The Obama UnConstitutional Roadshow- Today says he's going alone on Immigration

Obviously there are limits as to what Obama can do by himself, and it's the courts that decide what they are, not brainwashed hater dupes, luckily.

While advocating armed insurrection, the "patriots" will be waving their 'Made in China' flags this Friday.
Nope. I think I'll keep talking. I think I'll mock you and your pals every time you threaten to march on Washington while never getting off of your fat asses.

Every one of you is a uninspired follower. You don't have to take action.....but if you don' might want to stop making the threat.

You'd support the military taking over? are big on the Constitution. Fucking joke.

So, your not one of the Internet tough guys wanting to do the government bidding? If not you, who do you expect to give their lives defending this new euphoric government that you and your pals so admire?

Just saying



of course..

Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.

He has a valid point. The House won't do anything yet there are issues that we need to address. You want to complain about all the executive orders, then WORK WITH OBAMA AND FIND A COMPROMISE to get things done. It's what reasonable people do. Now the question stands, are republicans reasonable people?

Democrat buzz words.. reasonable, common sense, most agree, yada yada yada..

The libgoons wouldn't know the definition of reasonable if it landed in their lap

Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
Yes, I watched that report on live t.v. but the reason the president said what he did was due to legislation needing Congress to take immediate action on and the Republicans not wanting to do so. He said there were just too many things that he would much prefer to be voted upon by Congress but Speaker Boehner will not allow it to happen therefore, he will not just stand idly by and do nothing as that is not what he was sent to Washington to do. He said he would then have to use his Executive Powers as granted by the Constitution if the Republicans continue to ignore legislation that needs action taken. The immigration crisis is just one of the items he will now be forced to take action on.

That can only show America that the Republicans are not doing their job that they were sent to Washington to do and that it will take the President to now come in and do the job that must be done including taking the time to develop programs and implement them that are much needed presently. The Republicans could save face by immediately getting back to work and voting bills up or down thereby putting their weight into things but no, they continue to prefer not to do that under great fear that President Obama would get the credit for it and while they continue to play politics Many More Americans Will Continue to Suffer. That is Shameful of the Republicans as America deserves much better than that. I support the president in having to take executive action on these important matters that the Republicans just choose to ignore. It has put him in this precarious situation that could be easily rectified just by Speaker Boehner telling the Republicans that they need to get Back To Work! If he doesn't, and instead just continues to remain stubborn and do nothing, in the end it will be the President who will be given Full Credit for solving the problems that needed to be taken care of and that he did so without Republican help since they simply chose to not become involved.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
Yes, I watched that report on live t.v. but the reason the president said what he did was due to legislation needing Congress to take immediate action on and the Republicans not wanting to do so. He said there were just too many things that he would much prefer to be voted upon by Congress but Speaker Boehner will not allow it to happen therefore, he will not just stand idly by and do nothing as that is not what he was sent to Washington to do. He said he would then have to use his Executive Powers as granted by the Constitution if the Republicans continue to ignore legislation that needs action taken. The immigration crisis is just one of the items he will now be forced to take action on.

That can only show America that the Republicans are not doing their job that they were sent to Washington to do and that it will take the President to now come in and do the job that must be done including taking the time to develop programs and implement them that are much needed presently. The Republicans could save face by immediately getting back to work and voting bills up or down thereby putting their weight into things but no, they continue to prefer not to do that under great fear that President Obama would get the credit for it and while they continue to play politics Many More Americans Will Continue to Suffer. That is Shameful of the Republicans as America deserves much better than that. I support the president in having to take executive action on these important matters that the Republicans just choose to ignore. It has put him in this precarious situation that could be easily rectified just by Speaker Boehner telling the Republicans that they need to get Back To Work! If he doesn't, and instead just continues to remain stubborn and do nothing, in the end it will be the President who will be given Full Credit for solving the problems that needed to be taken care of and that he did so without Republican help since they simply chose to not become involved.

If Obama can't even hold up the current immigration laws, that is to say, if Obama can't do the job already... why would I want him to "go it alone" and make the rules up as he goes? Like Obamacare, I get the feeling as Obama's policies fail or continue to fail... Obama will simply pick and chose what laws that he made he will follow and not follow.

