The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

No one would be eager to go to work knowing their boss only has their back so far as he can stick a knife in it. How many of the mouthy 'blame the police' idiots disgracing themselves on this thread would make a career of a job where getting shot by some scumbag was a very real possibility every day? How many fewer after some idiot mayor 'shot' his mouth off and made it many, many times more likely?
Jackass, perhaps they NEED TO find some other line of work if they're so concerned w/getting shot at. I believe getting shot at comes w/the territory of being a cop.
No one would be eager to go to work knowing their boss only has their back so far as he can stick a knife in it. How many of the mouthy 'blame the police' idiots disgracing themselves on this thread would make a career of a job where getting shot by some scumbag was a very real possibility every day? How many fewer after some idiot mayor 'shot' his mouth off and made it many, many times more likely?
Jackass, perhaps they NEED TO find some other line of work if they're so concerned w/getting shot at. I believe getting shot at comes w/the territory of being a cop.

That's a pretty stupid comment! Who wouldn't be concerned about being shot at? You think they get paid to get shot at, or to try and Protect and Serve...without getting shot!
A good CEO (your term) would recognize a problem and make efforts to remedy that problem. Just as importantly, he would also explain to customers (or in this case the people) who have been hurt by that problem how and why they should expect things to be better. That's exactly what he did.
Thank you!


No need to thank anyone for the truth, but you are welcome.
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.
Really? That should be obvious.

It's unbridled, unfettered, pure racism.
That's a pretty stupid comment! Who wouldn't be concerned about being shot at? You think they get paid to get shot at, or to try and Protect and Serve...without getting shot!
Getting shot at comes w/the territory of being a cop with it!
What we are seeing is the Clinton era moderate democratic party turning back into an extremist quasi- socialist system with its own built in politburo. We see this in the rhetoric that comes from the left. It's not just de Blasio implying that cops are racist while being Mayor of New York, but we also hear it from de Blasio's supporters who identify more with divisive elitists than with the police, or indeed, the working class in general. The acidic rhetorical manipulations of Obama's "lofty" speeches reflect an anti-American bias that the far left displays every time its leadership is left unharnessed. We have gone through this before. Clinton managed to temper down his original left wing agenda (Hillary Care) when the American people spoke and Clinton got "shellacked" during the midterms. Obama, of course, in no Clinton. Just like de Blasio is no Bloomberg. So get ready for the flag burning, race hustling and multicultural dogma. The left's mask is now officially off. The pleasantries are gone. The faux concern for the working class (ya know, the folks paying for Obamacare) is history. Warm up your bomb shelters and bring a good book. This is only going to get uglier.
That's a pretty stupid comment! Who wouldn't be concerned about being shot at? You think they get paid to get shot at, or to try and Protect and Serve...without getting shot!
Getting shot at comes w/the territory of being a cop with it!

They are, and YOU and other scum are PISSED that they are taking it MORE SERIOUSLY than they had...:ahole-1:
Go back 20 years to power their hate? Is slavery less repugnant because it happened over twenty years ago? Please, I think you're just trying too hard to defend the indefensible. We both know you would not be defending David Duke by saying that he was in the KKK a whole 20 years ago and people need to stop powering their hate with such an old story.
Your argument also doesn't make sense in that Al Sharpton never apologized for destroying innocent officers lives with fraudulent racial accusations. So when you say, " In the eyes of many there is simply no redemption for Al Sharpton...". You are being misleading by implying that Al Sharpton has redeemed himself when he still insists that the Tawana Brawly hoax wasn't a hoax. Even though Tawana Brawly has admitted to the fraud.
Al Sharpton and David Duke are different sides of the same coin. The only difference? Al Sharpton has hurt more black people by stoking racial unrest for self serving reasons.
The fact that you even begin to compare Reverend Al Sharpton to David Dukes shows the depths of your rancid partisan hatred and emotionalism. You make no sense.

