The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

"I'm still not buying any of Muslim angle on this killer yet.... there needs to be more of a direct connection to jihad, imo."

Likely because the notion is unfounded idiocy, a failed and transparent red herring contrived by the right in a shameful attempt to exploit the deaths of the two NYC police officers for some perceived partisan gain.

of course, but if they had said he was Rightwinger. you would ask no questions.
But mention MUSLIM you leftwingers jump to their defense.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
I am stunned that there are ten idiots dumb enough to thank this garbage post
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
I am stunned that there are ten idiots dumb enough to thank this garbage post
if i didn't thank him already, add me to the list of 10 :D
Have they defied any direct orders?


They have every right to protest and a silent turning of the back is certainly more acceptable than shutting down bridges and highways.
That has nothing to do with my OP.

1.They are making themselves look really small, I guess that's who they are right now
2. How are they helping?

I think they are protesting in a perfectly acceptable manner.

Acceptable manner? Then you would support the protests of Westboro Baptist Church too.

The only one the police were disrespectful of was Officer Ramos. They turned his funeral into a political tantrum, just like Westboro.

The Mayor asked for a deescalation of protests and politicizing after the two officers were slain. But the childish police decided to politicize during Ram's eulogy...

You really think the silent gesture of turning a back compares to shouting insults at a funeral?

It politicizes a sacred ceremony where everyone should put that aside and pay their respects to the fallen officer. The NYPD didn't disrespect the Mayor, they were disrespectful of Officer Ramos and his grieving family.
Why don't you ask if Ramos's family felt disrespected?

For all you know Ramos would have turned his back too and his family would have done the same.

Just because you think someone else feels insulted does not make it true.

And the mayor has earned every bit of disrespect that he is shown
Moving on, we already covered this. It wasn't a choke hold. Further, your statement, doesn't change the fact that what he did was not "ILLEGAL". You claim to only want to hear verifiable fact, yet can't grasp this very simple fact.
When did I use the term "ILLEGAL" in reference to the CHOKEHOLD used on Eric Garner?
"Members of the New York City Police Department will NOT use chokeholds. A chokehold shall include, but is not limited to, any pressure to the throat or windpipe, which may prevent or hinder breathing or reduce intake of air."
Obviously, you bend over and spread your pasty cheeks for authority figures whether they are wearing blue or not. Some of us are not so submissive with regards to civil rights.
Excerpt The NYPD Patrol Guide Every Mother s Son POV PBS
Doesn't change the fact, that I have never seen a cop just randomly attack someone, who was not.... Resisting... provoking... taunting... fighting.... arguing... or attacking a police officer.

Never seen it
And what do you imagine that proves?
You've never seen abusive police behavior so therefore it doesn't exist? Are you really that stupid/ignorant/arrogant? You obviously need a greater variety of life experiences before reasonably expecting others to value your opinions over those of the average internet troll's.
"Court of Special Appeals affirming his conviction for failure to obey a police officer’s reasonable and lawful order to prevent a disturbance to the public peace"
Do you regard "stop and frisk" as a "reasonable and lawful order?"

How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
I am stunned that there are ten idiots dumb enough to thank this garbage post

You can add me to the list........

What if a major US city's police department drastically reduced the number of arrests it made and fines and citations it issued, and no one noticed?
BTW, how is a grand jury picked? Are they voting citizens like a regular jury that get called in and questioned? Who are they picked by?
Here's a DA's description of how the process works in one New York county:
"Although at one point in time, it could be said the grand jury system was a rubber stamp of the DA [Judge Sol Wachtler, the former Chief Judge of the State, was quoted as saying, 'A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich,' (See People v. Carter, 77 N.Y. 2d 95, 107 & n.1 (1990) (Titone, J., dissenting); In re Grand Jury Subpoena, 144 Misc. 2D 1012, 1016 n.1 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. County 1989)], that has not been true for many years, at least not in Kings County.

"Changes to the composition of the pool from which grand jurors are chosen are largely responsible for this phenomenon.

