The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

Don't worry,when the Republicans get back in power the Socialist/Progressive Goose Steppers will get back to pretending they oppose this awful stuff. Unfortunately the Neocon Goose Steppers will then get back to defending this awful stuff. It's all just a stupid & childish 'D' & 'R' thing for these silly Goose Steppers. We need more intelligent & brave Americans to stand up against these Government humiliations all the time. Clearly we're not there yet. Hopefully it will happen at some point though. But for right now,it's still a Goose Stepping Nightmare.
Oh look who's been selected as Cry Baby Bitch of the Week! :lol:

Cry Baby Bitch of the Week – Susie Castillo

This Week in Women: Susie Castillo, Katy Perry, and moreThis former Miss USA bitch posted a video on YouTube Wednesday blubbering about being “molested” by a TSA official in Dallas. Apparently she opted out of the full-body scanner and was subject to a patdown by a female employee. Just like the millions of other people who fly every single day. She claims the woman “violated” her, touching her vag four times.

First of all, I’m not sure what this broad’s sex life is like now that she’s post-pageantry, but a little rub down OTP is hardly grounds for a molestation claim. She makes it sound like she was straight up fingerblasted at the baggage claim. Make another video when you at least get to second base and maybe you’ll have my attention. Secondly, she opted for the patdown since she’s a “frequent flyer” and heard that the scanner gives a heavy dose of radiation. Here’s an idea: stop jetting around to C-list events trying to pawn yourself off as a model/actress/TV personality. If you can’t handle a little cancer and the occasional diddling from a woman in uniform, just go ahead and phone it in. I guarantee no one will notice.

Katy Perry news | This Week in Women | Susie Castillo TSA patdown

Nice to see you standing up and condemning men who call women names.
If it is reasonable to expect that terrorists are going to try to blow planes up, then it is reasonable to search people boarding planes.

You rightwingloons asked for this and now you whine about it.

Is it reasonable to stop and search every care on the road if it's reasonable to suspect terrorists won't stop suing car bombs?
If it is reasonable to expect that terrorists are going to try to blow planes up, then it is reasonable to search people boarding planes.

You rightwingloons asked for this and now you whine about it.

Is it reasonable to stop and search every care on the road if it's reasonable to suspect terrorists won't stop suing car bombs?
If it comes to that, here, then yes I imagine cars will get stopped and searched.

They already do random car searches at airports.
How convenient for you that you can completely ignore the point I made and refuse to actually explain how a pat down of anyone is an administrative search of luggage.

There is no mandatory pat-down.

The language you quote is from the description of the legal precedent prior to the ATSA which is based on the search being "no more intrusive or intensive than necessary, in light of current technology, to detect weapons or explosives".

Even prior to the passage of ATSA and the Federalization of the screening work force, Federal courts upheld warrantless searches of carry-on luggage at airports. Courts characterize the routine administrative search conducted at a security checkpoint as a warrantless search, subject to the reasonableness requirements of the Fourth Amendment. Such a warrantless search, also known as an administrative search, is valid under the Fourth Amendment if it is "no more intrusive or intensive than necessary, in light of current technology, to detect weapons or explosives, " confined in good faith to that purpose," and passengers may avoid the search by electing not to fly. [See United States v. Davis, 482 F.2d 893, 908 (9th Cir. 1973)].

While the searches at the airport will be conducted by private screening companies, such searches will continue to be subject to the Fourth Amendment requirements of reasonableness because they are conducted at the instigation of the federal Government and under the authority of federal statutes and regulations governing air passenger screening.

And therein lies the problem: reasonableness. That's the issue. Some believe what the TSA is doing is unreasonable while others believe it is reasonable. And quoting a 1973 case when you know full well that the searches have become much more invasive since then is disingenuous at best.

It is a reference to legal precedent for administrative searches at airports.