Fuck that, Obama is not King no matter how bad he or his cult want him to be.
If Obama can't even hold up the current immigration laws, that is to say, if Obama can't do the job already... why would I want him to "go it alone" and make the rules up as he goes? Like Obamacare, I get the feeling as Obama's policies fail or continue to fail... Obama will simply pick and chose what laws that he made he will follow and not follow.

Fuck that, Obama is not King no matter how bad he or his cult want him to be.
Yet Speaker Boehner is MAKING him King, don't you know, by his not wanting to participate in the process! But I have a suggestion for you if you're that disgruntled. Go to your phone and call Speaker Boehner's office and tell him that you want for him to *Get Back To Work* as he and the rest of the Republicans should do in order to avoid President Obama from having to enact new mandates under his own executive authority. And you know the moment Speaker Boeher called the House into session to really work at doing what they should be doing and were sent by the voters to Washington to do, that's the last moment the president would have doing things on his own. So, you see, it's as Simple as that!
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

Nothing he said today is beyond the scope of his authority, it remains to be seen if the recommendations his regime comes up with will do so. The only reason he did this today is to distract form his getting his ass kicked at SCOTUS.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
Yes, I watched that report on live t.v. but the reason the president said what he did was due to legislation needing Congress to take immediate action on and the Republicans not wanting to do so. He said there were just too many things that he would much prefer to be voted upon by Congress but Speaker Boehner will not allow it to happen therefore, he will not just stand idly by and do nothing as that is not what he was sent to Washington to do. He said he would then have to use his Executive Powers as granted by the Constitution if the Republicans continue to ignore legislation that needs action taken. The immigration crisis is just one of the items he will now be forced to take action on.

That can only show America that the Republicans are not doing their job that they were sent to Washington to do and that it will take the President to now come in and do the job that must be done including taking the time to develop programs and implement them that are much needed presently. The Republicans could save face by immediately getting back to work and voting bills up or down thereby putting their weight into things but no, they continue to prefer not to do that under great fear that President Obama would get the credit for it and while they continue to play politics Many More Americans Will Continue to Suffer. That is Shameful of the Republicans as America deserves much better than that. I support the president in having to take executive action on these important matters that the Republicans just choose to ignore. It has put him in this precarious situation that could be easily rectified just by Speaker Boehner telling the Republicans that they need to get Back To Work! If he doesn't, and instead just continues to remain stubborn and do nothing, in the end it will be the President who will be given Full Credit for solving the problems that needed to be taken care of and that he did so without Republican help since they simply chose to not become involved.

Yes, I watched that report on live t.v. but the reason the president said what he did was due to legislation needing Congress to take immediate action on

That's what he said, but why does Congress need to take action?
Seal the border. Fly the kids back. Make it clear that new invaders will also be returned.
Start to deport some of the millions illegally here now.
No need for new legislation, enforce the laws on the books.
They'll get the message. The "crisis at the border" will end.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

Bout time....

The Do Nothing Congress won't do anything, time for someone to take action

Let Congress try to stop him
If America responds for a cattle rancher who was being roughed up by the Feds, wait until Obama moves on this

Every decision in life has consequences. Unfortunately for Obama, they ring of pain and the agony of defeat.


I'm sure he's shaking in his boots. Especially after that American Spring march on DC where like 12 people showed up :lol:

Let's roll! :rofl:
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
Boehner has been given six months to write and pass an immigration law. He has chosen to do nothing. Since he has chosen to avoid his job and committment to the American people someone has to be the adult and get the job done. GOOD FOR OBAMA!!!!!
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
Boehner has been given six months to write and pass an immigration law. He has chosen to do nothing. Since he has chosen to avoid his job and committment to the American people someone has to be the adult and get the job done. GOOD FOR OBAMA!!!!!

Boehner doesn't like it, let him pass some laws blocking Obama
Emperor Obama....
He will lead us to....
It is DAMN clear someone has to lead us. It will not be Congress thanks to the House spendings its time voting to repeal ACA over 50 times. If Obama doesn't act to solve America's problems, WHO WILL? Or maybe you prefer America sitting still for eight years and letting the world pass us by. So who is going to lead us? If the House is unhappy with Obama doing their job maybe they should do their job instead and start working working for America for a change. Their working for the republican party has not done anything to make America a better place.
Step 1... Create a crisis....
Notice how Harry Reid is BLOCKING 100% of all action from getting to the President....
Blocking 100% of necessary reform from getting OUT of committee to even make it to the floor for a vote....
THEN complaining DAILY about how NOTHING is getting done....
THEN... giving speeches DAILY about how the President NEEDS to use Executive Action to get anything done....