How has David Dukes changed from 20 years ago to now?

And I'd like to see a link of Rev. Sharpton refusing to acknowledge the hoax.

I've seen Rev. Sharpton lament his old ways NUMEROUS times, so I know you're full of it.

David Duke hasn't changed from 20 years ago. Neither has Al Sharpton. Kind of my point. They are both anti-Semitic race hustlers. As for your request for seeing a link of Sharpton refusing to acknowledge the hoax. Here it is.

From now on, you may want to look stuff up before you accuse people of being full of it. Please, set aside your emotionalism and investigate instead. It makes for a far more interesting conversation.
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Look at this patsy trying to get his way, all the benefit from publicly posturing and positioning himself to his political connsituency WITHOUT any of the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with it...

Real questions? The idiot was trying to bring controversy to a funeral and you berate the officer for giving the proper response: that is an issue for TOMORROW. You know, when you are NOT standing over the grave of a murdered cop.

The partisanship makes you say some insane things.
Jackass, the idjit cops who PROTESTED at their brother in arms' funeral were the DUMMIES to bring controversy to the funeral. No one else.


Look at this patsy trying to get his way, all the benefit from publicly posturing and positioning himself to his political connsituency WITHOUT any of the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with it...

Real questions? The idiot was trying to bring controversy to a funeral and you berate the officer for giving the proper response: that is an issue for TOMORROW. You know, when you are NOT standing over the grave of a murdered cop.

The partisanship makes you say some insane things.
Jackass, the idjit cops who PROTESTED at their brother in arms' funeral were the DUMMIES to bring controversy to the funeral. No one else.



That the best response you have to your asinine comments?

Not surprised.
And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned?

...I'll keep this sentiment in mind the next time certain Leftists are whining about perceived slights.
hmmmm, I thought the men in Blue are leftists, with a strong Union, that righties normally hate?
I don't know what gave you that idea?

The right is almost always protecting the strong arm of the government they are always belittling - the police.

I will never understand that concept.
Everyone knows the police treat young black men differently. Are New York's finest really so thin-skinned that their boss giving citizens some straightforward sympathy must be cause for protest?

And I'm sure this is in no way influenced by the ongoing contract negotiations between City Hall and the police union...

everyone knows that black men commit almost all the crime. Are liberal white panzies and black racists really so thin-skinned that they give props tio the criminals who show no respect for law and order and life?

And I'm sure this is in no way influenced by Al, Jesse and Barack.

Was Eric Garner committing a crime? Was John Crawford III? The truth is black men do not enjoy the benefit of the doubt with a police that is likely to apply lethal force immediately. And forgetting this for even a moment can have serious consequences for them.

Again, this is a completely obvious reality. Throwing a department-wide temper tantrum because someone in authority observed it isn't asking for respect, it's demanding unquestioning reverence.

I have to wonder if the reaction wouldn't be more reasonable if the police union wasn't seeking leverage in its contract negotiations...
why is that? whose fault is that? The black men, period. Look at the crime rates, stats, gangs etc.. Its easy to see why. If the thugs would stop thugging, eventually they might get the benefit. Police only have so many resources, time, money, staff- they have to profile. Profiling benefits everyone, keeps people safer. I don't think that young black men should get less attention than white grandma, do you? Or even a white young person as blacks commit most of the crime. It's not racism or rocket sceience.
you don't send your cops in a rich white neighborhood as often as a downtown ghetto. COMMON SENSE- THINK.
And for goodness sakes, are they NOT ADULTS? Are they so thin skinned?

...I'll keep this sentiment in mind the next time certain Leftists are whining about perceived slights.
hmmmm, I thought the men in Blue are leftists, with a strong Union, that righties normally hate?
I don't know what gave you that idea?

The right is almost always protecting the strong arm of the government they are always belittling - the police.

