The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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It should not effect compensation or the return of confiscated property to Palestinians.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Because Arabs in Palestine are one nation with Arabs in Syria as they officially proclaimed, when they tried to cede the land to a Syria when it was ruled by a King from Mecca.
Because Arabs in Syria-Palestine were the instigators of the violence, and property loss even before Zionism.
Because Arabs leadership in Palestine went outside Palestine and actively organized violence against Jews in all those countries.

Just the property in Syria itself is enough to cover for all what Arabs lost in Palestine, and that's before we discuss Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Those ancient Jewish communities were established millenias before Arab Muslim conquests.

Do the math - and let's see who owes whom.
It should not effect compensation or the return of confiscated property to Palestinians.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Check my thread on the Fahrud and then tell me that the leaders of the Arabs had nothing to do with any expulsion of Jews anywhere, from 1920 to around 1972.

Yes, there are many Arabs who are friendly to Jews and Pro Israel and want nothing to do with what their leaders have done.
Many, if not most, remained in Israel and are happy to have done so.

Most Arabs are taught in schools and social media, etc that the Jews do not have any right to their land. That it is Muslim land.
They do not even mean Palestinians.

Who are these Arab Palestinians who constantly go to the Gaza border, or attack Jews in Samaria or Judea, or in Israel?

These are the ones who agree with their leaders that the Jews are low, and do not have any right to be sovereign over any MUSLIM land.

One will never get to make the Arabs to agree that what their leader Husseini did was wrong, that it lead to the persecution, torture, etc and then finally expulsion (when they had really planned on concentration camps for the Jews if Germany won WWII )

Jews from those areas do not have to hold their breaths that it will ever happen. It never will. Cooperation with Israel against Iran, etc or no cooperation, those lessons against Jews continue to this day, and will continue as long as the Arab/Muslim countries do not learn what democracy is, and much less implement it.

It will be never.
It should not effect compensation or the return of confiscated property to Palestinians.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Because Arabs in Palestine are one nation with Arabs in Syria as they officially proclaimed, when they tried to cede the land to a Syria when it was ruled by a King from Mecca.
Because Arabs in Syria-Palestine were the instigators of the violence, and property loss even before Zionism.
Because Palestinian Arabs went outside Palestine and actively organized violence against Jews in all those countries.

Just the property in Syria itself is enough to cover for all what Arabs lost in Palestine, and that's before we discuss Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Those ancient Jewish communities were established millenias before Arab Muslim conquests.

Do the math - and let's see who owes whom.

So then perhaps the survivors should demand compensation. That doesn't absolve any responsibility from Israel to the Palestinians who's property was unjustly confiscated. But that would demand a greater ethics than "two wrongs make a right" that seems to be the prevailing norm.
It should not effect compensation or the return of confiscated property to Palestinians.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Check my thread on the Fahrud and then tell me that the leaders of the Arabs had nothing to do with any expulsion of Jews anywhere, from 1920 to around 1972.

Yes, there are many Arabs who are friendly to Jews and Pro Israel and want nothing to do with what their leaders have done.
Many, if not most, remained in Israel and are happy to have done so.

Most Arabs are taught in schools and social media, etc that the Jews do not have any right to their land. That it is Muslim land.
They do not even mean Palestinians.

Who are these Arab Palestinians who constantly go to the Gaza border, or attack Jews in Samaria or Judea, or in Israel?

These are the ones who agree with their leaders that the Jews are low, and do not have any right to be sovereign over any MUSLIM land.

One will never get to make the Arabs to agree that what their leader Husseini did was wrong, that it lead to the persecution, torture, etc and then finally expulsion (when they had really planned on concentration camps for the Jews if Germany won WWII )

Jews from those areas do not have to hold their breaths that it will ever happen. It never will. Cooperation with Israel against Iran, etc or no cooperation, those lessons against Jews continue to this day, and will continue as long as the Arab/Muslim countries do not learn what democracy is, and much less implement it.

It will be never.

Your first sentence: I never said the Arab leaders had nothing to do with it. What's the point of reading the rest when you don't even get what I say accurately???

Should the confiscated property of people who were unjustly evicted or fled out of fear of conflict and barred from return by the IDF and unjust property confiscation laws, be compensated or returned? We certainly thought that principle was important before, such as with the Nazi's and we are still in the process of identifying and returning the many items they looted from their victims. Doing what is right should not be dependent on what other people have done, but apparently a different standard is applied to the Palestinians in this particular case.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Because Arabs in Palestine are one nation with Arabs in Syria as they officially proclaimed, when they tried to cede the land to a Syria when it was ruled by a King from Mecca.
Because Arabs in Syria-Palestine were the instigators of the violence, and property loss even before Zionism.
Because Palestinian Arabs went outside Palestine and actively organized violence against Jews in all those countries.

Just the property in Syria itself is enough to cover for all what Arabs lost in Palestine, and that's before we discuss Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Those ancient Jewish communities were established millenias before Arab Muslim conquests.

Do the math - and let's see who owes whom.

