameras. Are they even talking about implementing that idea? Are they talking about changing the process for indictment in police use of force incidents? Are they releasing reasons why this particular police officer was justified in his actions OR charging him?

I haven't seen anything to suggest a single 'fix' has been discussed but there has been politically expedient speeches made. Speeches that inflame violence rather than subdue it.

Nothing about this protest was a 'farce.' I fail to understand why you think it so. Do you thinl those police that are upset are actively trying to cover up racist and violent police? Do you think that they don't feel attacked when they are told that they, the ones risking their lives every day, are the REAL risk to the black community because they are violent and racist not the actual criminals they are arresting?

Put yourself in the shoes of a good cop and ask yourself how you feel about what is going on. Pretend that you were shot yesterday in an encounter with a criminal. Pretend that you are friends of the police that were just killed by an angry population that thinks YOU are the problem and not the criminals. How do you think you would have taken that speech?
People who care about liberty and freedom should be concerned about a large paramilitary force trying to use their power to oust a civilian leader who challenges their power. They're not just talking, they're actively refusing to do their jobs, in the hopes crime will increase and put pressure on people to remove the mayor.

So, it appears what is almost a military coup is now fine with the right, as long as it's against people they don't like. The American right has officially become a group of scaryass police state fanatics.

They're not refusing to do their jobs, they are now doing it BY THE BOOK, which means everything is slowed down so all I's are dotted, and "T's" crossed... what used to take 10 minutes, now takes 30 minutes. You want them on the supposed straight and narrow, and when they do it, you assholes complain!
And there is a serious issue.

Call them out for being rouges and overbearing. Then get mad when they stop.

They are purposefully making things harder though and that is unacceptable. This is not a job where ceasing to do it does nothing more than affect the companies bottom line. this job involves people possibly being killed. They need to keep this in the form of protesting, not committing actions that affect their ability to do their jobs properly.
People who care about liberty and freedom should be concerned about a large paramilitary force trying to use their power to oust a civilian leader who challenges their power. They're not just talking, they're actively refusing to do their jobs, in the hopes crime will increase and put pressure on people to remove the mayor.

So, it appears what is almost a military coup is now fine with the right, as long as it's against people they don't like. The American right has officially become a group of scaryass police state fanatics.

They're not refusing to do their jobs, they are now doing it BY THE BOOK, which means everything is slowed down so all I's are dotted, and "T's" crossed... what used to take 10 minutes, now takes 30 minutes. You want them on the supposed straight and narrow, and when they do it, you assholes complain!
And there is a serious issue.

Call them out for being rouges and overbearing. Then get mad when they stop.

They are purposefully making things harder though and that is unacceptable. This is not a job where ceasing to do it does nothing more than affect the companies bottom line. this job involves people possibly being killed. They need to keep this in the form of protesting, not committing actions that affect their ability to do their jobs properly.

Since when is going strictly by the book, bad? NOT handling a job without back up because of DEATH THREATS, and giving a WARNING instead of a ticket, are all acceptable, unfortunately the revenue brought in by ACTIVE officers has now been cut by over 90%.... The city finances are not liking that!
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Your example was flawed though. The CEO wouldn't fire them in that instance as well because it is pervasive. they cant fire the entire floor just as they cant fire the entire police force. If it was just a single officer, you can bet he would likely be packing his desk up.

It is different when the virtually the entire force is on board.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?
HOW ? pretty simple.., because he is a fucking :asshole: who hates the cops, isn;t qualified to run a city the size of NYC, he is a loud mouthed liberscum commie, who very proudly says "Heil Oblowmebama".

ooooooh !!! hell, what's the use in trying tell a liberfool anything aout human behavior, most of them are slope heads who still walk with knuckles dragging, what the hell do they know about human behavior.., they need about 700,000 years to catch up to present day. :lmao:
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
I'm fine with Strikes Vig, but this was not a strike...and these are grown men, they can do whatever they want... I just think it fueled the fire instead of helping New Yorkers, and believe it was very petty and immature, and probably irresponsible...just as irresponsible as you think the mayor's comments right after the Garner grand jury made. TIT for TAT...I suppose....but that isn't helping anyone else in the city...
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
I'm fine with Strikes Vig, but this was not a strike...and these are grown men, they can do whatever they want... I just think it fueled the fire instead of helping New Yorkers, and believe it was very petty and immature, and probably irresponsible...just as irresponsible as you think the mayor's comments right after the Garner grand jury made. TIT for TAT...I suppose....but that isn't helping anyone else in the city...

What about helping the police? Every one of the current problems was cause by a blacks stupidity, causing either his deaths, or taking of 2 police officers randomly! Who's side do you fall on, order or chaos.... it should be an easy choice!
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!

