The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

You two have never heard of people being hassled by cops for no reason? That is exactly why you are not equipped to take part in a serious discussion about being hassled by cops.

I can see the goalposts moving now. Suddenly, "hassled" will be changed to "assaulted".
So anyone who isn't paranoid and delusional isn't qualified to discuss the matter?

What does "hassled" mean, they looked at you funny?

Are you now claiming to not know what it is to be hassled by a cop? I think you are. I'm pretty sure you can come up with a few examples without my help. Of course, that would require that you be honest about it. I wonder if you will.

No, I have no idea what it means to be hassled by a cop because I've never experienced it or known anyone who has ever experienced it. Cops have to many other things to worry about than hassling the occasional paranoid Negro for no good reason.

Does it ever happen? It's plausible, but it's also plausible that a Democrat tells the truth on occasion.
[I don't think any of the protests or what the mayor said had a darn thing to do with the maniac that assassinated those two poor cops....Yes he mentioned Mike Brown and he mentioned Garner, but he did not mention the protesters or anything about the Mayor and what he said about his son..... the killing of the cops came about a week later didn't it? And I think the guy knew he was in a world of crap after shooting his ex girlfriend in the stomach and he decided to go out in glory...(so he thought)

The civil unrest was huge with Michael Brown who is not even from NYC and with Garner....but I personally think the PSYCHO was going to do what he was going to do, and that is kill....

cops are killed by psycho maniacs from hell, even if there are no protests....

What happened to those poor cops who got blown to smithereens was a DIRECT result of the Garner choking, that added insult to injury by letting the cop who chocked an unarmed man to death on camera scott free.

That clearly enraged the fellow and he decided to take matters in his own hands.

Where there is much injustice there is much outcry and lashback, this was a lashback of major proportions.

Don't try to blame it on DeBlasio, he did no wrong.
the LIE in red above is what makes you and all other MF'ers who believe that lie so fucking hated, try telling the fucking truth once in a while and you and your cohorts might have a tad bit of integrity, plus a little bit of respect.

:fu: ...................... :asshole:
You two have never heard of people being hassled by cops for no reason? That is exactly why you are not equipped to take part in a serious discussion about being hassled by cops.

I can see the goalposts moving now. Suddenly, "hassled" will be changed to "assaulted".
So anyone who isn't paranoid and delusional isn't qualified to discuss the matter?

What does "hassled" mean, they looked at you funny?

Are you now claiming to not know what it is to be hassled by a cop? I think you are. I'm pretty sure you can come up with a few examples without my help. Of course, that would require that you be honest about it. I wonder if you will.

No, I have no idea what it means to be hassled by a cop because I've never experienced it or known anyone who has ever experienced it. Cops have to many other things to worry about than hassling the occasional paranoid Negro for no good reason.

Does it ever happen? It's plausible, but it's also plausible that a Democrat tells the truth on occasion.

How many videos do you require? I can post them one after the other.

How about a few to start. Are the people in these videos being hassled by cops for no reason?

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What about helping the police? Every one of the current problems was cause by a blacks stupidity, causing either his deaths, or taking of 2 police officers randomly!
"EXCLUSIVE: Rookie NYPD officer who shot Akai Gurley in Brooklyn stairwell was texting union rep as victim lay dying
In the six and a half minutes after Peter Liang discharged a single bullet that struck Gurley, 28, he and his partner couldn't be reached, sources told the Daily News. And instead of calling for help for the dying man, Liang was texting his union representative."

What act of "stupidity" do you see in this case?

EXCLUSIVE Cop texted union rep as Akai Gurley lay dying - NY Daily News
Mayor DeBlasio has absolutely NOTHING to do with what happened to those unfortunate cops.

The cops have no one to blame but themselves. When they CONSISTENTLY engage in police brutality they are liable to get nut-jobs out for them.

You are a political hack of the worse order for posting smut like this.

But, that's old news.

When you tell nut-jobs that the Police engage in brutality when in fact they really don't then one shouldn't be shocked when said nut-jobs target cops.

Those two Police officers were not to blame for their own deaths. They were sitting in their patrol car trying to make a neighborhood safer for the people that live there.

Police DON'T engage in brutality? Then why is Eric Garner dead?

First and foremost, the nut job who killed those officers was to blame. If secondary blame is to be handed out, lets go right to the source. NONE of the NYC protests and citizen reaction would have occurred without one singular event...