I suppose if I cite Roe v Wade that would be considered by you to be a disingenuous reference in a discussion about reproductive rights today? :doubt:

Yes, it comes down to the REASONABLENESS requirement...

This woman could have been reasonable but she chose to freak out while a legal and reasonable search was conducted as a matter of routine procedure...

Now all the anti TSA drama queens are stepping right in line to help drum up their disingenuous propaganda...

Oh isn't it so awful in America today you have to go through security screenings at airports, the brown shirts are coming wa wa!

Castillo, an actress and former MTV VJ, made a YouTube video of her ordeal, tearily complaining that a female screener repeatedly touched her inappropriately during a full body frisking.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would make me cry,” she said in the video. “I’m really really upset that, as an American, I have to go through this. I do feel violated. This woman touched my vagina four times.”

Castillo said she was told she would have to undergo a pat down after she declined to go through the body scanner.

“I’ve read so many terrible things and I travel so much. . . . I don’t want to get more radiated than I already do,” she said. “That’s why I’m crying, that’s why I’m so upset. They’re making me choose to either get molested, because that’s what I feel like, or go through this machine that’s completely unhealthy and dangerous. That’s why I’m crying.”

Susie Castillo: I was ‘molested’ in a pat down by airport security -

Too bad what she feels and what she thinks have no basis in reality...

28 Mar 2011

* Study indicates radiation fears are overblown

* Exposure is 50 times less than 1 dental X-ray

Airport scanners are an "extremely low" source of radiation exposure that poses virtually no health risk, not even to frequent air travelers, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Dr. Stephen Machnicki of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who was not involved in the study, said the radiation from one of these scanners is less than what someone would get just by taking a cross-country flight.

"Hopefully it will help them to overcome their fears of going through the scanners, Machnicki said.

Smith-Bindman -- who has published several studies on cancer risks from overuse of medical imaging -- said the risk from airport scanners is trivial.

"If you compare it to a CT scan, you need to go through an airport scanner 200,000 times to be equivalent to the dose of one CT," she said.

Radiation from airport scanners very low -US study - AlertNet

As I have posted before, the claims that scanners are safe rely on assumptions that may, or may not, be true. A new idea just popped up that may prove those assumptions wrong.

That debate is likely to flare following the publication today of some new ideas on this topic from Bill Bruno, a theoretical biologist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

The big question is whether signals from cell phones or cell phone towers can damage biological tissue.

On the one hand, there is a substantial body of evidence in which cell phone signals have supposedly influenced human health and behaviour. The list of symptoms includes depression, sleep loss, changes in brain metabolism, headaches and so on.

On the other hand, there is a substantial body of epidemiological evidence that finds no connection between adverse health effects and cell phone exposure.

What's more, physicists point out that the radiation emitted by cell phones cannot damage biological tissue because microwave photons do not have enough energy to break chemical bonds.

The absence of a mechanism that can do damage means that microwave photons must be safe, they say.

That's been a powerful argument. Until now.

Today, Bruno points out that there is another way in which photons could damage biological tissue, which has not yet been accounted for.

He argues that the traditional argument only applies when the number of photons is less than one in a volume of space equivalent to a cubic wavelength.

Cell Phones, Microwaves And The Human Health Threat - Technology Review

Not to mention other experts that I have posted before point out that the specific type of radiation used in the backscatter X-ray scanners has never been adequately tested, and can present hazards specifically because it is designed to bounce off of soft tissue. Maybe in 15 or 20 years we will have the knowledge to give a preliminary opinion on how safe these scanners are, right now all we have is assumptions based on a null hypothesis.
Oh look who's been selected as Cry Baby Bitch of the Week! :lol:

Cry Baby Bitch of the Week – Susie Castillo

This Week in Women: Susie Castillo, Katy Perry, and moreThis former Miss USA bitch posted a video on YouTube Wednesday blubbering about being “molested” by a TSA official in Dallas. Apparently she opted out of the full-body scanner and was subject to a patdown by a female employee. Just like the millions of other people who fly every single day. She claims the woman “violated” her, touching her vag four times.

