The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I don't want to confuse you with the actual facts, but Zimmerman got out of the car because he lost sight of him in the rain. He got out to see where he was, not to confront him. Then he was attacked and thrown to the ground and had his head pounded into the ground. The only witness saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman. But you go on believing whatever fairytale helps you sleep at night.

He didn't need to get out of the car. He didn't need to call the police. That's the point that critics of Zimmerman are trying to make. The right looks at this case and sees nothing wrong with the call to the cops at all, the left sees it as the first among many stupid, racist decisions by dumb-butt Zimmerman, self-appointed, real American hero.

Dear stupid Conservatives, black kids walking down your street are not worthy of a call to the police. And to expect deference from them when confronted by you is an absurd expectation. They will stand their ground against you.

How'd that work out for St Skittles?


When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?
He didn't need to get out of the car. He didn't need to call the police. That's the point that critics of Zimmerman are trying to make. The right looks at this case and sees nothing wrong with the call to the cops at all, the left sees it as the first among many stupid, racist decisions by dumb-butt Zimmerman, self-appointed, real American hero.

Dear stupid Conservatives, black kids walking down your street are not worthy of a call to the police. And to expect deference from them when confronted by you is an absurd expectation. They will stand their ground against you.

Whether George Zimmerman needed or didn't need to do something is none of your business.

When the police are called, and those resources wasted, on a black kid for walking down the street, that's my business.

But not your business alone. I'd rather cops check out calls instead of ignoring them.
He didn't need to get out of the car. He didn't need to call the police. That's the point that critics of Zimmerman are trying to make. The right looks at this case and sees nothing wrong with the call to the cops at all, the left sees it as the first among many stupid, racist decisions by dumb-butt Zimmerman, self-appointed, real American hero.

Dear stupid Conservatives, black kids walking down your street are not worthy of a call to the police. And to expect deference from them when confronted by you is an absurd expectation. They will stand their ground against you.

Trayvon Martin didn't need to attack him either. That's what led to his death.

Yes, he did. He was being followed by an armed man. He had a right to protect himself from Zimmerman's aggression.

Merely following someone is not an aggressive act. No one has the right to attack someone because they are being followed. Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman, beat him, broke his nose and lacerated his head. That's aggression. That was the last act and Martin the last actor that could have prevented the shooting.

Martin thought he could beat someone up because he didn't know that Zimmerman was armed. The person randomly chosen by Trayvon Martin could have been anyone. Following someone is not now, nor has it ever been grounds for assault and battery.
He didn't need to get out of the car. He didn't need to call the police. That's the point that critics of Zimmerman are trying to make. The right looks at this case and sees nothing wrong with the call to the cops at all, the left sees it as the first among many stupid, racist decisions by dumb-butt Zimmerman, self-appointed, real American hero.

Dear stupid Conservatives, black kids walking down your street are not worthy of a call to the police. And to expect deference from them when confronted by you is an absurd expectation. They will stand their ground against you.

How'd that work out for St Skittles?


When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?

Ahhhh........the loving and tolerant left, refresing as a breeze from a pulp mill.

He didn't need to get out of the car. He didn't need to call the police. That's the point that critics of Zimmerman are trying to make. The right looks at this case and sees nothing wrong with the call to the cops at all, the left sees it as the first among many stupid, racist decisions by dumb-butt Zimmerman, self-appointed, real American hero.

Dear stupid Conservatives, black kids walking down your street are not worthy of a call to the police. And to expect deference from them when confronted by you is an absurd expectation. They will stand their ground against you.

How'd that work out for St Skittles?


When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?

You gonna do it, pussy boy?

Go for it.

I'll read about you in the obituaries, too.

Eric Himmler may have taken Z's gun, but they didn't (and can't) take his Florida-Issued permit.

Florida shop offers free gun to George Zimmerman | The Daily Caller

The only chance you'd have is to shoot him the back. And for that, we got the Death Penalty here.

Too bad they retired "Old Sparky".

They'd have to put two diapers on you before they gave you the juice

You talk out of your ass
Show evidence that he was being followed at the time of the attack?
Did he know Zimmerman was armed?

The evidence is Zimmerman not being in his car. He got out in order to look for Martin. Doy.

The jury made a mistake in not convicting for manslaughter. Legal experts are starting to agree on this.
Show the evidence that he was following at the time trayvon attacked?

Or is being outside of your car always grounds to be jumped and subjected to an MMA style beat down?

He wasn't just outside his car. He was waddling after Trayvon, so he could tell the cops where TM was once they arrived. Mind you, this is because Trayvon was walking down the road, which Zimmerman decided was worthy of a call to the police. That was the first dumb decision that fatso made.
Liberals have no problem with someone administering a little street justice on George Zimmerman. It's justified. Funny thing about this justifiable homicide thingy, that's why Zimmerman was acquitted.
The jury clearly decided that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.

That means they decided that Trayvon had done something that constituted an immediate and possibly deadly threat to Zimmerman. That act was probably, going after Zimmerman (who was following him but not stalking or attacking him), grabbing or jumping on him, knocking him down, and bashing his head multiple times into the concrete sidewalk with his fists. Slamming GZ's head repeatedly into the concrete that way could conceivably crack his skull, which could kill him. Zimmerman shot Trayvon before that could happen... but what if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun?