So then perhaps the survivors should demand compensation. That doesn't absolve any responsibility from Israel to the Palestinians who's property was unjustly confiscated. But that would demand a greater ethics than "two wrongs make a right" that seems to be the prevailing norm.

So again You want to exclude Jews from Palestinians and then claim it's not an Arab-Jewish conflict?

Arabs are still the main cause for most property loss in that conflict, anything lost by Arabs was compensated by larger property gained by Arabs.
Even if You wan't to go by personal case, there were more Jews expelled and stripped from much larger property.
Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Because Arabs in Palestine are one nation with Arabs in Syria as they officially proclaimed, when they tried to cede the land to a Syria when it was ruled by a King from Mecca.
Because Arabs in Syria-Palestine were the instigators of the violence, and property loss even before Zionism.
Because Palestinian Arabs went outside Palestine and actively organized violence against Jews in all those countries.

Just the property in Syria itself is enough to cover for all what Arabs lost in Palestine, and that's before we discuss Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Those ancient Jewish communities were established millenias before Arab Muslim conquests.

Do the math - and let's see who owes whom.

So then perhaps the survivors should demand compensation. That doesn't absolve any responsibility from Israel to the Palestinians who's property was unjustly confiscated. But that would demand a greater ethics than "two wrongs make a right" that seems to be the prevailing norm.

So again You want to exclude Jews from Palestinians and then claim it's not an Arab-Jewish conflict?

Umh, no. Jews who lost property have as much right to compensation as Palestinians. Compensation to either should NOT depend on whether the OTHER gets it or not.

Arabs are still the main cause for most property loss in that conflict, anything lost by Arabs was compensated by larger property gained by Arabs.
Even if You wan't to go by personal case, there were more Jews expelled and stripped from much larger property.

Who cares if the arabs are the main cause???? Arabs are a huge general group - what does it matter to the individual Palestinians who's property was taken, and who, unlike the Jews - remain stateless? Why should THEY be punished for the actions of others? And, before you say it - I agree that the other Arab nations have failed them in insisting that the refugee status quo be retained rather than taking them in.
Personally I think the Arab countries that expelled the Jews should issue, at least, a formal apology and make some movement towards a compensation or formal measure of some kind recognizing what they have done.

In my personal opinion it's quiet disingenuous to ask for a mere apology while demanding Jews compensate Arabs for a war they initiated.

All I'm saying -let's do the math, just don't complain when Arabs have no pants left after paying the Israelis.
Personally I think the Arab countries that expelled the Jews should issue, at least, a formal apology and make some movement towards a compensation or formal measure of some kind recognizing what they have done.

In my personal opinion it's quiet disingenuous to ask for a mere apology while demanding Jews compensate Arabs for a war they initiated.

All I'm saying -let's do the math, just don't complain when Arabs have no pants left.

I said, at the "least" because many of those people are no longer alive and I don't believe in monetary compensation to descendents (either Jewish or Palestinians). A formal apology and simple acknowledgement of wrong done can go a long ways. Including with the Palestinians.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It should not effect compensation or the return of confiscated property to Palestinians.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palestinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.


This entire idea and question about who pays whom for what is already settled. While some may think it is an unfair outcome, in every dispute their outcome. NOW, if the Arab Palestinian want to reopen a conflict, long since settled, then they should standup and say so. Declare War, so that the two parties can engage again on the question of reparations, restitution, and cost of claims.

But the Arab parties concerned, that engaged Israel on behalf of the Arab Palestinians have either made peace, disengaged and abandon the field, or are unable to continue the quest (whatever they thought they should get).

In a war, there are all kinds of possible outcomes. Some can gain something, some more often than not - lose something. But the war over the territory is OVER. Now we have the Arab Palestinians that blame the Israelis for fair-out better in the wars, than did the Arab Palestinians.

Get your map out and look at the Treaties of with Jordan and Egypt. Do they cover the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? If they do, and the Arab Palestinians put their faith in the Arab League to defeat the Israelis, what is there to say?

In terms that everyone can understand is it fair to say we are dealing with:

Sore Losers.png

In the US, over the last 50 years, there have been all sorts of financial and land/property investment that left hundreds of thousand of investors destitute. They were bank, housing, mortgage and investment scandals that affected peoples lives all over the world. IT HAPPENs...
Most Respectfully,
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Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.

Check my thread on the Fahrud and then tell me that the leaders of the Arabs had nothing to do with any expulsion of Jews anywhere, from 1920 to around 1972.

Yes, there are many Arabs who are friendly to Jews and Pro Israel and want nothing to do with what their leaders have done.
Many, if not most, remained in Israel and are happy to have done so.

Most Arabs are taught in schools and social media, etc that the Jews do not have any right to their land. That it is Muslim land.
They do not even mean Palestinians.

Who are these Arab Palestinians who constantly go to the Gaza border, or attack Jews in Samaria or Judea, or in Israel?

These are the ones who agree with their leaders that the Jews are low, and do not have any right to be sovereign over any MUSLIM land.

