The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman "attempted" to follow at a distance. Never once did he confront Martin, even when Martin circled back to walk around Zimmerman's SUV. When the 9/11 operator told Zimmerman "We don't need you to do that."...what was Zimmerman's response? He said "OK".

So kindly explain how Martin's decision to return over a hundred yards...AWAY FROM THE SAFETY OF THE CONDO...after referring to someone in a racially derisive manner wasn't HIM confronting George Zimmerman?

If his response was "ok", then why did he continue to follow Trayvon?

Sorry...............but if you tell me that you don't need me to follow someone, and I answer "ok", but continue to do so, that means that I didn't follow the directions that I was given.

Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after being told he didn't need to do that.

There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow him. Besides the non-emergency operator has no authority to tell anyone anything. He can only advise. Why don't you learn the facts so you don't look so ignorant.

You're right..................because of political correctness and all that other bullshit, the 911 operator didn't have the authority to tell Zimmerman to stop following. However...............they DID tell him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow Trayvon.

Guess that listening to FAUX Nooze instead of the trial makes you look ignorant.
This is what George Zimmerman looked like at the scene where his face was "bashed".


This is what George looked like a few minutes later after cleaning up his face. He is still wearing the same clothes. Notice the back of his head? What would you estimate? Two band aids worth of scratches?


This is Rihanna after Christ Brown beat her up:


And here her face has been "cleaned up". Like George.


How she normally looks:


This is what your face looks like after a "pounding":


Now this is George right after the shooting at the police station. Jacket's not wet so it wasn't cleaned and it may be red, but not "blood red".


And remember, the gun was behind his back, down his pants, covered by that shirt and jacket. George tells us exactly where it was:


So let's review:

Face pounded:




Laying on gun:


Face Pounded:


George right after face pounding and head smashed against cement:


Can gullible right wingers possibly understand what the problem is here? How do you educate such people?

I am not an expert on assessing the severity of injuries, so I yield to your greater expertise. However, I believe I am more familiar with laws pertaining to self defense than you might be (actually, I have a JD). The law does not require that someone receive serious injury before using deadly force in self defense. In fact the law does not require that one suffer any injuries at all before using deadly force in self defense. The law requires only a reasonable FEAR of serious bodily injury or death. It is the reasonable FEAR of serious injury that is required, not an actual injury . I will give you an example:

John and Joe are friends. Joe has a friend named Mark that John does not know. Joe wants to play a trick on John and asks Mark to confront John with an unloaded gun and pretend he is going to shoot him. Mark agrees and approaches John accusing him of messing around with his girlfriend. Mark then says, ”Now you die,” and points the gun at John's chest.

At this point John has not been seriously injured, and in reality is in no danger of being seriously injured. However, if John draws his concealed weapon and shoots Mark, killing him, John has a perfect case for self defense. John didn’t know that Mark was joking and didn't know the gun was not loaded; therefore he had a reasonably fear of death or serious bodily injury unless he shot Mark and the use of deadly force is justified. I am aware of more than a few cases where deadly force was allowed when someone was threatened with a toy gun. If a jury determines that a reasonably prudent person would believe the toy gun is real, the defendant is justified in using deadly force.

The only relevant legal question in the Zimmerman case is this: Did George Zimmerman have a reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death if he did not use deadly force against Trayvon Martin? The jury determined that he did.

The law requires only a reasonable FEAR of serious bodily injury or death. It is the reasonable FEAR of serious injury that is required, not an actual injury

Exactly right. That's why Trayvon Martin had the right to defend himself against Zimmerman. Zimmerman was following him around in the dark. And if I'd seen someone like Zimmerman following me around in the dark I would have felt threatened, also.

I suspect Zimmerman made some sort of threatening move towards Martin, or reached for his gun and that's why Martin decked him. And Martin had every right to defend himself from this creepy fucker slithering around in the night.

Next guy who pulls this shit like Zimmerman did is going to end up dead, you can pretty much bet on that. And rightfully so. Leave people the fuck alone!!!
I am going to be honest...I hate thugs like Trayvon martin with all my heart....

I don't feel sorry for his fucking crip father or his fat cell mother.

I hate trayvon martin. ;) Damn, I wish that retard Obama would resign! That would top the cake!!!

I am going to be honest...I hate thugs like Trayvon martin with all my heart....

I don't feel sorry for his fucking crip father or his fat cell mother.

I hate trayvon martin. ;) Damn, I wish that retard Obama would resign! That would top the cake!!!


You really should lay off the coffee Matthew.
More divisive bullshit whose sole intent is to take the attention away from him and place it somewhere else. Nobody wants to talk about Syria or the NSA when they've got a dead punk and a Hispanic guy to concern themselves with.
And note he didn't say a thing about BOTH men's lives destroyed.

Cowards don't deserve to shoot first and ask questions later.

Zimmerman could have put up with a lot more than a couple of 1 cm cuts to his head and a broken nose before he took out a gun and put it in that kid's chest.

He KNEW when he pulled the trigger that he was killing somebody. He knew it.