And the Lazy, In-Bed news media is eating it up......
They aren't reporting that there's a SNAKE blocking everything in Committee -*
at the SAME TIME as he drones on in speech after speech about how nothing is getting done....

This is a MANUFACTURED crisis....

The SENATE DEMOCRATS are MAKING SURE nothing gets through....
They just allow the usual calamities pop up all over the place...
that would typically REQUIRE congressional Oversight... which they aren't doing either.....
AND THEN - Blaming the Republicans.....
and "Begging" Obama to take Executive Action to "Fix the Mess"....

Unfortunately... The Republicans have either no idea how to fight OR no stomach to follow through....
Or... Both....
They are too busy destroying EACHOTHER to actually pay attention to what is going on....
Good lord.. The parade here of compassion is heart warming

BTW- Get the other half to start paying taxes so we can get this show on the road... Um, no pun intended

Step 1... Create a crisis....
Notice how Harry Reid is BLOCKING 100% of all action from getting to the President....
Blocking 100% of necessary reform from getting OUT of committee to even make it to the floor for a vote....
THEN complaining DAILY about how NOTHING is getting done....
THEN... giving speeches DAILY about how the President NEEDS to use Executive Action to get anything done....

And the Lazy, In-Bed news media is eating it up......
They aren't reporting that there's a SNAKE blocking everything in Committee -*
at the SAME TIME as he drones on in speech after speech about how nothing is getting done....

This is a MANUFACTURED crisis....

The SENATE DEMOCRATS are MAKING SURE nothing gets through....
They just allow the usual calamities pop up all over the place...
that would typically REQUIRE congressional Oversight... which they aren't doing either.....
AND THEN - Blaming the Republicans.....
and "Begging" Obama to take Executive Action to "Fix the Mess"....

Unfortunately... The Republicans have either no idea how to fight OR no stomach to follow through....
Or... Both....
They are too busy destroying EACHOTHER to actually pay attention to what is going on....
"Notice how Harry Reid is BLOCKING 100% of all action from getting to the President..." THIS is where I stopped reading your crap. You are right, Reid is sitting on House bills. Fifty (50) of those bills are the same bill to repeal ACA. Even if the Senate did pass them Obama would NOT sign them. In other words, putting those bills on the floor would be a complete waste of time. And what about the other bills he is sitting on? THEY ARE DAMN FEW AND FAR BETWEEN! The House was in session about 110 days last year. They will be in session about the same this year. How many bills are they able to pass when they pretty much only pass throught Washington to pick up their mail. Basically they have done nothing. Do they have a bill to replace ACA? NO! Do they have a bill for equal pay for equal work? NO! Do they have an immigration plan? NO! Do they have a plan to raise the minimum wage even a nickel? NO! They have done almost nothing and what little they have done is designed NOT to pass. Every bill the House does pass has a rider killing part of ACA. How long will it take you idiots to realize that republicans do not want to pass any bills and they purposely write them to fail. THAT IS WHY HARRY REID IS SITTING ON HOUSE BILLS AND I DON'T BLAME HIM! AND THAT IS WHY OBAMA HAS CHOSEN TO USE EXECUTIVE SIGNING STATEMENTS.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
Shut up, LL, you dipshit.

Anyway, Speaking of The whole Pinochet & Chile thing...If Obama continues to violate the constitution, Id totally support the military arresting his ass & taking control until we had another election. I think it'd be completely lawful too. That's our military's job, to protect us from enemies, Both foreign & domestic right? Uphold the constitution?

Probably would never happen, but Id support the move.

He has a valid point. The House won't do anything yet there are issues that we need to address. You want to complain about all the executive orders, then WORK WITH OBAMA AND FIND A COMPROMISE to get things done. It's what reasonable people do. Now the question stands, are republicans reasonable people?

Any opposition to the onward march of Marxism is not only reasonable but sane. The insanity of liberalism taken to extreme is evidenced in history books in all languages known to man. Yet you government fed leeches are sucking the lifeblood (capitalism) out of this great country at an ever increasing rate. One has only to look at the recent East Berlin to West Berlin before Reagan got the wall torn North Korea to South Korea (check out any satellite photo of the region made at night)...

Obama's goal is to bankrupt the country and turn it into a third world country. I hope he fails! I hope the damage he has already done can be mitigated.

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