The Obama UnConstitutional Roadshow- Today says he's going alone on Immigration

Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
You should listen to radio more often. You could have heard it from the horse's mouth!
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.
Yes, I watched that report on live t.v. but the reason the president said what he did was due to legislation needing Congress to take immediate action on and the Republicans not wanting to do so. He said there were just too many things that he would much prefer to be voted upon by Congress but Speaker Boehner will not allow it to happen therefore, he will not just stand idly by and do nothing as that is not what he was sent to Washington to do. He said he would then have to use his Executive Powers as granted by the Constitution if the Republicans continue to ignore legislation that needs action taken. The immigration crisis is just one of the items he will now be forced to take action on.

That can only show America that the Republicans are not doing their job that they were sent to Washington to do and that it will take the President to now come in and do the job that must be done including taking the time to develop programs and implement them that are much needed presently. The Republicans could save face by immediately getting back to work and voting bills up or down thereby putting their weight into things but no, they continue to prefer not to do that under great fear that President Obama would get the credit for it and while they continue to play politics Many More Americans Will Continue to Suffer. That is Shameful of the Republicans as America deserves much better than that. I support the president in having to take executive action on these important matters that the Republicans just choose to ignore. It has put him in this precarious situation that could be easily rectified just by Speaker Boehner telling the Republicans that they need to get Back To Work! If he doesn't, and instead just continues to remain stubborn and do nothing, in the end it will be the President who will be given Full Credit for solving the problems that needed to be taken care of and that he did so without Republican help since they simply chose to not become involved.
What a well written opinion. I congratulate for saying all that without the slightest mention of Harry Reid's sitting on hundreds of bills that have been sent from the House...or of Nancy Pelosi's lockout policy and attempts to close the House down...

Harry Reid could save face by releasing all those bills he's killed by sending to die in committee.

Obstruction is just partisan politics in action.

Obama ignores the checks and balances that were wisely included in our Constitution to preclude the abuse of power that he promotes for himself. SCOTUS has recently (today) ruled against his signature bill...proving that at least part of it is unconstitutional.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
Go and do some Googling on boehner position on immagration. He is on record as saying there will be no action on immagration this year.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
Go and do some Googling on boehner position on immagration. He is on record as saying there will be no action on immagration this year.

the OP gave a link, I read the article in the link. The title to the thread is false according to the link... and nobody has given another link that supports the story either. Knowing this board it seems this is another imagination gone wild thread bashing Obama. Me prove its a lie ? Why, nobody has proven it to be true.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration

What's there to address?

Build the fence

Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
Go and do some Googling on boehner position on immagration. He is on record as saying there will be no action on immagration this year.

AWESOME- What a great day for America

Step 1... Create a crisis....
Notice how Harry Reid is BLOCKING 100% of all action from getting to the President....
Blocking 100% of necessary reform from getting OUT of committee to even make it to the floor for a vote....
THEN complaining DAILY about how NOTHING is getting done....
THEN... giving speeches DAILY about how the President NEEDS to use Executive Action to get anything done....

And the Lazy, In-Bed news media is eating it up......
They aren't reporting that there's a SNAKE blocking everything in Committee -*
at the SAME TIME as he drones on in speech after speech about how nothing is getting done....

This is a MANUFACTURED crisis....

The SENATE DEMOCRATS are MAKING SURE nothing gets through....
They just allow the usual calamities pop up all over the place...
that would typically REQUIRE congressional Oversight... which they aren't doing either.....
AND THEN - Blaming the Republicans.....
and "Begging" Obama to take Executive Action to "Fix the Mess"....

Unfortunately... The Republicans have either no idea how to fight OR no stomach to follow through....
Or... Both....
They are too busy destroying EACHOTHER to actually pay attention to what is going on....

Republicans have made sure that all legislation in the Senate has 60 votes before it can reach the Senate flooor

Why should Republican bills reach the floor with only 45 votes?
after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
Go and do some Googling on boehner position on immagration. He is on record as saying there will be no action on immagration this year.

the OP gave a link, I read the article in the link. The title to the thread is false according to the link... and nobody has given another link that supports the story either. Knowing this board it seems this is another imagination gone wild thread bashing Obama. Me prove its a lie ? Why, nobody has proven it to be true.

Wow.. Just wow... You are some kind of 'special' exhibit no? :cuckoo:

Does this work for you curious one?


More US Troops to Iraq, Raising Total to About 750

The U.S. is sending another 300 troops to Iraq to increase security at the U.S. Embassy and elsewhere in the Baghdad area to protect U.S. citizens and property, officials said Monday.

More US Troops to Iraq, Raising Total to About 750 - ABC News
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

Bout time....

The Do Nothing Congress won't do anything, time for someone to take action

Let Congress try to stop him

FakeRightWinger has chimed in his support for Obama's tyrannical style of governing.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

after reading the article I must have missed "Obama said he is going on his own."

I didn't miss Boehner refusing to address immigration
Go and do some Googling on boehner position on immagration. He is on record as saying there will be no action on immagration this year.

The key words are this year.
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

You realize any executive order that violates U.S Federal Law is not valid.

And the supreme court can and has overturned an executive order.

It's called Checks and Balances -- ever hear of it?
Reuters is reporting Obama said he is going on his own. No need for Congress.

So much for separation of powers.


Obama says to reform immigration on his own, bypassing Congress | Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would take executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system after hopes of passing legislation in Congress officially died.

Republican John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, told Obama last week that his chamber would not vote on immigration reform this year, killing chances that a wide-ranging bill passed by the Senate would become law.

You realize any executive order that violates U.S Federal Law is not valid.

And the supreme court can and has overturned an executive order.

It's called Checks and Balances -- ever hear of it?

You ever hear of abuse of power? Obama can't follow law. He's above that now.

At least we partially understand now what Obama meant when he said he wod go it on his own. 1000's of abused kids as his pawns.


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