The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Exactly. Once again, ole Uncle Ted has the answer. Just ignore history. Just ignore reality. Just ignore all the statistics.

Clearly not black
I'm white and I've heard car locks click as I walk through a parking lot at night...I've had old ladies cross the street as I've approached at night. STOP whining and feeling like you're the only one that has been dissed you idiot. Every man has his mountains in life to climb. Hey Black man! including you Obama! toughen up buttercup. Stop blaming people that look different than you for your rotten station in life.
To obama fighting back is so dangerous no one should do it. If the assailant is black and the victim is not, the victim is supposed to die and be a happy sacrifice for race relations.
Protest? Is that what you call going on in LA and other areas? Property crime, assault, et al?


and he doesnt think thats cool. He is telling people not to do that, but they have the right to be out there.

Again you are lying and got caught.

No, I did say he needs to put a muzzle on and quit inciting riots. Trying to get the Whites to join the conga line as well.

And like GZ, I have the right to out there as well and put one in them if they assault me.

Real smart


huh? he didnt do this, stop lying
No comparison. Zimmerman knows for sure and was officially asked to answer who was screaming, and he didn't. Goode is only going by voice recognition. Could Goode see the person screaming and his mouth?

Everyone else who testified as to whose voice it was had skin in the game EXCEPT Goode. He wasn't a friend of Trayvon or George...he wasn't related to Trayvon or George. He was the only witness that was close enough to witness the fight. He was the only one who was close enough to identify who was on top and who was on the bottom.

Goode's testimony that Zimmerman was on the bottom and yelling for help isn't going by "voice recognition"...that's everyone ELSE! He's basing his testimony on what he's SEEING as well as hearing.

My original point was that only Zimmerman knows for sure and again was given the opportunity to officially identify who it was and didn't.

The strength of Good's testimony is that he could identify forms in the dark. When it comes to screaming, that strength disappears.

[ame=]John Good FULL Testimony. George Zimmerman Trial - YouTube[/ame]

@19:35 when asked by prosecutor, "As you are turning around, I guess, and going back inside your residence, I shouldn't say turning around, I should say just putting your foot back inside your residence, are you hearing any screams or yells of help from outside there"? Good answers, "My adrenaline was going, I can't remember."

He can't even remember if ANYONE was screaming.

You are confusing his identifying the person in the prone position as obviously yelling "Help, help, help" with the screaming that we have been discussing. The yelling of "Help" was not heard clearly or heard at all on the 911 tape.

If you go back and look at that tape you'll find him remembering that someone was screaming at 17:25, 19:10, 22:49, 36:02, 53:22 and 99:00 of his testimony. What you "say" is his not being able to remember if anyone was screaming if for the period of time when he went from the outside back inside to make the 9/11 call...a time when he said he couldn't remember hearing screams because he was focused on making the call.

As for "Help" not being heard at all on the 9/11 tape? Good makes that call AFTER the shot was fired. The cries for help that were so clearly audible on the Lauer 9/11 call were no longer taking place because Trayvon Martin was no longer beating George Zimmerman.
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

President Obama: 'Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago' -

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store—that includes me," he said. The same goes for African-American men who have heard "locks click on the doors of cars," or seen a woman in an elevator "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off."
But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


No, you retard, that is not what the jury decided, and yes, you retard, he did mention Zimmerman.

Please stop making retarded threads, you're a disgrace.


You are the complete idiot who needs to do a little research before posting.

This is the only time Obama mentioned Mr. Zimmerman by name..

And for those who resist that idea that we should think about something like these "stand your ground" laws, I'd just ask people to consider, if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman who had followed him in a car because he felt threatened? And if the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, then it seems to me that we might want to examine those kinds of laws.

Hardly a way to be mentioned by the President.

BTW, do you notice the HUGE lie in this paragraph??

Martin wasn't shot because he made Zimmeran feel threatened.. He was shot because he attacked Zimmerman and broke his nose.

There are at least a half dozen such lies and excuses in this speech of Obama's. But I doubt the MSM is gonna pick up on them.

Face it, Obama is slapping Zimmerman in the face with this speech, excusing violence by Blacks and Blacks only because of their "rough lives" , Whites
I keep my doors locked. When I'm walking I hold my purse a little tighter when ever there is a teen or twentysomething man coming towards me or following me no matter what color he is. I was once using a bag from the bakery as a poop bag walking my dog and a mexican high schooler went by on his bike and snatched it right out of my hand.
From the pull of the trigger to the not-guilty verdict, here's how the controversial self-defense law mattered.

Since George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, conservatives have argued that Stand Your Ground, Florida's expansive and controversial self-defense law, was irrelevant to the case. After all, Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute, and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial. Case closed, right?

This argument might make sense if, say, you didn't pay attention to the details of the case until a few days ago. In reality, Stand Your Ground played a major role, from Martin's death to Zimmerman's acquittal. Here's how:

An armed Zimmerman knew about Stand Your Ground years ago:

How Florida authorities let Zimmerman walk:

The jury instructions—and a reason for their verdict:

Why didn't Zimmerman's defense team use Stand Your Ground?​

DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Actually, Stand Your Ground Played a Major Role in the Trayvon Martin Case | Mother Jones - By Mark Follman and Lauren Williams

The jury instructions (page 12) and comments from juror B37 clearly show the role that Stand Your Ground played in the verdict.

Juror B37 admitted that they used the SYD defense as a basis for their verdict - you cannot use such a law in making a decision when the defense never used SYG as a reason for the shooting.

The verdict should be overturned and a new trial ordered.
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

President Obama: 'Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago' -

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store—that includes me," he said. The same goes for African-American men who have heard "locks click on the doors of cars," or seen a woman in an elevator "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off."
But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


If you ask me, Trayvon had every right to kick the shit out of the racist punk who was stalking him.
Lakhota said:
Why didn't Zimmerman's defense team use Stand Your Ground?

They didn't have to.

The trial is over. Zimmerman was found not guilty of manslaughter or murder.

GTF over it already!
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