If T.M. had brandished a knife or similar weapon and Zimmerman saw that before the fight, you could say he had a reason to use a gun. Otherwise, he's just the fat-faced pussy we saw on television for three weeks, lying his ass off to the court.

Have you noticed yet that the jury doesn't agree with you? That the LAW doesn't agree with you? And that, apparently, the people of the state of Florida - and every other state, since most of them have similar laws regarding self-defense - don't agree with you? You're standing way out in left field with a handful of other racist losers, going, "Yeah, so what if he was assaulted? He wasn't assaulted ENOUGH."
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

President Obama: 'Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago' -

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store—that includes me," he said. The same goes for African-American men who have heard "locks click on the doors of cars," or seen a woman in an elevator "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off."
But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


If you ask me, Trayvon had every right to kick the shit out of the racist punk who was stalking him.

That how they do it in uncivilized pissant countries? Wander around, picking fights with people who look at them funny instead of simply walking away and going home? Neanderthal much?
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


If you ask me, Trayvon had every right to kick the shit out of the racist punk who was stalking him.

That how they do it in uncivilized pissant countries? Wander around, picking fights with people who look at them funny instead of simply walking away and going home? Neanderthal much?

This is why people like Noomi want us to be transformed into Africa. They love this form of doing things!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I don't necessarily agree with the Laws as a lady in this state got put away for warning shots and then Zim got off after shooting someone i think they are broken. But turning this into a racial issue is just stupid to me.

Jesus. The "lady" - THERE'S a loose usage of a word - left the house, got a gun, CAME BACK, and then fired her "warning shot" OVER THE HEADS OF HER CHILDREN.

Would you like to tell me in what way she is at all comparable to George Zimmerman, EXCEPT for the existence in both cases of a gun?
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


No, you retard, that is not what the jury decided, and yes, you retard, he did mention Zimmerman.

Please stop making retarded threads, you're a disgrace.


You are the complete idiot who needs to do a little research before posting.

This is the only time Obama mentioned Mr. Zimmerman by name..

And for those who resist that idea that we should think about something like these "stand your ground" laws, I'd just ask people to consider, if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman who had followed him in a car because he felt threatened? And if the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, then it seems to me that we might want to examine those kinds of laws.

Hardly a way to be mentioned by the President.

BTW, do you notice the HUGE lie in this paragraph??

Martin wasn't shot because he made Zimmeran feel threatened.. He was shot because he attacked Zimmerman and broke his nose.

There are at least a half dozen such lies and excuses in this speech of Obama's. But I doubt the MSM is gonna pick up on them.

Face it, Obama is slapping Zimmerman in the face with this speech, excusing violence by Blacks and Blacks only because of their "rough lives" , Whites

You don't know what you're talking about.

At least you concede that the OP is an asshole for lying about what Obama said.
If you ask me, Trayvon had every right to kick the shit out of the racist punk who was stalking him.

You do realize that Zimmerman volunteered to do neighborhood watch for the community, right.

And how many black youths were arrested as a result of his multiple 911 calls?

None who hadn't actually broken the law.

Maybe in your diddly-shit country, you think a person's race is the most important consideration in arresting them. In the sane and civilized world, we think evidence of a crime being committed by them is the most important consideration.

I know, I know, it's SO un-PC.
Obama isn't worried about ****** against ****** crime. I'm sorry the main stream media states there is nothing wrong with stereo typing a race.

You are at least to be commended for speaking in terminology that every single rightwing inmate on this board wants to speak,

but doesn't have the guts.
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

President Obama: 'Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago' -

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store—that includes me," he said. The same goes for African-American men who have heard "locks click on the doors of cars," or seen a woman in an elevator "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off."
But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.

If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


There's actually no evidence that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

The President asked an interesting question today. He wondered how things would've played out in the justice system had Trayvon been armed and had he shot Zimmerman in trying to defend himself from a man who was stalking him and who picked a fight with him.

Of course, none of the Stand Your Ground folks would take Trayvon's side, because we know racism is alive and well in America, and no matter whether Trayvon defended himself or not, and whether he won that fight or not, the same people today who rejoice his death would find him in the wrong had he shot Zimmerman dead, even though it would have been his legal right to in Florida.

Again, you weren't there, so you have no idea what happened. There's no evidence to suggest that Trayvon attacked GZ, but there's about 10 or 12 different overt signs that show us that GZ was stalking him and was acting emotionally.
When will the left start reaching out to Hispanics instead of accusing them falsely of murder?

Ha,ha, the only reason Republicans took GZ's side is because they thought he was white and because he owned a gun (they were sure he was Republican). After they found out he was Hispanic and registered Democrat, they had to save face and act like they cared - even sent him money! Idiots.
From page 12 of the jury instructions:

If George Zimmerman was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in any
place where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his
and meet force with force, including deadly force if he reasonably believed that it was
necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another or to prevent
the commission of a forcible felony.

Zimmerman Jury Instructions
If you goad someone into a fistfight and then pull a gun and kill him, you're a murderer.

If there isn't enough evidence to prove that's what you did,

then you get off.
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