The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

[I don't think any of the protests or what the mayor said had a darn thing to do with the maniac that assassinated those two poor cops....Yes he mentioned Mike Brown and he mentioned Garner, but he did not mention the protesters or anything about the Mayor and what he said about his son..... the killing of the cops came about a week later didn't it? And I think the guy knew he was in a world of crap after shooting his ex girlfriend in the stomach and he decided to go out in glory...(so he thought)

The civil unrest was huge with Michael Brown who is not even from NYC and with Garner....but I personally think the PSYCHO was going to do what he was going to do, and that is kill....

cops are killed by psycho maniacs from hell, even if there are no protests....

What happened to those poor cops who got blown to smithereens was a DIRECT result of the Garner choking, that added insult to injury by letting the cop who chocked an unarmed man to death on camera scott free.

That clearly enraged the fellow and he decided to take matters in his own hands.

Where there is much injustice there is much outcry and lashback, this was a lashback of major proportions.

Don't try to blame it on DeBlasio, he did no wrong.
It is pretty bad. 2013 was apparently an anomaly and 2014 was back up to normal levels.

I find it odd though that the level of angst is now so much higher than back in June when two cops were ambushed and killed by some white supremacists.

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.

There is a big difference in being against abusive government and anti- government.
Yes there is but lately I've seen conservatives defending abusive cops.

Yeah, I guess you are right. Cops should be armed with cookies and ice cream, to enforce the law.

What I've seen lately, is a bunch of scum sucking leftists defending every criminal in the world, not matter what he does.
YOU have NOT seen that at all, it's a LIE. Only the unarmed cases of cops killing citizens have been questioned.... no where has any leftist questioned a cop killing a suspect that was trying to kill them.... NO WHERE!

STOP LYING for your own twisted, and blanket justification of cops killing unarmed citizens!
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.

There is a big difference in being against abusive government and anti- government.
Yes there is but lately I've seen conservatives defending abusive cops.

Yeah, I guess you are right. Cops should be armed with cookies and ice cream, to enforce the law.

What I've seen lately, is a bunch of scum sucking leftists defending every criminal in the world, not matter what he does.
YOU have NOT seen that at all, it's a LIE. Only the unarmed cases of cops killing citizens have been questioned.... no where has any leftist questioned a cop killing a suspect that was trying to kill them.... NO WHERE!

STOP LYING for your own twisted, and blanket justification of cops killing unarmed citizens!
How soon we forget Michael Brown trying to take the cop's gun. But then you doubtless buy into that hands up, don't shoot nonsense.
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police Las Vegas Review-Journal

And this would be hot on the heels of Cliven Bundy and his Waco-obsessed followers waving their assault rifles in cops' faces. My, weren't the far right-wingers singing a different tune THEN
Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.

There is a big difference in being against abusive government and anti- government.
Yes there is but lately I've seen conservatives defending abusive cops.

Yeah, I guess you are right. Cops should be armed with cookies and ice cream, to enforce the law.

What I've seen lately, is a bunch of scum sucking leftists defending every criminal in the world, not matter what he does.
YOU have NOT seen that at all, it's a LIE. Only the unarmed cases of cops killing citizens have been questioned.... no where has any leftist questioned a cop killing a suspect that was trying to kill them.... NO WHERE!

STOP LYING for your own twisted, and blanket justification of cops killing unarmed citizens!
Like Michael Brown?

Even in Eric Garners case we dont have all the info and he was resisting arrest. The cops did not set out to kill him yet they are being vilified as much as humanly possible.
Have they defied any direct orders?


They have every right to protest and a silent turning of the back is certainly more acceptable than shutting down bridges and highways.
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now
2. How are they helping?

I think they are protesting in a perfectly acceptable manner.
So what, I never addressed that. Can you read or are you just too dense to comprehend what this thread is about?

So I can't disagree with you?

Are you that fucking insecure?

There is nothing wrong with what the cops did. They have every right to do it.

Yes, it's quite comical. They are always anti-government unless it somehow involves minorities. I just can't quite work out the reason why.
Really? That should be obvious.

It's unbridled, unfettered, pure racism.
Yeah from the most diverse police force in the entire nation.

You might as well substitute the word "wolf" for racism
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

Perhaps you get hassled by the police all the time because you are obviously such a dumbass.
Izzat so...?

Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

Perhaps you get hassled by the police all the time because you are obviously such a dumbass.

What these idiots don't seem to understand is that it's actually quite easy not to get hassled by the cops.
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

Perhaps you get hassled by the police all the time because you are obviously such a dumbass.

What these idiots don't seem to understand is that it's actually quite easy not to get hassled by the cops.

Lack of empathy leads you to that completely illogical definitive statement. You have never been hassled by the cops for no you think you have done something right.
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

Perhaps you get hassled by the police all the time because you are obviously such a dumbass.

What these idiots don't seem to understand is that it's actually quite easy not to get hassled by the cops.

Lack of empathy leads you to that completely illogical definitive statement. You have never been hassled by the cops for no you think you have done something right.

Well I haven't done anything wrong.

Even if a cop "hassles" you ( I'd like to hear the definition people who claim to be innocent victims of the cops use) all you have to do is shut your trap.
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

Perhaps you get hassled by the police all the time because you are obviously such a dumbass.

What these idiots don't seem to understand is that it's actually quite easy not to get hassled by the cops.

Lack of empathy leads you to that completely illogical definitive statement. You have never been hassled by the cops for no you think you have done something right.

I've never heard of cops hassling people for no reason, so yeah, I have no empathy for people who claim they are hassled by the cops. MY assumption is that they did something to deserve it.
You two have never heard of people being hassled by cops for no reason? That is exactly why you are not equipped to take part in a serious discussion about being hassled by cops.

I can see the goalposts moving now. Suddenly, "hassled" will be changed to "assaulted".
You two have never heard of people being hassled by cops for no reason? That is exactly why you are not equipped to take part in a serious discussion about being hassled by cops.

I can see the goalposts moving now. Suddenly, "hassled" will be changed to "assaulted".
So anyone who isn't paranoid and delusional isn't qualified to discuss the matter?

What does "hassled" mean, they looked at you funny?
You two have never heard of people being hassled by cops for no reason? That is exactly why you are not equipped to take part in a serious discussion about being hassled by cops.

I can see the goalposts moving now. Suddenly, "hassled" will be changed to "assaulted".
So anyone who isn't paranoid and delusional isn't qualified to discuss the matter?

What does "hassled" mean, they looked at you funny?

Are you now claiming to not know what it is to be hassled by a cop? I think you are. I'm pretty sure you can come up with a few examples without my help. Of course, that would require that you be honest about it. I wonder if you will.

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