The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Aren't you all just the special group of people. Kind of reminds me of a party where people are drinking and the next day they're going, "Oh my God, did I say that?" and feeling kind of ashamed of what they said or did.

While some of you are probably drinking, the problem is you won't wake up and feel any regret for any the horrible things you say. Which means you are a bunch of fucked up people.

I've got to get out of here, the stink is getting on me.
In some surprise remarks at today's White House briefing, President Obama injected himself into the Zimmerman/Martin case yet again. He said:

President Obama: 'Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago' -

"There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store—that includes me," he said. The same goes for African-American men who have heard "locks click on the doors of cars," or seen a woman in an elevator "clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off."
But for some reason, he still has not mentioned that Martin had attacked an innocent man and beaten him. The jury that found Zimmerman "Not Guilty", clearly decided he had justifiably defended himself against Martin's attack.
If Obama has any respect for our country's justcie system and the jury trial process, why does he not at least mention, in addition to Martin's tragic but justified death brought on by his attack on another man, the fact that that other man, who was not guilty of any crime at all, has been driven into hiding and will never live a normal life again?

Mr. President, doesn't Zimmerman count too?

You do respect the jury process that found him Not Guilty... don't you?


The jury that found Zimmerman not guilty has clearly not walked in the shoes of an African American man, has clearly not lived life as a black man in American society. To my mind, one aspect, not the only one, but one aspect of having an African American president should be that all of us, black, white, Asian, etc., can learn to better see and understand each other's experience as Americans. It is sad and frustrating that a huge segment of white America wants a black American president who is not allowed to allude to the facts of being black in America. This segment of white Americans are people who wallow in ignorance and love it like pigs wallowing in mud. Open your minds to the experiences of others, others unlike you, who have their American experience too. Having Obama as president, as a man whose experience of being an American differs in some ways from your own because he is black, is a bonus: should be something to help enlighten us all instead of something to resent and hate.
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"We have listened to President Obama’s comments about the verdict in the Zimmerman Case. People are focusing on this quote: “Trayvon Martin could’ve been me 35 years ago.” To focus on this one line misses the nuances of the President’s message, which includes comments about how African Americans view the Zimmerman Case in the context of the history of racial disparity in America.

Zimmerman Defense comments on President Obama's remarks | Fox News
He urged his mostly black congregation to stop viewing the world through their “black eyes” and start looking at it through the “blood of Jesus.”

If they did that, the pastor explained, there would be no denying that the verdict in the Zimmerman was the correct one. He also told those who are convinced that Zimmerman is guilty that they only believe that because they are black.

“You are focusing on the fact that Trayvon Martin is black and you believe that George Zimmerman is white, he isn’t. His father is baptist, his mother, she’s from Peru. He’s Latin. A mix of Latin and White,” Manning said. “Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and all that crowd jumped the gun, they thought he was white, but he isn’t.”

Lightning Rod NYC Pastor?s Stunningly Confrontational Sermon on Trayvon Martin: ?You See the World Through Your Black Eyes? | Video |
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

What the neighborhood watch captain in my area told me was this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would get to know the residents of his neighborhood and would have rolled down the window and offered the kid a ride home, that way you make a connection, you can store his face in your memory for future reference, and you find out where he lives".

GZ apparently didn't think to do ANY of those things, along with not even bothering to help revive the kid once he shot him.

What's frightening about this verdict is that it allows for someone to follow GZ, pick a fight with him, and then kill him, and as long as that person has a good story they made up, they'll get off scott-free, too, because murder is state-sanctioned in America now, and oddly enough, the small government people are the ones cheering it! Go fucking figure...

You are forgetting that there actually needs to be evidence that it wasn't self defence. Innocent untill proven guilty!

All the liberals are now acting as if you can just go out the street, kill bunch of people and be all ok. Well, that has ALWAYS been the case if there is no evidence! And in Zimmerman case there wasn't.