One will never get to make the Arabs to agree that what their leader Husseini did was wrong, that it lead to the persecution, torture, etc and then finally expulsion (when they had really planned on concentration camps for the Jews if Germany won WWII )

Jews from those areas do not have to hold their breaths that it will ever happen. It never will. Cooperation with Israel against Iran, etc or no cooperation, those lessons against Jews continue to this day, and will continue as long as the Arab/Muslim countries do not learn what democracy is, and much less implement it.

It will be never.

Your first sentence: I never said the Arab leaders had nothing to do with it. What's the point of reading the rest when you don't even get what I say accurately???

Should the confiscated property of people who were unjustly evicted or fled out of fear of conflict and barred from return by the IDF and unjust property confiscation laws, be compensated or returned? We certainly thought that principle was important before, such as with the Nazi's and we are still in the process of identifying and returning the many items they looted from their victims. Doing what is right should not be dependent on what other people have done, but apparently a different standard is applied to the Palestinians in this particular case.

Please do not equate what happened to the Jews in Europe.

The Arabs in Palestine, and then later in all other Arab countries became nazis themselves.

Egypt and Syria alone accepted thousands of runaway nazis into their midst.

In one word.


The Arab Palestinians do not get to be compensated by Israel for what their leaders created with the intention of killing every Jew in Israel and destroying her.

The Palestinian population which was actually expelled by Israel, is very small.

There is no compensation from Israel, to all of those who left because their leaders, including the Jordanians, told them to do.
Leave and return in two weeks.
Just give the leaders and their weapons take care of the Jews and they would be able to return in no time at all.

Israel is responsible for what the Arab leaders promised?

Israel is responsible for those Arabs who took arms against Israel and wanted to kill Jews, but lost the battles and the war and were expelled?

If you can show me that the Jews of all of those Arab countries took up arms and tried to kill the leaders and anyone else, for whichever reason, but were defeated and then expelled .....then one might have a case for asking Israel to compensate the Arab Palestinians.

There is not one case.

From 1920 on, it has been the Arab leaders attacking, killing and we know what else.....any Jews they could find.

So Israel had to form a Military and become strong and stronger when seven Arab countries attacked her right after it declared Independence.

Israel owes the Arabs in the world nothing.
Israel owes the Arabs in "Palestine" even less.

The Jews survived and turned their homeland into a prosperous place, and have only asked that the Arabs respect the Jews and turn their places into the same.

The "right thing" ,is for the Arab countries to compensate the Jewish People they expelled with whatever is agreed on.

Nazi Arabs do not get away with wanting to murder every Jew in Asia Minor and then demand compensation.

Nazi Arabs have all the Billions they have been stealing from all the Arab countries and the West, which they should already have distributed amongst all of those who THEY forced out of what is now Israel.

Why in the world would I want to compensate Nazi Arabs for wanting me and my family dead?
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It should not effect compensation or the return of confiscated property to Palestinians.
Arabs in Syria-Palestine were directly responsible for property loss and expulsion of ancient Jewish communities in the middle east. It was a coordinated effort by the Arabs to target any Jewish community in the middle east because they dared to own state for their own, on their ancestral land.

To suggest that the property lost by Arabs in a tiny sliver of land, is anywhere close to the amount lost by Jews in some 22 Arab countries due to the conflict initiated by Arabs- is disingenuous and pathetic.

This is no different than the Arab pogroms in Syria-Palestine before Zionism.

Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palestinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.


This entire idea and question about who pays whom for what is already settled. While some may think it is an unfair outcome, in every dispute their outcome. NOW, if the Arab Palestinian want to reopen a conflict, long since settled, then they should standup and say so. Declare War, so that the two parties can engage again on the question of reparations, restitution, and cost of claims.

But the Arab parties concerned, that engaged Israel on behalf of the Arab Palestinians have either made peace, disengaged and abandon the field, or are unable to continue the quest (whatever they thought they should get).

In a war, there are all kinds of possible outcomes. Some can gain something, some more often than not - lose something. But the war over the territory is OVER. Now we have the Arab Palestinians that blame the Israelis for fair-out better in the wars, than did the Arab Palestinians.

Get your map out and look at the Treaties of with Jordan and Egypt. Do they cover the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? If they do, and the Arab Palestinians put their faith in the Arab League to defeat the Israelis, what is there to say?

In terms that everyone can understand is it fair to say we are dealing with:

Most Respectfully,

There were Palestinians who were expelled and fled. Contrary to the "official narrative" - in 1948, many did not flee because their leaders told them to do so but because they feared the conflict or they were actually expelled by the Jewish militias as part of an orchestrated terror campaign. They were then barred from returning to their homes and legal mechanisms were set up to prevent them from being able to claim their property. Are you saying this is acceptable? That they are owed no compensation or return of property or even recognition of the wrong done to them?
Personally I think the Arab countries that expelled the Jews should issue, at least, a formal apology and make some movement towards a compensation or formal measure of some kind recognizing what they have done.

In my personal opinion it's quiet disingenuous to ask for a mere apology while demanding Jews compensate Arabs for a war they initiated.