Are teachers a paramilitary organization?

If they were, and they were taking actions to remove a civilian government, then I'd definitely be against it.

But then, I'm funny that way, having a thing against police states.
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Your example was flawed though. The CEO wouldn't fire them in that instance as well because it is pervasive. they cant fire the entire floor just as they cant fire the entire police force. If it was just a single officer, you can bet he would likely be packing his desk up.

It is different when the virtually the entire force is on board.
Did the entire police force turn their backs to him at the funeral? I thought it was just some of them....

And yes, of course you are right that they would not fire them all at would be hard to do all at once...but you can bet your booty that those in the private sector that would have done this to their ceo at a Public venue with cameras, that those who did would be black balled, and have a strike against them that would be remembered.... someone else would get the promotion ahead of them, their job duties could be changed to something they don't like doing, all the subtle ways of pushing an employee out the door...that you no longer trust.
Looks to me like you nailed it. In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton, it's evident by the fact that they ALWAYS hearken back to some incident 20 years ago, some Tawana Brawly case or another. Speaks volumes that folks have to go back 20 years to power their hate for someone and/or some people.

Yet I've seen you do the same. I've watch you attack people for things they said or did ages ago. I've seen you attack posters for posts they wrote years ago.

Reputation follows people around. You play a stripper and prostitute, and then people don't want you teaching in the public school.

This is normal. Your reputation will follow you around. It's been true throughout history, and it's true throughout the world, in every culture, and it will continue to be true in the future.

There are things I've said and done that I regret, that have followed me around. Grants, not to an extreme level, but then I didn't say or do extreme things.

Why you think everyone that happens to have your political ideology, should be given a free-pass for their past, while you don't give the same free-pass to those you disagree with, is beyond me.
Who have I attacked for their past that is no longer their present?
I agree that it is costly to keep hiring new people, HOWEVER, I have worked in upper management for too many Corporations to KNOW that they would be fired....without blinking an eye....
No, I don't buy that.

A CEO wouldn't engage in wholesale firing if something like that happened. What would likey happen is that middle managers and first-line supervisors would be giving the rank-n-file employees a good talking to about proper behavior of adults in the workplace.

Nooo, please don't bring back this ridiculous CEO/employee analogy. I don't care which side you're arguing, this is about police and the mayor, and that's so different from anything in the private sector as to make any comparison useless.
I'll use whatever analogy I wish. If you cannot grasp how they are similar, come back in about 10 years when your old enough to understand it.

Yes, you can use whatever analogy you wish. You are using an absolutely idiotic one, and you have the right to be that dumb.

A Governor himself, is supposed to be a public servant to the people. Police are supposed to be a public servants of the people.

The police are supposed to be working for *US* the public, not the governor, just as the governor is supposed to be a public servant himself.

Your analogy is absolutely retarded, and only someone equally idiotic would use it.

If we lived under a Feudal system, with feudal lords who employed the knights who protect the Fief.... the land grant of the king... *THEN* you have a point. You are right. They should.... and I should say... would always respect the Feudal Lord.

Welcome to mordern society. We don't live in a Feudal system, and both the Governor, and the police are public servants of society.

The Governor is not a CEO, nor anything like one, and if you cannot grasp how they are not similar, come back in 10 years when you are old enough to understand it.
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
I'm fine with Strikes Vig, but this was not a strike...and these are grown men, they can do whatever they want... I just think it fueled the fire instead of helping New Yorkers, and believe it was very petty and immature, and probably irresponsible...just as irresponsible as you think the mayor's comments right after the Garner grand jury made. TIT for TAT...I suppose....but that isn't helping anyone else in the city...

What about helping the police? Every one of the current problems was cause by a blacks stupidity, causing either his deaths, or taking of 2 police officers randomly! Who's side do you fall on, order or chaos.... it should be an easy choice!
I don't think any of the protests or what the mayor said had a darn thing to do with the maniac that assassinated those two poor cops....Yes he mentioned Mike Brown and he mentioned Garner, but he did not mention the protesters or anything about the Mayor and what he said about his son..... the killing of the cops came about a week later didn't it? And I think the guy knew he was in a world of crap after shooting his ex girlfriend in the stomach and he decided to go out in glory...(so he thought)

The civil unrest was huge with Michael Brown who is not even from NYC and with Garner....but I personally think the PSYCHO was going to do what he was going to do, and that is kill....

cops are killed by psycho maniacs from hell, even if there are no protests....
That's horrific.
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.

There is a big difference in being against abusive government and anti- government.
Yes there is but lately I've seen conservatives defending abusive cops.

