The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

Is that what's really happening? :lol: I doubt that would be PC...

How convenient for you that you can completely ignore the point I made and refuse to actually explain how a pat down of anyone is an administrative search of luggage.

There is no mandatory pat-down.

The language you quote is from the description of the legal precedent prior to the ATSA which is based on the search being "no more intrusive or intensive than necessary, in light of current technology, to detect weapons or explosives".

Even prior to the passage of ATSA and the Federalization of the screening work force, Federal courts upheld warrantless searches of carry-on luggage at airports. Courts characterize the routine administrative search conducted at a security checkpoint as a warrantless search, subject to the reasonableness requirements of the Fourth Amendment. Such a warrantless search, also known as an administrative search, is valid under the Fourth Amendment if it is "no more intrusive or intensive than necessary, in light of current technology, to detect weapons or explosives, " confined in good faith to that purpose," and passengers may avoid the search by electing not to fly. [See United States v. Davis, 482 F.2d 893, 908 (9th Cir. 1973)].

While the searches at the airport will be conducted by private screening companies, such searches will continue to be subject to the Fourth Amendment requirements of reasonableness because they are conducted at the instigation of the federal Government and under the authority of federal statutes and regulations governing air passenger screening.

No mandatory pat down? Are you saying this did not happen?

[ame=]YouTube - TSA harassing and searching a 9 year old[/ame]

If so you should inform the TSA website that they have it wrong when they explain what happened and how it was not meant to ensnare people who were getting off the train.

You defense of the TSA is predicated on an erroneous assumption that they only search people who get on planes. My attack of them is based on the knowledge that they intend to expand their authority into every part of our lives and fully intend to search people even if they board subways, trains, and buses.

TSA chief John Pistole to put priority on rail, subways -
Random Pat-Downs Turn PATCO Into Police State | NBC Philadelphia
TSA conducts security sweep at Knoxville Greyhound station

I prefer to speak up now and stop them from doing what they are before they grab the authority to strip search me anywhere in public.
Well, if you are referring to me, I'm not defending anything...I refuse to fly now....but I have a problem with someone thinking they don't have to do what the "little people do" because they were Miss U.S.A.....big whoop!

Jealous much?

(Personally, I'm shocked that you weren't a beauty queen _ SHOCKED I tells ya..)

Why do leftist women look like this?


It's the ugliness inside shining through.
If it is reasonable to expect that terrorists are going to try to blow planes up, then it is reasonable to search people boarding planes.

You rightwingloons asked for this and now you whine about it.


I do not think it is reasonable to expect terrorist to blow up planes. Personally I not only find that unreasonable, I find it abhorrent, disgusting, and an assault on common decency. Maybe you should stop finding terrorisim reasonable and start fighting it whenever and wherever you can.

That is exactly what is happening.

just for some thought.

You need a judges order to let LEO search your home and it must show exactly what they are searching for.
Even if you are pulled over by a LEO for breaking some law, he cannot search your car unless there is probable cause TO search your car...and even then it must hold up in court.

No, I've already thought about it plenty and in fact there is a BIG legal difference between an administrative search for weapons prior to boarding a commercial jetliner vs a search by LEO of your car or your house...

Only in the mind of people who think that the government should have the power to ignore the Constitution when it is inconvenient.

I know you'd really like to make it all about me and my mind and who I voted for, or what I joke about, but really, try to focus on the legal precedent and forget about getting personal as if anyone who disagrees with you is some sort of blind sheep or goose stepper Patriot Act hypocrite or whatever else you all have to make up in order to feel like you've made a point.

Routine TSA screenings are in fact legal and reasonable searches. If you go through the x-ray scanner, which the science proves is not a health hazard, you are not required to be pat-down. This woman OPTED to be pat-down and then whipped out her camera for the drama scene just so she could get her 15 minutes of fame on YouTube.
If it is reasonable to expect that terrorists are going to try to blow planes up, then it is reasonable to search people boarding planes.

You rightwingloons asked for this and now you whine about it.


I do not think it is reasonable to expect terrorist to blow up planes. Personally I not only find that unreasonable, I find it abhorrent, disgusting, and an assault on common decency. Maybe you should stop finding terrorisim reasonable and start fighting it whenever and wherever you can.
Way to twist what I said.


