The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

TSA guidelines for pat downs state that they may include sensitive areas of the body.

TSA: Passenger Security Checkpoints

They are supposed to differ from airport to airport.

The TSA Blog: Enhanced Pat-downs

TSOs believe the guidelines are specifically designed to make opting out of scanners unpleasant, and that the pat down is supposed to continue up your leg until it meets resistance.

TSA Meets "Resistance" with New Pat-Down Procedures » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Please explain to me, given the actual words from the TSA, I should assume that this woman's vagina was not touched by the person that conducted the pat down, even though it did not happen when she went through a search in LA? I think the burden of proof lies on you here, since you are insisting it is absolutely impossible for this to have happened, even by accident or malicious intent of a rogue screener.

Stop trying to put words in my mouth. The woman patted her down with the back of her hand until she met resistance in her crotch area. Up and down, front and back with the back of her hand as a matter of routine procedure. "That woman touched my vagina 4 times! wa!" It was not a sexual act and it is blatantly dishonest to describe it as such.

I hate to point out the obvious, but even if you are correct about using the back of the hands, that is not the part of the hand that meets resistance. Regardless, current law in Texas calls any contact with the genital area that is not consensual on the part of the person receiving it sexual assault. It might not have been intended to be sexual, but intent is irrelevant under the law, all that matters is results.

The "consent" to be pat-down is in the choice to take the flight while refusing the x-ray scanner.
:lol: So who is stopping you?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

You've just have to shake your at these goose stepping defenders. I can't wait until the resident has been removed. Just watch these same idiots start screaming bloody murder about their 'Loss of Freedoms' just as they did last time. Today we see real abuse's against the people of our nation and these idiots remain silent.

What are you even talking about???
Damn, I missed a prime opportunity for a goose stepper spoof in the 4F's yesterday... Guess I'll have to wait 'til next week. :laugh:
More of the idiocy of everyone or no one.

Funny how Israeli airport security doesn't have to grope people to have the safest airline in the world.
fascism has a particular definition which is not only authoritarian, which i think you want to say. fascism has to do with the inter-relationship between corporations and business, which is for another thread.

Michael Chertoff..... Rapiscan.... You do the math.

personally, i couldn't care less if you don't like being searched. i don't want you on my plane if you haven't been.

Never said I had a problem being searched. This is the fallacy that authoritarian supporters keep spreading. The problem people have is with the methods.

and there isn't any constitutional right to fly, last i checked.

The SCOTUS has ruled that Americans have a right to travel freely throughout the U.S.

and for the record, valerie is one of the more mellow and moderate people on the board. calling her a nazi is particularly silly.

When did I call Valerie a Nazi?
March 23, 2010

President Obama's nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration told Congress on Tuesday he wants U.S. airport security to more closely resemble security at Israeli airports, where officers engage travelers in conversations and questions to determine whether they are a threat to aircraft.

"We should move even closer to an Israeli model where there's more engagement with passengers," Robert Harding told members of the Senate Commerce Committee.

The Israeli system, marked by its aggressive questioning of passengers, is praised by many security experts as one of the most secure in the world. But it also is criticized by some civil rights and privacy advocates because Israeli officials profile passengers, ask intrusive questions and sometimes prevent people from flying.

At Tuesday's confirmation hearing, shortened so senators could attend the president's health care bill signing ceremony, Harding endorsed the use of full-body imagers at airports.

TSA nominee wants to move airport screening closer to 'Israeli model' - CNN

I would object more to aggressive questioning than physical screening.

I really think people should get over it and just go through the scanner if they want to avoid being pat down or questioned further...
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Except she wasn't really fondled... :doubt: She's a not too bright drama queen.

So if a guy walks up to you and grabs your cooch you're just fine with that, huh? You aren't really being fondled.

I do that all the time. If they have a bumper sticker of a Democrat politician on their car, I just tell them I'm from the TSA and I have to grab their cooch. Works like a charm.
When did I call Valerie a Nazi?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

Close enough! :lol:

And yet I never said you were a Nazi, did I. I said you were no different than the appeasers who did nothing to stop them.
When did I call Valerie a Nazi?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

Close enough! :lol:

And yet I never said you were a Nazi, did I. I said you were no different than the appeasers who did nothing to stop them.

It's still silly either way...

:lol: So who is stopping you?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

only nazis are nazis. when america starts marching people into concentration camps and sending them to ovens, talk to me about nazis.

fascism has a particular definition which is not only authoritarian, which i think you want to say. fascism has to do with the inter-relationship between corporations and business, which is for another thread.

personally, i couldn't care less if you don't like being searched. i don't want you on my plane if you haven't been.

and there isn't any constitutional right to fly, last i checked.

so while i know this issue makes you cranky, perhaps keeping it in perspective, despite the dishonest propagandists, would be a good idea.

and for the record, valerie is one of the more mellow and moderate people on the board. calling her a nazi is particularly silly.

March 23, 2010

President Obama's nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration told Congress on Tuesday he wants U.S. airport security to more closely resemble security at Israeli airports, where officers engage travelers in conversations and questions to determine whether they are a threat to aircraft.

"We should move even closer to an Israeli model where there's more engagement with passengers," Robert Harding told members of the Senate Commerce Committee.

The Israeli system, marked by its aggressive questioning of passengers, is praised by many security experts as one of the most secure in the world. But it also is criticized by some civil rights and privacy advocates because Israeli officials profile passengers, ask intrusive questions and sometimes prevent people from flying.

At Tuesday's confirmation hearing, shortened so senators could attend the president's health care bill signing ceremony, Harding endorsed the use of full-body imagers at airports.

TSA nominee wants to move airport screening closer to 'Israeli model' - CNN

I would object more to aggressive questioning than physical screening.

I really think people should get over it and just go through the scanner if they want to avoid being pat down or questioned further...

No kidding. Amazing how prudish some suddenly have became huh? I bet the exact same people who object some TSA screener possibly seeing them naked on a scanner display have a porn website open on their browser right now LOL.

Seriously, walk through the scanner if the TSA at that point does something illegal with your images then you have cause to complain.

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