The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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Yes, the Palestinians need protecting from the European colonisers.

What culture? The monotheistic cult that eventually became known as Judaism certiainly originated somewhere in the Judean highlands, but that was ultimately eradicated by the Romans. Rabbinical Judaism claims a "connection" with the destroyed Jerusalem temple cult, but has no other "cultural" connection that would identify an ethnic group with "rights" to Palestine.
I just answered the question,their is no other that has the rights to that certaintly they would not be mixed with the caucasians ,for they were the last to be made.Not being funny but Truthful and i know your kind cannot except TRUTH .TRUTH is in your people,like non-existence.So you can take it how ever you want to make it.Corresponding with an unlearned untaught mind you can makeup whatever you like it your kind.Your are not the an·cient1.

And what is your evidence that cant be debunked by a 10 year old child ?
well we should`nt be having this conversation ,if you say im lying,ha one thing i have learn though that it is a waste of time and energy talking about anything with caucasians,But they too have been spoon Fed Lies, Not All But some Are Awaking.but any way man we off subject.

We could say the same thing about you negroes
Say what about what

What you claim is the case for caucasians, that you know is just projection of your own kind.
I just answered the question,their is no other that has the rights to that certaintly they would not be mixed with the caucasians ,for they were the last to be made.Not being funny but Truthful and i know your kind cannot except TRUTH .TRUTH is in your people,like non-existence.So you can take it how ever you want to make it.Corresponding with an unlearned untaught mind you can makeup whatever you like it your kind.Your are not the an·cient1.

And what is your evidence that cant be debunked by a 10 year old child ?
well we should`nt be having this conversation ,if you say im lying,ha one thing i have learn though that it is a waste of time and energy talking about anything with caucasians,But they too have been spoon Fed Lies, Not All But some Are Awaking.but any way man we off subject.

We could say the same thing about you negroes
Say what about what

What you claim is the case for caucasians, that you know is just projection of your own kind.
This is why i did`nt respond.You are Retarded,Theirs no discussion with stupid people take your shit else where DUMB DUMB.:321::fu:

Is that the best you can do when your argumants are torn apart and shown to be false based on racism
lol,but abit over confidence don`t go here buddy,exhausting talking to you ,You have proving you know nothing about history just brainwashed is the best i can say for you.Agian off subject.

I know more that you ever will my genetic makeup says that I can assimilate more knowledge than you can. Another of those laws of nature that put you back in your mud hut and grass skirt.

As I said your "jews" look more like janjaweed muslims that are on the top of the list as most hated people in the world

Like these

Well at any rate the are from Jacob.So if you new so much,why didn`t you this.You just a baby yet,growing up ain`t ez.

They are cold blooded mass murdering rapists that should be treated as the rabid dogs they are. SHOT ON SIGHT
Yes they really and you learn to bath,just a no good stankin ass people right.You just down right foul, nasty, you can`t change yourself either,lol.
Is that the best you can do when your argumants are torn apart and shown to be false based on racism
lol,but abit over confidence don`t go here buddy,exhausting talking to you ,You have proving you know nothing about history just brainwashed is the best i can say for you.Agian off subject.

I know more that you ever will my genetic makeup says that I can assimilate more knowledge than you can. Another of those laws of nature that put you back in your mud hut and grass skirt.

As I said your "jews" look more like janjaweed muslims that are on the top of the list as most hated people in the world

Like these

Well at any rate the are from Jacob.So if you new so much,why didn`t you this.You just a baby yet,growing up ain`t ez.

They are cold blooded mass murdering rapists that should be treated as the rabid dogs they are. SHOT ON SIGHT
Yes they really and you learn to bath,just a no good stankin ass people right.You just down right foul, nasty, you can`t change yourself either,lol.

Is that like the inbred blacks like yourself who think they rule the world, and cant even rule a small village without getting it wrong. If you were as inyelligent as you make out you would never have been captured and taken as slaves, you would have had self loading rifles while the arabs and Europeans still had swords.
The Jews are indigenous to Palestine, and the Arabs are late comers.
The Jews are NOT Indigenous to this area you Fool...........The Caananites and Moabites were

Aren't you getting your tenses mixed up?
kEEP sPEWING.............. jEWS aRE nOT indigenous to Palestine(Correctly said PALESTINE,by jake)jEWS ARE FROM what is part of todays IRAQ.

Shame you know so little about Jewish History..........but ZIONIST TRASH often make this mistake because they are BRAINWASHED IN ZIONIST TERRORIST DOCTRINE.

I Suggest you speak to Tinnie,Monte or Penny if you wish to properly EDUCATE YOURSELF oN all Things........Jews and iSRAELITES

THEY are Educated and could help.............if you have an open mind,which only u know
The Jews are indigenous to Palestine, and the Arabs are late comers.
The Jews are NOT Indigenous to this area you Fool...........The Caananites and Moabites were

Aren't you getting your tenses mixed up?
kEEP sPEWING.............. jEWS aRE nOT indigenous to Palestine(Correctly said PALESTINE,by jake)jEWS ARE FROM what is part of todays IRAQ.

