The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What would you do if some scary, creepy guy was following you in a dark area where no one was around? If I could, yes, I'd attack him and beat the shit out of him. I'm a woman and if a would be rapist were following me in a dark area and I'm alone, and I had a chance, I'd rip the guy to shreds. I used to run and took a big dog with me. If any guy had bothered me or scared me like that, I'd have sent the dog on him w/o hesitation, and if the dog chewed him to bits, I'd be happy about it. People keep saying there is no law against following anyone. They have apparently not been followed at night in a deserted area: let me tell you, it scares the shit out of you; your heart pounds like it's going to break through your ribcage; it's terrifying. I don't at all fault someone for attacking a would be rapist or any other kind of would be attacker. No one has the right to put fear and terror in someone the way some scary, creepy ass whatever would do if he were following you around at night in a dark deserted area. He deserves to have the shit beat out of him. Why the hell didn't Zimmerman simply identify himself as Neighborhood Watch?????????

Keeping to the point. This scary guy is following you, then you lose him. This is what happened that night.

Now what you interjected was that you feared he might be a rapist.

Let me get this right, you would, after losing the rapist, double back to find and confront him?


Your side really requires such nonsense to justify emotional reactions.

It is only Zimmerman's fairy tale that Trayvon doubled back and confronted him: not truth. Your side requires that we all believe the BS nonsense of a known liar and murderer.

Yet you cannot prove differently. You only THINK, therefor it must be true. The jury obviously saw It differently.

You call him a murderer. But legally he is not

Fairy tales become truth only if you allow it
On Tuesday, the same day that Attorney General Eric Holder said that "Stand Your Ground" laws "sow dangerous conflict," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called her state's version of the law "important" and a "constitutional right." And Wednesday, Florida state Sen. David Simmons called Holder's comments "inappropriate" and "inaccurate." Stand Your Ground may be getting more attention now after the Zimmerman verdict, but the laws themselves don't look like they're going anywhere.

'Stand Your Ground' Laws Are Winning

I'm seeing some push back.
I do believe the nation is stunned by the acts of our 'leaders'.

Flood your representatives and congress critters with emails and phone calls.
Use your social networks and tap every person you know to do the same thing.

I'll be seeing my state rep next weekend. He is one of the few good ones in Cali.
#ribs #cornonthecob #tri-tip


Good advice!

I did this last week, unfortunately for my reps - they're on my speed dial
On Tuesday, the same day that Attorney General Eric Holder said that "Stand Your Ground" laws "sow dangerous conflict," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called her state's version of the law "important" and a "constitutional right." And Wednesday, Florida state Sen. David Simmons called Holder's comments "inappropriate" and "inaccurate." Stand Your Ground may be getting more attention now after the Zimmerman verdict, but the laws themselves don't look like they're going anywhere.

'Stand Your Ground' Laws Are Winning

I'm seeing some push back.
I do believe the nation is stunned by the acts of our 'leaders'.

Flood your representatives and congress critters with emails and phone calls.
Use your social networks and tap every person you know to do the same thing.

I'll be seeing my state rep next weekend. He is one of the few good ones in Cali.
#ribs #cornonthecob #tri-tip


more states will most likely adopt STG laws after this
Mr. Sharpton say bring the whole family. Lots of fun to be had by all. See y'all there. Have a great Hate-Whitey weekend. ;)
She actually tried that?

MY GOD! No one knows what it's like the be predeceased by their son but a parent that has experienced it. I have.

It got worse after that, in fact it got so bad I shut everything off and went out back to beat up a tree to get the anger out.

She started telling them all about her fiance Keith who was killed in 1979 by being shot 5, yes 5!, times "straight thru the heart". Everything they said about Tampon, she would cut them off to say the same thing about Keith.

I finally hit the breaking point after hearing this gem spew from Fancy's mouth...

"You know, Sybrina Fulton, when I heard my Keith was dead, I couldn't eat or sleep and had my mother cut off all the clocks in the house so I couldn't hear them tick. So tell me, Sybrina Fulton, after you heard about Trayvon's death while you were driving on the freeway and had to pull over, then got back home to your family, did you feel the same way, Sybrina Fulton?"

It was like some kind of bizarro interview that someone else taped, and she added her questions over the interviewer's.

I just watched this on yootoob.

There's a lot of trees getting the crap beat out of them on account of Fancy.
It is not a civil rights violation unless he was acting racist when he pulled the trigger.

He was only racist when he was stalking, following, confronting Trayvon. The gunshot was just because he was a pussy who was getting beat up by a kid.

But the civil trial, now, that's gonna be a huge win for Trayvon's parents. And GZ will be forced to testify.