The State does not have to prove the absence of self defense. Self defense is what as know as an affirmative defense which means the burden of proof shifts to the defendant. It is the defendant who must prove he acted in self defense. The interesting thing about the Zimmerman case is that he was able to prove self defense without even taking the stand. The prosecution played the tape of his interviews with police, in fact they played it twice. All the information the defense needed to prove self defense was on those tapes so Zimmerman didn’t have to testify. This is the first time I have heard of anyone proving self defense without testifying. Many legal experts criticized the prosecution for playing the tapes. Most prosecutors salivate over the idea of cross-examining a defendant and the Zimmerman prosecutors blew their chance.
Scott listened intently and took copious notes on a yellow legal pad. But at the end of the meeting he told them directly that he supported keeping the "stand your ground" law intact and he would not call a special session.

Scott, who said he had spoken earlier in the evening with Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, instead said he would call for a day of prayer on Sunday for "unity."

Gov. Scott: No Special Session on 'Stand Your Ground'
As a White Hispanic, the one thing Obama can do to raise awareness of the whole Travyon thing and to keep it in the news is to resign the Presidency.

At best he's headed for impeachment and at worst we're headed the way of Egypt which just ousted its scumbag Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Obama, for Travyon, Resign

Who's with me?

How totally, fucking pathetic. Did they leave you out when they passed out brains? Nothing Obama has done during his presidency is grounds for impeachment. Nothing he is saying regarding the Trayvon Martin murder is grounds for impeachment or resignation. What you don't know or understand about the role of President and the rights of EVERY citizen would fill up a black hole in space. :cuckoo:
I love all these Libs who have appointed themselves Lawyers knowing everything about the law and the trial.

Listening to many experts with many years in the profession....

It' not the total amount of injuries sustained...
You don't have to wait until someone has knocked out 5 teeth or broke 3 ribs.
You can defend yourself after the first tooth was knocked out...even before the first tooth was knocked out even.

You don't have to get the shit kicked out of you so that even rdean will accept someone defending them self.It's all about how perceive the situation at the time.If you feel you are about to be seriously damaged if you let the fight go on much longer.

That's the law...
Not rdean's bullshit version of reality.
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This pic caught my eye. I don't know at what point Robert Zimmerman and TM's parents sat next to each other. GZ is there. I don't think they'd look him in the eye b/c they know they're trying to send an innocent man to jail.

So, lets say for some odd reason Zimmerman does not pull the gun and shoot, gets pummeled, and suffers serious injury at the hands of the 17 year old, do you still defend Trayvon?

What would you do if some scary, creepy guy was following you in a dark area where no one was around? If I could, yes, I'd attack him and beat the shit out of him. I'm a woman and if a would be rapist were following me in a dark area and I'm alone, and I had a chance, I'd rip the guy to shreds. I used to run and took a big dog with me. If any guy had bothered me or scared me like that, I'd have sent the dog on him w/o hesitation, and if the dog chewed him to bits, I'd be happy about it. People keep saying there is no law against following anyone. They have apparently not been followed at night in a deserted area: let me tell you, it scares the shit out of you; your heart pounds like it's going to break through your ribcage; it's terrifying. I don't at all fault someone for attacking a would be rapist or any other kind of would be attacker. No one has the right to put fear and terror in someone the way some scary, creepy ass whatever would do if he were following you around at night in a dark deserted area. He deserves to have the shit beat out of him. Why the hell didn't Zimmerman simply identify himself as Neighborhood Watch?????????

May not have had time to identify himself, and you considering attacking someone creepy in the dark is a huge stretch or suggestion to us on your part, where as it sounds more like you would be finding somewhere safe quickly so you could put your heart back in your chest, and the dog not so much as he would be running on doggy instinct where fear is totally not in his mind at all.
Because I saw the vid and have determined that that 'attack' didn't rise to the level of attempted murder.

Try being on the receiving end and not a third party video viewer and then vet back to me

Your blanket statement is less than intuitive.

If a smaller person, a woman, had been the subject of the incident, my view might be different.

Then be on the receiving end from someone your size.

The point is if you have never been attacked and taken physical damage you have no idea what a person who has been attacked experienced.