You're the terrorist lover, btw...always whining about things that didn't happen and pushing to allow terrorists to carry bombs aboard planes.

How much does AQ pay you to spam the boards with your bullshit?
How do you know that? It is entirely possible that this happened exactly the way she said it did, and that the TSA will not only back her up, they will fire the person who searched her for inappropriate conduct after an investigation. Your blanket defense of the TSA even without any evidence even though some TSOs have been criminally charged just makes you look foolish. I am willing to admit that it might not have happened the way described, but if it did it was sexual assault.

The drama queen said herself that the woman screener patted her up and down front and back with the back of her hand, then she proceeded to over dramatized and mischaracterized what really happened as if it was a sexual molestation. Just like you, she believed the screening was a violation and molestation before the woman even touched her. It's a blatant set-up to undermine the Transportation Safety Authority, IMO.

Oh so now the lady set it all up to make Obama look bad right?...unreal...

Dude, I can't stand Obama, so stop looking for an easy way out.
Wow, liberals defending this is beyond words... Now if this were under Bush I get the odd feeling yall be off the fuckin hook~

Whatever, get back to cheerleading Obama's 4 wars.

Well, if you are referring to me, I'm not defending anything...I refuse to fly now....but I have a problem with someone thinking they don't have to do what the "little people do" because they were Miss U.S.A.....big whoop!

I fly just for the sex that comes with check in.
Well, if you are referring to me, I'm not defending anything...I refuse to fly now....but I have a problem with someone thinking they don't have to do what the "little people do" because they were Miss U.S.A.....big whoop!

Jealous much?

(Personally, I'm shocked that you weren't a beauty queen _ SHOCKED I tells ya..)

Why do leftist women look like this?


It's the ugliness inside shining through.

Talk about the ugliness of the Left...

She was not "mauled" or "molested" or "groped" or "fondled" or "touched inappropriately"... Those words are gross mischaracterizations of the truth of the matter. She was patted-down as a matter of procedure because she refused to go through the x-ray scanner... Nothing more.

How do you know that? It is entirely possible that this happened exactly the way she said it did, and that the TSA will not only back her up, they will fire the person who searched her for inappropriate conduct after an investigation. Your blanket defense of the TSA even without any evidence even though some TSOs have been criminally charged just makes you look foolish. I am willing to admit that it might not have happened the way described, but if it did it was sexual assault.

The drama queen said herself that the woman screener patted her up and down front and back with the back of her hand, then she proceeded to over dramatized and mischaracterized what really happened as if it was a sexual molestation. Just like you, she believed the screening was a violation and molestation before the woman even touched her. It's a blatant set-up to undermine the Transportation Safety Authority, IMO.

TSA guidelines for pat downs state that they may include sensitive areas of the body.

A pat-down inspection complements the hand-wand inspection. In order to ensure security, this inspection may include sensitive areas of the body. Security Officers are rigorously trained to maintain the highest levels of professionalism. You may request that your pat-down inspection be conducted in private.

TSA: Passenger Security Checkpoints

They are supposed to differ from airport to airport.

The TSA Blog: Enhanced Pat-downs

TSOs believe the guidelines are specifically designed to make opting out of scanners unpleasant, and that the pat down is supposed to continue up your leg until it meets resistance.

TSA Meets "Resistance" with New Pat-Down Procedures » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Please explain to me, given the actual words from the TSA, I should assume that this woman's vagina was not touched by the person that conducted the pat down, even though it did not happen when she went through a search in LA? I think the burden of proof lies on you here, since you are insisting it is absolutely impossible for this to have happened, even by accident or malicious intent of a rogue screener.
Well, if you are referring to me, I'm not defending anything...I refuse to fly now....but I have a problem with someone thinking they don't have to do what the "little people do" because they were Miss U.S.A.....big whoop!

Jealous much?

(Personally, I'm shocked that you weren't a beauty queen _ SHOCKED I tells ya..)

Why do leftist women look like this?


It's the ugliness inside shining through.

Talk about the ugliness of the Left...


