The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

No cigarettes were found on Mr Garner, and none were found in his car either...that's what I read today....? Is that possible?

So were the police just harassing him?
Yes, it would appear that that's what they were doing.
No cigarettes were found on Mr Garner, and none were found in his car either...that's what I read today....? Is that possible?

So were the police just harassing him?
One account has it Garner had just "broken up a fight", and the fight call was what the NYPD responded to. The cops recognized Garner and may have jumped to a couple of wrong conclusions about why he was there. Garner was not killed at his usual location for selling untaxed cigarettes. Had the grand jury done its job properly all these questions would have been answered in a public courtroom.

You still don't get it. That doesn't matter. None of what you just brought up, matters.

When the cop says put your hands behind your back... that's not a "highly recommended option". That's an order. Just do it. If you have done nothing wrong, when the police question you, and the others around the area, they'll let you go.

I've had this happen to me. I did nothing wrong. The officer asked a few questions, asked a few other people, determined I was just a passer by, and let me go.

But I don't argue with him. I didn't provoke him. I didn't bicker about it. I wasn't a jerk, or telling him off. I did exactly as he said to do. There was no need to smash me to the ground and hog tie me, because I did what I was told immediately.

If this had gone to trial, all that background crap had nothing to do with Garners death, and would not have matter in any way to the outcome of the trial.
How can you say it doesn't matter? If he was not selling cigs then the cops were just harassing him for no reason...

And neck holds BREAK police RULES...break policy, they are NOT taught to use it so YOU are WRONG on that...
Like we told you, the citizens of NYC support their mayor over the NYPD by a huge margin

New York City NYC Poll - January 15 2015 - New Yorkers Turn Their Backs O Quinnipiac University Connecticut
New York City voters, black, white and Hispanic, disapprove 69 - 27 percent of police officers turning their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio at funerals for two police officers, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Police union leader Patrick Lynch's comments that the mayor's office had blood on its hands are "too extreme," voters say 77 - 17 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe- ack) University Poll finds. There is no party, gender, racial, borough or age group which finds the comments "appropriate."

Of course, it's not like the NYPD gives a flying fig about what the citizens of NYC think. And that's the whole problem.
Like we told you, the citizens of NYC support their mayor over the NYPD by a huge margin

New York City NYC Poll - January 15 2015 - New Yorkers Turn Their Backs O Quinnipiac University Connecticut
New York City voters, black, white and Hispanic, disapprove 69 - 27 percent of police officers turning their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio at funerals for two police officers, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Police union leader Patrick Lynch's comments that the mayor's office had blood on its hands are "too extreme," voters say 77 - 17 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe- ack) University Poll finds. There is no party, gender, racial, borough or age group which finds the comments "appropriate."

Of course, it's not like the NYPD gives a flying fig about what the citizens of NYC think. And that's the whole problem.
These far rightwingers are going to find a way to discredit it and/ or not believe it.

Like we told you, the citizens of NYC support their mayor over the NYPD by a huge margin

New York City NYC Poll - January 15 2015 - New Yorkers Turn Their Backs O Quinnipiac University Connecticut
New York City voters, black, white and Hispanic, disapprove 69 - 27 percent of police officers turning their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio at funerals for two police officers, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Police union leader Patrick Lynch's comments that the mayor's office had blood on its hands are "too extreme," voters say 77 - 17 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe- ack) University Poll finds. There is no party, gender, racial, borough or age group which finds the comments "appropriate."

Of course, it's not like the NYPD gives a flying fig about what the citizens of NYC think. And that's the whole problem.
These far rightwingers are going to find a way to discredit it and/ or not believe it.

Why? Or do you think that popular opinion is all that really matters.

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