The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I love all these Libs who have appointed themselves Lawyers knowing everything about the law and the trial.

Listening to many experts with many years in the profession....

It' not the total amount of injuries sustained...
You don't have to wait until someone has knocked out 5 teeth or broke 3 ribs.
You can defend yourself after the first tooth was knocked out...even before the first tooth was knocked out even.

You don't have to get the shit kicked out of you so that even rdean will accept someone defending them self.It's all about how perceive the situation at the time.If you feel you are about to be seriously damaged if you let the fight go on much longer.

That's the law...
Not rdean's bullshit version of reality.

Zimmerman had 100 pounds on skinny Trayvon, but he couldn't defend himself against a child?

He must feel so high and mighty now.

Any violent attack should be considered deadly.

People have been killed by a single punch enough times to validate that point. BTW one time would have been sufficient but there are many more examples.


By the look of the 'injuries' there was never a 'violent' attack against Zimmerman at all.

Perhaps a look at the bullet wound in Trayvon's chest might help you to understand what a 'violent' attack actually is?
I love all these Libs who have appointed themselves Lawyers knowing everything about the law and the trial.

Listening to many experts with many years in the profession....

It' not the total amount of injuries sustained...
You don't have to wait until someone has knocked out 5 teeth or broke 3 ribs.
You can defend yourself after the first tooth was knocked out...even before the first tooth was knocked out even.

You don't have to get the shit kicked out of you so that even rdean will accept someone defending them self.It's all about how perceive the situation at the time.If you feel you are about to be seriously damaged if you let the fight go on much longer.

That's the law...
Not rdean's bullshit version of reality.

Zimmerman had 100 pounds on skinny Trayvon, but he couldn't defend himself against a child?

He must feel so high and mighty now.

He must feel so high and mighty now.

I have a feeling that he feels tried and found not guilty of all charges...
Zimmerman had 100 pounds on skinny Trayvon, but he couldn't defend himself against a child?

He must feel so high and mighty now.

Any violent attack should be considered deadly.

People have been killed by a single punch enough times to validate that point. BTW one time would have been sufficient but there are many more examples.


By the look of the 'injuries' there was never a 'violent' attack against Zimmerman at all.

Perhaps a look at the bullet wound in Trayvon's chest might help you to understand what a 'violent' attack actually is?

Let me know the next time someone hits you hard enough to break your nose and then tell me if it was violent or not.

Any attack with fists or feet has the potential to be deadly and you're an idiot if you do not treat any physical attack as a threat to your life.

It's easy to sit in front of your computer and say, "That's just a scratch" but in the moment when you are the victim of an attack it's a whole different story.
Why do you think they would support her? I listened to her for 30 seconds and knew she was the lone holdout for a guilty verdict when they asked the judge for clarification on the manslaughter charge. She admitted the only reason she didn't find Zimmerman guilty is that she was forced to actually follow the law. Like you, she would have been happy to ignore the law and send him to prison for life just because he killed a black teenager. You should be defending her, yet you want to throw her under the bus in an attempt to get the verdict overturned.

Newsflash, even if the government proved that Zimmerman bribed the jury to get the not guilty verdict they cannot charge him with murder again. You really should stop listening to the idiots that think she lied in favor of Zimmerman.

I think she had an ulterior motive.

I know it doesn't matter because the verdict will stand anyway. The only way a verdict in a criminal case can be overturned if a juror did something wrong is if the defendant is found guilty.

How come its okay to do something wrong and make a potentially guilty man walk?

That doesn't seem fair.
I'm curious, what's your take on this person?

My take?

It's further evidence that the prosecution threw this case.

Can't imagine why she was let into the jury.

Her stance was pretty locked in once she said their were "riots" in Sanford.

With her on there the best you could hope for was hung jury.
Multiple threads about juror B-37 by the usual suspects... I guess the DNC handed out their marching orders. Poor liberals will just have to wait for a school shooting before they can push their gun control agenda again. Boo hoo...

That's amazing.

The poster seems not to care that "school shootings" are baked into our society.
Any violent attack should be considered deadly.

People have been killed by a single punch enough times to validate that point. BTW one time would have been sufficient but there are many more examples.


By the look of the 'injuries' there was never a 'violent' attack against Zimmerman at all.

Perhaps a look at the bullet wound in Trayvon's chest might help you to understand what a 'violent' attack actually is?

Let me know the next time someone hits you hard enough to break your nose and then tell me if it was violent or not.

Any attack with fists or feet has the potential to be deadly and you're an idiot if you do not treat any physical attack as a threat to your life.

It's easy to sit in front of your computer and say, "That's just a scratch" but in the moment when you are the victim of an attack it's a whole different story.

ya ..what a great world it would be if every time one fella punched another fella they were shot and killed...
Scott listened intently and took copious notes on a yellow legal pad. But at the end of the meeting he told them directly that he supported keeping the "stand your ground" law intact and he would not call a special session.

Scott, who said he had spoken earlier in the evening with Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, instead said he would call for a day of prayer on Sunday for "unity."

Gov. Scott: No Special Session on 'Stand Your Ground'

Good time to have pRick in office ;)
She actually tried that?

MY GOD! No one knows what it's like the be predeceased by their son but a parent that has experienced it. I have.

It got worse after that, in fact it got so bad I shut everything off and went out back to beat up a tree to get the anger out.

She started telling them all about her fiance Keith who was killed in 1979 by being shot 5, yes 5!, times "straight thru the heart". Everything they said about Tampon, she would cut them off to say the same thing about Keith.

I finally hit the breaking point after hearing this gem spew from Fancy's mouth...

