The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

No cigarettes were found on Mr Garner, and none were found in his car either...that's what I read today....? Is that possible?

So were the police just harassing him?
One account has it Garner had just "broken up a fight", and the fight call was what the NYPD responded to. The cops recognized Garner and may have jumped to a couple of wrong conclusions about why he was there. Garner was not killed at his usual location for selling untaxed cigarettes. Had the grand jury done its job properly all these questions would have been answered in a public courtroom.

You still don't get it. That doesn't matter. None of what you just brought up, matters.

When the cop says put your hands behind your back... that's not a "highly recommended option". That's an order. Just do it. If you have done nothing wrong, when the police question you, and the others around the area, they'll let you go.

I've had this happen to me. I did nothing wrong. The officer asked a few questions, asked a few other people, determined I was just a passer by, and let me go.

But I don't argue with him. I didn't provoke him. I didn't bicker about it. I wasn't a jerk, or telling him off. I did exactly as he said to do. There was no need to smash me to the ground and hog tie me, because I did what I was told immediately.

If this had gone to trial, all that background crap had nothing to do with Garners death, and would not have matter in any way to the outcome of the trial.
Just wondering, is there a Law on the Books directed at us citizens that says it is against the Law to talk back to Police Officers?

And by the way, your rant on how we are suppose to act when approached by a police officer, and what not to do yahdahyadah...

Is the precise same lecture DeBlasio had with his son....

So why were all of you right wingers freaked out about DeBlasio saying what you JUST SAID we all should know and do when approached by a cop?:dunno:
Have they defied any direct orders?


They have every right to protest and a silent turning of the back is certainly more acceptable than shutting down bridges and highways.
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now
2. How are they helping?

I think they are protesting in a perfectly acceptable manner.

Acceptable manner? Then you would support the protests of Westboro Baptist Church too.

The only one the police were disrespectful of was Officer Ramos. They turned his funeral into a political tantrum, just like Westboro.

The Mayor asked for a deescalation of protests and politicizing after the two officers were slain. But the childish police decided to politicize during Ram's eulogy...

You really think the silent gesture of turning a back compares to shouting insults at a funeral?

It politicizes a sacred ceremony where everyone should put that aside and pay their respects to the fallen officer. The NYPD didn't disrespect the Mayor, they were disrespectful of Officer Ramos and his grieving family.
No cigarettes were found on Mr Garner, and none were found in his car either...that's what I read today....? Is that possible?

So were the police just harassing him?
One account has it Garner had just "broken up a fight", and the fight call was what the NYPD responded to. The cops recognized Garner and may have jumped to a couple of wrong conclusions about why he was there. Garner was not killed at his usual location for selling untaxed cigarettes. Had the grand jury done its job properly all these questions would have been answered in a public courtroom.

You still don't get it. That doesn't matter. None of what you just brought up, matters.

When the cop says put your hands behind your back... that's not a "highly recommended option". That's an order. Just do it. If you have done nothing wrong, when the police question you, and the others around the area, they'll let you go.

I've had this happen to me. I did nothing wrong. The officer asked a few questions, asked a few other people, determined I was just a passer by, and let me go.

But I don't argue with him. I didn't provoke him. I didn't bicker about it. I wasn't a jerk, or telling him off. I did exactly as he said to do. There was no need to smash me to the ground and hog tie me, because I did what I was told immediately.

If this had gone to trial, all that background crap had nothing to do with Garners death, and would not have matter in any way to the outcome of the trial.
Just wondering, is there a Law on the Books directed at us citizens that says it is against the Law to talk back to Police Officers?

And by the way, your rant on how we are suppose to act when approached by a police officer, and what not to do yahdahyadah...

Is the precise same lecture DeBlasio had with his son....

So why were all of you right wingers freaked out about DeBlasio saying what you JUST SAID we all should know and do when approached by a cop?:dunno:

I'm not freaked out either way... at least not yet, because I have no idea what he said. I haven't read about that yet. I just support the police when they reject him. If the police turn their backs... I'm with them. Inherently I support police over politicians just on principal. Politicians are liars, and politically motivated.

...... and...... yes there are laws for obeying a police officer. You really didn't know that?

"Failure to obey a police order" is a misdemeanor in nearly every state in the Union. Penalties differ between states.

Here is a court case, where a person was convicted of exactly this offense.

"Court of Special Appeals affirming his conviction for failure to obey a police officer’s reasonable and lawful order to prevent a disturbance to the public peace"

If a police officer gives you a reasonable and lawful order... you must obey it. By law in nearly every single state, you must obey the orders of the police officer. In some states, depending on the infraction, you could (in theory) get a felony conviction. But in most cases, it is only a misdemeanor.