All I'm saying -let's do the math, just don't complain when Arabs have no pants left.

I said, at the "least" because many of those people are no longer alive and I don't believe in monetary compensation to descendents (either Jewish or Palestinians). A formal apology and simple acknowledgement of wrong done can go a long ways. Including with the Palestinians.

Basically You've proven once more that the term 'Palestinian' was appropriated to refer only to Arabs, and to dissolve them from any responsibility in an all out coordinated war against Jews in all of middle east.

Arabs to this day continue with the demand of a Jew free state in Judea,
and You demand an apology?!
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Personally I think the Arab countries that expelled the Jews should issue, at least, a formal apology and make some movement towards a compensation or formal measure of some kind recognizing what they have done.

In my personal opinion it's quiet disingenuous to ask for a mere apology while demanding Jews compensate Arabs for a war they initiated.

All I'm saying -let's do the math, just don't complain when Arabs have no pants left.

I said, at the "least" because many of those people are no longer alive and I don't believe in monetary compensation to descendents (either Jewish or Palestinians). A formal apology and simple acknowledgement of wrong done can go a long ways. Including with the Palestinians.

Basically You've proven once more that the term 'Palestinian' was appropriated to refer only to Arabs, and to dissolve them from any responsibility in an all out coordinated war against Jews.

Arabs to this day continue with the demand of Jew free state in Judea,
and You demand an apology?!

For confiscated property, for expelling them from their villages, and for the laws that deliberately prevented them from reclaiming it, yes.

But damn, I keep forgetting - Israel can do no wrong!
Again - it should not affect the compensation of confiscated property to the Palestinians. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or, maybe they do these days. It's impossible to tell.

Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.
Check my thread on the Fahrud and then tell me that the leaders of the Arabs had nothing to do with any expulsion of Jews anywhere, from 1920 to around 1972.

Yes, there are many Arabs who are friendly to Jews and Pro Israel and want nothing to do with what their leaders have done.
Many, if not most, remained in Israel and are happy to have done so.

Most Arabs are taught in schools and social media, etc that the Jews do not have any right to their land. That it is Muslim land.
They do not even mean Palestinians.

Who are these Arab Palestinians who constantly go to the Gaza border, or attack Jews in Samaria or Judea, or in Israel?

These are the ones who agree with their leaders that the Jews are low, and do not have any right to be sovereign over any MUSLIM land.

One will never get to make the Arabs to agree that what their leader Husseini did was wrong, that it lead to the persecution, torture, etc and then finally expulsion (when they had really planned on concentration camps for the Jews if Germany won WWII )

Jews from those areas do not have to hold their breaths that it will ever happen. It never will. Cooperation with Israel against Iran, etc or no cooperation, those lessons against Jews continue to this day, and will continue as long as the Arab/Muslim countries do not learn what democracy is, and much less implement it.

It will be never.

Your first sentence: I never said the Arab leaders had nothing to do with it. What's the point of reading the rest when you don't even get what I say accurately???

Should the confiscated property of people who were unjustly evicted or fled out of fear of conflict and barred from return by the IDF and unjust property confiscation laws, be compensated or returned? We certainly thought that principle was important before, such as with the Nazi's and we are still in the process of identifying and returning the many items they looted from their victims. Doing what is right should not be dependent on what other people have done, but apparently a different standard is applied to the Palestinians in this particular case.
Please do not equate what happened to the Jews in Europe.

The Arabs in Palestine, and then later in all other Arab countries became nazis themselves.

Egypt and Syria alone accepted thousands of runaway nazis into their midst.

In one word.


The Arab Palestinians do not get to be compensated by Israel for what their leaders created with the intention of killing every Jew in Israel and destroying her.

The Palestinian population which was actually expelled by Israel, is very small.

There is no compensation from Israel, to all of those who left because their leaders, including the Jordanians, told them to do.
Leave and return in two weeks.
Just give the leaders and their weapons take care of the Jews and they would be able to return in no time at all.

Israel is responsible for what the Arab leaders promised?

Israel is responsible for those Arabs who took arms against Israel and wanted to kill Jews, but lost the battles and the war and were expelled?

If you can show me that the Jews of all of those Arab countries took up arms and tried to kill the leaders and anyone else, for whichever reason, but were defeated and then expelled .....then one might have a case for asking Israel to compensate the Arab Palestinians.

There is not one case.

From 1920 on, it has been the Arab leaders attacking, killing and we know what else.....any Jews they could find.

So Israel had to form a Military and become strong and stronger when seven Arab countries attacked her right after it declared Independence.

Israel owes the Arabs in the world nothing.
Israel owes the Arabs in "Palestine" even less.

The Jews survived and turned their homeland into a prosperous place, and have only asked that the Arabs respect the Jews and turn their places into the same.

The "right thing" ,is for the Arab countries to compensate the Jewish People they expelled with whatever is agreed on.

Nazi Arabs do not get away with wanting to murder every Jew in Asia Minor and then demand compensation.

