The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'd lock my doors if one of these thugs was walking up. :( Half the murders in this country are done by blacks.
I wouldn't. I would, however, size up My environment and take appropriate security measures.

But then, I grew up in the big city, around every manner of people. I don't have to live My life in fear of a stranger.
Interesting that four jurors have distanced themselves from her comments. You would think they'd support her point of view, but they don't, so that makes me wonder a little...

Why do you think they would support her? I listened to her for 30 seconds and knew she was the lone holdout for a guilty verdict when they asked the judge for clarification on the manslaughter charge. She admitted the only reason she didn't find Zimmerman guilty is that she was forced to actually follow the law. Like you, she would have been happy to ignore the law and send him to prison for life just because he killed a black teenager. You should be defending her, yet you want to throw her under the bus in an attempt to get the verdict overturned.

Newsflash, even if the government proved that Zimmerman bribed the jury to get the not guilty verdict they cannot charge him with murder again. You really should stop listening to the idiots that think she lied in favor of Zimmerman.

I think she had an ulterior motive.
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But Juror B37 claims that SYG was a factor in their final verdict! How is that allowed to happen?

Read what she said in context.

COOPER: Did you feel like you understood the instructions from the judge? Because they were very complex. I mean, reading them, they were tough to follow.

JUROR: Right. And that was our problem. I mean, it was just so confusing what -- with what and what we could apply to what. Because I mean, there was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. And after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way -- other place to go.

COOPER: Because of the only, the two options you had, second degree murder or manslaughter, you felt neither applied?

JUROR: Right. Well, because of the heat of the moment and the stand your ground. He had a right to defend himself. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right. - Transcripts
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The idiot rdean actually believes a persons face must reach a predetermined level of damage before they are allowed to defend themselves from street thugs who are assaulting them. This is why the idiot rdean is complete f-in moron.

It is not acceptable to kill someone when you have a few tiny scratches. That is all Zimmerman has.
If his head was really 'bashed' against the concrete, where is the evidence? He should have had an egg on the back of his head, he should have been concussed, but he wasn't.

He suffered no ill effects from this 'bashing' at all, other than a few very superficial cuts - if you can even call them that.
But Juror B37 claims that SYG was a factor in their final verdict! How is that allowed to happen?

Read what she said in context.

COOPER: Did you feel like you understood the instructions from the judge? Because they were very complex. I mean, reading them, they were tough to follow.

JUROR: Right. And that was our problem. I mean, it was just so confusing what -- with what and what we could apply to what. Because I mean, there was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. And after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way -- other place to go.

COOPER: Because of the only, the two options you had, second degree murder or manslaughter, you felt neither applied?

JUROR: Right. Well, because of the heat of the moment and the stand your ground. He had a right to defend himself. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right. - Transcripts

She mentioned 'SYG' when it wasn't used as a defense. Maybe she didn't mean it the way it came out, but it doesn't make her look good.
But Juror B37 claims that SYG was a factor in their final verdict! How is that allowed to happen?

Read what she said in context.

COOPER: Did you feel like you understood the instructions from the judge? Because they were very complex. I mean, reading them, they were tough to follow.

JUROR: Right. And that was our problem. I mean, it was just so confusing what -- with what and what we could apply to what. Because I mean, there was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. And after hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law and reading it over and over and over again, we decided there's just no way -- other place to go.

COOPER: Because of the only, the two options you had, second degree murder or manslaughter, you felt neither applied?

JUROR: Right. Well, because of the heat of the moment and the stand your ground. He had a right to defend himself. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right. - Transcripts

She mentioned 'SYG' when it wasn't used as a defense. Maybe she didn't mean it the way it came out, but it doesn't make her look good.

She used SYG in an interview...she didn't say the jury deliberated on it. A jury can only deliberate on the charges that are put in from of them.

It's almost like her saying : JUROR: Right. Well, because of the heat of the moment and the jay-walking. He had a right to cross the street. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right to jay-walk to cross the street.
I haven't read your post yet, but I am 100% sure that when I do I will find that you said something incredibly stupid.

From the pull of the trigger to the not-guilty verdict, here's how the controversial self-defense law mattered.

Since George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, conservatives have argued that Stand Your Ground, Florida's expansive and controversial self-defense law, was irrelevant to the case. After all, Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute, and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial. Case closed, right?

