The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

Federal law ALWAYS take precedence. Meaning if state law were to define these pat downs as sexual assault, while federal law specifically allowed them to happen, the state law would be meaningless.

If federal law always took precedence federal law would make it illegal to go faster than 55 in every single state in the union. Some states have decided that they do not like that particular law, and choose to do without highway funds rather than allow the federal government to dictate their laws.

You're not very smart. The very law which set the federal speed limit in fact gave states the choice of setting their own speed limits and not receiving federal funding. So by doing so, they were NOT violating the law. They were in full compliance.

National Maximum Speed Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if that caveat had not been allowed under the law and states had done so anyway, they would have been violating the Supremacy Clause.

I understand now, you insist on proving that you chose the name TheBrian because you are just like the mouse in the old cartoon, and Pinky is actually the smart one.

Even when federal law does not give the state a choice they can still ignore it. This is proven every single day, because federal law makes all possession of marijuana a criminal act, and makes possession with the intent to sell or distribute it a felony. None the less, many states allow people to not only possess marijuana for medical purposes, which federal law does not recognize, they can also sell and distribute it.

Federal law takes precedent if their is a direct conflict. If a state law adds to the federal law there is no conflict, and the state law takes precedence. That is why you cannot argue in court that federal law gives a lighter sentence if you rob a bank than state law does, even though both federal and state law applies.

Regardless, nothing actually changes my original statement, no federal law gives anyone the right to break a state law.
because the feds haven't pre-empted on that issue.

please read and learn. you muddle things up in your head.

I do not muddle anything up. I do have a question for you though, since you are the self proclaimed expert. Was SCOTUS right in AT&F v Concepcion that federal law trumped state law, and that people do not have a right to sue companies that use adhesion contracts?

Please keep your wrong opinion on that matter in its own thread.

Why are you avoiding the post where I pointed out that states which declined federal funding and set their own speed limits were in fact complying with federal law?

I am not avoiding anything. I am actually capable of answering post only in the order I read them. I have not yet invented time travel, though I have plans to do so in the future. Right after I take over the world.
Since there is no evidence of "sexual assault" that would be you who is spinning...

The evidence is her reaction to what happened. Since you dismiss the evidence as her being nothing more than a dram queen, nothing that she says will satisfy you.

Sexual assault is essentially a he said/she said type of crime. You used to have to provide medical proof of injury and torn clothing to prove sexual assault, now all you need to do is convince a jury that you are telling the truth. If people still had to provide evidence of sexual assault that would satisfy the standards you seem to have most date rapes would be legal, and quite a few stranger rapes. In fact, almost all child rape cases lack evidence that would meet whatever your criteria is.

Unbelievable you want to take a cursory security search down that road... :doubt:

Did she press charges for sexual assault?

Did she not say the reason she was crying because she "didn't want to be radiated on" and FELT violated by having to do one or the other? She described the woman screener as patting her down left and right, back and front, with the back of her hand, just like every other passenger who refused the x-ray. You are deliberately mischaracterizing this routine search as if it was sexual, when in fact there is no evidence that is was...

I do not know if she pressed charges. All I know is that she made a complaint.

Go back and watch the video again. She clearly differentiates between the search she had at DFW and another pat down she went through at LAX. In other words, her problem is not with being patted down, it is with a pat down that results in a sexual assault. Your dismissal of her as a drama queen, and not even paying enough attention to know that she has been patted down before and had no problem with the procedure when it does not result in her being assaulted, proves that you are simply defending the TSA without thought.

I think that means you owe someone an apology.
If federal law always took precedence federal law would make it illegal to go faster than 55 in every single state in the union. Some states have decided that they do not like that particular law, and choose to do without highway funds rather than allow the federal government to dictate their laws.

You're not very smart. The very law which set the federal speed limit in fact gave states the choice of setting their own speed limits and not receiving federal funding. So by doing so, they were NOT violating the law. They were in full compliance.

National Maximum Speed Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if that caveat had not been allowed under the law and states had done so anyway, they would have been violating the Supremacy Clause.

I understand now, you insist on proving that you chose the name TheBrian because you are just like the mouse in the old cartoon, and Pinky is actually the smart one.

Even when federal law does not give the state a choice they can still ignore it. This is proven every single day, because federal law makes all possession of marijuana a criminal act, and makes possession with the intent to sell or distribute it a felony. None the less, many states allow people to not only possess marijuana for medical purposes, which federal law does not recognize, they can also sell and distribute it.

Federal law takes precedent if their is a direct conflict. If a state law adds to the federal law there is no conflict, and the state law takes precedence. That is why you cannot argue in court that federal law gives a lighter sentence if you rob a bank than state law does, even though both federal and state law applies.