Then this trial would have been over Trayvon, not Zimmerman. Trayvon would have been accused at least of assault, quite possibly assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. And if he'd managed to crack Zimmerman's skull, maybe the charge for which Trayvon was tried, could have been murder.

Zimmerman did have the gun, and used it, so the trial went as it did. Trayvon was, in fact, guilty of assault - the jury decided he attacked Zimmerman. But since Trayvon lost his life as a result of assaulting Zimmerman, obviously there was no point in making any such charge against Trayvon any more, despite Trayvon's actions.

But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

If GZ had simply gone to the range and shot rounds into a target pretending he was the second coming of Dirty Harry a 17 year old would be alive today, and GZ wouldn't be known as the cowardly cream puff of Florida.
The evidence is Zimmerman not being in his car. He got out in order to look for Martin. Doy.

The jury made a mistake in not convicting for manslaughter. Legal experts are starting to agree on this.
Show the evidence that he was following at the time trayvon attacked?

Or is being outside of your car always grounds to be jumped and subjected to an MMA style beat down?

He wasn't just outside his car. He was waddling after Trayvon, so he could tell the cops where TM was once they arrived. Mind you, this is because Trayvon was walking down the road, which Zimmerman decided was worthy of a call to the police. That was the first dumb decision that fatso made.

This is what makes liberals so "interesting". Zimmerman was a fatso waddling down the street. But, he was also an MMA fighter, trained and fit, capable of fighting Martin off if he needed to do that.

This is what's known as situational facts. Liberals can make up the facts and change them according to whatever situation presents.
How'd that work out for St Skittles?


When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?

You gonna do it, pussy boy?

Go for it.

I'll read about you in the obituaries, too.

Eric Himmler may have taken Z's gun, but they didn't (and can't) take his Florida-Issued permit.

Florida shop offers free gun to George Zimmerman | The Daily Caller

The only chance you'd have is to shoot him the back. And for that, we got the Death Penalty here.

Too bad they retired "Old Sparky".

They'd have to put two diapers on you before they gave you the juice

You talk out of your ass

Georgie is clearly a hot head. He'll be out somewhere, probably getting himself yet more snacks , and will get into a confrontation with some stranger. He has a long record of this. And if that person shoots him knowing his track record of aggressive behavior, it will be Zimmerbutt's fault.

All of this is his fault.
If they silence you then our freedom of speech is gone. There's NOTHING illegal about being racist or speaking truth to power!

Don't be silent!!!

Speak the truth with facts ;)

Now that's honesty for you. Racist and proud of it! There's nothing more American or Patriotic like hating people for the color of their skin, right?
Show the evidence that he was following at the time trayvon attacked?

Or is being outside of your car always grounds to be jumped and subjected to an MMA style beat down?

He wasn't just outside his car. He was waddling after Trayvon, so he could tell the cops where TM was once they arrived. Mind you, this is because Trayvon was walking down the road, which Zimmerman decided was worthy of a call to the police. That was the first dumb decision that fatso made.

This is what makes liberals so "interesting". Zimmerman was a fatso waddling down the street. But, he was also an MMA fighter, trained and fit, capable of fighting Martin off if he needed to do that.

This is what's known as situational facts. Liberals can make up the facts and change them according to whatever situation presents.

I've personally never accused Zimmerman of being in shape. He's a mess physically and mentally. He's a pear-shaped loser, whose no-job, fatso life in hiding is his fault. And his attitude on race he got from his goober, southern white dad.
How'd that work out for St Skittles?


When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?

You gonna do it, pussy boy?

Go for it.

I'll read about you in the obituaries, too.

Eric Himmler may have taken Z's gun, but they didn't (and can't) take his Florida-Issued permit.

Florida shop offers free gun to George Zimmerman | The Daily Caller

The only chance you'd have is to shoot him the back. And for that, we got the Death Penalty here.

Too bad they retired "Old Sparky".

They'd have to put two diapers on you before they gave you the juice

You talk out of your ass

Ha,ha, this has got to be your funniest post. A right-wing radical actually defending a Hispanic Democrat!

I thought you said Libs were all scum - so why you defending scum? I guess you've lost your marbles? Gotcha!
The jury clearly decided that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he pulled his gun and shot Trayvon.

That means they decided that Trayvon had done something that constituted an immediate and possibly deadly threat to Zimmerman. That act was probably, going after Zimmerman (who was following him but not stalking or attacking him), grabbing or jumping on him, knocking him down, and bashing his head multiple times into the concrete sidewalk with his fists. Slamming GZ's head repeatedly into the concrete that way could conceivably crack his skull, which could kill him. Zimmerman shot Trayvon before that could happen... but what if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun?

Then this trial would have been over Trayvon, not Zimmerman. Trayvon would have been accused at least of assault, quite possibly assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. And if he'd managed to crack Zimmerman's skull, maybe the charge for which Trayvon was tried, could have been murder.