What business did Trayvon Martin have wondering in a gated community, he and his parents didn't live there?

Actually, Martins Dad lived in the community, but maybe Martin was wondering about that too?

yes, I am a smart ass.
On Tuesday, the same day that Attorney General Eric Holder said that "Stand Your Ground" laws "sow dangerous conflict," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called her state's version of the law "important" and a "constitutional right." And Wednesday, Florida state Sen. David Simmons called Holder's comments "inappropriate" and "inaccurate." Stand Your Ground may be getting more attention now after the Zimmerman verdict, but the laws themselves don't look like they're going anywhere.

'Stand Your Ground' Laws Are Winning

I'm seeing some push back.
I do believe the nation is stunned by the acts of our 'leaders'.

Flood your representatives and congress critters with emails and phone calls.
Use your social networks and tap every person you know to do the same thing.

I'll be seeing my state rep next weekend. He is one of the few good ones in Cali.
#ribs #cornonthecob #tri-tip


more states will most likely adopt STG laws after this

SYG laws only offer an illusion of security if one is successful in fending off an attack. If the Fed is going to step in (as they did in Florida) and actively pursue a SYG loophole we are all subject to get the George Zimmerman treatment.
Granny says dey's persecutin' poor ol' George...
FBI Requests Police Not Return Zimmerman's Gun
July 19, 2013 > The FBI has asked authorities in Sanford, Fla. to not give George Zimmerman back his gun after he was cleared of all charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a Department of Justice official tells Fox News.
The report may serve as further confirmation the Justice Department is taking seriously its investigation into whether or not to pursue a federal civil rights case against Zimmerman, after Attorney General Eric Holder said in an address Tuesday to the NAACP that his department would "consider all available information" before deciding whether to move forward. The Sanford Police Department told the Orlando Sentinel Thursday that evidence released earlier this week to the agency has been placed "in a hold status," pending the Justice Department investigation. The items include all the evidence collected by the agency in its investigation of the fatal shooting, such as Zimmerman's gun, Martin's clothes, cell phone, the bag of Skittles and beverage found in his pockets, the newspaper reported. Amid pressure from the NAACP and several Democratic lawmakers to pursue Zimmerman, the department expanded its probe Wednesday by setting up a public email address asking for any tips or information regarding the case.

The department also held a conference call with civil rights leaders on Monday. The conference call included DOJ officials, along with representatives from the FBI and federal prosecutors. They spoke to civil rights leaders from Sanford, Fla., as well as others from around the country. The call was convened by Tom Perez, assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division. A Justice official told Fox News that both the conference call and the email address asking for tips and information are fairly standard procedure when dealing with a high-profile investigation such as this one. The department has used such tip lines in the past, including in a probe last year of the Albuquerque, N.M., police department. Some attorneys and analysts have cautioned that Holder would have a difficult time bringing a civil rights case against Zimmerman, particularly since the investigation so far is thought to have turned up no evidence or claims that Zimmerman exhibited racial bias.

Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the shooting death of Martin who was unarmed. His attorneys argued that he shot Martin in self-defense, but the case sparked an outcry because Martin was black and Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic. Meanwhile Thursday, protesters who set up camp in the state Capitol building earlier this week finally got to meet with Gov. Rick Scott and urged him to push for the repeal of Florida's "state your ground" law and to take steps to combat racial profiling. In a conference room near his office suite, Scott met for nearly an hour with seven leaders of the protest, which began Tuesday. They described their frustration about last weekend's acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin and their own experiences of being racially profiled.

Saying the 17-year-old's death happened on Scott's watch, the protesters renewed their request that the Republican governor call state legislators into special session to repeal the law which justifies the use of deadly force when a person's life is in danger. "There has to be a comprehensive approach to make sure every child in Florida can feel safe again," Gabriel Pendas told the governor. Scott, who said he had spoken earlier in the evening with Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, instead said he would call for a day of prayer on Sunday for "unity." He also urged the protesters to talk to local legislators if they wanted to change state law and offer them examples of why they believe it may lead to more violence. "If you believe stand your ground should be repealed tell them why," Scott said.

FBI requests Florida police not return gun to Zimmerman | Fox News
On Tuesday, the same day that Attorney General Eric Holder said that "Stand Your Ground" laws "sow dangerous conflict," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called her state's version of the law "important" and a "constitutional right." And Wednesday, Florida state Sen. David Simmons called Holder's comments "inappropriate" and "inaccurate." Stand Your Ground may be getting more attention now after the Zimmerman verdict, but the laws themselves don't look like they're going anywhere.