But yes of course it's a law. I'm amazed anyone wouldn't know that. What do you think Police officers are? Boy scouts with weapons? Of course they have authority! Of course you have to obey them! Good heavens people! Are you nutz?

How exactly would you expect a police officer to do his job, if no one had to do anything he said? What is this? A twilight zone episode?

You people just make up crap. The police department eliminated choke holds as a matter of procedure and training and policy. There is nothing "ILLEGAL" about using a choke hold in New Yor
"Was Pantaleo criminally negligent in killing Garner? He was,according to New York State law, if he failed 'to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk' that Garner would die from his actions, and that failure was 'a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the situation.'

"Nobody should dispute that Pantaleo committed homicide—that fact was determined Aug. 1. Was Pantaleo’s behavior a gross deviation from the standard of care that a police officer should take when confronting an unarmed father of six whom he suspects may have been selling cigarettes illegally?

"Napolitano and many others who have watched the video of Garner’s killing think Pantaleo’s behavior was criminally negligent.

"The Staten Island grand jury apparently did not."

And the reason why the Staten Island grand jury did not believe Pantaleo's behavior was criminally negligent was because the local DA made sure the jury saw only the evidence that would work in the rogue cop's defense. Which is exactly why local prosecutors should not be allowed to control what evidence grand juries see whenever police misconduct is suspected.

Why a Medical Examiner Called Eric Garner s Death a Homicide
what makes you think that the officer would have perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk when they arrested him?

999 out of 1000 people put in a choke hold would be just fine. Garner had other problems that are not written on his forehead. He was also resisting arrest and being uncooperative. Things that no one seems to want to address.

And you don't seem to want to address that the response by the swarm of officers was excessive and did not match the response of Eric Garner. He did not charge any officer, attempt to punch, strike or injure.

Police response was abusive, brutal and thug like.
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?
No cigarettes were found on Mr Garner, and none were found in his car either...that's what I read today....? Is that possible?

So were the police just harassing him?
One account has it Garner had just "broken up a fight", and the fight call was what the NYPD responded to. The cops recognized Garner and may have jumped to a couple of wrong conclusions about why he was there. Garner was not killed at his usual location for selling untaxed cigarettes. Had the grand jury done its job properly all these questions would have been answered in a public courtroom.

You still don't get it. That doesn't matter. None of what you just brought up, matters.

When the cop says put your hands behind your back... that's not a "highly recommended option". That's an order. Just do it. If you have done nothing wrong, when the police question you, and the others around the area, they'll let you go.

I've had this happen to me. I did nothing wrong. The officer asked a few questions, asked a few other people, determined I was just a passer by, and let me go.

But I don't argue with him. I didn't provoke him. I didn't bicker about it. I wasn't a jerk, or telling him off. I did exactly as he said to do. There was no need to smash me to the ground and hog tie me, because I did what I was told immediately.

If this had gone to trial, all that background crap had nothing to do with Garners death, and would not have matter in any way to the outcome of the trial.
Just wondering, is there a Law on the Books directed at us citizens that says it is against the Law to talk back to Police Officers?

And by the way, your rant on how we are suppose to act when approached by a police officer, and what not to do yahdahyadah...

Is the precise same lecture DeBlasio had with his son....

So why were all of you right wingers freaked out about DeBlasio saying what you JUST SAID we all should know and do when approached by a cop?:dunno:

I'm not freaked out either way... at least not yet, because I have no idea what he said. I haven't read about that yet. I just support the police when they reject him. If the police turn their backs... I'm with them. Inherently I support police over politicians just on principal. Politicians are liars, and politically motivated.

...... and...... yes there are laws for obeying a police officer. You really didn't know that?

"Failure to obey a police order" is a misdemeanor in nearly every state in the Union. Penalties differ between states.

Here is a court case, where a person was convicted of exactly this offense.

"Court of Special Appeals affirming his conviction for failure to obey a police officer’s reasonable and lawful order to prevent a disturbance to the public peace"

If a police officer gives you a reasonable and lawful order... you must obey it. By law in nearly every single state, you must obey the orders of the police officer. In some states, depending on the infraction, you could (in theory) get a felony conviction. But in most cases, it is only a misdemeanor.

But yes of course it's a law. I'm amazed anyone wouldn't know that. What do you think Police officers are? Boy scouts with weapons? Of course they have authority! Of course you have to obey them! Good heavens people! Are you nutz?

