The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
750,000 got the boot in 1948. A few thousand more in 1967. And more all the way through to today, and not allowed to return.

You are perfectly fine with that.

On the contrary, I support return. All those who lost actual property should be able to return to it, or be compensated for its loss. All those descended from those uprooted people should be permitted to return to their ancestral land -- the Jewish people to Israel and the Arab people to Palestine in a two state solution. Should any uprooted people prefer to stay in the country of their refuge (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, etc) they should be permitted to do so.
Home is where you are from. House is not required.
And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
Another Israeli lie. (there are so many)

I'm not watching another of your ridiculous videos. If you have a point -- make it. But I was JUST IN JERUSALEM. And I assure you that people of all faiths worship at their own holy sites there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. (The only people who are excluded from worshiping at their holy places are Jews and that is specifically because Arab Muslims get violent in the mere presence of Jews being, you know, Jewish.)
And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
Another Israeli lie. (there are so many)

I'm not watching another of your ridiculous videos. If you have a point -- make it. But I was JUST IN JERUSALEM. And I assure you that people of all faiths worship at their own holy sites there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. (The only people who are excluded from worshiping at their holy places are Jews and that is specifically because Arab Muslims get violent in the mere presence of Jews being, you know, Jewish.)

You won't watch it because it shows that you are lying.
And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
Another Israeli lie. (there are so many)

Hurray for Pallywood.
Gosh forbid if all Christians cannot enter the Sepulcher Church, after all there are so many , and it is not big enough for all of them.

Patience is not the forte of some Arab Christians, and especially not the forte of those who simply need to demean, and attack Israel at every opportunity.
When did the allow Jews to pray or go to their holy sites for the 1300 years they had it under their control? Or from 1948 to 1967 as they destroyed every Synagogue in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. ( Shhh....let us not even mention TranJordan and Hebron :) )

Let us take a look, even if it does not have to do with the thread:

The thousands who filled Jerusalem's cavernous Church of the Holy Sepulcher began lining up for the ceremony hours earlier. Video screens set up in various places in the Old City broadcast the ceremony live for the thousands more who could not fit inside.

Some of the celebrants held church flags, while others beat hand drums and sang hymns.

The various Orthodox denominations grouped into different areas of the church, which was heavily secured by Israeli forces.

Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said about 2,500 police were stationed in the area, including as many as 1,500 within the church itself. He estimated that between 8,000 and 10,000 worshippers packed the church and about 7,000 more spilled over into its cobbled courtyard.

(Full article online)

Holy Fire Draws Orthodox Christians to Holy Land
And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
Another Israeli lie. (there are so many)

I'm not watching another of your ridiculous videos. If you have a point -- make it. But I was JUST IN JERUSALEM. And I assure you that people of all faiths worship at their own holy sites there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. (The only people who are excluded from worshiping at their holy places are Jews and that is specifically because Arab Muslims get violent in the mere presence of Jews being, you know, Jewish.)

You won't watch it because it shows that you are lying.

I watched it and it is another one of "You are full of it"

Why do they not tell why some of them may not have been allowed enter, if that is true? What was the reason given to them? The Truth.

And some of these Palestinians, who do not know how the Jews were treated by their ancestors and recently for 1400 years, does dare to call the Jews "racists".

These Christians seem to have a terrible short memory of how THEY were treated by the Muslims, the same as the Jews. as Dhimmis

Hooray for Pallywood !!!!!
And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
Another Israeli lie. (there are so many)

Hurray for Pallywood.
Gosh forbid if all Christians cannot enter the Sepulcher Church, after all there are so many , and it is not big enough for all of them.

Patience is not the forte of some Arab Christians, and especially not the forte of those who simply need to demean, and attack Israel at every opportunity.
When did the allow Jews to pray or go to their holy sites for the 1300 years they had it under their control? Or from 1948 to 1967 as they destroyed every Synagogue in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. ( Shhh....let us not even mention TranJordan and Hebron :) )

Let us take a look, even if it does not have to do with the thread:

The thousands who filled Jerusalem's cavernous Church of the Holy Sepulcher began lining up for the ceremony hours earlier. Video screens set up in various places in the Old City broadcast the ceremony live for the thousands more who could not fit inside.

Some of the celebrants held church flags, while others beat hand drums and sang hymns.

The various Orthodox denominations grouped into different areas of the church, which was heavily secured by Israeli forces.

Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said about 2,500 police were stationed in the area, including as many as 1,500 within the church itself. He estimated that between 8,000 and 10,000 worshippers packed the church and about 7,000 more spilled over into its cobbled courtyard.

(Full article online)

Holy Fire Draws Orthodox Christians to Holy Land

The Palestinians were not in control from 1948 to 1967. You can't blame them.
You are a sad little Islamist. Obviously you are ignorant to the fact that Israel is preserving religious sites. That is quite at odds with the islamic practice of destroying religious sites.
Judaism may be the only Monotheism which has built a Temple for All of the People:

From its very inception, the Temple was designed to be a universal institution. The prophet Isaiah, addressing the "foreigners who join themselves to the Lord" (Isa. 56:6), proclaimed, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations" (Isa. 56:7).