Regardless, nothing actually changes my original statement, no federal law gives anyone the right to break a state law.

I see you once again avoided the entire speed limit issue which YOU brought up. Wise decision.

As for your marijuana example. IF the USG chose to challenge the state laws , they would be struck down. Believe that. Further, if you are arrested by federal agents in California , for example, for possession of marijuana you would be prosecuted under federal law no matter how much you protested that under California law you were allowed to posses such. The fact that state officials aren't upholding federal law doesn't negate that fact. And in fact if the Attorney General were to take California to court over that, they would force the state's hand. Same as with so called sanctuary cities. They are in violation of federal law. The fact that no one has pursued them doesn't change that.
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.
The evidence is her reaction to what happened. Since you dismiss the evidence as her being nothing more than a dram queen, nothing that she says will satisfy you.

Sexual assault is essentially a he said/she said type of crime. You used to have to provide medical proof of injury and torn clothing to prove sexual assault, now all you need to do is convince a jury that you are telling the truth. If people still had to provide evidence of sexual assault that would satisfy the standards you seem to have most date rapes would be legal, and quite a few stranger rapes. In fact, almost all child rape cases lack evidence that would meet whatever your criteria is.

You just insulted EVERY rape victim in the world by comparing what happened to them to TSA pat downs to attempt to score a point. Pathetic.

And what part of, you can avoid the pat down altogether by going through the scanners, don't you seem to get?

I insulted no one. Dismissing the claims of this woman without any consideration is the insult.

More mischaracterization as if you know what I've considered...

"Arrogant complaining about airport security is one indicator Transportation Security Administration officers consider when looking for possible criminals and terrorists..."

Miss Castello wrote on her website that she "felt completely helpless and violated during the entire process (in fact, I still do), so I became extremely upset. If I wanted to get back to Los Angeles, I had no choice but to be violated, whether by radiation or a stranger.
She reported that she kept thinking, “'What have I done to deserve this treatment as an upstanding, law-abiding American citizen?'”

"Am I a threat to US security? I was Miss USA, for Pete’s sake!"

The woman clearly has an agenda and is creating drama to get attention... Google the news story and see how many articles also deliberately mischaracterize the incident just like you are doing but still no proof of sexual assault... Notice how she also describes radiation as being "violated".

"To say that I felt invaded is an understatement. What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina! Honestly, I was in shock, especially since the woman at LAX never actually touched me there. The TSA employee at DFW touched private area 4 times, going up both legs from behind and from the front, each time touching me there."

She is now telling her story, encouraging others to take a stand for liberty and said the government practice is "a total violation of our rights."
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Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Please stop comparing our government to NAZI Germany, you only serve to hinder those who genuinely oppose some of the policies of our government. Nothing Obama has done, is doing, or will do will ever EVER rise to level of disgustingness that was NAZI Germany. By the way , that last statement fully applies to Bush's tenure as well. Neither was or is a NAZI.
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Please stop comparing our government to NAZI Germany, you only serve to hinder those who genuinely oppose some of the policies of our government. Nothing Obama has done, is doing, or will do will ever EVER rise to level of disgustingness that was NAZI Germany. By the way , that last statement fully applies to Bush's tenure as well. Neither was or is a NAZI.

Yes but your mentality is very similar to the German Peoples' mentality which led to the rise of the Nazis. Ignoring or defending these Government abuses makes you complicit and a part of the problem. They're not gonna stop with just mauling Citizens in Public. They never just stop unless they're stopped. They will force more humiliations on the People in the name of "Security." You can bet on that.

I know many just want to ignore it,but a full-fledged Police State is on the way. Just one more large-scale Terrorist attack will usher it in. It's wise to stand up right now before it's too late. The Government is just testing us to see how much humiliation we are willing to endure in the name of "Security." We should be telling them enough is enough. Otherwise things really are going to get much worse. I refuse to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You should too.
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You're not very smart. The very law which set the federal speed limit in fact gave states the choice of setting their own speed limits and not receiving federal funding. So by doing so, they were NOT violating the law. They were in full compliance.

National Maximum Speed Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if that caveat had not been allowed under the law and states had done so anyway, they would have been violating the Supremacy Clause.

I understand now, you insist on proving that you chose the name TheBrian because you are just like the mouse in the old cartoon, and Pinky is actually the smart one.

Even when federal law does not give the state a choice they can still ignore it. This is proven every single day, because federal law makes all possession of marijuana a criminal act, and makes possession with the intent to sell or distribute it a felony. None the less, many states allow people to not only possess marijuana for medical purposes, which federal law does not recognize, they can also sell and distribute it.