How exactly would you expect a police officer to do his job, if no one had to do anything he said? What is this? A twilight zone episode?

View attachment 35524
Androw, I didn't ask you about obeying LEGAL ORDERS from police, I asked if it was against the Law to talk back at them, (even in a smart ass way)...can our "talk" get us arrested because it breaks some sort of law, if it is not done in some subservient way?


and Androw, aren't police officers 'PEACE Officers' in NYC or is that just some old antiquated formal name that they were once labelled?
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And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?
She's saying, just because Blacks thugs kill blacks, does that make it okay for cops to do the same?

Basically, why even mention Black thugs killing blacks, when that truly has nothing at all to do with alleged cases of police brutality? apples and oranges...

though both topics, including the one you tried to change this thread in to, are worthy of discussion, in my opinion
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?

No Mary, blacks are bad, whites are good.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

I guess cops don't have first amendment rights......:(
Not against a democrat they don't.

The dems pet blacks can riot, loot, burn down businesses and shoot up the town night after night, but HOOOOO BOY, don't you turn your back on a dem, that looks SMALL.


Good GOD what a sickening bunch of TWO FACED, TRASH.
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?

No Mary, blacks are bad, whites are good.
Sarcasm or a moment of truth?
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?

No Mary, blacks are bad, whites are good.
Can we at least TRY to be real here instead of this snarky sarcasm? Are you going somewhere with this? Don't bother replying, I don't care.
No cigarettes were found on Mr Garner, and none were found in his car either...that's what I read today....? Is that possible?

So were the police just harassing him?
One account has it Garner had just "broken up a fight", and the fight call was what the NYPD responded to. The cops recognized Garner and may have jumped to a couple of wrong conclusions about why he was there. Garner was not killed at his usual location for selling untaxed cigarettes. Had the grand jury done its job properly all these questions would have been answered in a public courtroom.

You still don't get it. That doesn't matter. None of what you just brought up, matters.

When the cop says put your hands behind your back... that's not a "highly recommended option". That's an order. Just do it. If you have done nothing wrong, when the police question you, and the others around the area, they'll let you go.

I've had this happen to me. I did nothing wrong. The officer asked a few questions, asked a few other people, determined I was just a passer by, and let me go.

But I don't argue with him. I didn't provoke him. I didn't bicker about it. I wasn't a jerk, or telling him off. I did exactly as he said to do. There was no need to smash me to the ground and hog tie me, because I did what I was told immediately.

If this had gone to trial, all that background crap had nothing to do with Garners death, and would not have matter in any way to the outcome of the trial.
Just wondering, is there a Law on the Books directed at us citizens that says it is against the Law to talk back to Police Officers?

And by the way, your rant on how we are suppose to act when approached by a police officer, and what not to do yahdahyadah...

Is the precise same lecture DeBlasio had with his son....

So why were all of you right wingers freaked out about DeBlasio saying what you JUST SAID we all should know and do when approached by a cop?:dunno:

I'm not freaked out either way... at least not yet, because I have no idea what he said. I haven't read about that yet. I just support the police when they reject him. If the police turn their backs... I'm with them. Inherently I support police over politicians just on principal. Politicians are liars, and politically motivated.

...... and...... yes there are laws for obeying a police officer. You really didn't know that?

"Failure to obey a police order" is a misdemeanor in nearly every state in the Union. Penalties differ between states.

Here is a court case, where a person was convicted of exactly this offense.

"Court of Special Appeals affirming his conviction for failure to obey a police officer’s reasonable and lawful order to prevent a disturbance to the public peace"

If a police officer gives you a reasonable and lawful order... you must obey it. By law in nearly every single state, you must obey the orders of the police officer. In some states, depending on the infraction, you could (in theory) get a felony conviction. But in most cases, it is only a misdemeanor.

But yes of course it's a law. I'm amazed anyone wouldn't know that. What do you think Police officers are? Boy scouts with weapons? Of course they have authority! Of course you have to obey them! Good heavens people! Are you nutz?

How exactly would you expect a police officer to do his job, if no one had to do anything he said? What is this? A twilight zone episode?

View attachment 35524
Androw, I didn't ask you about obeying LEGAL ORDERS from police, I asked if it was against the Law to talk back at them, (even in a smart ass way)...can our "talk" get us arrested because it breaks some sort of law, if it is not done in some subservient way?


and Androw, aren't police officers 'PEACE Officers' in NYC or is that just some old antiquated formal name that they were once labelled?