I will never understand that concept.
I was being facetious... :)
No one would be eager to go to work knowing their boss only has their back so far as he can stick a knife in it. How many of the mouthy 'blame the police' idiots disgracing themselves on this thread would make a career of a job where getting shot by some scumbag was a very real possibility every day? How many fewer after some idiot mayor 'shot' his mouth off and made it many, many times more likely?
Jackass, perhaps they NEED TO find some other line of work if they're so concerned w/getting shot at....

What's the likelihood of being shot at your job, you fucking big-mouth?
David Duke hasn't changed from 20 years ago. Neither has Al Sharpton. Kind of my point. They are both anti-Semitic race hustlers. As for your request for seeing a link of Sharpton refusing to acknowledge the hoax. Here it is.

From now on, you may want to look stuff up before you accuse people of being full of it. Please, set aside your emotionalism and investigate instead. It makes for a far more interesting conversation.
He didn't say that he didn't think it was a hoax.

He's taking the GWB/Cheney route and going with the "based on what I knew then..."

So if you buy that from Bush n Co, surely you can believe when Reverend Al Sharpton says so as well.

There were a number of interesting tid-bits in that video clip as well, particularly the nugget about the Central Park 5, and the criticism he got about that only to find years later that he was ABSOLUTELY right on that one. Think his critics were phased by that one bit? I highly doubt it. Then there's the nugget about the Duke Lacrosse situation, his critics saying he shouldn't have gotten involved in that situation. He never got involved in that situation, showing that his critics are just on auto-pilot with their emotions and assumptions. I mean, the man is just hated by a certain segment of the white population. Period, doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do.

With that said, I can understand why some would claim he's unapologetic. You see, his critics want to see him prostrate, on his his knees, and the Reverend will never give them that satisfaction, EVER. And he shouldn't. Historically it's been a position that whites prefer to have blacks in, submissive. That's why today they have a major problem with black protests, perceiving it as some unseemly animalistic rage, when white protest is seen as normal and just. I believe you know this too.

Anyway, do you have a link to where Brawley herself said it was a hoax? I'd be interested to see that as well.

hey Marc- go thank a white person for everything you own and use. Your welcome. HNY.
Yes I was, thank you.

I don't think anyone actually thinks that there are not bad cops out there. I, personally, believe that the problem is a lot more pervasive than most like to believe. That, however, does not make what the mayor stated correct or even prudent. He was directly capitalizing on anti police rhetoric and trying to use it to make himself look good. There IS a problem that needs to be addressed but the absolute WORST thing any politician can do is undermine the public's trust with the police. The police have done enough of that themselves to have outside forces capitalizing on it. Instead, there should be investigations and actual changes in the process to address the simple fact that the police do not seem to be held accountable in situations where violence ends up being used.

Obama actually came up with a reasonable solution: the body cameras. Are they even talking about implementing that idea? Are they talking about changing the process for indictment in police use of force incidents? Are they releasing reasons why this particular police officer was justified in his actions OR charging him?

I haven't seen anything to suggest a single 'fix' has been discussed but there has been politically expedient speeches made. Speeches that inflame violence rather than subdue it.

Nothing about this protest was a 'farce.' I fail to understand why you think it so. Do you thinl those police that are upset are actively trying to cover up racist and violent police? Do you think that they don't feel attacked when they are told that they, the ones risking their lives every day, are the REAL risk to the black community because they are violent and racist not the actual criminals they are arresting?

Put yourself in the shoes of a good cop and ask yourself how you feel about what is going on. Pretend that you were shot yesterday in an encounter with a criminal. Pretend that you are friends of the police that were just killed by an angry population that thinks YOU are the problem and not the criminals. How do you think you would have taken that speech?
Nice speech...

Can you apply that same sentiments to blacks who are often targets of unjustice on a daily basis?

Things like driving while black, being watched in stores while shopping, people clutching their purses when you walk by.

This is what happens to blacks of all ages and stripes.

It's as if people EXPECT us all to be criminals.

Try wearing those shoes for a week and see how you feel.

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