'Stand Your Ground' Laws Are Winning

I'm seeing some push back.
I do believe the nation is stunned by the acts of our 'leaders'.

Flood your representatives and congress critters with emails and phone calls.
Use your social networks and tap every person you know to do the same thing.

I'll be seeing my state rep next weekend. He is one of the few good ones in Cali.
#ribs #cornonthecob #tri-tip


more states will most likely adopt STG laws after this

SYG laws only offer an illusion of security if one is successful in fending off an attack. If the Fed is going to step in (as they did in Florida) and actively pursue a SYG loophole we are all subject to get the George Zimmerman treatment.

SYG laws do not offer any security only a remedy after the fact
Keeping to the point. This scary guy is following you, then you lose him. This is what happened that night.

Now what you interjected was that you feared he might be a rapist.

Let me get this right, you would, after losing the rapist, double back to find and confront him?


Your side really requires such nonsense to justify emotional reactions.

It is only Zimmerman's fairy tale that Trayvon doubled back and confronted him: not truth. Your side requires that we all believe the BS nonsense of a known liar and murderer.

Yet you cannot prove differently. You only THINK, therefor it must be true. The jury obviously saw It differently.

You call him a murderer. But legally he is not

Fairy tales become truth only if you allow it

could have -might have -it is possible

are all considered reasonable doubt
For all the talk of who could have been Travon 35 years ago, how about being George Zimmerman today? He was the only one to step up for a black homeless man beaten a couple of years ago when the NAACP told Zimmerman they did not have the resources to help. Then, when he goes through a trial for defending his life, he and his family are threatened nationwide, bounties are put on his head, that same NAACP now has the resources to smear him, and, fellow Latinos maintain their marching orders to punish their enemies by remaining silent.
My brother is a firefighter - I texted him to be careful what he posts because people getting it for FB. He says don't worry they just gave us a social media class and told us to shut up.

Shits getting real.
My brother is a firefighter - I texted him to be careful what he posts because people getting it for FB. He says don't worry they just gave us a social media class and told us to shut up.

Shits getting real.

So much for free speech and verbalizing the truth
There is no one in the world who sees things the same as another. Look no further than your spouse. A white man will never se the world the same way a black man does...and vice versa. I would say that day is 100/1000 generations down the pike.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

I was brought up to be color-blind. It would behoove the board if all posters also had been.

Charles Barkley sets a good example with this commonsense statement:

"I just feel bad because I don't like when race gets out in the media because I don't think the media has a pure heart, as I call it. There are very few people have a pure heart when it comes to race. Racism is wrong in any, shape, form -- a lot of black people are racist too. I think sometimes when people talk about racism, they say only white people are racist. There are a lot of black people who are racist. I don't like when it gets out there in the media because I don't think the media has clean hands."

Charles Barkley On Zimmerman Trial: "I Agree With The Verdict" | RealClearPolitics
It is only Zimmerman's fairy tale that Trayvon doubled back and confronted him: not truth. Your side requires that we all believe the BS nonsense of a known liar and murderer.

Yet you cannot prove differently. You only THINK, therefor it must be true. The jury obviously saw It differently.

You call him a murderer. But legally he is not

Fairy tales become truth only if you allow it

could have -might have -it is possible

are all considered reasonable doubt

The second guessing on this is incredible. You have to wonder why other than one side needs and thought they had a poster boy.

The problem they all have is, once the assault started, they can not answer a simple question. What would you have done.

Asked if they were being assaulted, having their head bashed against a concrete sidewalk, would they:

A. Allow the assault to continue hoping you are not ultimately killed in the process


B. Pull the gun they had on their person and shoot the attacker to make the attack end.

You simply can't get an answer without some emotional rant about what happened first.

I dunno, it really doesn't seem that hard of a question to answer

Now, as a juror and you ask yourself the same question, I don't think a not guilty finding is all that surprising.
Still debating this? Yikes! It's over. So either grab your 'I Hate Whitey' sign and go party with Jackson & Sharpton, or just move on and enjoy your life. Continuing to debate this this really is an exercise in futility. Chill out and enjoy your weekend. See ya. :)
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Yet you cannot prove differently. You only THINK, therefor it must be true. The jury obviously saw It differently.

You call him a murderer. But legally he is not

Fairy tales become truth only if you allow it

could have -might have -it is possible

are all considered reasonable doubt

The second guessing on this is incredible. You have to wonder why other than one side needs and thought they had a poster boy.

The problem they all have is, once the assault started, they can not answer a simple question. What would you have done.