What might look like nothing serious to you sitting at your computer with a cup of coffee is a completely different experience for the guy getting beat on.

And yes I have personal experience in this matter.

The fact is that any fight, attack, mugging whatever can be deadly and you are prudent to treat any attack as a threat to your life.
So, lets say for some odd reason Zimmerman does not pull the gun and shoot, gets pummeled, and suffers serious injury at the hands of the 17 year old, do you still defend Trayvon?

What would you do if some scary, creepy guy was following you in a dark area where no one was around? If I could, yes, I'd attack him and beat the shit out of him. I'm a woman and if a would be rapist were following me in a dark area and I'm alone, and I had a chance, I'd rip the guy to shreds. I used to run and took a big dog with me. If any guy had bothered me or scared me like that, I'd have sent the dog on him w/o hesitation, and if the dog chewed him to bits, I'd be happy about it. People keep saying there is no law against following anyone. They have apparently not been followed at night in a deserted area: let me tell you, it scares the shit out of you; your heart pounds like it's going to break through your ribcage; it's terrifying. I don't at all fault someone for attacking a would be rapist or any other kind of would be attacker. No one has the right to put fear and terror in someone the way some scary, creepy ass whatever would do if he were following you around at night in a dark deserted area. He deserves to have the shit beat out of him. Why the hell didn't Zimmerman simply identify himself as Neighborhood Watch?????????

May not have had time to identify himself, and you considering attacking someone creepy in the dark is a huge stretch or suggestion to us on your part, where as it sounds more like you would be finding somewhere safe quickly so you could put your heart back in your chest, and the dog not so much as he would be running on doggy instinct where fear is totally not in his mind at all.

What if there is no "somewhere safe quickly"? I was a long distance runner, which is why I got the dog to run with. There is often no place around that is 'safe.' No house, no business, no road with cars on it, etc. The idea that the responsibility is on the victim to avoid violence is really ridiculous and not one someone who has been in that situation would pursue. If you are being stalked and followed by a stranger, in a lonely spot, you don't have an obligation to run and hide find a 'quick' safe place. You have an obligation to take care of yourself and fight back against the agressor.

As far as Zimmerman and Martin: the onus was not on Martin to run and hide and find a safe place. The onus was on Zimmerman to identify himself, to not set into motion a series of events that led to someone's death, to create a safe environment instead of an unsafe one. The onus to avoid the entire situation that lead to an innocent person's death was on Zimmerman, not on Martin, the victim, who was targeted and pursued.
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I love all these Libs who have appointed themselves Lawyers knowing everything about the law and the trial.

Listening to many experts with many years in the profession....

It' not the total amount of injuries sustained...
You don't have to wait until someone has knocked out 5 teeth or broke 3 ribs.
You can defend yourself after the first tooth was knocked out...even before the first tooth was knocked out even.

You don't have to get the shit kicked out of you so that even rdean will accept someone defending them self.It's all about how perceive the situation at the time.If you feel you are about to be seriously damaged if you let the fight go on much longer.

That's the law...
Not rdean's bullshit version of reality.

Zimmerman had 100 pounds on skinny Trayvon, but he couldn't defend himself against a child?

He must feel so high and mighty now.
I love all these Libs who have appointed themselves Lawyers knowing everything about the law and the trial.

Listening to many experts with many years in the profession....

It' not the total amount of injuries sustained...
You don't have to wait until someone has knocked out 5 teeth or broke 3 ribs.
You can defend yourself after the first tooth was knocked out...even before the first tooth was knocked out even.

You don't have to get the shit kicked out of you so that even rdean will accept someone defending them self.It's all about how perceive the situation at the time.If you feel you are about to be seriously damaged if you let the fight go on much longer.

That's the law...
Not rdean's bullshit version of reality.

Zimmerman had 100 pounds on skinny Trayvon, but he couldn't defend himself against a child?

He must feel so high and mighty now.

Any violent attack should be considered deadly.

People have been killed by a single punch enough times to validate that point. BTW one time would have been sufficient but there are many more examples.

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