The Obama UnConstitutional Roadshow- Today says he's going alone on Immigration


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
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Well.....if he goes and does this, it sets a new standard regarding executive orders. Fine with president can go out and nuke Roe vs Wade with executive orders.:fu: Drill where ever the fuck the president wants......via executive fiat of course!! Ban the healthcare law.......with executive orders.:D:D

With shit like this......if everybody just accepts it, this is where we are going. Whats that old saying? "What comes around goes around!!":2up:
Well.....if he goes and does this, it sets a new standard regarding executive orders. Fine with president can go out and nuke Roe vs Wade with executive orders.:fu: Drill where ever the fuck the president wants......via executive fiat of course!! Ban the healthcare law.......with executive orders.:D:D

With shit like this......if everybody just accepts it, this is where we are going. Whats that old saying? "What comes around goes around!!":2up:
Only problem is that when a government becomes authoritarian, the dictator is never conservative.
Well.....if he goes and does this, it sets a new standard regarding executive orders. Fine with president can go out and nuke Roe vs Wade with executive orders.:fu: Drill where ever the fuck the president wants......via executive fiat of course!! Ban the healthcare law.......with executive orders.:D:D

With shit like this......if everybody just accepts it, this is where we are going. Whats that old saying? "What comes around goes around!!":2up:
Only problem is that when a government becomes authoritarian, the dictator is never conservative.

Indeed.......tell me this guy isn't trying to provoke his political enemies? Im thinking people with pitchforks might be showing up in DC in the not too distant future.:D:D
Well.....if he goes and does this, it sets a new standard regarding executive orders. Fine with president can go out and nuke Roe vs Wade with executive orders.:fu: Drill where ever the fuck the president wants......via executive fiat of course!! Ban the healthcare law.......with executive orders.:D:D

With shit like this......if everybody just accepts it, this is where we are going. Whats that old saying? "What comes around goes around!!":2up:
Only problem is that when a government becomes authoritarian, the dictator is never conservative.

Pinochet, Stroessner, Franco, Nasser, Mugabe, Doe, Imin, Diaz.....the list of rightwing dictatorships is endless. More than enough "leftwing" also.
If America responds for a cattle rancher who was being roughed up by the Feds, wait until Obama moves on this

Every decision in life has consequences. Unfortunately for Obama, they ring of pain and the agony of defeat.

"Obama repeated on Monday that most of those children would be sent home."

That one will make him a repeat winner of the Liar of the Year Award at the End of 2015.


I for got to mention that he is already a Cinch to win in 2014 for "There's not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS."
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Since when was Mugabe "right wing"? If you're going to say because of being anti-gay, you need to take into account the culture he is from. I see nothing right wing about him. Pinochet was most definitely right wing, and he stepped down..he did some screwed up stuff but I believe he was right to oust Allende.

Well.....if he goes and does this, it sets a new standard regarding executive orders. Fine with president can go out and nuke Roe vs Wade with executive orders.:fu: Drill where ever the fuck the president wants......via executive fiat of course!! Ban the healthcare law.......with executive orders.:D:D

With shit like this......if everybody just accepts it, this is where we are going. Whats that old saying? "What comes around goes around!!":2up:
Only problem is that when a government becomes authoritarian, the dictator is never conservative.

Pinochet, Stroessner, Franco, Nasser, Mugabe, Doe, Imin, Diaz.....the list of rightwing dictatorships is endless. More than enough "leftwing" also.
Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.
Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.

Nope. I think I'll keep talking. I think I'll mock you and your pals every time you threaten to march on Washington while never getting off of your fat asses.

Every one of you is a uninspired follower. You don't have to take action.....but if you don' might want to stop making the threat.

You'd support the military taking over? are big on the Constitution. Fucking joke.
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Since when was Mugabe "right wing"? If you're going to say because of being anti-gay, you need to take into account the culture he is from. I see nothing right wing about him. Pinochet was most definitely right wing, and he stepped down..he did some screwed up stuff but I believe he was right to oust Allende.

Only problem is that when a government becomes authoritarian, the dictator is never conservative.

Pinochet, Stroessner, Franco, Nasser, Mugabe, Doe, Imin, Diaz.....the list of rightwing dictatorships is endless. More than enough "leftwing" also.

Pinochet's junta killed the elected Allende, Mugabe took the lands of whites, some that resisted were killed. Human rights violations and 'police' brutality are Mugabe's stock in trade, along with 'ethnic cleansing'. He has never aligned himself with 'socialists', he did take weapons from North Korea, I view that nation as neither right or left, just a stain on the earth. Mugabe is, and was, a racist, vote rigging, miltaristic monster. When a few of the military he used to slaughter those against him started to chaff under his yoke, they too were 'removed'.

Perhaps the terms "rightwing" and "leftwing" are not applicable to dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Mussolini, Jong, Amin, Castro, etc. All were, and are, ruthless creatures that place power above humanity.

Mugabe felt free to kill Cucasians, just as I maintain bigotry against Christians is BIGOTRY, racism against Caucasians remains RACISM.

What difference does the label make, pretending all totalitarians are 'liberal OR conservative' takes the focus off the heinous reality.
Well it's either that or do nothing. We don't need to neccessarily have the military take over until elections, just make Joe Biden president since he would be next in line, until the next elections are held. And you're stupid, if the president is violating the constitution, he deserves to be arrested for it. Who are the ones that are supposed to defend the constitution? The military. So yes, it is constitutional. We don't have to let your son of a bitch president continue to violate the constitution. There are ways of putting him in his place.
"Obama repeated on Monday that most of those children would be sent home."

That one will make him a repeat winner of the Liar of the Year Award at the End of 2015.


I for got to mention that he is already a Cinch to win in 2014 for "There's not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS."

Yea, imagine that... While he stumbles around pandering to the Mexicans by offering amnesty all the while saying he is sending the kids home. :lol:

Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.

Nope. I think I'll keep talking. I think I'll mock you and your pals every time you threaten to march on Washington while never getting off of your fat asses.

Every one of you is a uninspired follower. You don't have to take action.....but if you don' might want to stop making the threat.

You'd support the military taking over? are big on the Constitution. Fucking joke.

So, your not one of the Internet tough guys wanting to do the government bidding? If not you, who do you expect to give their lives defending this new euphoric government that you and your pals so admire?

Just saying

Obviously there are limits as to what Obama can do by himself, and it's the courts that decide what they are, not brainwashed hater dupes, luckily.

Okay- So how many people use your PC?

Totally, logical post.

That is when they get it right :D

Hey, and I like the hater dupe slang :banana:

Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.

Nope. I think I'll keep talking. I think I'll mock you and your pals every time you threaten to march on Washington while never getting off of your fat asses.

Every one of you is a uninspired follower. You don't have to take action.....but if you don' might want to stop making the threat.

You'd support the military taking over? are big on the Constitution. Fucking joke.

So, your not one of the Internet tough guys wanting to do the government bidding? If not you, who do you expect to give their lives defending this new euphoric government that you and your pals so admire?

Just saying


Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.

He has a valid point. The House won't do anything yet there are issues that we need to address. You want to complain about all the executive orders, then WORK WITH OBAMA AND FIND A COMPROMISE to get things done. It's what reasonable people do. Now the question stands, are republicans reasonable people?

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