"A long time ago, in order to be eligible to sit on a grand jury, one either had to have previous grand jury experience or, at least, some previous petit juror experience. That is no longer true.

"Grand jurors today are selected from the same pool as petit jurors."
How a New York Grand Jury Works
What if a major US city's police department drastically reduced the number of arrests it made and fines and citations it issued, and no one noticed?
Since the economic crash of 2007-08 many municipalities have seen tax revenues contract, and they've been using fines and citations to make up the difference. Would it not be ironic if the NYPD saw some job losses as unintended consequences of its slow down?
"Court of Special Appeals affirming his conviction for failure to obey a police officer’s reasonable and lawful order to prevent a disturbance to the public peace"
Do you regard "stop and frisk" as a "reasonable and lawful order?"

Yes absolutely. And it has nothing to do with racism. If you are in a neighborhood, where the last 20 assaults, rapes, and murders, were all described as "black male in his 20s", you don't start pulling over 80 year-old white women, and frisking them.

It's not racism... it's called 'not being a brain dead leftardian fool'.
Doesn't change the fact, that I have never seen a cop just randomly attack someone, who was not.... Resisting... provoking... taunting... fighting.... arguing... or attacking a police officer.

Never seen it
And what do you imagine that proves?
You've never seen abusive police behavior so therefore it doesn't exist? Are you really that stupid/ignorant/arrogant? You obviously need a greater variety of life experiences before reasonably expecting others to value your opinions over those of the average internet troll's.

No obviously police abuse does exist. I still haven't seen someone get their face smashed in who was not resisting, provoking, taunting, fighting, arguing, or attacking police officers.

I'm sure there is some example somewhere. I'm sure there is. And even some of the videos I have seen of clear police abuse..... they are generally provoked. That doesn't mean it's ok.......... but I have very little sympathy for someone who screams at a police officer, and ends up tased, or kicked, or face planted into the ground. Yeah, that might still be police abuse.... but you deserved it.

What is amazing is that if the positions were reversed, you would never put up with half of the crap police officers do on a routine basis. And every single man has a breaking point. Only the ultra-arrogant forum trolls, who have never had to put up with anything, think that Police Officers should be perfect people that never crack after years of abuse by hostile citizens.

Even more ironic, this is exactly why we end up with bad police officers. Good people don't want to work in such an environment. So only those who don't care, or are dirty, end up taking the job. Then morons on an internet forum, complain that all cops are corrupt. Yeah, maybe... and you, and those like you, are the cause.

Whether you value my opinion or not, has absolutely no importance to me. You seem to imply that I care what you think about me. That would be an error on your part. You have long proven to me that your posts rarely ever have anything of value to read. In fact, the only reason I have not put you on my ignore list, is because when you get pissed off, you are rather entertaining.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
I am stunned that there are ten idiots dumb enough to thank this garbage post

You can add me to the list........

What if a major US city's police department drastically reduced the number of arrests it made and fines and citations it issued, and no one noticed?
Perhaps I should just add you to ignore....

Bunch of dumb mother fuckers lol
Moving on, we already covered this. It wasn't a choke hold. Further, your statement, doesn't change the fact that what he did was not "ILLEGAL". You claim to only want to hear verifiable fact, yet can't grasp this very simple fact.
When did I use the term "ILLEGAL" in reference to the CHOKEHOLD used on Eric Garner?
"Members of the New York City Police Department will NOT use chokeholds. A chokehold shall include, but is not limited to, any pressure to the throat or windpipe, which may prevent or hinder breathing or reduce intake of air."
Obviously, you bend over and spread your pasty cheeks for authority figures whether they are wearing blue or not. Some of us are not so submissive with regards to civil rights.
Excerpt The NYPD Patrol Guide Every Mother s Son POV PBS

Yeah, and you people who are not submissive.... you are the cause of all the problems in our society. You are the ones who get your face smashed in... and none of the rest of us care when it happens to you.

See you think that's an insult. Which is more proof the biggest crisis in our country, is a failure of parents to parent their children.

