The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

liberal women look like this:


Who said:

{“Our country is founded on a sham: our forefathers were slave-owning rich white guys who wanted it their way. So when I see the American flag, I go, ‘Oh my God, you’re insulting me.’ That you can have a gay parade on Christopher Street in New York, with naked men and women on a float cheering, ‘We’re here, we’re queer!’ — that’s what makes my heart swell. Not the flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride.”}

And this


Who said:

{“Bush’s actions remind me of Herman Goering’s quote during the Nuremberg Trials, where he stated: ‘…it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.’”}

And this


Who said:

{…if Palin ever visited New York, she would be “gang-raped by my big black brothers.”}

The ugliness of you on the left comes from the inside. You are hated-filled and bitter. Leftism is ultimately a political system for those who have a hatred for life and the living.

you don't get laid much, do you?

No, you can't sniff my underwear. (I'm not a lefty, so I don't wear panties...)
It is the anti TSA people who are drumming up personal drama and trying to create public fear as if "the brown shirts" are coming to get you, not the other way around...

That of course is not the case at all as an American citizen I take a great deal of exception to our Government employing what amounts to Brown Shirts to Illegally Search our Population who is doing nothing more then traveling to a destination under the pretense of protecting our population from an event that took place 10 years ago

Except administrative searches at airports are legally considered to be reasonable searches under the 4th amendment, so once again you grossly mischaracterize the truth of the matter.

Calling a TSA agent sticking her hand into a woman's underwear an administrative search somehow doesn't make it feel different from groping.
That of course is not the case at all as an American citizen I take a great deal of exception to our Government employing what amounts to Brown Shirts to Illegally Search our Population who is doing nothing more then traveling to a destination under the pretense of protecting our population from an event that took place 10 years ago

That is correct. The only reason some of the people here are defending the TSA is because they are Obamabots and since Obama says this is okay then it must be fine. Most likely they were up in arms when Bush introduced the Patriot Act (as was I), but since he was a Republican it had to be bad. (Of course, since Obama continued the Patriot Act, maybe they're okay with it now. :confused:) Anyway, I guess we'll still have to be the sheepdogs for all these sheep in America. At least until Atlas shrugs.
The Patriot Act is an entirely different subject.

Abso-friggin-lutely! It was put in force by the evil Bush.
Bush violates your rights to prevent another attack and he's evil.
Obama has some $8/hour hobby-cop rub your genitles for an illusion of safety and it's a completely legal "Administrative Search" BULLSHIT.
Maybe these same defenders of the Rent a sexual assault Cop can explain why its taken ten years to implement this assault on our Traveling population. Pretty thin justification IMO to sexually assault people based on an event that took place 10 years ago.

Especially since its been the left that has told our population that there wasn't any threat to start with and that the attacks that took place according to the left were actually attacks done by BOOOOSHH.
Maybe these same defenders of the Rent a sexual assault Cop can explain why its taken ten years to implement this assault on our Traveling population. Pretty thin justification IMO to sexually assault people based on an event that took place 10 years ago.

Especially since its been the left that has told our population that there wasn't any threat to start with and that the attacks that took place according to the left were actually attacks done by BOOOOSHH.

It took ten years because when we didn't check peoples shoes, someone tried to sneak on a shoe bomb. When we didn't check peoples underwear, someone tried to sneak on an underwear bomb
Maybe these same defenders of the Rent a sexual assault Cop can explain why its taken ten years to implement this assault on our Traveling population. Pretty thin justification IMO to sexually assault people based on an event that took place 10 years ago.

Especially since its been the left that has told our population that there wasn't any threat to start with and that the attacks that took place according to the left were actually attacks done by BOOOOSHH.

It took ten years because when we didn't check peoples shoes, someone tried to sneak on a shoe bomb. When we didn't check peoples underwear, someone tried to sneak on an underwear bomb

rectal bomb?

if they can get drugs into prison that way and they can make a bomb the same size and shape...
Maybe these same defenders of the Rent a sexual assault Cop can explain why its taken ten years to implement this assault on our Traveling population. Pretty thin justification IMO to sexually assault people based on an event that took place 10 years ago.

Especially since its been the left that has told our population that there wasn't any threat to start with and that the attacks that took place according to the left were actually attacks done by BOOOOSHH.

It took ten years because when we didn't check peoples shoes, someone tried to sneak on a shoe bomb. When we didn't check peoples underwear, someone tried to sneak on an underwear bomb

rectal bomb?

if they can get drugs into prison that way and they can make a bomb the same size and shape...

