The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

Great point!!

You get what you pay for, and they know who pays most of their salaries.

Yes! You are right! Poor people ought to have no expectation of being treated with respect by cops. It's all so simple.


Really? Isn't that what you said?

No, it isn't. Maybe you should take a few hours a week off posting and take remedial reading.

It absolutely is.

The cops' actions in both the Brown and Garner deaths were questionable enough for the Grand Juries to at least move forward.

At the same time, both guys resisted arrest and would most likely be alive today had they not.

As with any issue, there are two perfectly reasonable sides to a story. And both are usually ignored by the other "side".

I would argue the grand jury investigations in both cases denied both sides an opportunity to accurately gauge the truth. IMHO, two trials in open court would have answered many questions.
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?

You just blew your cover Mac...standing with Stephanie? There is NO ONE who is more partisan and extreme.

None of those men have said anything that was incendiary, They have all strongly condemned violence and lawlessness. But just keep parroting the Fox News propaganda.
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Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?


They both resisted arrest, precisely as I said. Selling a cigarette has nothing to do with it.

You're not really denying they resisted arrest, are you? What does that have to do with cigarettes?

Your thought processes are completely distorted by your ideology, speaking of being "a piece of work".

Notice how they turn these "crooks" into Saints?

All had criminal records. but the best one was. they continually showed a picture of a 14 YEAR OLD Martin when he was Actually, 18

people better wake up this Manipulation and propaganda going on by the Lamestream MEDIA in cahoots with the like of Sharpton, DeBlasio, Holder, Obama etc

it's starting to get CITIZENS killed
Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News

What parent hasn't had a similar conversation with their kids? My kids are white and I had that conversation with them. I have seen how local cops operate with young people of all colors. They profile, stop and harass on a daily basis.

“With Dante, very early on, we said, ‘Look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do. Don’t move suddenly. Don’t reach for your cellphone,’” said deBlasio.

How DARE he say that to his son!!!!

You must live in a crappy neighborhood. In wealthy areas, the cops are great to us, including our kids.
That's not necessarily true either. When I lived in a fairly good neighborhood and worked a night shift I was hassled all the damn time simply because I was the only car on the road at 2am.

They would stop me every damn week at least once, perform an illegal search and then release me as they couldn't find a damn thing. Then they would feed me some bullshit lie about why they stopped me, cuffed me and searched my vehicle without cause. Usually it was a light that was 'out' but miraculously was working again.

There are bad apples everywhere that abuse their power simply because they can. they piss all over the image of those cops that are out there doing things correctly and trying to uphold the law as much as humanly possible. It is infuriating that the few make such a large impression.

I agree, there are bad apples everywhere. But our experience with cops in our neighborhoods have been overwhelmingly positive. I've lived in 8 States, my career has been management and management consulting. If there's a bad cop in Cary, North Carolina, where I live now, I haven't met them yet. The cops here are great.

When I am not in the areas where I live, I find cops to be more of a mixed bag. Still more good than bad though. My business is in Durham, which isn't nearly as affluent as Cary. When I see them around my business though, they have also been overwhelmingly good.

I'm totally for rooting out the bad ones, I just object to the left's portrayal of assume bad until proven otherwise, then assume bad again.

The left does not portray them that way.

You have had some pleasant personal experiences with cops. I have too. Never been hassled myself. I'm the father of a really good and honest police officer.

Did you see that? I just portrayed every cop that I have ever met as being a good cop. That's over 100 cops and not a single bad experience. And..I am a lefty. I just blew your bullshit rhetoric away.

How about a retraction?

My reaction is to wonder why you are silent when the left is doing that, I never see you in the cop bashing race baiting threads defending the cops. What is the matter with you?
You get what you pay for, and they know who pays most of their salaries.

Yes! You are right! Poor people ought to have no expectation of being treated with respect by cops. It's all so simple.


Really? Isn't that what you said?

No, it isn't. Maybe you should take a few hours a week off posting and take remedial reading.

It absolutely is.

Show me that quote, Homey
David Duke hasn't changed from 20 years ago. Neither has Al Sharpton. Kind of my point. They are both anti-Semitic race hustlers. As for your request for seeing a link of Sharpton refusing to acknowledge the hoax. Here it is.

From now on, you may want to look stuff up before you accuse people of being full of it. Please, set aside your emotionalism and investigate instead. It makes for a far more interesting conversation.
He didn't say that he didn't think it was a hoax.