Federal law takes precedent if their is a direct conflict. If a state law adds to the federal law there is no conflict, and the state law takes precedence. That is why you cannot argue in court that federal law gives a lighter sentence if you rob a bank than state law does, even though both federal and state law applies.

Regardless, nothing actually changes my original statement, no federal law gives anyone the right to break a state law.

I see you once again avoided the entire speed limit issue which YOU brought up. Wise decision.

As for your marijuana example. IF the USG chose to challenge the state laws , they would be struck down. Believe that. Further, if you are arrested by federal agents in California , for example, for possession of marijuana you would be prosecuted under federal law no matter how much you protested that under California law you were allowed to posses such. The fact that state officials aren't upholding federal law doesn't negate that fact. And in fact if the Attorney General were to take California to court over that, they would force the state's hand. Same as with so called sanctuary cities. They are in violation of federal law. The fact that no one has pursued them doesn't change that.


Actually, SCOTUS has refused to decide that very issue. That means that, at this point in time, the decisions of the appellate courts are binding, and those give states the power to regulate medical marijuana, even though the federal government says it is illegal.

By the way, the reason the law you think proves me wrong gives the states the right to opt out is that the states ignored the law. They looked foolish for trying to impose a law no one obeyed, or enforced. The last thing a politician wants to do is look foolish, so they changed the law to allow states to opt out. Supreme Court Action Upholds CA's Medical Pot Law
Has video come out showing what did and did not happen?

Has there been an investigation?

Or are you all still talking out your asses based only on your preexisting biases?
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Well yes but its ok don't you know the goose steppers are from the guberment and they're here to halp us.

So no matter the abuse its quite alright because they mean well. Hell those 6 year old girls totally setup the fondling by TSA don't you know it really was their fault.
I understand now, you insist on proving that you chose the name TheBrian because you are just like the mouse in the old cartoon, and Pinky is actually the smart one.

Even when federal law does not give the state a choice they can still ignore it. This is proven every single day, because federal law makes all possession of marijuana a criminal act, and makes possession with the intent to sell or distribute it a felony. None the less, many states allow people to not only possess marijuana for medical purposes, which federal law does not recognize, they can also sell and distribute it.

Federal law takes precedent if their is a direct conflict. If a state law adds to the federal law there is no conflict, and the state law takes precedence. That is why you cannot argue in court that federal law gives a lighter sentence if you rob a bank than state law does, even though both federal and state law applies.

Regardless, nothing actually changes my original statement, no federal law gives anyone the right to break a state law.

I see you once again avoided the entire speed limit issue which YOU brought up. Wise decision.

As for your marijuana example. IF the USG chose to challenge the state laws , they would be struck down. Believe that. Further, if you are arrested by federal agents in California , for example, for possession of marijuana you would be prosecuted under federal law no matter how much you protested that under California law you were allowed to posses such. The fact that state officials aren't upholding federal law doesn't negate that fact. And in fact if the Attorney General were to take California to court over that, they would force the state's hand. Same as with so called sanctuary cities. They are in violation of federal law. The fact that no one has pursued them doesn't change that.


Actually, SCOTUS has refused to decide that very issue. That means that, at this point in time, the decisions of the appellate courts are binding, and those give states the power to regulate medical marijuana, even though the federal government says it is illegal.

By the way, the reason the law you think proves me wrong gives the states the right to opt out is that the states ignored the law. They looked foolish for trying to impose a law no one obeyed, or enforced. The last thing a politician wants to do is look foolish, so they changed the law to allow states to opt out. Supreme Court Action Upholds CA's Medical Pot Law

Actually, you should read the full ruling. The lower courts have never ruled that state law did not have to conform to federal law. What they HAVE ruled is that state LEO do not have to enforce federal law; which is an entirely different ruling. They are merely stating that since the Obama administration has made it clear that they have no intention of going after California over this, that state officials are not required to enforce federal law. SCOTUS has decided to let that decision stand.

Again, if federal agents arrest you in California, you can and will be charged under federal drug laws.

Oh, and the speed limit law was never rewritten, from the very beginning states had the option to opt out .
If federal law always took precedence federal law would make it illegal to go faster than 55 in every single state in the union. Some states have decided that they do not like that particular law, and choose to do without highway funds rather than allow the federal government to dictate their laws.

You're not very smart. The very law which set the federal speed limit in fact gave states the choice of setting their own speed limits and not receiving federal funding. So by doing so, they were NOT violating the law. They were in full compliance.

National Maximum Speed Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if that caveat had not been allowed under the law and states had done so anyway, they would have been violating the Supremacy Clause.

I understand now, you insist on proving that you chose the name TheBrian because you are just like the mouse in the old cartoon, and Pinky is actually the smart one.