Asked if they were being assaulted, having their head bashed against a concrete sidewalk, would they:

A. Allow the assault to continue hoping you are not ultimately killed in the process


B. Pull the gun they had on their person and shoot the attacker to make the attack end.

You simply can't get an answer without some emotional rant about what happened first.

I dunno, it really doesn't seem that hard of a question to answer

Now, as a juror and you ask yourself the same question, I don't think a not guilty finding is all that surprising.

obama and holder want you to chose A
She actually tried that?

MY GOD! No one knows what it's like the be predeceased by their son but a parent that has experienced it. I have.

It got worse after that, in fact it got so bad I shut everything off and went out back to beat up a tree to get the anger out.

She started telling them all about her fiance Keith who was killed in 1979 by being shot 5, yes 5!, times "straight thru the heart". Everything they said about Tampon, she would cut them off to say the same thing about Keith.

I finally hit the breaking point after hearing this gem spew from Fancy's mouth...

"You know, Sybrina Fulton, when I heard my Keith was dead, I couldn't eat or sleep and had my mother cut off all the clocks in the house so I couldn't hear them tick. So tell me, Sybrina Fulton, after you heard about Trayvon's death while you were driving on the freeway and had to pull over, then got back home to your family, did you feel the same way, Sybrina Fulton?"

It was like some kind of bizarro interview that someone else taped, and she added her questions over the interviewer's.

How's the tree?

The tree suffered a broken branch, several cuts and lacerations, and some punctate wounds on the side of the trunk.

I don't think the squirrels will ever come back. Last i saw them, they were 1/4 mile away.
Granny says dey's persecutin' poor ol' George...
FBI Requests Police Not Return Zimmerman's Gun
July 19, 2013 > The FBI has asked authorities in Sanford, Fla. to not give George Zimmerman back his gun after he was cleared of all charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a Department of Justice official tells Fox News.
The report may serve as further confirmation the Justice Department is taking seriously its investigation into whether or not to pursue a federal civil rights case against Zimmerman, after Attorney General Eric Holder said in an address Tuesday to the NAACP that his department would "consider all available information" before deciding whether to move forward. The Sanford Police Department told the Orlando Sentinel Thursday that evidence released earlier this week to the agency has been placed "in a hold status," pending the Justice Department investigation. The items include all the evidence collected by the agency in its investigation of the fatal shooting, such as Zimmerman's gun, Martin's clothes, cell phone, the bag of Skittles and beverage found in his pockets, the newspaper reported. Amid pressure from the NAACP and several Democratic lawmakers to pursue Zimmerman, the department expanded its probe Wednesday by setting up a public email address asking for any tips or information regarding the case.

The department also held a conference call with civil rights leaders on Monday. The conference call included DOJ officials, along with representatives from the FBI and federal prosecutors. They spoke to civil rights leaders from Sanford, Fla., as well as others from around the country. The call was convened by Tom Perez, assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division. A Justice official told Fox News that both the conference call and the email address asking for tips and information are fairly standard procedure when dealing with a high-profile investigation such as this one. The department has used such tip lines in the past, including in a probe last year of the Albuquerque, N.M., police department. Some attorneys and analysts have cautioned that Holder would have a difficult time bringing a civil rights case against Zimmerman, particularly since the investigation so far is thought to have turned up no evidence or claims that Zimmerman exhibited racial bias.

Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the shooting death of Martin who was unarmed. His attorneys argued that he shot Martin in self-defense, but the case sparked an outcry because Martin was black and Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic. Meanwhile Thursday, protesters who set up camp in the state Capitol building earlier this week finally got to meet with Gov. Rick Scott and urged him to push for the repeal of Florida's "state your ground" law and to take steps to combat racial profiling. In a conference room near his office suite, Scott met for nearly an hour with seven leaders of the protest, which began Tuesday. They described their frustration about last weekend's acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin and their own experiences of being racially profiled.

Saying the 17-year-old's death happened on Scott's watch, the protesters renewed their request that the Republican governor call state legislators into special session to repeal the law which justifies the use of deadly force when a person's life is in danger. "There has to be a comprehensive approach to make sure every child in Florida can feel safe again," Gabriel Pendas told the governor. Scott, who said he had spoken earlier in the evening with Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, instead said he would call for a day of prayer on Sunday for "unity." He also urged the protesters to talk to local legislators if they wanted to change state law and offer them examples of why they believe it may lead to more violence. "If you believe stand your ground should be repealed tell them why," Scott said.

FBI requests Florida police not return gun to Zimmerman | Fox News

the protesters renewed their request that the Republican governor call state legislators into special session to repeal the law which justifies the use of deadly force when a person's life is in danger

How much clearer does it get. They want to be able to kill you with ease.
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