It's not an insult at all. Not to me. Respect for authority is a sign of maturity, and adulthood.

People who don't respect authority, rarely succeed in life. They are often the result of not having a father, or having a disconnected father. They typically never move up the income scale, because no manager wants to deal with someone who does not respect their authority in the business or company.

They also typically have few, or shallow friends. Friends who don't respect each other, usually are not friends very long.

And while to you, me showing respect for authority is somehow an insult..... that doesn't change the fact that after having been stopped by police more times than I can even count.... I've never been arrested, never tased, never cuffed even.

So it seems to be working for me. Can you say the same for those who disrespect the police? Not so much.

By all means, keep trying to insult me.... because I'm laughing at you :badgrin:
Yes absolutely. And it has nothing to do with racism. If you are in a neighborhood, where the last 20 assaults, rapes, and murders, were all described as "black male in his 20s", you don't start pulling over 80 year-old white women, and frisking them.
Do you also support the racist white pigs who throw off-duty black officers against a wall with no probable cause?
"ADHYL POLANCO: And I’m a police officer. And I’ve been thrown against the wall off-duty, because they all [inaudible] the mentality that Patrick Lynch and many other officers don’t want to hear about. They don’t have to speak to their kids. They don’t have—if my kids and Patrick Lynch’s son walk the street right now, chances are that, you know, the conversation that I have to have with my son, he won’t have to have. As an officer, I’ve been thrown against the wall. As an officer, I’ve been shown no respect."
Sure you do.
You revel in your ignorance.
NYPD Officer Speaks Out on Fellow Cops Who Turned Backs to Mayor Why People of Color Fear Police Democracy Now
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
I am stunned that there are ten idiots dumb enough to thank this garbage post

You can add me to the list........

What if a major US city's police department drastically reduced the number of arrests it made and fines and citations it issued, and no one noticed?

I'm not sure how to read that..............

Are you serious? You think the police could simply..... NOT arrest criminals...... and no one would notice?
It's not an insult at all. Not to me. Respect for authority is a sign of maturity, and adulthood
Respect for legitimate authority is a sign of adulthood and maturity. Respect for all authority figures is a sign of cowardice and low self-esteem.
Yes absolutely. And it has nothing to do with racism. If you are in a neighborhood, where the last 20 assaults, rapes, and murders, were all described as "black male in his 20s", you don't start pulling over 80 year-old white women, and frisking them.
Do you also support the racist white pigs who throw off-duty black officers against a wall with no probable cause?
"ADHYL POLANCO: And I’m a police officer. And I’ve been thrown against the wall off-duty, because they all [inaudible] the mentality that Patrick Lynch and many other officers don’t want to hear about. They don’t have to speak to their kids. They don’t have—if my kids and Patrick Lynch’s son walk the street right now, chances are that, you know, the conversation that I have to have with my son, he won’t have to have. As an officer, I’ve been thrown against the wall. As an officer, I’ve been shown no respect."
Sure you do.
You revel in your ignorance.
NYPD Officer Speaks Out on Fellow Cops Who Turned Backs to Mayor Why People of Color Fear Police Democracy Now

Yeah, when you stop and frisk, you put someone against the wall. "thrown" If he believes he was treated unfairly, then he as a police officer has even more authority to file a complaint, than a regular citizen. By all means, have him file his complaint.

He could even file civil suit.

It's always interesting to see people make endless claims, and yet not they never put their money where their mouth is. You would be a poster child for that.


Who ordered the stop and frisk deals? Was it the officers? Or those in charge? The officers have absolutely no authority over the policies of the police department. They are simply following the directions they were given.

Now again, I'm all for, and have always been for, fewer rules. Why should police officers be arresting people for selling loose cigarettes? Well because some dumb idiotic leftists demanded a bunch of programs that cost tons of money, and they have to tax everything on the planet to pay for their moronic programs.

Thus, Garner has to be arrested, resists arrest, and ends up dead.

Solution: Fewer laws.

I would much rather have fewer laws that are more rigidly enforced.

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