Nazi Arabs have all the Billions they have been stealing from all the Arab countries and the West, which they should already have distributed amongst all of those who THEY forced out of what is now Israel.

Why in the world would I want to compensate Nazi Arabs for wanting me and my family dead?

Not all the Arabs were Nazi's or supported the Nazi's.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It is not a matter of "acceptance" in terms of who was treated fairly and who was not. It is a matter of "Life;" which as you know is not always fair. It would be absolutely wrong of anyone to attempt to apply the rules of a perfect world to these events.

There were Palestinians who were expelled and fled. Contrary to the "official narrative" - in 1948, many did not flee because their leaders told them to do so but because they feared the conflict or they were actually expelled by the Jewish militias as part of an orchestrated terror campaign. They were then barred from returning to their homes and legal mechanisms were set up to prevent them from being able to claim their property. Are you saying this is acceptable? That they are owed no compensation or return of property or even recognition of the wrong done to them?

Even if I agree, that there is a certain category of Arab Palestinian that might be owed something (some law of gains-based recovery), there is no more reason to believe that such an award will be favored → any more than the unfortunate losers in the Bank Bail-out, or the Enron Scandal, or the Housing Scandal, or any of the other dozen investment debacles. Good people lost their homes, their retirements, their lifes saving, their trust funds → everything. They will not get anything back either. That is the real-world.

There is no one in the region, that really want to damage Israel to such a degree, that it turns into the human development cesspool like many counterparts in the Arab World that surrounds it. And no one wants to press Israel into a corner of no escape, to ignite a war. The world is not perfect and the world is not fair. The outcome is what it is.

So, you think it is fair to re-ignite a war, over again, between the Israelis and Palestinians? The just cause being, they want restitution? Who is going to win that war? How much more are the Arab Palestinians going to lose? If the outcome is that the sum total of the Arab Palestinians will be housed in left-over Iraq war GP Medium Tents, will that be favorable?

What is your solution given that the Jewish National Home is not going to surrender its sovereignty to the Arab World that will bleed them dry?

Most Respectfully,
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Compensation to Arabs should not be affected by the losses they caused Jews?
Maybe You still didn't get my point - You don't demand a penny when You owe me billions.

Each of those people, who lost property did nothing to deserve it. They weren't the rulers. The Palestinians had no effect on what the Syrians chose to do to do to their Jewish communities, so why should they be punished for what Syria did? Same with the other countries. You put it all on the Palistinians heads and insist they pay the price? No.
Check my thread on the Fahrud and then tell me that the leaders of the Arabs had nothing to do with any expulsion of Jews anywhere, from 1920 to around 1972.

Yes, there are many Arabs who are friendly to Jews and Pro Israel and want nothing to do with what their leaders have done.
Many, if not most, remained in Israel and are happy to have done so.

Most Arabs are taught in schools and social media, etc that the Jews do not have any right to their land. That it is Muslim land.
They do not even mean Palestinians.

Who are these Arab Palestinians who constantly go to the Gaza border, or attack Jews in Samaria or Judea, or in Israel?

These are the ones who agree with their leaders that the Jews are low, and do not have any right to be sovereign over any MUSLIM land.

One will never get to make the Arabs to agree that what their leader Husseini did was wrong, that it lead to the persecution, torture, etc and then finally expulsion (when they had really planned on concentration camps for the Jews if Germany won WWII )

Jews from those areas do not have to hold their breaths that it will ever happen. It never will. Cooperation with Israel against Iran, etc or no cooperation, those lessons against Jews continue to this day, and will continue as long as the Arab/Muslim countries do not learn what democracy is, and much less implement it.

It will be never.

Your first sentence: I never said the Arab leaders had nothing to do with it. What's the point of reading the rest when you don't even get what I say accurately???

Should the confiscated property of people who were unjustly evicted or fled out of fear of conflict and barred from return by the IDF and unjust property confiscation laws, be compensated or returned? We certainly thought that principle was important before, such as with the Nazi's and we are still in the process of identifying and returning the many items they looted from their victims. Doing what is right should not be dependent on what other people have done, but apparently a different standard is applied to the Palestinians in this particular case.
Please do not equate what happened to the Jews in Europe.

The Arabs in Palestine, and then later in all other Arab countries became nazis themselves.

Egypt and Syria alone accepted thousands of runaway nazis into their midst.

In one word.


The Arab Palestinians do not get to be compensated by Israel for what their leaders created with the intention of killing every Jew in Israel and destroying her.

The Palestinian population which was actually expelled by Israel, is very small.

There is no compensation from Israel, to all of those who left because their leaders, including the Jordanians, told them to do.
Leave and return in two weeks.
Just give the leaders and their weapons take care of the Jews and they would be able to return in no time at all.

Israel is responsible for what the Arab leaders promised?

Israel is responsible for those Arabs who took arms against Israel and wanted to kill Jews, but lost the battles and the war and were expelled?