Zimmerman did have the gun, and used it, so the trial went as it did. Trayvon was, in fact, guilty of assault - the jury decided he attacked Zimmerman. But since Trayvon lost his life as a result of assaulting Zimmerman, obviously there was no point in making any such charge against Trayvon any more, despite Trayvon's actions.

But if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

If GZ had simply gone to the range and shot rounds into a target pretending he was the second coming of Dirty Harry a 17 year old would be alive today, and GZ wouldn't be known as the cowardly cream puff of Florida.

If St Skittles hadn't gotten kicked out of School for possessing burglary tools and stolen jewelry followed by a suspension for having a baggy with Marijuana residue followed by another suspension.

If the School Resource Officer had filled out a crime report, like he would have for a White kid, but didn't on St Skittles because Miami Dade was concerned about the disproportionate number of minorities in the system, then maybe there could have been some intervention.

If St Skittles hadn't been a Street Thug and gone back to his daddy's girlfriend's place (?) in the four minutes he had in between Z losing sight of him and the confrontation (I could cover 100 feet in four minutes doing a low-crawl)...

But no....

St Skittles had to be a punk. He had to wait in the bushes and ambush somebody he didn't know.

What if it had been a Plain Clothes Detective?

How did St Skittles know it wasn't?

Z could have been a Security Guard. He could have been a Cop. He could have been... ANything.

But St Skittle chose to confront him instead of going to his own place and either calling the Cops or locking the door. Or both. Or neither.

St Skittle brought this on himself. Totally, completely, absolutely 100% on him.

leftist scum just want to make political points on this.

And they will.

Temporarily, but it's going to leave a permanent scar
How'd that work out for St Skittles?


When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?

You gonna do it, pussy boy?

Go for it.

I'll read about you in the obituaries, too.

Eric Himmler may have taken Z's gun, but they didn't (and can't) take his Florida-Issued permit.

Florida shop offers free gun to George Zimmerman | The Daily Caller

The only chance you'd have is to shoot him the back. And for that, we got the Death Penalty here.

Too bad they retired "Old Sparky".

They'd have to put two diapers on you before they gave you the juice

You talk out of your ass

Well, we know "who" wasn't a teacher of English Composition. We still don't know what or who.
When Zimmerman gets gunned down, can we make funny names about him too? Or is being a fatso 30 year old community college student in hiding funny already?

You gonna do it, pussy boy?

Go for it.

I'll read about you in the obituaries, too.

Eric Himmler may have taken Z's gun, but they didn't (and can't) take his Florida-Issued permit.

Florida shop offers free gun to George Zimmerman | The Daily Caller

The only chance you'd have is to shoot him the back. And for that, we got the Death Penalty here.

Too bad they retired "Old Sparky".

They'd have to put two diapers on you before they gave you the juice

You talk out of your ass

Ha,ha, this has got to be your funniest post. A right-wing radical actually defending a Hispanic Democrat!

I thought you said Libs were all scum - so why you defending scum? I guess you've lost your marbles? Gotcha!

I'm defending our system of Justice.

You don't care about the system. You just don't.

I didn't make a big fuss when a certain Professional Athlete was acquitted.

The whole World knew he was guilty. There was no doubt of it.


You think I'm talking about OJ?

Nope, I'm talking about Ray Lewis.

Guilty as hell.

But the system spoke and that's the end of it, AFAIC. He's still a douchebag, but it's over. Let it go.

Bill Ayers has said on multiple occasions that he is, "Guilty as sin, free as a bird. What a Country."

But no Republicans or Conservatives are threatening to murder him.

Or Ray Lewis.

Or even OJ.

Only your side lacks respect for the Justice System. Only your side riots when they don't get their way. Only your side riots and burns and hurts people when they don't get their way.

Know why?

Because you're the scum of the Earth.

That simple
The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

This is so much more involved than even most Conservatives understand.

Check it out

M-DSPD Cover Up ? The Curious Case Of Trayvon Martin?s Backpack With Stolen Jewelry and Burglary Tool? | The Last Refuge

M-DSPD Cover Up – The Curious Case Of Trayvon Martin’s Backpack With Stolen Jewelry and Burglary Tool…

Posted on May 1, 2013 by sundance

Frances Robles - legal collection

Ironically were it not for Frances Robles writing a Miami Herald article on March 26th 2012 an entire chain of events would not have taken place.

It was that Robles article, and the outlining of the Miami-Dade School Police Department’s report on a Trayvon Martin incident from October 2011, that kicked off an internal investigation by M-DSPD Police Chief Hurley against his own officers to find out who leaked the police report.

[Note: The Miami-Dade Public School System has its own Police force, and Chief, who report to the School Board and Superintendent - Not the Police Dept. The Police Chief is appointed by the School Superintendent, in this example, Alberto Carvalho]


Much, much more at the link.
An estimated 30 people were shot in Obama's adopted home city of Chicago over the 4th of July weekend and 11 were killed. Yet the freaking president seems to think he should fuel the flames of a single tragedy that happened over a year ago in Florida.
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