Sure if you're keen on burning your ass then ya that's the way to do it but that's about all its going to do
The drama queen said herself that the woman screener patted her up and down front and back with the back of her hand, then she proceeded to over dramatized and mischaracterized what really happened as if it was a sexual molestation. Just like you, she believed the screening was a violation and molestation before the woman even touched her. It's a blatant set-up to undermine the Transportation Safety Authority, IMO.

TSA guidelines for pat downs state that they may include sensitive areas of the body.

A pat-down inspection complements the hand-wand inspection. In order to ensure security, this inspection may include sensitive areas of the body. Security Officers are rigorously trained to maintain the highest levels of professionalism. You may request that your pat-down inspection be conducted in private.
TSA: Passenger Security Checkpoints

They are supposed to differ from airport to airport.

The TSA Blog: Enhanced Pat-downs

TSOs believe the guidelines are specifically designed to make opting out of scanners unpleasant, and that the pat down is supposed to continue up your leg until it meets resistance.

TSA Meets "Resistance" with New Pat-Down Procedures » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Please explain to me, given the actual words from the TSA, I should assume that this woman's vagina was not touched by the person that conducted the pat down, even though it did not happen when she went through a search in LA? I think the burden of proof lies on you here, since you are insisting it is absolutely impossible for this to have happened, even by accident or malicious intent of a rogue screener.

Stop trying to put words in my mouth. The woman patted her down with the back of her hand until she met resistance in her crotch area. Up and down, front and back with the back of her hand as a matter of routine procedure. "That woman touched my vagina 4 times! wa!" It was not a sexual act and it is blatantly dishonest to describe it as such.

I hate to point out the obvious, but even if you are correct about using the back of the hands, that is not the part of the hand that meets resistance. Regardless, current law in Texas calls any contact with the genital area that is not consensual on the part of the person receiving it sexual assault. It might not have been intended to be sexual, but intent is irrelevant under the law, all that matters is results.
Attention attention attention........if they accidentally touch my boob....well so what.....not the first time....not the last....
wah, I was Miss USA I should be treated differently. I flew last month, I got patted down once, the TSA touched my balls a few times through my clothes. BIg fucking deal, I'm an adult I can handle an accidental grope.
notwithstanding the story as it was told in the OP, I must disagree with your premise that we all must bow down to the demands of government.
Too many of you folks are willing to go along with these intrusions on our liberties "just to avoid the hassle". That is precisely on what the government is counting. Conformity created by fear. You are afraid of your government.
wah, I was Miss USA I should be treated differently. I flew last month, I got patted down once, the TSA touched my balls a few times through my clothes. BIg fucking deal, I'm an adult I can handle an accidental grope.
notwithstanding the story as it was told in the OP, I must disagree with your premise that we all must bow down to the demands of government.
Too many of you folks are willing to go along with these intrusions on our liberties "just to avoid the hassle". That is precisely on what the government is counting. Conformity created by fear. You are afraid of your government.

No, you are unreasonably afraid of a security check at the airport, the authority of which stands no other grounds than to protect the airplane and it's passengers.
wah, I was Miss USA I should be treated differently. I flew last month, I got patted down once, the TSA touched my balls a few times through my clothes. BIg fucking deal, I'm an adult I can handle an accidental grope.
notwithstanding the story as it was told in the OP, I must disagree with your premise that we all must bow down to the demands of government.
Too many of you folks are willing to go along with these intrusions on our liberties "just to avoid the hassle". That is precisely on what the government is counting. Conformity created by fear. You are afraid of your government.

Sounds reasonable...

Now, if you can only get terrorists to agree not to smuggle explosives in peoples underwear, sounds like we got a plan
:lol: So who is stopping you?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

only nazis are nazis. when america starts marching people into concentration camps and sending them to ovens, talk to me about nazis.

fascism has a particular definition which is not only authoritarian, which i think you want to say. fascism has to do with the inter-relationship between corporations and government, which is for another thread.

personally, i couldn't care less if you don't like being searched. i don't want you on my plane if you haven't been.

and there isn't any constitutional right to fly, last i checked.

so while i know this issue makes you cranky, perhaps keeping it in perspective, despite the dishonest propagandists, would be a good idea.

and for the record, valerie is one of the more mellow and moderate people on the board. calling her a nazi is particularly silly.
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:lol: So who is stopping you?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

You've just have to shake your at these goose stepping defenders. I can't wait until the resident has been removed. Just watch these same idiots start screaming bloody murder about their 'Loss of Freedoms' just as they did last time. Today we see real abuse's against the people of our nation and these idiots remain silent.

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