If you can show me that the Jews of all of those Arab countries took up arms and tried to kill the leaders and anyone else, for whichever reason, but were defeated and then expelled .....then one might have a case for asking Israel to compensate the Arab Palestinians.

There is not one case.

From 1920 on, it has been the Arab leaders attacking, killing and we know what else.....any Jews they could find.

So Israel had to form a Military and become strong and stronger when seven Arab countries attacked her right after it declared Independence.

Israel owes the Arabs in the world nothing.
Israel owes the Arabs in "Palestine" even less.

The Jews survived and turned their homeland into a prosperous place, and have only asked that the Arabs respect the Jews and turn their places into the same.

The "right thing" ,is for the Arab countries to compensate the Jewish People they expelled with whatever is agreed on.

Nazi Arabs do not get away with wanting to murder every Jew in Asia Minor and then demand compensation.

Nazi Arabs have all the Billions they have been stealing from all the Arab countries and the West, which they should already have distributed amongst all of those who THEY forced out of what is now Israel.

Why in the world would I want to compensate Nazi Arabs for wanting me and my family dead?

Not all the Arabs were Nazi's or supported the Nazi's.
Right, and I did not say that.

But go tell the dead Jews in Baghdad after the Fahrud that only some of the Arabs embraced Naziism and it was ok what the Jews went through during those two days, because it was NEVER about a future state called Israel.

You may not understand this, but what happened is no different from what happened during the Crusades, where Christian Europeans went around murdering every Jew they saw, or the Inquisition which took quite some time oppressing, torturing, murdering and then finally deciding to expel all the Jews in Spain.
And of course the same had happened from 1290 until 1492.

There is no difference between the Christian and the Muslim intolerance to Jews. Both view the Jews as their Dhimmies, with basically no rights. With of course the now and then exceptions, when it comes to governments who did what they did.

Many in the population were responsible for engaging in what the government or the church/mosques wanted them to do, and many were not.

It does not change what happened in all three or four cases cases.

The Crusades
The Inquisition
The Fahrud (Happened during the Holocaust and was actually part of it, as Al Husseini was hand in hand with the Nazis killing Jews and others in Europe and in Asia)
The Holocaust

Israel has always done more for the Arabs around them than their leaders ever cared to do.

Israel brought electricity to Gaza and Judea and Samaria post 1967
Israel gives health care to those in Gaza and the PA
Israel gives education to those in the PA
Israel gives jobs to thousands of eligible Arabs, who come into Israel on a daily basis for all three, now mainly from the PA areas.

What do the Arab leaders continue to give Israel?

So, who compensates Israel for all of these opportunities it gives any Arab who need health care, jobs and education?

Especially when some of them only come into Israel or some of the Jewish villages in Area C in order to kill more Jews?

I think the Arabs need to compensate the Israelis and all the Jews in the world for their endless incitement against them which continues to lead to murders of Jews not only in Israel but around the world.

Should Jews do to Arabs around the world what is done to them?

Do unto others......
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It is not a matter of "acceptance" in terms of who was treated fairly and who was not. It is a matter of "Life;" which as you know is not always fair. It would be absolutely wrong of anyone to attempt to apply the rules of a perfect world to these events.

There were Palestinians who were expelled and fled. Contrary to the "official narrative" - in 1948, many did not flee because their leaders told them to do so but because they feared the conflict or they were actually expelled by the Jewish militias as part of an orchestrated terror campaign. They were then barred from returning to their homes and legal mechanisms were set up to prevent them from being able to claim their property. Are you saying this is acceptable? That they are owed no compensation or return of property or even recognition of the wrong done to them?

Even if I agree, that there is a certain category of Arab Palestinian that might be owed something (some law of gains-based recovery), there is no more reason to believe that such an award will be favored → any more than the unfortunate losers in the Bank Bail-out, or the Enron Scandal, or the Housing Scandal, or any of the other dozen investment debacles. Good people lost their homes, their retirements, their lives saving, their trust funds → everything. They will not get anything back either.

There is no one in the region, that really want to damage Israel to such a degree, that it turns into the human development losers like the reason the Arab World that surrounds it. And no one wants to press Israel into a corner of no escape, to ignite a war. The world is not perfect and the world is not fair. The outcome is what it is.

So, you think it is fair to ignite a war, over again, between the Israelis and Palestinians? The just cause being, they want restitution? Who is going to win that war? How much more are the Arab Palestinians going to lose? If the outcome is that the sum total of the Arab Palestinians will be housed in left-over Iraq war GP Medium Tents, will that be favorable?

What is your solution given that the Jewish National Home is not going to surrender its sovereignty to the Arab World that will bleed them dry?

Most Respectfully,

I'm talking really, about a particular group of Palestinians. You don't think even an apology or acknowledgement that what was done (absentee property laws) is acceptable? That what Israel did in that case was fine? I honestly get the feeling folks feel Israel does no wrong and can not be held accountable for anything because of - but but the Palestinians!