Funny Care, I was just thinking about the term "officers of the peace". None of these men who swarmed Eric Garner would be mistaken for officers of the peace. I dare say they barely qualify as human. This was handled with no regard for human life. As Eric Garner pleaded, they doubled down on their abuse. One continued to choke him, one compressed his chest and one applied force to his head.

There is a point in any situation where we must be 'human'. Some person of competence needs to act. None did. And after their excessive abuse left Garner lifeless, none of them tried to save his life. No CPR, no urgency to get help. They acted like a bunch of thugs right to the very end. Police officer are given a privilege, and a public trust. and with that privilege and trust comes a responsibility to act in a human way. We are ultimately all our brothers keeper. I just can't decide if what theses officers did makes me as appalled as the response of people like Androw and Mary...

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."
Thomas Jefferson to the Republican Citizens of Washington County, Maryland" (March 31, 1809)
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?

No Mary, blacks are bad, whites are good.
Sarcasm or a moment of truth?
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?

No Mary, blacks are bad, whites are good.
Can we at least TRY to be real here instead of this snarky sarcasm? Are you going somewhere with this? Don't bother replying, I don't care.

Go find an adult to decipher for you Mary.
And all those anti cop protesters with their phony police brutality claims, not looking so hot either, think? How many unarmed black males have died as the result of being shot down by armed black assailants? We can look that up on the internet and get the exact numbers, but do we really need too? Things won't look so rosy if we got all the facts, would it?

So black thugs give thugs with badges cover...
I hesitate to ask; what does that mean? Black cops are bad? what?
She's saying, just because Blacks thugs kill blacks, does that make it okay for cops to do the same?

Basically, why even mention Black thugs killing blacks, when that truly has nothing at all to do with alleged cases of police brutality? apples and oranges...

though both topics, including the one you tried to change this thread in to, are worthy of discussion, in my opinion

Here is an excellent thought provoking article Care...

The NYPD s Work Stoppage Is Surreal Rolling Stone
BTW, how is a grand jury picked? Are they voting citizens like a regular jury that get called in and questioned? Who are they picked by?
Farrakhan Urged ‘Retaliation’ For Michael Brown A Month Before Brinsley Executed NYPD Cops

The Daily Caller ^

In late November, the student government at taxpayer-funded Morgan State University sponsored a conference on slavery reparations for black Americans. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan was the keynote speaker. The Nov. 22 conference, called the 2nd Annual Black United Summit International, occurred on Morgan State’s historically black campus in Baltimore, Md. The conference theme was “Re-Claim, Re-Pair, Re-Form, Re-Produce — REPARATIONS Now!” Total attendance was over 2,000, according to Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, provided a detailed report about convention activities. Farrakhan’s keynote rant lasted over two hours. At one point, he held up what resembled...
Farrakhan Urged ‘Retaliation’ For Michael Brown A Month Before Brinsley Executed NYPD Cops

The Daily Caller ^

In late November, the student government at taxpayer-funded Morgan State University sponsored a conference on slavery reparations for black Americans. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan was the keynote speaker. The Nov. 22 conference, called the 2nd Annual Black United Summit International, occurred on Morgan State’s historically black campus in Baltimore, Md. The conference theme was “Re-Claim, Re-Pair, Re-Form, Re-Produce — REPARATIONS Now!” Total attendance was over 2,000, according to Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, provided a detailed report about convention activities. Farrakhan’s keynote rant lasted over two hours. At one point, he held up what resembled...
wow! I don't think this crazy killer attended or even heard about what Farrakhan said at one of his meetings, but Farrakhan was way off base with his thinking and comments... and the way he used The Holy Word to push his agenda was way off base... The Bible's teaching on an eye for an eye was a RESTRICTION ON PUNISHMENTS,

NO MORE than an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.... a life for a life.... they were OVER punishing for crimes...

so you don't kill people for robbery, or for rape, or breaking and entry, or shop lifting, or even for assault....the punishment, should be equivalent to the crime.... which is what supposedly we modeled our justice system off of....

the worse the crime, the longer the time....basically....

so, he really twisted the meaning of God's Word.

And these men did nothing encouraging this eye for an eye in the manner Farrakhan did, IF THE ARTICLE portrayed him correctly, is simply wrong....

I'm still not buying any of the Muslim angle on this killer yet.... there needs to be more of a direct connection to jihad, imo.
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"I'm still not buying any of Muslim angle on this killer yet.... there needs to be more of a direct connection to jihad, imo."

Likely because the notion is unfounded idiocy, a failed and transparent red herring contrived by the right in a shameful attempt to exploit the deaths of the two NYC police officers for some perceived partisan gain.

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