First of all, I’m not sure what this broad’s sex life is like now that she’s post-pageantry, but a little rub down OTP is hardly grounds for a molestation claim. She makes it sound like she was straight up fingerblasted at the baggage claim. Make another video when you at least get to second base and maybe you’ll have my attention. Secondly, she opted for the patdown since she’s a “frequent flyer” and heard that the scanner gives a heavy dose of radiation. Here’s an idea: stop jetting around to C-list events trying to pawn yourself off as a model/actress/TV personality. If you can’t handle a little cancer and the occasional diddling from a woman in uniform, just go ahead and phone it in. I guarantee no one will notice.

Katy Perry news | This Week in Women | Susie Castillo TSA patdown

Nice to see you standing up and condemning men who call women names.

:lol: I thought it was funny.

Are you able to stick to the subject without trying to attack me personally? :eusa_whistle:
I actually can't wait for the Republicans to get back in power. Because then you'll quickly see how dishonest & hypocritical the Socialist/Progressive Goose Steppers really are. They will immediately get back to pretending they care about these humiliations. Just like some Neocon Goose Steppers are doing right now. Just more silly 'D' & 'R' shit from these people. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses all the time. It shouldn't matter whether it's a 'D' or 'R' doing it. Time for Americans to grow up and then stand up.
Why are TSA just out there mauling people? we are people not animals or husks!

She was not "mauled" or "molested" or "groped" or "fondled" or "touched inappropriately"... Those words are gross mischaracterizations of the truth of the matter. She was patted-down as a matter of procedure because she refused to go through the x-ray scanner... Nothing more.

How do you know that? It is entirely possible that this happened exactly the way she said it did, and that the TSA will not only back her up, they will fire the person who searched her for inappropriate conduct after an investigation. Your blanket defense of the TSA even without any evidence even though some TSOs have been criminally charged just makes you look foolish. I am willing to admit that it might not have happened the way described, but if it did it was sexual assault.
I actually can't wait for the Republicans to get back in power. Because then you'll quickly see how dishonest & hypocritical the Socialist/Progressive Goose Steppers really are. They will immediately get back to pretending they care about these humiliations. Just like some Neocon Goose Steppers are doing right now. Just more silly 'D' & 'R' shit from these people. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses all the time. It shouldn't matter whether it's a 'D' or 'R' doing it. Time for Americans to grow up and then stand up.

100% correct this is nothing but an abuse of power and it does not matter in the slightest who is responsible for it Right Left Up Down it doesn't matter. The event that took place ten years ago has Nothing at all to do with what is taking place today.
Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

There was no illegal search...

No of course not Reasonable search always means having your genitals fondled....Forgive me I forgot that's the standard for Responsible Search

how funny. you get all faux-offended that someone presumed that this woman had an ulterior motive in asking for the patdown yet accuse a TSA agent of sexual misconduct with no charges filed. no formal allegations made. nothing.

yet you'd go on a rampage?

again, the search was not illegal. you do understand, don't you, that the word "illegal" has to have some basis in law and not be based on your own "opinion"?
If that is sexual assault, then every cop that's ever patted down an 'arrestee' is guilty of sexual assault. Granted, I don't like the physical searches, but sexual assault? Naaaw. I actually feel sorry for some of the TSA employees for having to do these body searches. If you're a female TSA agent, I'm pretty sure you don't want to run your hand down the crack of another woman's butt. Ditto for guys searching other guys.

You do understand these people are not "cops" they are at best Mall Security guards paid on the Public dime given a pretty badge and allowed to do what ever the hell they want.

The part you're missing is that the TSA agents have been given the same authority as cops when it comes to searching people. So, yes, in this instances, they are cops.

No they have not. LEOs need probable cause to search you, the TSA takes authority from the fact that you are in an area they control, not from probable cause. They actually have more power than police in that regard.
There was no illegal search...


