The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

:eusa_liar: Did I not already answer your question in my rep comment...?

So then, you are a coward?

What did I make up?

You whined that someone called you a "Nazi," you were lying about that. Someone DID reference you being a fascist, so I asked if you supported fascists care. IF you do, then the charge is reasonable.

I hadn't called you a "lying idiot," I merely asked whether you supported the merger of corporate power structures with government ones such as is being done under Obama's health care plane? If you do, then you are indeed a fascist.

Yes, you got me... I am a coward AND a Nazi. :blahblah:

Thanks for the revisionist history of all things beside the point of the OP. :eusa_liar:

The truth is in the posts, but I will sum it up for the sake of clarification...

I asked Don't Taze My Junk who is stopping him from flying and he replied something like, people like you who are no better than those who went along with the Nazi's. Jillian responded to that with Valerie is one of the most mellow posters here so calling her a Nazi is particularly silly. Don't Taze My Junk desperate for something to be correct about, replied something to the effect When did I ever call her a Nazi? .

Now YOU are just grasping and babbling 2 days later trying to make something out of nothing by making up lies about my opinions on other issues as if you think you can PROVE I am a fascist............? :cuckoo:

What you "made up" was in the next post long after I answered your question in rep this morning, which I did because it's beside the point of the OP.

:lol: Are you ever able to focus on the OP?

So then, he was spot on in his assessment?

When did I call Valerie a Nazi?

Fascists like you pretending to be Americans. You're no different than the German people who went along with the atrocities of the Nazis.

Close enough! :lol:

Oh look, ^^^ there I am "whining" over it. :lol:
Before long, we'll have to take a fist up to the wrist before we can get on a plane.

:lol: Nice imagery there, but I'd say that is just another unreasonable fear...

Strangely enough, people getting pat downs at airports that include touching breasts and groins used to be an unreasonable fear.

yeah, until people put bombs in their underwear.

everything TSA does is in response to things that have already been done.

you have a choice. go through the scanner or get patted down.

your call.

don't like either, feel free to go greyhound
All you guys have is drama and fear, deflection and personal attack, meanwhile not one shred of evidence that this TSA agent did anything beyond procedural toward the drama queen in the OP...

"TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA"
All you guys have is drama and fear, deflection and personal attack, meanwhile not one shred of evidence that this TSA agent did anything beyond procedural toward the drama queen in the OP...

"TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA"

If a regular citizen did what is normal SOP for TSA they would be in jail for sexual assault.
All you guys have is drama and fear, deflection and personal attack, meanwhile not one shred of evidence that this TSA agent did anything beyond procedural toward the drama queen in the OP...

"TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA"

If a regular citizen did what is normal SOP for TSA they would be in jail for sexual assault.

well not at a strip club and also bill clinton got off with inly a warning
:lol: SOMEbody has a sense of humor... The OP title has now changed...

The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA
All you guys have is drama and fear, deflection and personal attack, meanwhile not one shred of evidence that this TSA agent did anything beyond procedural toward the drama queen in the OP...

"TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA"

If a regular citizen did what is normal SOP for TSA they would be in jail for sexual assault.

True. Some people just have a really high tolerance for government overreach.
All you guys have is drama and fear, deflection and personal attack, meanwhile not one shred of evidence that this TSA agent did anything beyond procedural toward the drama queen in the OP...

"TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA"

If a regular citizen did what is normal SOP for TSA they would be in jail for sexual assault.

True. Some people just have a really high tolerance for government overreach.

Yes, and some people have a hissy fit and wet their pants at the first sign of an authority figure in uniform... Meanwhile, the vast majority of us go through the x-ray screener and have a nice day.
I just travel there and back from FL. On the way there I went through the regular check. On the way back I was flagged to either do the body scanner or the pat down. I chose the body scanner. I went through it and it was over. You don't want your junk touched then go through the scanner. WTF is the big deal?

YouTube - Susie Castillo Assaulted by TSA

What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina! Honestly, I was in shock, especially since the woman at LAX never actually touched me there. The TSA employee at DFW touched private area 4 times, going up both legs from behind and from the front, each time touching me there. Was I at my gynecologist’s office? No! This was crazy!
On one hand, TSA could claim this is just a case of one employee in need of retraining. On the other hand, this incident begs the same question that is raised every time the TSA frisks someone who is extremely unlikely to be planning any sort of terror attack. Why are TSA’s procedures so stupid?
I just kept thinking, “What have I done to deserve this treatment as an upstanding, law-abiding American citizen?” Am I a threat to US security? I was Miss USA, for Pete’s sake!

Former Miss USA: TSA Agent “Touched My Vagina” « Hot Air

Don't worry though, I am paranoid, and this does not happen.
I just travel there and back from FL. On the way there I went through the regular check. On the way back I was flagged to either do the body scanner or the pat down. I chose the body scanner. I went through it and it was over. You don't want your junk touched then go through the scanner. WTF is the big deal?

YouTube - Susie Castillo Assaulted by TSA

What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina! Honestly, I was in shock, especially since the woman at LAX never actually touched me there. The TSA employee at DFW touched private area 4 times, going up both legs from behind and from the front, each time touching me there. Was I at my gynecologist’s office? No! This was crazy!
On one hand, TSA could claim this is just a case of one employee in need of retraining. On the other hand, this incident begs the same question that is raised every time the TSA frisks someone who is extremely unlikely to be planning any sort of terror attack. Why are TSA’s procedures so stupid?
I just kept thinking, “What have I done to deserve this treatment as an upstanding, law-abiding American citizen?” Am I a threat to US security? I was Miss USA, for Pete’s sake!

Former Miss USA: TSA Agent “Touched My Vagina” « Hot Air

Don't worry though, I am paranoid, and this does not happen.

The only big deal is that a few bitches want something to whine about. OOOOOOOOOOOOH the big scary scanner. Big fucking deal.
last year i was fishing up on lake ontario for a few days. i came home and made a quick change of clothes using the same bag and rushed off to the airport for a business trip. on the flight down, no problems. sailed right through. on the trip back they pulled me aside, told me they needed to do a complete search of my bag. and they pull out a knife with a six inch blade. oh yea i had tossed that in the side compartment on the way back from canada. well they missed in on the way down. hell they could have given me a full body massage and they wouldn't have found that knife
:lol: SOMEbody has a sense of humor... The OP title has now changed...

The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA
:confused: I don't find that funny at all.

First of all, the TSA aren't Nazis.

And she wasn't sexually assaulted.

I know, I'm guessing they were TRYing to be funny and I am laughing at whoever did that... Give some people a control panel and they just can't help themselves. ;)

Just minutes prior I had posted the following:

All you guys have is drama and fear, deflection and personal attack, meanwhile not one shred of evidence that this TSA agent did anything beyond procedural toward the drama queen in the OP...

"TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA"
:lol: SOMEbody has a sense of humor... The OP title has now changed...

The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA
:confused: I don't find that funny at all.

First of all, the TSA aren't Nazis.

And she wasn't sexually assaulted.

Of course you don't find it funny. Back when it was OK'd by the Bush administration, it was a travesty and you leftwingfreaks created more threads about it than we have on OBL now.

All of a sudden when your little rockstar hero who could balance a checkbook kept it going, it's "not funny".

Hypocrite liar.

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