Shame you know so little about Jewish History..........but ZIONIST TRASH often make this mistake because they are BRAINWASHED IN ZIONIST TERRORIST DOCTRINE.

I Suggest you speak to Tinnie,Monte or Penny if you wish to properly EDUCATE YOURSELF oN all Things........Jews and iSRAELITES

THEY are Educated and could help.............if you have an open mind,which only u know


Especially the Monte and Penny bit.
The Jews are indigenous to Palestine, and the Arabs are late comers.
The Jews are NOT Indigenous to this area you Fool...........The Caananites and Moabites were

Aren't you getting your tenses mixed up?
kEEP sPEWING.............. jEWS aRE nOT indigenous to Palestine(Correctly said PALESTINE,by jake)jEWS ARE FROM what is part of todays IRAQ.

Shame you know so little about Jewish History..........but ZIONIST TRASH often make this mistake because they are BRAINWASHED IN ZIONIST TERRORIST DOCTRINE.

I Suggest you speak to Tinnie,Monte or Penny if you wish to properly EDUCATE YOURSELF oN all Things........Jews and iSRAELITES

THEY are Educated and could help.............if you have an open mind,which only u know


Your use of zionist as a racist attack is illegal in Australia

No thanks we get more sense out of you

They are uneducated and cant help themselves
The Jews are indigenous to Palestine, and the Arabs are late comers.
The Jews are NOT Indigenous to this area you Fool...........The Caananites and Moabites were

Aren't you getting your tenses mixed up?
kEEP sPEWING.............. jEWS aRE nOT indigenous to Palestine(Correctly said PALESTINE,by jake)jEWS ARE FROM what is part of todays IRAQ.

Shame you know so little about Jewish History..........but ZIONIST TRASH often make this mistake because they are BRAINWASHED IN ZIONIST TERRORIST DOCTRINE.

I Suggest you speak to Tinnie,Monte or Penny if you wish to properly EDUCATE YOURSELF oN all Things........Jews and iSRAELITES

THEY are Educated and could help.............if you have an open mind,which only u know


Your use of zionist as a racist attack is illegal in Australia

No thanks we get more sense out of you

They are uneducated and cant help themselves

Do you think it's all a big act he puts on? Like a Punch & Judy Show?
The Jews are indigenous to Palestine, and the Arabs are late comers.
The Jews are NOT Indigenous to this area you Fool...........The Caananites and Moabites were

Aren't you getting your tenses mixed up?
kEEP sPEWING.............. jEWS aRE nOT indigenous to Palestine(Correctly said PALESTINE,by jake)jEWS ARE FROM what is part of todays IRAQ.

Shame you know so little about Jewish History..........but ZIONIST TRASH often make this mistake because they are BRAINWASHED IN ZIONIST TERRORIST DOCTRINE.

I Suggest you speak to Tinnie,Monte or Penny if you wish to properly EDUCATE YOURSELF oN all Things........Jews and iSRAELITES

THEY are Educated and could help.............if you have an open mind,which only u know


Your use of zionist as a racist attack is illegal in Australia

No thanks we get more sense out of you

They are uneducated and cant help themselves

Do you think it's all a big act he puts on? Like a Punch & Judy Show?

He tries to come across as a well respected islamic bussinness man in Australia, in reality he is some middle school ist generation muslim migrant who does not fit in so has the internet as his only outside line
The Invisible (female) Palestinians.

  • Instead of referring to the female candidates by name and publishing their pictures, the electoral lists are using the terms "the wife of" or "sister."

  • "It is disgraceful for any Islamic, national or independent list to scrap the names of the women. If they are not willing to recognize the woman's name, how will they accept the role of the women after they are elected? ... I'm against the participation of women in this manner. Let men participate in the election alone." — Nahed Abu Taima, Media Development Center at Bir Zeit University.

  • Dr. Walid Al-Qatati, a writer and analyst specializing in Islamic affairs, said that the move reminded him of wedding invitations that are sent out without naming the brides.

  • When Palestinian women carry out attacks against Israelis, Palestinian society glorifies them as heroes. Then the names and photos of these women are plastered across billboards. Yet it appears that when the women wish to work for life rather than for death, their identities are not fit for public consumption.
In a move that has outraged Palestinian women and various Palestinian factions, a number of Palestinian lists contesting the upcoming local elections, scheduled to take place on October 8, have decided to omit the names and photos of female candidates.

Instead of referring to the female candidates by name and publishing their pictures, the electoral lists are using the terms "the wife of" or "sister."

Critics have denounced the move as a "sign of retardation, extremism and bigotry." Other Palestinians have gone so far as comparing the removal of the female candidates' names and photos from the lists to the cruel pre-Islamic practice of infanticide (wa'd).

The Invisible (Female) Palestinians
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