Yeah, I guess you are right. Cops should be armed with cookies and ice cream, to enforce the law.

What I've seen lately, is a bunch of scum sucking leftists defending every criminal in the world, not matter what he does.
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
I'm fine with Strikes Vig, but this was not a strike...and these are grown men, they can do whatever they want... I just think it fueled the fire instead of helping New Yorkers, and believe it was very petty and immature, and probably irresponsible...just as irresponsible as you think the mayor's comments right after the Garner grand jury made. TIT for TAT...I suppose....but that isn't helping anyone else in the city...

What about helping the police? Every one of the current problems was cause by a blacks stupidity, causing either his deaths, or taking of 2 police officers randomly! Who's side do you fall on, order or chaos.... it should be an easy choice!
I don't think any of the protests or what the mayor said had a darn thing to do with the maniac that assassinated those two poor cops....Yes he mentioned Mike Brown and he mentioned Garner, but he did not mention the protesters or anything about the Mayor and what he said about his son..... the killing of the cops came about a week later didn't it? And I think the guy knew he was in a world of crap after shooting his ex girlfriend in the stomach and he decided to go out in glory...(so he thought)

The civil unrest was huge with Michael Brown who is not even from NYC and with Garner....but I personally think the PSYCHO was going to do what he was going to do, and that is kill....

cops are killed by psycho maniacs from hell, even if there are no protests....

Supposedly the shooter was a muslim jihadist, had been up her with the Garner protests, and, as usual, heard all the rhetoric being spewed by the ignorant left, and the racist blacks. What more did he need after that was implanted in his head?...Undoubtedly shooting his GF set it all into action!
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Your example was flawed though. The CEO wouldn't fire them in that instance as well because it is pervasive. they cant fire the entire floor just as they cant fire the entire police force. If it was just a single officer, you can bet he would likely be packing his desk up.

It is different when the virtually the entire force is on board.
Did the entire police force turn their backs to him at the funeral? I thought it was just some of them....

And yes, of course you are right that they would not fire them all at would be hard to do all at once...but you can bet your booty that those in the private sector that would have done this to their ceo at a Public venue with cameras, that those who did would be black balled, and have a strike against them that would be remembered.... someone else would get the promotion ahead of them, their job duties could be changed to something they don't like doing, all the subtle ways of pushing an employee out the door...that you no longer trust.

Of course. And rightly so. You turn your back on the very guy you owe your job and wage to... yeah. You should be fired. Governor is not a CEO.

By the way.... the left loves Unions, and one of the reasons those officers will not be fired, is because of Union rules. There's not much the Governor could do, even if he wanted to.
Some of the
deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
I'm fine with Strikes Vig, but this was not a strike...and these are grown men, they can do whatever they want... I just think it fueled the fire instead of helping New Yorkers, and believe it was very petty and immature, and probably irresponsible...just as irresponsible as you think the mayor's comments right after the Garner grand jury made. TIT for TAT...I suppose....but that isn't helping anyone else in the city...

What about helping the police? Every one of the current problems was cause by a blacks stupidity, causing either his deaths, or taking of 2 police officers randomly! Who's side do you fall on, order or chaos.... it should be an easy choice!
I don't think any of the protests or what the mayor said had a darn thing to do with the maniac that assassinated those two poor cops....Yes he mentioned Mike Brown and he mentioned Garner, but he did not mention the protesters or anything about the Mayor and what he said about his son..... the killing of the cops came about a week later didn't it? And I think the guy knew he was in a world of crap after shooting his ex girlfriend in the stomach and he decided to go out in glory...(so he thought)

The civil unrest was huge with Michael Brown who is not even from NYC and with Garner....but I personally think the PSYCHO was going to do what he was going to do, and that is kill....

cops are killed by psycho maniacs from hell, even if there are no protests....

Supposedly the shooter was a muslim jihadist, had been up her with the Garner protests, and, as usual, heard all the rhetoric being spewed by the ignorant left, and the racist blacks. What more did he need after that was implanted in his head?...Undoubtedly shooting his GF set it all into action!

I haven't heard that. Let's not read into it.
Are you for teacher strikes?...They do it in NYC every couple of years!
I'm fine with Strikes Vig, but this was not a strike...and these are grown men, they can do whatever they want... I just think it fueled the fire instead of helping New Yorkers, and believe it was very petty and immature, and probably irresponsible...just as irresponsible as you think the mayor's comments right after the Garner grand jury made. TIT for TAT...I suppose....but that isn't helping anyone else in the city...