Even when federal law does not give the state a choice they can still ignore it. This is proven every single day, because federal law makes all possession of marijuana a criminal act, and makes possession with the intent to sell or distribute it a felony. None the less, many states allow people to not only possess marijuana for medical purposes, which federal law does not recognize, they can also sell and distribute it.

Federal law takes precedent if their is a direct conflict. If a state law adds to the federal law there is no conflict, and the state law takes precedence. That is why you cannot argue in court that federal law gives a lighter sentence if you rob a bank than state law does, even though both federal and state law applies.

Regardless, nothing actually changes my original statement, no federal law gives anyone the right to break a state law.

You have it backwards

The federal law takes precedence in this case. A state does not have the authority to reduce federal security restrictions on any interstate flight. The federal government has the authority to determine the screening any passenger goes through to use our airways

If Texas reduces security, then those flights have no right to leave the state
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Well yes but its ok don't you know the goose steppers are from the guberment and they're here to halp us.

So no matter the abuse its quite alright because they mean well. Hell those 6 year old girls totally setup the fondling by TSA don't you know it really was their fault.

Yea i see the Goose Steppers are in 'Blame the Victim' Mode. It's pretty disgraceful. Most of these 'Blame the Victim' assholes will be back to pretending they oppose these abuses when the Republicans get back in power. You can bet on that. They're not only stupid Goose Steppers,but they're also dishonest partisan assholes. No one should defend this stuff. It doesn't matter whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. I will never be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. But hey,that's just me.
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Well yes but its ok don't you know the goose steppers are from the guberment and they're here to halp us.

So no matter the abuse its quite alright because they mean well. Hell those 6 year old girls totally setup the fondling by TSA don't you know it really was their fault.

Yea i see the Goose Steppers are in 'Blame the Victim' Mode. It's pretty disgraceful. Most of these 'Blame the Victim' assholes will be back to pretending they oppose these abuses when the Republicans get back in power. You can bet on that. They're not only stupid Goose Steppers,but they're also dishonest partisan assholes. No one should defend this stuff. It doesn't matter whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. I will never be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. But hey,that's just me.

Oh shut up. Has nothing to do with R or D. It has to do with the FACT that most of these "victims" are in fact not victims. 99% of people wouldn't even know what is an acceptable pat down and what constitutes an abuse. AND 100% of them could have avoided a pat down by walking through the fucking X Ray machine.
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Well yes but its ok don't you know the goose steppers are from the guberment and they're here to halp us.

So no matter the abuse its quite alright because they mean well. Hell those 6 year old girls totally setup the fondling by TSA don't you know it really was their fault.

Yea i see the Goose Steppers are in 'Blame the Victim' Mode. It's pretty disgraceful. Most of these 'Blame the Victim" assholes will be back to pretending they oppose these abuses when the Republicans get back in power. You can bet on that. They're not only stupid Goose Steppers,but they're also dishonest partisan assholes. No one should defend this stuff. It doesn't matter whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. I will never be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. But hey,that's just me.

I'm wondering who these sympathetic assholes are going to blame when the next or same administration takes these abuse's to even greater heights now that they see they're being given cover. If there ever was a slippery slope we're standing on it now and the ground is giving away. But hey we're from the gubment and we're here to halp you.
Don't be a Government Goose Stepper all your life. Check out Wikileaks for a dose of reality on Government. Your Government lies to you and abuses you on a daily basis. Being a loyal Government Goose Stepper isn't going to save you from their wrath. You'll suffer too. All Americans should stand up and oppose these Government abuses. Because if you don't do that now,things will only get much worse later. That's exactly what happened with the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The German People just kept on ignoring or supporting Nazi abuses. We are becoming an oppressive Police State. And the people who don't see this,just don't want to see this. But it is happening. You don't have to be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. You really don't.

Well yes but its ok don't you know the goose steppers are from the guberment and they're here to halp us.

So no matter the abuse its quite alright because they mean well. Hell those 6 year old girls totally setup the fondling by TSA don't you know it really was their fault.

Yea i see the Goose Steppers are in 'Blame the Victim' Mode. It's pretty disgraceful. Most of these 'Blame the Victim' assholes will be back to pretending they oppose these abuses when the Republicans get back in power. You can bet on that. They're not only stupid Goose Steppers,but they're also dishonest partisan assholes. No one should defend this stuff. It doesn't matter whether it's a 'D' or an 'R' doing it. I will never be a loyal Government Goose Stepper. But hey,that's just me.

There are no victims here. They are voluntarily electing to fly and must comply with federal regulations. Your options are to go through the scanner, submit to a pat down or choose not to fly.

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