The NYPD Are Making Themselves Look Really Small With Their Anti-DeBlasio Antics

How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
Perhaps if blacks didn't cause the majority of crime in NYC they would be looked on differently!
Ahhh...Thought Police, I just have to THINK you MAY commit a crime, then I have licence to BRUTALIZE the crap out of you, with a filthy dirty toilet plunger or a an illegal choke-hold, whatever's clever.

I get it.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!
Perhaps if blacks didn't cause the majority of crime in NYC they would be looked on differently!
Ahhh...Thought Police, I just have to THINK you MAY commit a crime, then I have licence to BRUTALIZE the crap out of you, with a filthy dirty toilet plunger or a an illegal choke-hold, whatever's clever.

I get it.
Officer arrested and currently in prison.... shall we shot him, as the dirty rotten black THUG did to the TWO police officers sitting in their car?
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

Did you have this talk?...I know I didn't and I didn't have to give it to my children, perhaps your BIGOTRY has your brain all fucked up? OR is it that blacks commit SO MUCH CRIME that they are so stupid that their parents have to warn them if they do crime WATCH OUT FOR THE POLICE???!!!
They are making a great example of how to protest in a peaceful manner. They have showed no disrespect that have showed they know how to respect and obey the law.
Izzat so...?

All the while making a far more profound statement.
Aren't you people the ones claiming that now the police won't do their jobs by protecting those in the black community, the ones you're calling "rioters?"

Can't you people be honest for ONCE in your lives?
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?

Are you this stupid, I gave you the answer...Here, read the article!

Bill de Blasio details talk with son about dealing with cops - NY Daily News
What, exaclty, do you find offensive about a father having a talk with his son to be careful around the police? I'm not a mind-reader hack, SPELL IT OUT!

How many times were you arrested in NYC???
Did you have this talk?...I know I didn't and I didn't have to give it to my children, perhaps your BIGOTRY has your brain all fucked up? OR is it that blacks commit SO MUCH CRIME that they are so stupid that their parents have to warn them if they do crime WATCH OUT FOR THE POLICE???!!!
Every SENSIBLE black parent gives their black child, especially boy children, that talk if you love them.

Your hatred runs so deep you do not realize how your very words BETRAY you. If you had a gun and a badge a fella like me would be shot on sight if you encountered them, just because of how you FEEL.

How many times were you arrested in NYC???
However many times you image I did. It doesn't matter anyway right? How YOU FEEL is what's important. So run wild with your feelings and imaginations. Your PERCEPTION is your REALITY.
Did you have this talk?...I know I didn't and I didn't have to give it to my children, perhaps your BIGOTRY has your brain all fucked up? OR is it that blacks commit SO MUCH CRIME that they are so stupid that their parents have to warn them if they do crime WATCH OUT FOR THE POLICE???!!!
Every SENSIBLE black parent gives their black child, especially boy children, that talk if you love them.

Your hatred runs so deep you do not realize how your very words BETRAY you. If you had a gun and a badge a fella like me would be shot on sight if you encountered them, just because of how you FEEL.

So YOU admit that CRIME is the reason for a warning especially to black boys who do THE MAJORITY of black crime... It's your own people that are your worst enemies...TEACH THEM to respect the law, and to obey it, and there would be no problem, RACIST BASTARD!....HOW MANY TIMES WERE YOU ARRESTED IN NYC...I ASK AGAIN!!!!
How many times were you arrested in NYC???
However many times you image I did. It doesn't matter anyway right? How YOU FEEL is what's important. So run wild with your feelings and imaginations. Your PERCEPTION is your REALITY.

Your refusing to even deny you've been locked up is enough for any sensible person to realize YOU have a HARD ON for the police!
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
So why are so many posters in this thread claiming that DeBlasio ran an anti-police campaign and is now getting pay-back from the cops?

Make up your mind RWers, you can't have it both ways, either he ran a straight campaign or he was never anti-cop, get it together!

Nope, I haven't said that.

I replied to your claim that he run on pro NY citizen platform and for that he got massive support.

We all knew he was socialist. You know, commie loving red-diaper baby.
But he put that aside when he run for a mayor. You know, very pro NY citizen.

That speech about his son having to fear cops as a black is such BS and shows exactly what he truly believes.
If he was speaking the truth to his, at most half black son, he would tell him that his biggest threat to life and limb is other blacks, not whites, not cops.
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.

De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
So why are so many posters in this thread claiming that DeBlasio ran an anti-police campaign and is now getting pay-back from the cops?

Make up your mind RWers, you can't have it both ways, either he ran a straight campaign or he was never anti-cop, get it together!

Don't you think when the Communist mayor comes out and says “What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, is train them to be very careful when they have encounter with a police officer,” de Blasio said on ABC’s “This Week.”

That isn't a slap at all officers who's very job is to "Protect and Serve"?

What in the fuck is wrong with you? That talk has been had for years, but you think mentioning it is worse than the fact that it's needed in the first place? Of course all cops aren't bad, but the few that are are hurting all cops reputations, and nut jobs like you are just too stupid to see that or care..
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.
De Castrio ran on a "fuck the cops" platform ... so this is simply paybacks.
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
So why are so many posters in this thread claiming that DeBlasio ran an anti-police campaign and is now getting pay-back from the cops?