What about helping the police? Every one of the current problems was cause by a blacks stupidity, causing either his deaths, or taking of 2 police officers randomly! Who's side do you fall on, order or chaos.... it should be an easy choice!
I don't think any of the protests or what the mayor said had a darn thing to do with the maniac that assassinated those two poor cops....Yes he mentioned Mike Brown and he mentioned Garner, but he did not mention the protesters or anything about the Mayor and what he said about his son..... the killing of the cops came about a week later didn't it? And I think the guy knew he was in a world of crap after shooting his ex girlfriend in the stomach and he decided to go out in glory...(so he thought)

The civil unrest was huge with Michael Brown who is not even from NYC and with Garner....but I personally think the PSYCHO was going to do what he was going to do, and that is kill....

cops are killed by psycho maniacs from hell, even if there are no protests....

Supposedly the shooter was a muslim jihadist, had been up her with the Garner protests, and, as usual, heard all the rhetoric being spewed by the ignorant left, and the racist blacks. What more did he need after that was implanted in his head?...Undoubtedly shooting his GF set it all into action!

I haven't heard that. Let's not read into it.

Do a search, it's out there, with sources! Start here....

Thug Who Murdered Two NYPD Cops May Have Boasted of It On Instagram Tagged RIPMikeBrown pics
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Go back 20 years to power their hate? Is slavery less repugnant because it happened over twenty years ago? Please, I think you're just trying too hard to defend the indefensible. We both know you would not be defending David Duke by saying that he was in the KKK a whole 20 years ago and people need to stop powering their hate with such an old story.
Your argument also doesn't make sense in that Al Sharpton never apologized for destroying innocent officers lives with fraudulent racial accusations. So when you say, " In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton...". You are being misleading by implying that Al Sharpton has redeemed himself when he still insists that the Tawana Brawly hoax wasn't a hoax. Even though Tawana Brawly has admitted to the fraud.
Al Sharpton and David Duke are different sides of the same coin. The only difference? Al Sharpton has hurt more black people by stoking racial unrest for self serving reasons.
The fact that you even begin to compare Reverend Al Sharpton to David Dukes shows the depths of your rancid partisan hatred and emotionalism. You make no sense.

How has David Dukes changed from 20 years ago to now?

And I'd like to see a link of Rev. Sharpton refusing to acknowledge the hoax.

I've seen Rev. Sharpton lament his old ways NUMEROUS times, so I know you're full of it.
Have they defied any direct orders?


They have every right to protest and a silent turning of the back is certainly more acceptable than shutting down bridges and highways.
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now
2. How are they helping?

I think they are protesting in a perfectly acceptable manner.
So what, I never addressed that. Can you read or are you just too dense to comprehend what this thread is about?
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D
Are they not doing their jobs?

They have every right to protest the mayor and his idiocy
Some of the
In any other job, turning their backs when the CEO of their corporation walked in the room or public assembly, that would be insubordination and their ass would be grass and they would have lost their jobs

And what's he going to do, fire his entire police force?

deep breath, SIGH.... I don't want him to fire any of example was just that, an example of what most in the private sector could face for being insubordinate.... if they do not have a UNION representing them.... and to show that it was being disrespectful towards their boss, even a boss that is shitty
Your example was flawed though. The CEO wouldn't fire them in that instance as well because it is pervasive. they cant fire the entire floor just as they cant fire the entire police force. If it was just a single officer, you can bet he would likely be packing his desk up.

It is different when the virtually the entire force is on board.
Did the entire police force turn their backs to him at the funeral? I thought it was just some of them....

And yes, of course you are right that they would not fire them all at would be hard to do all at once...but you can bet your booty that those in the private sector that would have done this to their ceo at a Public venue with cameras, that those who did would be black balled, and have a strike against them that would be remembered.... someone else would get the promotion ahead of them, their job duties could be changed to something they don't like doing, all the subtle ways of pushing an employee out the door...that you no longer trust.

Of course. And rightly so. You turn your back on the very guy you owe your job and wage to... yeah. You should be fired. Governor is not a CEO.

By the way.... the left loves Unions, and one of the reasons those officers will not be fired, is because of Union rules. There's not much the Governor could do, even if he wanted to.
Honestly though, I truly do NOT want them to be fired....I just think that what they did, does not help the situation that is putting the Peace Officers of NYC in danger in the first place....the Mayor and the Police should be in union, before the eyes of the public...imho, even if they are fighting like cats and dogs in the back room. Yes the Mayor needs to back down on his rhetoric as well and there needs to be a Kumbaya moment between the two entities, or everyone in NYC will be in more danger than they are now...
A good CEO (your term) would recognize a problem and make efforts to remedy that problem. Just as importantly, he would also explain to customers (or in this case the people) who have been hurt by that problem how and why they should expect things to be better. That's exactly what he did.
Thank you!


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