He's taking the GWB/Cheney route and going with the "based on what I knew then..."

So if you buy that from Bush n Co, surely you can believe when Reverend Al Sharpton says so as well.

There were a number of interesting tid-bits in that video clip as well, particularly the nugget about the Central Park 5, and the criticism he got about that only to find years later that he was ABSOLUTELY right on that one. Think his critics were phased by that one bit? I highly doubt it. Then there's the nugget about the Duke Lacrosse situation, his critics saying he shouldn't have gotten involved in that situation. He never got involved in that situation, showing that his critics are just on auto-pilot with their emotions and assumptions. I mean, the man is just hated by a certain segment of the white population. Period, doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do.

With that said, I can understand why some would claim he's unapologetic. You see, his critics want to see him prostrate, on his his knees, and the Reverend will never give them that satisfaction, EVER. And he shouldn't. Historically it's been a position that whites prefer to have blacks in, submissive. That's why today they have a major problem with black protests, perceiving it as some unseemly animalistic rage, when white protest is seen as normal and just. I believe you know this too.

Anyway, do you have a link to where Brawley herself said it was a hoax? I'd be interested to see that as well.


First off, let me apologize. I checked to find where Brawley apologized and all I could find was where she has started to pay for damages caused by her accusations. This is probably why I got confused. Anyway, error noted.
Now, I can't help but notice you are changing the topic a bit. Sharpton does the same thing of course. Asked about Tawana Brawley, Sharpton brings up every other topic he wants to. I noticed he didn't bring up his role in the Crown Heights murder as he helped stoke violence against the Jewish community.
I don't know what Sharpton exactly said about the Central Park 5 but a quick google search certainly showed that Sharpton was being misleading when he claims he had nothing to do with the Duke Le Crosse case. He certainly spoke about it. He was hardly hiding under a rock when the Le Cross accusations were being hurled.
Also, whites don't have a problem with black protests. You have never heard a white person say that blacks have no right to protest. What you have heard are people (white and black) showing sympathy for the victims of the protests. The store owners who's livelihoods have been looted and burned to the ground. I understand, in terms of rhetoric, it is advantageous to conflate looting with protests but it's hardly fair.
You find a parallel between Al Sharpton's Tawana Brawley argument with George W. Bush's argument that he was just going on the information that he had. So I have to ask. Did you defend Bush on the same grounds that you are now defending Sharpton? I think I know the answer to that.
Lastly, Sharpton is good at playing three card monty with the truth. As we saw with the clip I linked, Sharpton tends to mislead, lie, obfuscate and dance around any question he doesn't want to answer. He was asked what he thought about his role in the Tawana Brawley case with 20/20 hindsight. He never answered that question of course.
In actuality, Al Sharpton is just a race hustler with a horrible track record of accomplishment. Luckily, despite the deep pools of racial unrest, most people seem to know this.
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?


They both resisted arrest, precisely as I said. Selling a cigarette has nothing to do with it.

You're not really denying they resisted arrest, are you? What does that have to do with cigarettes?

Your thought processes are completely distorted by your ideology, speaking of being "a piece of work".


Garner's "crime" deserved a summons, not an arrest. And anyone who watches the video can see police used excessive and unnecessary force.

As a matter of FACT, his death was ruled a homicide. But morally bankrupt people like you just turn a blind eye to crimes of the police state.
You want to see the Double standards of the Race Hustlers. Just look at how they acted when O.J. Simpson was acquitted for Double murder against, TWO WHITE PEOPLE one his WIFE
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?


They both resisted arrest, precisely as I said. Selling a cigarette has nothing to do with it.

You're not really denying they resisted arrest, are you? What does that have to do with cigarettes?

Your thought processes are completely distorted by your ideology, speaking of being "a piece of work".


Garner's "crime" deserved a summons, not an arrest. And anyone who watches the video can see police used excessive and unnecessary force.

As a matter of FACT, his death was ruled a homicide. But morally bankrupt people like you just turn a blind eye to crimes of the police state.

So you're saying he was not resisting arrest?

Yes or no?

Surely you know by now you can't deflect with me.

Yes or no?

What parent hasn't had a similar conversation with their kids? My kids are white and I had that conversation with them. I have seen how local cops operate with young people of all colors. They profile, stop and harass on a daily basis.