Geez, what brand of makeup could help that? Sakreet?
No, I've already thought about it plenty and in fact there is a BIG legal difference between an administrative search for weapons prior to boarding a commercial jetliner vs a search by LEO of your car or your house...

Only in the mind of people who think that the government should have the power to ignore the Constitution when it is inconvenient.

I know you'd really like to make it all about me and my mind and who I voted for, or what I joke about, but really, try to focus on the legal precedent and forget about getting personal as if anyone who disagrees with you is some sort of blind sheep or goose stepper Patriot Act hypocrite or whatever else you all have to make up in order to feel like you've made a point.

Routine TSA screenings are in fact legal and reasonable searches. If you go through the x-ray scanner, which the science proves is not a health hazard, you are not required to be pat-down. This woman OPTED to be pat-down and then whipped out her camera for the drama scene just so she could get her 15 minutes of fame on YouTube.

How is my comment in any way making it all about you. I was actually referring to the conservative block on SCOTUS that has dedicated themselves to chipping away at our rights over the years, carving out exceptions to the Bill of Rights, and giving the government more power at every opportunity. If you want to lump yourself in with them, feel free. Personally, I think you are smarter than that.
She's alluding to the underlying anti TSA agenda for profiling rather than screening...

I see the tie to Timothy McVeigh - oh wait, can't see what doesn't exist.

She was mindlessly flinging feces in hopes of distracting from the subject.

Fact is, Jillian ain't the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, if you know what I mean.
Well, if you are referring to me, I'm not defending anything...I refuse to fly now....but I have a problem with someone thinking they don't have to do what the "little people do" because they were Miss U.S.A.....big whoop!

Jealous much?

(Personally, I'm shocked that you weren't a beauty queen _ SHOCKED I tells ya..)

Why do leftist women look like this?


It's the ugliness inside shining through.

liberal women look like this:


and this


and this


you don't get laid much, do you?
How do you know that? It is entirely possible that this happened exactly the way she said it did, and that the TSA will not only back her up, they will fire the person who searched her for inappropriate conduct after an investigation. Your blanket defense of the TSA even without any evidence even though some TSOs have been criminally charged just makes you look foolish. I am willing to admit that it might not have happened the way described, but if it did it was sexual assault.

The drama queen said herself that the woman screener patted her up and down front and back with the back of her hand, then she proceeded to over dramatized and mischaracterized what really happened as if it was a sexual molestation. Just like you, she believed the screening was a violation and molestation before the woman even touched her. It's a blatant set-up to undermine the Transportation Safety Authority, IMO.

TSA guidelines for pat downs state that they may include sensitive areas of the body.

A pat-down inspection complements the hand-wand inspection. In order to ensure security, this inspection may include sensitive areas of the body. Security Officers are rigorously trained to maintain the highest levels of professionalism. You may request that your pat-down inspection be conducted in private.

TSA: Passenger Security Checkpoints

They are supposed to differ from airport to airport.

The TSA Blog: Enhanced Pat-downs

TSOs believe the guidelines are specifically designed to make opting out of scanners unpleasant, and that the pat down is supposed to continue up your leg until it meets resistance.

TSA Meets "Resistance" with New Pat-Down Procedures » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Please explain to me, given the actual words from the TSA, I should assume that this woman's vagina was not touched by the person that conducted the pat down, even though it did not happen when she went through a search in LA? I think the burden of proof lies on you here, since you are insisting it is absolutely impossible for this to have happened, even by accident or malicious intent of a rogue screener.

Stop trying to put words in my mouth. The woman patted her down with the back of her hand until she met resistance in her crotch area. Up and down, front and back with the back of her hand as a matter of routine procedure. "That woman touched my vagina 4 times! wa!" It was not a sexual act and it is blatantly dishonest to describe it as such.
Well, if you are referring to me, I'm not defending anything...I refuse to fly now....but I have a problem with someone thinking they don't have to do what the "little people do" because they were Miss U.S.A.....big whoop!

Jealous much?

(Personally, I'm shocked that you weren't a beauty queen _ SHOCKED I tells ya..)

Why do leftist women look like this?


It's the ugliness inside shining through.

liberal women look like this:


and this


and this


you don't get laid much, do you?
the middle one is kind of cute

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