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

On 27 June 1967, Prime Minister Eshkol again addressed the spiritual leaders of all communities and assured them of Israel's determination to protect the Holy Places. On behalf of the religious dignitaries present, His Beatitude Benedictos, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, replied. On the same day, the Knesset passed the Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967. Texts of the statements and the Law follow:

(More at the link)
Israel protects holy sites...but...

So when are Jews allowed to have their property back in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?


Why is it off topic?
Jews have been living in what became Syria and Lebanon continuously for 2500 years.
if You want to talk about lost property it goes both ways.

But my claim is even further - it was the plight of oldest Jewish communities in Syria-Palestine against Arab pogroms and discrimination that initiated the organization of Zionism.

At the end of the day - Jews lost more lands and property to Arabs then vice versa.
And it really saddens me that Israel is destroying it.

Israel destroying it? On the contrary. Remember I just got back from Jerusalem. People of all faiths worship there, just as they have been doing for thousands of years. Its beautiful.
Another Israeli lie. (there are so many)

Hurray for Pallywood.
Gosh forbid if all Christians cannot enter the Sepulcher Church, after all there are so many , and it is not big enough for all of them.

Patience is not the forte of some Arab Christians, and especially not the forte of those who simply need to demean, and attack Israel at every opportunity.
When did the allow Jews to pray or go to their holy sites for the 1300 years they had it under their control? Or from 1948 to 1967 as they destroyed every Synagogue in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. ( Shhh....let us not even mention TranJordan and Hebron :) )

Let us take a look, even if it does not have to do with the thread:

The thousands who filled Jerusalem's cavernous Church of the Holy Sepulcher began lining up for the ceremony hours earlier. Video screens set up in various places in the Old City broadcast the ceremony live for the thousands more who could not fit inside.

Some of the celebrants held church flags, while others beat hand drums and sang hymns.

The various Orthodox denominations grouped into different areas of the church, which was heavily secured by Israeli forces.

Police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said about 2,500 police were stationed in the area, including as many as 1,500 within the church itself. He estimated that between 8,000 and 10,000 worshippers packed the church and about 7,000 more spilled over into its cobbled courtyard.

(Full article online)

Holy Fire Draws Orthodox Christians to Holy Land

The Palestinians were not in control from 1948 to 1967. You can't blame them.

Muslim Jordan was. And it did not allow Jews or Christians into Old Jerusalem to their holy sites, or any other holy sites in Judea and Samaria during those years. And you do know that.

And who was blaming the "Palestinians" ? I was not.

You are making a huge deal, as always, just as much as that "reporter" was about everything, instead of dealing with the huge number who came for the event and the fact that not all were going to be allowed in the Sepulcher. It happens everywhere, including in Rome. It opens at a certain time, it closes at a certain time. The end.
Judaism may be the only Monotheism which has built a Temple for All of the People:

From its very inception, the Temple was designed to be a universal institution. The prophet Isaiah, addressing the "foreigners who join themselves to the Lord" (Isa. 56:6), proclaimed, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations" (Isa. 56:7).

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

On 27 June 1967, Prime Minister Eshkol again addressed the spiritual leaders of all communities and assured them of Israel's determination to protect the Holy Places. On behalf of the religious dignitaries present, His Beatitude Benedictos, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, replied. On the same day, the Knesset passed the Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967. Texts of the statements and the Law follow:

(More at the link)
Israel protects holy sites...but...

So when are Jews allowed to have their property back in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?


Why is it off topic?
Jews have been living in what became Syria and Lebanon continuously for 2500 years.
if You want to talk about lost property it goes both ways.

But my claim is even further - it was the plight of oldest Jewish communities in Syria-Palestine against Arab pogroms and discrimination that initiated the organization of Zionism.

At the end of the day - Jews lost more lands and property to Arabs then vice versa.

Yeah well it's ok if the MOOSlims do it. Their the superior race.
Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

On 27 June 1967, Prime Minister Eshkol again addressed the spiritual leaders of all communities and assured them of Israel's determination to protect the Holy Places. On behalf of the religious dignitaries present, His Beatitude Benedictos, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, replied. On the same day, the Knesset passed the Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967. Texts of the statements and the Law follow:

(More at the link)
Israel protects holy sites...but...

So when are Jews allowed to have their property back in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?


Why is it off topic?
Jews have been living in what became Syria and Lebanon continuously for 2500 years.
if You want to talk about lost property it goes both ways.

But my claim is even further - it was the plight of oldest Jewish communities in Syria-Palestine against Arab pogroms and discrimination that initiated the organization of Zionism.

At the end of the day - Jews lost more lands and property to Arabs then vice versa.

Yeah well it's ok if the MOOSlims do it. Their the superior race.

First Muslims colonized the lands, then history of the land, then they colonized the religion of the land.
They're superior in this in every land outside Arabia that suffered Muslim invasions.

