The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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First jew=ish is not even a people.

Okay, I'll play. Define "a people" using a list of objective criteria.

I'll give you an example. The Scottish people are a people because they:

1. have a distinctive language
2. have an historical territory
3. have a distinctive mode of dress
4. have distinctive foods
5. have distinctive holidays or special celebrations
6. have distinctive music, instruments, dances

Here's another. The Catalans are a people because they:

1. have a distinctive language
2. have an historical territory
3. have distinctive foods
4. have distinctive holidays or special celebrations

Show me your objective list of criteria that you could use to apply to any group anywhere in the world.
Sorry if this offend you but,,their no other evidence showing who the real Palestians are,Except for who they are originally.
I will delete just to show who is and who is not.

Since when have sub saharan people been Mediterraenian and not have DARK OLIVE SKIN TONES. These are more likely from Ethiopia, Somalia or Sudan 2000 klicks to the south, and muslims.

Indigenous? Not so much.
Far more indigenous than the European religious migrants that came over in the late 19th early 20th century.

Why? Because they migrated in the 14th century instead of the 19th? That somehow makes them "more" indigenous?

Oldest, surviving, distinct culture which originated in that place.
Which would that be, given that Judaism is only a religion and "rabbinic" Judaism emerged after the last vestage of the Temple cult was eradicated by the Romans? The indigenous natives of Palestine were not all Jewish, one way or another over time converted to other religions but maintained their ties to the land.

Indigeneity is not possession of territory, even long term possession of territory. The whole point of identifying indigenous peoples is to preserve and protect the cultures which would otherwise be destroyed by invading and colonizing peoples. The Jewish culture is clearly the oldest surviving culture in the territory, with historical evidence going back thousands and thousands of years. The Jewish culture clearly originated in that territory. And the Jewish culture is clearly not just a religion, but demonstrates every aspect of every criteria which you might name to identify a culture.

Saying that the indigenous Jewish culture was eradicated is a lie. The Jewish people survived both within the territory and outside Israel with their culture intact.

By arguing that the indigenous natives (the Jewish people) converted to other cultures (cultures which originated elsewhere and invaded and colonized the territory) you are conclusively arguing that those cultures, despite their long residency in the land, are not and can not be, the indigenous cultures or peoples.

Further, you are actually arguing that successful eradication of an existing or indigenous culture -- through conquest, ethnic cleansing, invasion, colonization and conversion is a VALID way to transfer indigeniety to the invading and colonizing cultures. Which, if carried to its logical conclusion, means that even if you see the Jewish culture as an invading and colonizing culture (which of course its not), it can remove the rights from the existing peoples and usurp them for itself and be validated in doing so.

You can't keep arguing from both sides of the coin depending on what you want the outcome to be; an outcome which is clearly predicated on a bias against the Jewish people and a fundamental denial of their existence as a people.
First jew=ish is not even a people.Secondly what land are the caucasians Originals in.

SAYS your education is so lacking that you do not know.

Which ones as there are many different sub groups from around the world
Sorry if this offend you but,,their no other evidence showing who the real Palestians are,Except for who they are originally.
I will delete just to show who is and who is not.

It's not offending anyone, and it fits within the topic :thup:

It offends me beacause it is openly racist and designed to incite racism agaisnt a certain race of people. The poster is push a black supremacist policy that should be banned from the board
A quick wiki search reveals that the Tarabin tribe claims descendancy from "Atiya who belonged to the Quraysh ... and lived at Turba, east of Mecca".

A name of Tarabin derives from the Taraba valley in Saudi Arabia where this tribe has once settled. Originally Tarabin were called Boqom tribes, but later found it easier to refer to the valley after they moved to Sinai.[1]

Tarabin Bedouin traced their ancestry to one 'Atiya who belonged to the Quraysh,[2] to which Mohammed the prophet of Islam belonged, and lived at Turba east of Mecca. It is believed that 'Atiya migrated to Sinai in the 14th Century. He was buried at al-Sharaf near Suez. 'Atiya had five sons to which various clans of the Tarabin trace their descent. Musa'id was remembered as ancestor of the Qusar; Hasbal of the Hasabila; Nab'a of the Naba'at; Sari of the Sarayi'a. These four sections lived in Sinai.[3]

Indigenous? Not so much.
Who then is indigenous,we know caucasians can`t be they can`t even be ancient people,they are not that old.