This argument might make sense if, say, you didn't pay attention to the details of the case until a few days ago. In reality, Stand Your Ground played a major role, from Martin's death to Zimmerman's acquittal. Here's how:
An armed Zimmerman knew about Stand Your Ground years ago:

How Florida authorities let Zimmerman walk:

The jury instructions—and a reason for their verdict:

Why didn't Zimmerman's defense team use Stand Your Ground?​
DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Actually, Stand Your Ground Played a Major Role in the Trayvon Martin Case | Mother Jones - By Mark Follman and Lauren Williams

The jury instructions (page 12) and comments from juror B37 clearly show the role that Stand Your Ground played in the verdict.

Damn, I was right, what s surprise.

How does a guy who is on his back with someone on top of him beating the crap out of him run away?
I haven't read your post yet, but I am 100% sure that when I do I will find that you said something incredibly stupid.

From the pull of the trigger to the not-guilty verdict, here's how the controversial self-defense law mattered.

Since George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, conservatives have argued that Stand Your Ground, Florida's expansive and controversial self-defense law, was irrelevant to the case. After all, Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute, and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial. Case closed, right?

This argument might make sense if, say, you didn't pay attention to the details of the case until a few days ago. In reality, Stand Your Ground played a major role, from Martin's death to Zimmerman's acquittal. Here's how:
An armed Zimmerman knew about Stand Your Ground years ago:

How Florida authorities let Zimmerman walk:

The jury instructions—and a reason for their verdict:

Why didn't Zimmerman's defense team use Stand Your Ground?​
DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Actually, Stand Your Ground Played a Major Role in the Trayvon Martin Case | Mother Jones - By Mark Follman and Lauren Williams

The jury instructions (page 12) and comments from juror B37 clearly show the role that Stand Your Ground played in the verdict.

Damn, I was right, what s surprise.

How does a guy who is on his back with someone on top of him beating the crap out of him run away?

Looking at the pictures of Zimmerman's slightly cut head, do you honestly believe that he had the 'crap' beaten out of him?

Don't be ridiculous.
Read what she said in context. - Transcripts

She mentioned 'SYG' when it wasn't used as a defense. Maybe she didn't mean it the way it came out, but it doesn't make her look good.

She used SYG in an interview...she didn't say the jury deliberated on it. A jury can only deliberate on the charges that are put in from of them.

It's almost like her saying : JUROR: Right. Well, because of the heat of the moment and the jay-walking. He had a right to cross the street. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right to jay-walk to cross the street.

I understand what you are saying. It would be nice if she could actually explain herself further, though.

Everything you need to know about 'stand your ground' laws

'Stand Your Ground' Linked To Increase In Homicides : NPR

Study: Does Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence?

Funny, I have a study that indicates that SYG laws lead to a decrease in homicides.

Who should I believe, a study that attempts to focus only on stand your ground laws, or a study that argues that all self defense laws lead to an increase in homicides even though the FBI is telling me the homicide rate has been going down.

Do I really have to answer that?
From the pull of the trigger to the not-guilty verdict, here's how the controversial self-defense law mattered.

Since George Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, conservatives have argued that Stand Your Ground, Florida's expansive and controversial self-defense law, was irrelevant to the case. After all, Zimmerman waived his right to a pretrial hearing that might have granted him immunity under the statute, and his defense team chose not to raise it during the trial. Case closed, right?

This argument might make sense if, say, you didn't pay attention to the details of the case until a few days ago. In reality, Stand Your Ground played a major role, from Martin's death to Zimmerman's acquittal. Here's how:
An armed Zimmerman knew about Stand Your Ground years ago:

How Florida authorities let Zimmerman walk:

The jury instructions—and a reason for their verdict:

Why didn't Zimmerman's defense team use Stand Your Ground?​
DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Actually, Stand Your Ground Played a Major Role in the Trayvon Martin Case | Mother Jones - By Mark Follman and Lauren Williams

The jury instructions (page 12) and comments from juror B37 clearly show the role that Stand Your Ground played in the verdict.

Juror B37 admitted that they used the SYD defense as a basis for their verdict - you cannot use such a law in making a decision when the defense never used SYG as a reason for the shooting.

The verdict should be overturned and a new trial ordered.

May I point out two things?

  1. The fucking jury instructions explained self defense in Florida, which includes the portion of the law you keep calling stand your ground. That means the jury followed the instructions of the judge, which was approved by the state prosecutor, in arriving at the verdict.
  2. Even if the jury voted at the end of the trial that they were voting not guilty, and then admitted the next day that they had voted that way because they were bribed Zimmerman, it would not be grounds for overturning the verdict. Not guilty verdicts are not subject to appeal or review in this country.
  3. Did I say two? I cannot count, obviously, you are stupid and ignorant beyond understanding,and should stick to subjects that do not require actual thought.
It is not a civil rights violation unless he was acting racist when he pulled the trigger.