There's no middle eastern country outside of Arabia,
that managed to free itself from Arab Muslim rule except Israel.
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Home is where you are from. House is not required.

Sure. Jews can return home to Israel. Arabs can return home to Palestine.
So somebody from Jaffa can go to a bantustan in the West Bank.

Someone whose family was from somewhere in Palestine can continue to live in their home territory of Palestine. But the Jewish people will live in the State of Israel and the Arab people will live in the State of Palestine. This is what happens when a territory is divided along ethnic lines, especially after 100 years of non-stop aggression and war.

Return of every descendant to the very streets where their families used to live decades ago is not longer possible. Its not morally possible, its not physically possible, its not economically possible, its not strategically possible. You simply can not unbreak that egg.

Of course, no one should be forcibly uprooted from the point of peace forward. And if a family wishes to return after the war is over, and are content to live peacefully as Arab citizens of Israel or Jewish citizens of Palestine, I would hope that would be possible. Just as I could hopefully choose to live in the land of my Irish or Scots ancestors if I wanted to.
Judaism may be the only Monotheism which has built a Temple for All of the People:

From its very inception, the Temple was designed to be a universal institution. The prophet Isaiah, addressing the "foreigners who join themselves to the Lord" (Isa. 56:6), proclaimed, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations" (Isa. 56:7).

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

On 27 June 1967, Prime Minister Eshkol again addressed the spiritual leaders of all communities and assured them of Israel's determination to protect the Holy Places. On behalf of the religious dignitaries present, His Beatitude Benedictos, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, replied. On the same day, the Knesset passed the Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967. Texts of the statements and the Law follow:

(More at the link)
Israel protects holy sites...but...

So when are Jews allowed to have their property back in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?


Why is it off topic?
Jews have been living in what became Syria and Lebanon continuously for 2500 years.
if You want to talk about lost property it goes both ways.

But my claim is even further - it was the plight of oldest Jewish communities in Syria-Palestine against Arab pogroms and discrimination that initiated the organization of Zionism.

At the end of the day - Jews lost more lands and property to Arabs then vice versa.

It doesn't matter. They are separate and unrelated issues.
Home is where you are from. House is not required.

Sure. Jews can return home to Israel. Arabs can return home to Palestine.
So somebody from Jaffa can go to a bantustan in the West Bank.

Someone whose family was from somewhere in Palestine can continue to live in their home territory of Palestine. But the Jewish people will live in the State of Israel and the Arab people will live in the State of Palestine. This is what happens when a territory is divided along ethnic lines, especially after 100 years of non-stop aggression and war.

Return of every descendant to the very streets where their families used to live decades ago is not longer possible. Its not morally possible, its not physically possible, its not economically possible, its not strategically possible. You simply can not unbreak that egg.

Of course, no one should be forcibly uprooted from the point of peace forward. And if a family wishes to return after the war is over, and are content to live peacefully as Arab citizens of Israel or Jewish citizens of Palestine, I would hope that would be possible. Just as I could hopefully choose to live in the land of my Irish or Scots ancestors if I wanted to.
Sure it's possible. 90% of the land that the Palestinians were expelled from is still uninhabited.
Gosh forbid if all Christians cannot enter the Sepulcher Church, after all there are so many , and it is not big enough for all of them.

Lol. He's trying to argue that Israel is evil because TOO MANY Christians line up to get into the Church? Sheesh.
Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967:

On 27 June 1967, Prime Minister Eshkol again addressed the spiritual leaders of all communities and assured them of Israel's determination to protect the Holy Places. On behalf of the religious dignitaries present, His Beatitude Benedictos, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, replied. On the same day, the Knesset passed the Protection of Holy Places Law, 1967. Texts of the statements and the Law follow:

(More at the link)
Israel protects holy sites...but...

So when are Jews allowed to have their property back in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?


Why is it off topic?
Jews have been living in what became Syria and Lebanon continuously for 2500 years.
if You want to talk about lost property it goes both ways.

But my claim is even further - it was the plight of oldest Jewish communities in Syria-Palestine against Arab pogroms and discrimination that initiated the organization of Zionism.

At the end of the day - Jews lost more lands and property to Arabs then vice versa.

It doesn't matter. They are separate and unrelated issues.

Ever heard of quid pro quo. Or if it's good enough for the Goose/allah, it's good enough for all/jews.
Israel protects holy sites...but...

So when are Jews allowed to have their property back in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?


Why is it off topic?
Jews have been living in what became Syria and Lebanon continuously for 2500 years.
if You want to talk about lost property it goes both ways.

But my claim is even further - it was the plight of oldest Jewish communities in Syria-Palestine against Arab pogroms and discrimination that initiated the organization of Zionism.

At the end of the day - Jews lost more lands and property to Arabs then vice versa.

It doesn't matter. They are separate and unrelated issues.

Ever heard of quid pro quo. Or if it's good enough for the Goose/allah, it's good enough for all/jews.

Still unrelated.
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