What does this have to do with Israel surrendering it's sovereignity? I don't understand what you mean. If the Turks apologize for the Armenian Genocide are they surrendering their sovereignity?
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It is not a matter of "acceptance" in terms of who was treated fairly and who was not. It is a matter of "Life;" which as you know is not always fair. It would be absolutely wrong of anyone to attempt to apply the rules of a perfect world to these events.

There were Palestinians who were expelled and fled. Contrary to the "official narrative" - in 1948, many did not flee because their leaders told them to do so but because they feared the conflict or they were actually expelled by the Jewish militias as part of an orchestrated terror campaign. They were then barred from returning to their homes and legal mechanisms were set up to prevent them from being able to claim their property. Are you saying this is acceptable? That they are owed no compensation or return of property or even recognition of the wrong done to them?

Even if I agree, that there is a certain category of Arab Palestinian that might be owed something (some law of gains-based recovery), there is no more reason to believe that such an award will be favored → any more than the unfortunate losers in the Bank Bail-out, or the Enron Scandal, or the Housing Scandal, or any of the other dozen investment debacles. Good people lost their homes, their retirements, their lives saving, their trust funds → everything. They will not get anything back either.

There is no one in the region, that really want to damage Israel to such a degree, that it turns into the human development losers like the reason the Arab World that surrounds it. And no one wants to press Israel into a corner of no escape, to ignite a war. The world is not perfect and the world is not fair. The outcome is what it is.

So, you think it is fair to ignite a war, over again, between the Israelis and Palestinians? The just cause being, they want restitution? Who is going to win that war? How much more are the Arab Palestinians going to lose? If the outcome is that the sum total of the Arab Palestinians will be housed in left-over Iraq war GP Medium Tents, will that be favorable?

What is your solution given that the Jewish National Home is not going to surrender its sovereignty to the Arab World that will bleed them dry?

Most Respectfully,

I'm talking really, about a particular group of Palestinians. You don't think even an apology or acknowledgement that what was done (absentee property laws) is acceptable? That what Israel did in that case was fine? I honestly get the feeling folks feel Israel does no wrong and can not be held accountable for anything because of - but but the Palestinians!

What does this have to do with Israel surrendering it's sovereignity? I don't understand what you mean. If the Turks apologize for the Armenian Genocide are they surrendering their sovereignity?
Please, STOP with the Israel can do no wrong mantra.

Israel and the Jews did NOT commit an ethnic cleansing and genocide as the Turks did.

The Jews, and then Israel, were the victims of the Arabs, whose leader had been a soldier during that whole Turkish genocide against the Armenians.

That is who the Jews were dealing with.

With a person, no different from little Adolf, who got so upset that the Ottoman Empire lost along with Germany WWI, that he decided that under NO circumstances, the Jews were EVER going to achieve sovereignty over any part of their ancient homeland, which he and other Muslims considered now Muslim Land.

You are "not" going to bother to read the Thread on the Fahrud, are you?

Al Husseini's whole life and devotion to kill every Jew he is all there.

It includes forming troops in Bosnia, etc to kill Jews and others.
It includes managing to convince the Nazis to not allow 10,000 Jewish children to be sent to Palestine. Instead they all ended up in concentration camps.

I will repeat it.

Israel owes NOTHING to any Palestinians.

It already does more for them than their lousy leaders have ever done or will ever do for them.

Apologize for having survived the endless attacks for the past 100 years, which meant to see every Jew dead?

RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It is not a matter of "acceptance" in terms of who was treated fairly and who was not. It is a matter of "Life;" which as you know is not always fair. It would be absolutely wrong of anyone to attempt to apply the rules of a perfect world to these events.

There were Palestinians who were expelled and fled. Contrary to the "official narrative" - in 1948, many did not flee because their leaders told them to do so but because they feared the conflict or they were actually expelled by the Jewish militias as part of an orchestrated terror campaign. They were then barred from returning to their homes and legal mechanisms were set up to prevent them from being able to claim their property. Are you saying this is acceptable? That they are owed no compensation or return of property or even recognition of the wrong done to them?

Even if I agree, that there is a certain category of Arab Palestinian that might be owed something (some law of gains-based recovery), there is no more reason to believe that such an award will be favored → any more than the unfortunate losers in the Bank Bail-out, or the Enron Scandal, or the Housing Scandal, or any of the other dozen investment debacles. Good people lost their homes, their retirements, their lives saving, their trust funds → everything. They will not get anything back either.

There is no one in the region, that really want to damage Israel to such a degree, that it turns into the human development losers like the reason the Arab World that surrounds it. And no one wants to press Israel into a corner of no escape, to ignite a war. The world is not perfect and the world is not fair. The outcome is what it is.

So, you think it is fair to ignite a war, over again, between the Israelis and Palestinians? The just cause being, they want restitution? Who is going to win that war? How much more are the Arab Palestinians going to lose? If the outcome is that the sum total of the Arab Palestinians will be housed in left-over Iraq war GP Medium Tents, will that be favorable?

What is your solution given that the Jewish National Home is not going to surrender its sovereignty to the Arab World that will bleed them dry?