He was only racist when he was stalking, following, confronting Trayvon. The gunshot was just because he was a pussy who was getting beat up by a kid.

But the civil trial, now, that's gonna be a huge win for Trayvon's parents. And GZ will be forced to testify.

What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering in a gated community, he and his parents didn't live there?
I understand what you are saying. It would be nice if she could actually explain herself further, though.

Here's the deal, she doesn't have to explain what she thought.

Don't you find it strange that a sequestered juror, in anonymity, would give a live interview within 48 of the verdict?
The trial may be over, but the jury used SYD as the basis for their not guilty verdict, which was wrong.

No they did not. Stand your ground is a doctrine that applies in all self defense cases. It does not mean they applied the SYG law as written in Florida in fact if it was applied there would have been no trial as he would have been released.

You lost get over it.

The defense didn't use SYG as their defense though. Juror B37 admits that the jury reached their decision by using SYG.

How is it right to use a defense that was never raised as a defense?

I realise that I don't live in your country, and we don't have SYG laws here, but I find it rather perplexing that the jury could use a defense that was never used as a defense.

I realize that I don't live in Australia, but you actually do have it there. The High Court has ruled that anyone can invoke self defense even in a public place if they want to do so. They then have to convince a jury that their actions are reasonable.

Self-defence (Australia) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just an FYI, this basically means that a woman can kill a man that is trying to rape her, no matter where the attack occurs.
For Trayvon - standing up to and exposing race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and Eric Holder, all of whom could care less about Trayvon and are just exploiting his death to further their agendas, cause further division and and to get their faces on TV.

ooo a frank thread where he cries about impeachment that will never happen.

No, the impeachment will never happen. There is a good reason why the Republican Party should change its logo from the elephant to the Cowardly Lion.
I haven't read your post yet, but I am 100% sure that when I do I will find that you said something incredibly stupid.

DETAILS (w/Supporting Links): Actually, Stand Your Ground Played a Major Role in the Trayvon Martin Case | Mother Jones - By Mark Follman and Lauren Williams

The jury instructions (page 12) and comments from juror B37 clearly show the role that Stand Your Ground played in the verdict.

Damn, I was right, what s surprise.

How does a guy who is on his back with someone on top of him beating the crap out of him run away?

Looking at the pictures of Zimmerman's slightly cut head, do you honestly believe that he had the 'crap' beaten out of him?

Don't be ridiculous.

I have been in enough fights to know that it is possible to beat the crap out of someone and not leave a mark on them.
Everyone else who testified as to whose voice it was had skin in the game EXCEPT Goode. He wasn't a friend of Trayvon or George...he wasn't related to Trayvon or George. He was the only witness that was close enough to witness the fight. He was the only one who was close enough to identify who was on top and who was on the bottom.

Goode's testimony that Zimmerman was on the bottom and yelling for help isn't going by "voice recognition"...that's everyone ELSE! He's basing his testimony on what he's SEEING as well as hearing.

My original point was that only Zimmerman knows for sure and again was given the opportunity to officially identify who it was and didn't.

The strength of Good's testimony is that he could identify forms in the dark. When it comes to screaming, that strength disappears.

[ame=]John Good FULL Testimony. George Zimmerman Trial - YouTube[/ame]

@19:35 when asked by prosecutor, "As you are turning around, I guess, and going back inside your residence, I shouldn't say turning around, I should say just putting your foot back inside your residence, are you hearing any screams or yells of help from outside there"? Good answers, "My adrenaline was going, I can't remember."

He can't even remember if ANYONE was screaming.

You are confusing his identifying the person in the prone position as obviously yelling "Help, help, help" with the screaming that we have been discussing. The yelling of "Help" was not heard clearly or heard at all on the 911 tape.

If you go back and look at that tape you'll find him remembering that someone was screaming at 17:25, 19:10, 22:49, 36:02, 53:22 and 99:00 of his testimony. What you "say" is his not being able to remember if anyone was screaming if for the period of time when he went from the outside back inside to make the 9/11 call...a time when he said he couldn't remember hearing screams because he was focused on making the call.

As for "Help" not being heard at all on the 9/11 tape? Good makes that call AFTER the shot was fired. The cries for help that were so clearly audible on the Lauer 9/11 call were no longer taking place because Trayvon Martin was no longer beating George Zimmerman.

No, you're wrong altogether. He never made a definitive ID of who screamed, after being asked about it several times throughout the testimony. All he gave were a lot of assumptions of who should have been yelling based on position. Again, you're confusing simply assuming the person on the bottom was yelling for help with screaming.