A gang of thugs with badges swarmed an unarmed man for the heinous crime of selling a cigarette and choked him to death.


It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

LOL, liberals are always saying the boss isn't the one who matters, it's the workers. Now suddenly you're in bed with the boss and it's the job of his employees to just make him happy and suck up.

The answer to your question though is that like our President, the Mayor of NY is at heart a street thug.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

LOL, liberals are always saying the boss isn't the one who matters, it's the workers. Now suddenly you're in bed with the boss and it's the job of his employees to just make him happy and suck up.

The answer to your question though is that like our President, the Mayor of NY is at heart a street thug.

YEP, this should show "the little guy" they claim to champion for how fast they will TURN ON YOU they judge you stepping out of line.
I agree, the ones turning their backs are being childish and cocky son of a B's....

and so is their Union Head with his mouthing off...

They are stirring up trouble imho, instead of being what they are paid to be while in uniform, Peace Officers...

I expect it from every day numbskull protesters, but not from the supposed Peace Officers being paid by citizens.... and while in Uniform....

If they want to protest then take the Uniform off and go to the streets and protest, like the rest of us citizens have to do...and get a permit for it too! and make sure they don't block traffic or the Brooklyn Bridge :D

What about the government employees who protested Scott Walker, was that OK?
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News

What parent hasn't had a similar conversation with their kids? My kids are white and I had that conversation with them. I have seen how local cops operate with young people of all colors. They profile, stop and harass on a daily basis.

“With Dante, very early on, we said, ‘Look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do. Don’t move suddenly. Don’t reach for your cellphone,’” said deBlasio.

How DARE he say that to his son!!!!
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

You may think the NYPD looked small and not setting a good example. The mayor loomed large and divisive in his short sighted attempt to score points with those stakeholders vested in race wars and class envy. NYC needed a leader, a uniter and he chose to divide.
NYC needs to fire some cops, a whole lot of them apparently.

What about Scott Walker, should have he fired some government workers, "a whole lot of them?"

The cops' actions in both the Brown and Garner deaths were questionable enough for the Grand Juries to at least move forward.

At the same time, both guys resisted arrest and would most likely be alive today had they not.

As with any issue, there are two perfectly reasonable sides to a story. And both are usually ignored by the other "side".

They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News

What parent hasn't had a similar conversation with their kids? My kids are white and I had that conversation with them. I have seen how local cops operate with young people of all colors. They profile, stop and harass on a daily basis.

“With Dante, very early on, we said, ‘Look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do. Don’t move suddenly. Don’t reach for your cellphone,’” said deBlasio.

How DARE he say that to his son!!!!

You must live in a crappy neighborhood. In wealthy areas, the cops are great to us, including our kids.
They pick two frikken stories/cases out of millions of arrest and think people in this country is really going to stop their lives and listen to the BS of someone like Al Sharpton and his band of goons made up of the OWS, ANSWER, Black Panthers, etc

you can't get more pathetic

BUT the people and police offices did STOP and pay attention when those listed above finally got TWO PEOPLE MURDERED. Both MINORITES the very people they supposedly champion for

way to go and all you standing up for DeBlasio now have BLOOD on your hands too
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How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

LOL, liberals are always saying the boss isn't the one who matters, it's the workers. Now suddenly you're in bed with the boss and it's the job of his employees to just make him happy and suck up.

The answer to your question though is that like our President, the Mayor of NY is at heart a street thug.

No. Liberals have, do and always will voice strong concerns over the militarization of law enforcement and against abuses of authority. At the same time, we stand for the rights of law enforcement officers to organize and negotiate the terms of their contracts. Nothing new.
Izzat so...?

Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News

What parent hasn't had a similar conversation with their kids? My kids are white and I had that conversation with them. I have seen how local cops operate with young people of all colors. They profile, stop and harass on a daily basis.

“With Dante, very early on, we said, ‘Look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do. Don’t move suddenly. Don’t reach for your cellphone,’” said deBlasio.

How DARE he say that to his son!!!!

You must live in a crappy neighborhood. In wealthy areas, the cops are great to us, including our kids.

Great point!!
"The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics"

And conservatives seeking to exploit the deaths of the two NYC police officers for some perceived political gain are succeeding in making themselves look reprehensible.

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