:lol: I really have to wonder if people are just being deliberately dense on this.

they're not dense at all. they know exactly what they're doing. they want Arabs and black muslims to be profiled and subjected to searches while white people walk past screening.

they shriek about "illegal" search, yet refuse to respond when it is pointed out that a) they have no right to fly; and b) the 4th only prohibits UNREASONABLE searches.

that kind of flummoxes the propagandists.
You do understand these people are not "cops" they are at best Mall Security guards paid on the Public dime given a pretty badge and allowed to do what ever the hell they want.

The part you're missing is that the TSA agents have been given the same authority as cops when it comes to searching people. So, yes, in this instances, they are cops.

No they have not. LEOs need probable cause to search you, the TSA takes authority from the fact that you are in an area they control, not from probable cause. They actually have more power than police in that regard.

you're an idiot.
That of course is not the case at all as an American citizen I take a great deal of exception to our Government employing what amounts to Brown Shirts to Illegally Search our Population who is doing nothing more then traveling to a destination under the pretense of protecting our population from an event that took place 10 years ago

That is correct. The only reason some of the people here are defending the TSA is because they are Obamabots and since Obama says this is okay then it must be fine. Most likely they were up in arms when Bush introduced the Patriot Act (as was I), but since he was a Republican it had to be bad. (Of course, since Obama continued the Patriot Act, maybe they're okay with it now. :confused:) Anyway, I guess we'll still have to be the sheepdogs for all these sheep in America. At least until Atlas shrugs.
The Patriot Act is an entirely different subject.

How? Both of these are the result of idiots over reacting to a single event, and we still suffer a loss of our civil liberties as a result. What, exactly, makes them different?
There was no illegal search...

....again, the search was not illegal. you do understand, don't you, that the word "illegal" has to have some basis in law and not be based on your own "opinion"?

People are so stupid.

Why can't they understand that the Constitution authorizes TSA stormtroopers to tamper with their "vi-jay-jays" in the name of national security.

Why are TSA just out there mauling people? we are people not animals or husks!

She was not "mauled" or "molested" or "groped" or "fondled" or "touched inappropriately"... Those words are gross mischaracterizations of the truth of the matter. She was patted-down as a matter of procedure because she refused to go through the x-ray scanner... Nothing more.

How do you know that? It is entirely possible that this happened exactly the way she said it did, and that the TSA will not only back her up, they will fire the person who searched her for inappropriate conduct after an investigation. Your blanket defense of the TSA even without any evidence even though some TSOs have been criminally charged just makes you look foolish. I am willing to admit that it might not have happened the way described, but if it did it was sexual assault.

The drama queen said herself that the woman screener patted her up and down front and back with the back of her hand, then she proceeded to over dramatized and mischaracterized what really happened as if it was a sexual molestation. Just like you, she believed the screening was a violation and molestation before the woman even touched her. It's a blatant set-up to undermine the Transportation Safety Authority, IMO.
She was not "mauled" or "molested" or "groped" or "fondled" or "touched inappropriately"... Those words are gross mischaracterizations of the truth of the matter. She was patted-down as a matter of procedure because she refused to go through the x-ray scanner... Nothing more.

How do you know that? It is entirely possible that this happened exactly the way she said it did, and that the TSA will not only back her up, they will fire the person who searched her for inappropriate conduct after an investigation. Your blanket defense of the TSA even without any evidence even though some TSOs have been criminally charged just makes you look foolish. I am willing to admit that it might not have happened the way described, but if it did it was sexual assault.

The drama queen said herself that the woman screener patted her up and down front and back with the back of her hand, then she proceeded to over dramatized and mischaracterized what really happened as if it was a sexual molestation. Just like you, she believed the screening was a violation and molestation before the woman even touched her. It's a blatant set-up to undermine the Transportation Safety Authority, IMO.

Oh so now the lady set it all up to make Obama look bad right?...unreal...

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