Most Respectfully,

I'm talking really, about a particular group of Palestinians. You don't think even an apology or acknowledgement that what was done (absentee property laws) is acceptable? That what Israel did in that case was fine? I honestly get the feeling folks feel Israel does no wrong and can not be held accountable for anything because of - but but the Palestinians!

What does this have to do with Israel surrendering it's sovereignity? I don't understand what you mean. If the Turks apologize for the Armenian Genocide are they surrendering their sovereignity?
Please, STOP with the Israel can do no wrong mantra.

Israel and the Jews did NOT commit an ethnic cleansing and genocide as the Turks did.

The Jews, and then Israel, were the victims of the Arabs, whose leader had been a soldier during that whole Turkish genocide against the Armenians.

That is who the Jews were dealing with.

With a person, no different from little Adolf, who got so upset that the Ottoman Empire lost along with Germany WWI, that he decided that under NO circumstances, the Jews were EVER going to achieve sovereignty over any part of their ancient homeland, which he and other Muslims considered now Muslim Land.

You are "not" going to bother to read the Thread on the Fahrud, are you?

Al Husseini's whole life and devotion to kill every Jew he is all there.

It includes forming troops in Bosnia, etc to kill Jews and others.
It includes managing to convince the Nazis to not allow 10,000 Jewish children to be sent to Palestine. Instead they all ended up in concentration camps.

I will repeat it.

Israel owes NOTHING to any Palestinians.

It already does more for them than their lousy leaders have ever done or will ever do for them.

Apologize for having survived the endless attacks for the past 100 years, which meant to see every Jew dead?


I'm not defending Al Husseini.
RE: The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?
※→ Coyote, rylah, et al,

It is not a matter of "acceptance" in terms of who was treated fairly and who was not. It is a matter of "Life;" which as you know is not always fair. It would be absolutely wrong of anyone to attempt to apply the rules of a perfect world to these events.

There were Palestinians who were expelled and fled. Contrary to the "official narrative" - in 1948, many did not flee because their leaders told them to do so but because they feared the conflict or they were actually expelled by the Jewish militias as part of an orchestrated terror campaign. They were then barred from returning to their homes and legal mechanisms were set up to prevent them from being able to claim their property. Are you saying this is acceptable? That they are owed no compensation or return of property or even recognition of the wrong done to them?

Even if I agree, that there is a certain category of Arab Palestinian that might be owed something (some law of gains-based recovery), there is no more reason to believe that such an award will be favored → any more than the unfortunate losers in the Bank Bail-out, or the Enron Scandal, or the Housing Scandal, or any of the other dozen investment debacles. Good people lost their homes, their retirements, their lives saving, their trust funds → everything. They will not get anything back either.

There is no one in the region, that really want to damage Israel to such a degree, that it turns into the human development losers like the reason the Arab World that surrounds it. And no one wants to press Israel into a corner of no escape, to ignite a war. The world is not perfect and the world is not fair. The outcome is what it is.

So, you think it is fair to ignite a war, over again, between the Israelis and Palestinians? The just cause being, they want restitution? Who is going to win that war? How much more are the Arab Palestinians going to lose? If the outcome is that the sum total of the Arab Palestinians will be housed in left-over Iraq war GP Medium Tents, will that be favorable?

What is your solution given that the Jewish National Home is not going to surrender its sovereignty to the Arab World that will bleed them dry?

Most Respectfully,

I'm talking really, about a particular group of Palestinians. You don't think even an apology or acknowledgement that what was done (absentee property laws) is acceptable? That what Israel did in that case was fine? I honestly get the feeling folks feel Israel does no wrong and can not be held accountable for anything because of - but but the Palestinians!

What does this have to do with Israel surrendering it's sovereignity? I don't understand what you mean. If the Turks apologize for the Armenian Genocide are they surrendering their sovereignity?
Please, STOP with the Israel can do no wrong mantra.

Israel and the Jews did NOT commit an ethnic cleansing and genocide as the Turks did.

The Jews, and then Israel, were the victims of the Arabs, whose leader had been a soldier during that whole Turkish genocide against the Armenians.

That is who the Jews were dealing with.

With a person, no different from little Adolf, who got so upset that the Ottoman Empire lost along with Germany WWI, that he decided that under NO circumstances, the Jews were EVER going to achieve sovereignty over any part of their ancient homeland, which he and other Muslims considered now Muslim Land.

You are "not" going to bother to read the Thread on the Fahrud, are you?

Al Husseini's whole life and devotion to kill every Jew he is all there.

It includes forming troops in Bosnia, etc to kill Jews and others.
It includes managing to convince the Nazis to not allow 10,000 Jewish children to be sent to Palestine. Instead they all ended up in concentration camps.

I will repeat it.

Israel owes NOTHING to any Palestinians.

It already does more for them than their lousy leaders have ever done or will ever do for them.

Apologize for having survived the endless attacks for the past 100 years, which meant to see every Jew dead?


I'm not defending Al Husseini.
The answer continues to be


Israel does not owe ONE Palestinian Arab an apology, or anything else.
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