“With Dante, very early on, we said, ‘Look, if a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you to do. Don’t move suddenly. Don’t reach for your cellphone,’” said deBlasio.

How DARE he say that to his son!!!!

You must live in a crappy neighborhood. In wealthy areas, the cops are great to us, including our kids.
That's not necessarily true either. When I lived in a fairly good neighborhood and worked a night shift I was hassled all the damn time simply because I was the only car on the road at 2am.

They would stop me every damn week at least once, perform an illegal search and then release me as they couldn't find a damn thing. Then they would feed me some bullshit lie about why they stopped me, cuffed me and searched my vehicle without cause. Usually it was a light that was 'out' but miraculously was working again.

There are bad apples everywhere that abuse their power simply because they can. they piss all over the image of those cops that are out there doing things correctly and trying to uphold the law as much as humanly possible. It is infuriating that the few make such a large impression.

I agree, there are bad apples everywhere. But our experience with cops in our neighborhoods have been overwhelmingly positive. I've lived in 8 States, my career has been management and management consulting. If there's a bad cop in Cary, North Carolina, where I live now, I haven't met them yet. The cops here are great.

When I am not in the areas where I live, I find cops to be more of a mixed bag. Still more good than bad though. My business is in Durham, which isn't nearly as affluent as Cary. When I see them around my business though, they have also been overwhelmingly good.

I'm totally for rooting out the bad ones, I just object to the left's portrayal of assume bad until proven otherwise, then assume bad again.

The left does not portray them that way.

You have had some pleasant personal experiences with cops. I have too. Never been hassled myself. I'm the father of a really good and honest police officer.

Did you see that? I just portrayed every cop that I have ever met as being a good cop. That's over 100 cops and not a single bad experience. And..I am a lefty. I just blew your bullshit rhetoric away.

How about a retraction?

My reaction is to wonder why you are silent when the left is doing that, I never see you in the cop bashing race baiting threads defending the cops. What is the matter with you?

You haven't seen me doing what? Defending cops? You might just be failing to see.
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?


They both resisted arrest, precisely as I said. Selling a cigarette has nothing to do with it.

You're not really denying they resisted arrest, are you? What does that have to do with cigarettes?

Your thought processes are completely distorted by your ideology, speaking of being "a piece of work".


Garner's "crime" deserved a summons, not an arrest. And anyone who watches the video can see police used excessive and unnecessary force.

As a matter of FACT, his death was ruled a homicide. But morally bankrupt people like you just turn a blind eye to crimes of the police state.

So you're saying he was not resisting arrest?

Yes or no?

Surely you know by now you can't deflect with me.

Yes or no?


He resisted arrest without violence. The police overreacted. He died. Yes or no?
Yes! You are right! Poor people ought to have no expectation of being treated with respect by cops. It's all so simple.


Really? Isn't that what you said?

No, it isn't. Maybe you should take a few hours a week off posting and take remedial reading.

It absolutely is.

Show me that quote, Homey
You said you get what you pay for while extolling the way cops treat people in wealthy neighborhoods. You know what you said. Own it and stop trying to lie. Shit.
Whatever happened to Personal Responsibility? You know, like the people who pulled the triggers? I guess they don't matter, you can't play partisan with them.

Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?
Personal responsibility doesn't really count any more.

If it did, we'd hear more from the Left about how Garner and Brown resisted arrest.


WOW, you are a real piece of work. When did the crime of selling a cigarette become a death sentence?


They both resisted arrest, precisely as I said. Selling a cigarette has nothing to do with it.

You're not really denying they resisted arrest, are you? What does that have to do with cigarettes?

Your thought processes are completely distorted by your ideology, speaking of being "a piece of work".


Garner's "crime" deserved a summons, not an arrest. And anyone who watches the video can see police used excessive and unnecessary force.

As a matter of FACT, his death was ruled a homicide. But morally bankrupt people like you just turn a blind eye to crimes of the police state.

So you're saying he was not resisting arrest?

Yes or no?

Surely you know by now you can't deflect with me.

Yes or no?


He resisted arrest without violence. The police overreacted. He died. Yes or no?

How much force is necessary to take down an almost 300 pound man, and when confronted with a situation you use OVERWHELMING FORCE to accomplish your goal, so that you don't UNDERESTIMATE the enemy.... You ever in combat? Yes, NYC IS a combat zone, like Chicago, and LA!

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