Only by a handfull of generations compared to the sub saharans ( as in living to the south of the sahara desert ) Two distinct human developements took place at the same time the Neanderthals from which the great apes and sub saharans are devrlopements and the lighter skinned homo sapiens that travelled north as the glaciers melted. As the groups migrated they changed to interact with their surroundings. Dark skinned people stood out in the snow and suffered greatly from the cold so had to lose their pigmentation or be wiped out.

Think about genetics and not longevity and you will realise that caucasu=ians have been around since the dawn of time, and they invented metallurgy in the temperate north. First with copper ores and then alloys with tin and zinc. Much later they invented iron and created iron tools to supplement the stone and bronze they were also using. All this time the blacks were living in caves or up in trees with not even fire to keep them warm or to scare the wild beasts away.

Dont try and claim that you invented metallurgy as there was no ores lying on the surface as there was no glaciation of the sub saharan regions so scour the top layers of.

By the way palestine was not inhabited until around 20,000BCE and then by lighter skinned nomadic stone age people. So you see that the inhabitants of what we call palestine today are light skinned and were the forefathers of the modern palestinians.
Indigenous? Not so much.

Far more indigenous than the European religious migrants that came over in the late 19th early 20th century.

Oldest, surviving, distinct culture which originated in that place.

Which would that be, given that Judaism is only a religion and "rabbinic" Judaism emerged after the last vestage of the Temple cult was eradicated by the Romans? The indigenous natives of Palestine were not all Jewish, one way or another over time converted to other religions but maintained their ties to the land.

Not according to Genetic testing, which shows the same genome as that of the DNA extracted from the bodies of people buried in pre herod timesargue all you want it wont alter the facts.
Well, long as we know that`s all that counts.See it`s different talking to uneducated and unlearned in our history.
Post 1001 not respectful enough for you, gt1085 ?
I did`nt say that.

You also didn't answer the post....
I see that many people here are Retarded to history.
Black Palestinian natives of the Holy land

You are just retarded trying to push your LIES and RACISM. The laws of nature say that the blacks were not the original Jews, and these laws can not be repealed. They look like african janjaweed muslims to the trained eye, so should be deported as soon as they set foot in Israel.
Post 1001 not respectful enough for you, gt1085 ?
I did`nt say that.

You also didn't answer the post....
I see that many people here are Retarded to history.
Black Palestinian natives of the Holy land

You are just retarded trying to push your LIES and RACISM. The laws of nature say that the blacks were not the original Jews, and these laws can not be repealed. They look like african janjaweed muslims to the trained eye, so should be deported as soon as they set foot in Israel.

This is why i did`nt respond.You are Retarded,Theirs no discussion with stupid people take your shit else where DUMB DUMB.:321::fu:
The whole point of identifying indigenous peoples is to preserve and protect the cultures which would otherwise be destroyed by invading and colonizing peoples.

Yes, the Palestinians need protecting from the European colonisers.

The Jewish culture is clearly the oldest surviving culture in the territory, with historical evidence going back thousands and thousands of years. The Jewish culture clearly originated in that territory. And the Jewish culture is clearly not just a religion, but demonstrates every aspect of every criteria which you might name to identify a culture.

What culture? The monotheistic cult that eventually became known as Judaism certiainly originated somewhere in the Judean highlands, but that was ultimately eradicated by the Romans. Rabbinical Judaism claims a "connection" with the destroyed Jerusalem temple cult, but has no other "cultural" connection that would identify an ethnic group with "rights" to Palestine.
The whole point of identifying indigenous peoples is to preserve and protect the cultures which would otherwise be destroyed by invading and colonizing peoples.

Yes, the Palestinians need protecting from the European colonisers.

The Jewish culture is clearly the oldest surviving culture in the territory, with historical evidence going back thousands and thousands of years. The Jewish culture clearly originated in that territory. And the Jewish culture is clearly not just a religion, but demonstrates every aspect of every criteria which you might name to identify a culture.

What culture? The monotheistic cult that eventually became known as Judaism certiainly originated somewhere in the Judean highlands, but that was ultimately eradicated by the Romans. Rabbinical Judaism claims a "connection" with the destroyed Jerusalem temple cult, but has no other "cultural" connection that would identify an ethnic group with "rights" to Palestine.
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