"You know, Sybrina Fulton, when I heard my Keith was dead, I couldn't eat or sleep and had my mother cut off all the clocks in the house so I couldn't hear them tick. So tell me, Sybrina Fulton, after you heard about Trayvon's death while you were driving on the freeway and had to pull over, then got back home to your family, did you feel the same way, Sybrina Fulton?"

It was like some kind of bizarro interview that someone else taped, and she added her questions over the interviewer's.

By the look of the 'injuries' there was never a 'violent' attack against Zimmerman at all.

Perhaps a look at the bullet wound in Trayvon's chest might help you to understand what a 'violent' attack actually is?

Let me know the next time someone hits you hard enough to break your nose and then tell me if it was violent or not.

Any attack with fists or feet has the potential to be deadly and you're an idiot if you do not treat any physical attack as a threat to your life.

It's easy to sit in front of your computer and say, "That's just a scratch" but in the moment when you are the victim of an attack it's a whole different story.

ya ..what a great world it would be if every time one fella punched another fella they were shot and killed...

You can lie there and get beaten to death if you want
So, lets say for some odd reason Zimmerman does not pull the gun and shoot, gets pummeled, and suffers serious injury at the hands of the 17 year old, do you still defend Trayvon?

What would you do if some scary, creepy guy was following you in a dark area where no one was around? If I could, yes, I'd attack him and beat the shit out of him. I'm a woman and if a would be rapist were following me in a dark area and I'm alone, and I had a chance, I'd rip the guy to shreds. I used to run and took a big dog with me. If any guy had bothered me or scared me like that, I'd have sent the dog on him w/o hesitation, and if the dog chewed him to bits, I'd be happy about it. People keep saying there is no law against following anyone. They have apparently not been followed at night in a deserted area: let me tell you, it scares the shit out of you; your heart pounds like it's going to break through your ribcage; it's terrifying. I don't at all fault someone for attacking a would be rapist or any other kind of would be attacker. No one has the right to put fear and terror in someone the way some scary, creepy ass whatever would do if he were following you around at night in a dark deserted area. He deserves to have the shit beat out of him. Why the hell didn't Zimmerman simply identify himself as Neighborhood Watch?????????

Keeping to the point. This scary guy is following you, then you lose him. This is what happened that night.

Now what you interjected was that you feared he might be a rapist.

Let me get this right, you would, after losing the rapist, double back to find and confront him?


Your side really requires such nonsense to justify emotional reactions.
So, lets say for some odd reason Zimmerman does not pull the gun and shoot, gets pummeled, and suffers serious injury at the hands of the 17 year old, do you still defend Trayvon?

What would you do if some scary, creepy guy was following you in a dark area where no one was around? If I could, yes, I'd attack him and beat the shit out of him. I'm a woman and if a would be rapist were following me in a dark area and I'm alone, and I had a chance, I'd rip the guy to shreds. I used to run and took a big dog with me. If any guy had bothered me or scared me like that, I'd have sent the dog on him w/o hesitation, and if the dog chewed him to bits, I'd be happy about it. People keep saying there is no law against following anyone. They have apparently not been followed at night in a deserted area: let me tell you, it scares the shit out of you; your heart pounds like it's going to break through your ribcage; it's terrifying. I don't at all fault someone for attacking a would be rapist or any other kind of would be attacker. No one has the right to put fear and terror in someone the way some scary, creepy ass whatever would do if he were following you around at night in a dark deserted area. He deserves to have the shit beat out of him. Why the hell didn't Zimmerman simply identify himself as Neighborhood Watch?????????

Keeping to the point. This scary guy is following you, then you lose him. This is what happened that night.

Now what you interjected was that you feared he might be a rapist.

Let me get this right, you would, after losing the rapist, double back to find and confront him?


Your side really requires such nonsense to justify emotional reactions.

It is only Zimmerman's fairy tale that Trayvon doubled back and confronted him: not truth. Your side requires that we all believe the BS nonsense of a known liar and murderer.
She actually tried that?

MY GOD! No one knows what it's like the be predeceased by their son but a parent that has experienced it. I have.

It got worse after that, in fact it got so bad I shut everything off and went out back to beat up a tree to get the anger out.

She started telling them all about her fiance Keith who was killed in 1979 by being shot 5, yes 5!, times "straight thru the heart". Everything they said about Tampon, she would cut them off to say the same thing about Keith.

I finally hit the breaking point after hearing this gem spew from Fancy's mouth...

"You know, Sybrina Fulton, when I heard my Keith was dead, I couldn't eat or sleep and had my mother cut off all the clocks in the house so I couldn't hear them tick. So tell me, Sybrina Fulton, after you heard about Trayvon's death while you were driving on the freeway and had to pull over, then got back home to your family, did you feel the same way, Sybrina Fulton?"

It was like some kind of bizarro interview that someone else taped, and she added her questions over the interviewer's.

How's the tree?
On Tuesday, the same day that Attorney General Eric Holder said that "Stand Your Ground" laws "sow dangerous conflict," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called her state's version of the law "important" and a "constitutional right." And Wednesday, Florida state Sen. David Simmons called Holder's comments "inappropriate" and "inaccurate." Stand Your Ground may be getting more attention now after the Zimmerman verdict, but the laws themselves don't look like they're going anywhere.

'Stand Your Ground' Laws Are Winning

I'm seeing some push back.
I do believe the nation is stunned by the acts of our 'leaders'.

Flood your representatives and congress critters with emails and phone calls.
Use your social networks and tap every person you know to do the same thing.

I'll be seeing my state rep next weekend. He is one of the few good ones in Cali.
#ribs #cornonthecob #tri-tip

People will continue to defend themselves no matter what laws are in place. If they think changing a law will stop a person from trying to save their own life they are crazy. The only effect this law will have will take place AFTER the next attacker is killed.
This is all about punishment and has nothing to do with anyone's safety.
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