Question: In terms of the, I think you stated, three cries for help or three screams

Good: I think I stated one, two, maybe

Question: I apologize then

Good: Could have possibly been three

Question: I don't want you to guess, but definitely one or two?

Good: Yes

Question: Was it all one voice or was it more than one voice?

Good: It sounded to be the same voice.

Question: And you're not able to identify that voice or are you able to identify it?

Good: No, not 100%, no.

Question: And to make sure the record's clear, what you heard, when you looked out there and saw the two individuals, and you heard one say "help," did you only hear "help, help" or did you hear anything else but "help, help"?

Good: That's all I heard.


O'Mara: And that's when you saw him striking down?

Good: That's what it looked like, yes, arm movement going down. Downwards correct.

O'Mara: How many times do you think?

Good: I have no idea. Soon as I saw the movement going downwards, that's when I turned around and went back inside.

O'Mara: That's when you knew it was very serious?

Good: Yes, it looked like it was getting serious and wasn't just someone playing around.

O'Mara: And that's when you could hear George Zimmerman screaming for help, right?

Good: Incorrect

O'Mara: When was it?

Good: That was in the beginning, when I finally saw someone under the person on top.

O'Mara: Then I apologize for not asking the question the right way. When was the first time that you heard the person on the bottom scream for help?

Good: When I initially went outside, didn't see a second person, then I could see a second person, and it sounded like it was coming from the person on the bottom, because usually when someone's on top, the person on the bottom is the one screaming or yelling, and that was when I heard that, but I didn't hear anything after that.

O'Mara: Ok, and balancing your trying to be literal and just tell us exactly what you remember observing and using your common sense, do you think that it was the person on the bottom who was screaming for help?

Good: I mean rationally thinking, I would think so.

O'Mara: Matter of fact, I think, you said in response to De La Rionda's question, "Had it been Trayvon Martin screaming for help, since his back was to you, it would have had to be going...the yell would be going away from you, and I think you said it would have to bounce off the wall before you would heard it?

Good: Well I think it would sound different. That's why in my head I thought it was coming from the person on the bottom.

O'Mara: And the sound that you heard was sounding like a person screaming from 15 or 17 feet away, almost directly at you, right?

Good: It sounded like it was coming towards me, correct.


Question: You also were asked about the 1, 2, or 3 times about the time you heard "help"? You believe it was the person on the bottom. Is that correct? You're not 100% sure, but you believe just because the person on the bottom would be the one yelling for help?

Good: Correct

Question: Is that what your conclusion or common sense or assumptions is based on?

Good: And that's when I first saw the person on the bottom, yes.

Question: Now and you said also, because I think, if you felt the person on top was yelling for "help," that it would not have come towards you, in other words, the voice would not have carried towards where you are, correct?

Good: Yes.

Question: So could it be the person on top was yelling "help" and since he was face up, face down, it would have been towards the ground, and not you?

[Object on speculation]

Judge: He can testify as to what he's actually seen.

Good: I didn't see anyone's mouth moving, so no, I can't confirm that.

Question: You can't say that the person on top was yelling for help, but his voice would have gone into the ground, and you would not have been able to hear that? You can't say he wasn't yelling for help?

Good: Well that would have sounded muffled, I would think.

Question: But did you hear that?

Good: I didn't hear a muffled, "help." No.

Question: And you never saw the person's on the bottom's hands in terms of whether he had a gun at that time? You couldn't say one way or another, correct?

Good: No.
Interesting that four jurors have distanced themselves from her comments. You would think they'd support her point of view, but they don't, so that makes me wonder a little...

Why do you think they would support her? I listened to her for 30 seconds and knew she was the lone holdout for a guilty verdict when they asked the judge for clarification on the manslaughter charge. She admitted the only reason she didn't find Zimmerman guilty is that she was forced to actually follow the law. Like you, she would have been happy to ignore the law and send him to prison for life just because he killed a black teenager. You should be defending her, yet you want to throw her under the bus in an attempt to get the verdict overturned.

Newsflash, even if the government proved that Zimmerman bribed the jury to get the not guilty verdict they cannot charge him with murder again. You really should stop listening to the idiots that think she lied in favor of Zimmerman.

I think she had an ulterior motive.

I know it doesn't matter because the verdict will stand anyway. The only way a verdict in a criminal case can be overturned if a juror did something wrong is if the defendant is found guilty.
As a White Hispanic, the one thing Obama can do to raise awareness of the whole Travyon thing and to keep it in the news is to resign the Presidency.

At best he's headed for impeachment and at worst we're headed the way of Egypt which just ousted its scumbag Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Obama, for Travyon, Resign

Who's with me?

Who is Travyon?
He's the recipient of that middle finger in your avatar
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