Make up your mind RWers, you can't have it both ways, either he ran a straight campaign or he was never anti-cop, get it together!

Don't you think when the Communist mayor comes out and says “What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, is train them to be very careful when they have encounter with a police officer,” de Blasio said on ABC’s “This Week.”

That isn't a slap at all officers who's very job is to "Protect and Serve"?

What in the fuck is wrong with you? That talk has been had for years, but you think mentioning it is worse than the fact that it's needed in the first place? Of course all cops aren't bad, but the few that are are hurting all cops reputations, and nut jobs like you are just too stupid to see that or care..

How many are bad? How many out of over half a million cops throughout America?... No, it's you blacks, with your CRIME RIDDEN tendencies, which statistics PROVE your people cause more than any other ethnic minority, even the Hispanics don't come up to the black crime rate! .... Your just in denial, like ALL the news media about BLACK CRIME!.... They half the time REFUSE to even mention the color of a murderer, or robber, most people KNOW who it is when they don't mention color!
You want honesty? How about putting your ass on the line only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the Mayor what would you do? I know what I would do, I would do exactly what the police did. The police did an admirable job of speaking their displeasure while continuing to do their jobs.
I want specifics...

What EXACTLY Did DeBlasio Do That Has The Political Leadership of the NYPD In Such A Tizzy?
His fear mongering: On December 3, 2014, de Blasio stated in a speech following a grand jury decision not to indict NYPD officer Daniel Panteleo in the death of Eric Garner that he and his black wife Chirlane McCray, had had many conversations with their son regarding taking "special care in any encounters he has with the police officers who are there to protect him." The mayor explained that what he and his wife did was "What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, [which] is train them to be very careful whenever they have an encounter with a police officer," adding "I have talked to many families of color. They have had to have the same conversation with their sons."
Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He created an atmosphere of distrust and hate towards the police. In short he is a scumbag.

The fact that they have needed to have that particular talk for decades doesn't matter, but mentioning it is creating an atmosphere of distrust? Here's a hint, you dumb goober,.....the distrust is already there. That's why they have had to have that talk for decades. Surely you aren't that dumb and childish are you?
Did you have this talk?...I know I didn't and I didn't have to give it to my children, perhaps your BIGOTRY has your brain all fucked up? OR is it that blacks commit SO MUCH CRIME that they are so stupid that their parents have to warn them if they do crime WATCH OUT FOR THE POLICE???!!!
Every SENSIBLE black parent gives their black child, especially boy children, that talk if you love them.

Your hatred runs so deep you do not realize how your very words BETRAY you. If you had a gun and a badge a fella like me would be shot on sight if you encountered them, just because of how you FEEL.


Every one of your posts on this thread has been obtusely racist, and you think you can accuse others of hatred?
NYC Cop Killer worked for Obama Advisor ^

The Protests were Organized for one Specific Purpose – Dead Cops In December 2012, a respected Egyptian news magazine named six Obama administration officials who were in fact agents of the international terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. They claimed that these individuals had helped change the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.” One of these alleged agents was Imam Mohamed Magid, a Koranic scholar from Sudan. In the Obama administration, Magid was appointed to the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violence...
No dummy, he ran on a pro NY citizen, that was why he was voted in by a MASSIVE percent of the constituency.

Get a grip.

That's how liberal always run and when they got massive support and got elected, they show their real face.
So why are so many posters in this thread claiming that DeBlasio ran an anti-police campaign and is now getting pay-back from the cops?

Make up your mind RWers, you can't have it both ways, either he ran a straight campaign or he was never anti-cop, get it together!

Don't you think when the Communist mayor comes out and says “What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, is train them to be very careful when they have encounter with a police officer,” de Blasio said on ABC’s “This Week.”

That isn't a slap at all officers who's very job is to "Protect and Serve"?

What in the fuck is wrong with you? That talk has been had for years, but you think mentioning it is worse than the fact that it's needed in the first place? Of course all cops aren't bad, but the few that are are hurting all cops reputations, and nut jobs like you are just too stupid to see that or care..

How many are bad? How many out of over half a million cops throughout America?... No, it's you blacks, with your CRIME RIDDEN tendencies, which statistics PROVE your people cause more than any other ethnic minority, even the Hispanics don't come up to the black crime rate! .... Your just in denial, like ALL the news media about BLACK CRIME!.... They half the time REFUSE to even mention the color of a murderer, or robber, most people KNOW who it is when they don't mention color!

Enough are bad to taint the public's expectations of all the rest, and when a good cop covers and makes excuses for bad cops behavior, they aren't a good cop any more. This is about cops bad behavior. Not just about cops bad behavior toward blacks. Try to understand that. you dumb jerk. By the way......I'm an old white guy who never even met a black person until I was in college, but I got over the racist crap I grew up with. I guess you never will learn better. How does it feel to be one of the last racist idiots before your pathetic group goes extinct?
How are they helping the situation by vehemently, publicly and visibly defying their boss, the mayor of New York City?

They must think that the mayor should pander to their every whim, wish and demand. He doesn't work for the police department, he works the city at large.

Not to mention not setting a good example. They are only making things worse.
Since the 1980s I have been anti Police Unions. The unions suck big time

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