The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

Racists like yourself should consider what someone says, how it is framed, and then apply comprehension to the statement.

If Zimmerman was sitting on Martins chest beating his head into the concrete, then yes, Martin would have been justified in killing Zimmerman.

The idiocy that passes for people like you never ceases to amaze Me.

If the libtards began honestly interpreting and responding to questions, they would have nothing left to say.
...has been successfully used by blacks to avoid conviction.

Blog: Holder: Stand your ground has got to go

As the Daily Caller reports, at least in Florida, blacks have been the beneficiary of stand your ground defense:

Name one case where the shooter is black and the victim white.



There are some disparties, but it is difficult to put a 'racist' face on them because there are so few instances of a white person shooting a black person; far more instances of whites shooting whites, blacks shooting both black and white people. It makes a valid statistical analysis difficult if not impossible.

See this:
Is There Racial Bias in “Stand Your Ground” Laws? | Criminal Justice | FRONTLINE | PBS

Nevertheless I don't remember a case where the federal, state and public pressure was as intense to convict somebody as was the case in the Zimmerman trial. The jury was apparently evenly split going into deliberations on whether Zimmerman was guilty which is why it took 17 long hours to arrive at a verdict. They reviewed all the evidence in the trial. And in the end, there was insufficient evidence to convict Zimmerman.

To continue to persecute him just because people WANT him to be guilty is a severe violation of his civil and unalienable rights.
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The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

Racists like yourself should consider what someone says, how it is framed, and then apply comprehension to the statement.

If Zimmerman was sitting on Martins chest beating his head into the concrete, then yes, Martin would have been justified in killing Zimmerman.

The idiocy that passes for people like you never ceases to amaze Me.

You racists fail to acknowledge some basic, indisputable evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt

A white George Zimmerman followed a 16 year-old black Trayvon Martin - and shot him dead.
....indisputable, beyond a reasonable doubt evidence:

I know one thing that is indisputable.... St Skittles is deader than shit...

And Zimmerman is free as a bird.

And there ain't a GODDAMNED thing you can do about it.

Wait... That's three things

suck on it libtards
...has been successfully used by blacks to avoid conviction.

Blog: Holder: Stand your ground has got to go

As the Daily Caller reports, at least in Florida, blacks have been the beneficiary of stand your ground defense:

Name one case where the shooter is black and the victim white.



Name one SYG case where the shooter was White and the beneficiary of the bullet was Black

After the poster responds

the president in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist americans are asking: "if george zimmerman confronted trayvon and trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

i could answer the president: "hell no mr. President - you know and i know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

racists like yourself should consider what someone says, how it is framed, and then apply comprehension to the statement.

If zimmerman was sitting on martins chest beating his head into the concrete, then yes, martin would have been justified in killing zimmerman.

The idiocy that passes for people like you never ceases to amaze me.

you racists fail to acknowledge some basic, indisputable evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt

a white george zimmerman followed a 16 year-old black trayvon martin - and shot him dead.
....indisputable, beyond a reasonable doubt evidence:
Racists like yourself should consider what someone says, how it is framed, and then apply comprehension to the statement.

If Zimmerman was sitting on Martins chest beating his head into the concrete, then yes, Martin would have been justified in killing Zimmerman.

The idiocy that passes for people like you never ceases to amaze Me.

You racists fail to acknowledge some basic, indisputable evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt

A white George Zimmerman followed a 16 year-old black Trayvon Martin - and shot him dead.
....indisputable, beyond a reasonable doubt evidence:

I know one thing that is indisputable.... St Skittles is deader than shit...

And Zimmerman is free as a bird.

And there ain't a GODDAMNED thing you can do about it.

Wait... That's three things

suck on it libtards

Sounds very racist to me!

But Juror B37 claims that SYG was a factor in their final verdict! How is that allowed to happen?

And I do believe that a verdict can be overturned - you cannot be tried for the same crime twice, but if there is enough evidence, or if there was a fault with the trial itself, then a fresh trial can be ordered.

becasue SYG is part and parcel of defending yourself.

zimmerman was found not guilty of murder..... you will live.

So the jury is allowed to consider whether someone 'stood their ground' even though that person hasn't used that as their defense?

That would mean that could use other things to try and get a defendant jailed or freed.

he stood his ground no matter if you like it or not. Pretty simple dont you think...

it does not have to be what the defense stood their ground on......

you will live.

you have one shot to convict here on any ONE crime..... double jeopardy. Martin was found innocent of murder.... stand your ground.... self defense....skittles defense.... it does not matter.....

you will live
The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"


Absolutely Not! - Following is not reasonable fear or force applied to warrant Trayvon to apply deadly force from a gun. Trayvon should have & would have been jailed. GZ broke no law & applied no force to warrant Trayvon to apply deadly force.

TM meeting GZ'z "Following" (not force) with deadly force from a gun is so unequal & unjustified that a kindergartner can figure that one out. :cuckoo:

First TM broke the Florida 856.021 Prowling Law. Then TM was the aggressor committing "Battery" with the first sucker punch that Rachel Jeantel said he threw breaking GZ's nose knocking him to the ground.

After Trayvon broke those 2 laws he went on to break laws that justified deadly force from a gun against an unarmed person.

Then TM committed "Felony Battery" when he attacked GZ again as he laid on the ground screaming HELP! not fighting back. Then TM committed "Felony Attempted Murder" pounding GZ head onto concrete. Then TM stated his intent to kill GZ when he said "your are going to die" which made his actions "Attempted Felony First Degree Murder"
The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

Racists like yourself should consider what someone says, how it is framed, and then apply comprehension to the statement.

If Zimmerman was sitting on Martins chest beating his head into the concrete, then yes, Martin would have been justified in killing Zimmerman.

The idiocy that passes for people like you never ceases to amaze Me.

You racists fail to acknowledge some basic, indisputable evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt

A white George Zimmerman followed a 16 year-old black Trayvon Martin - and shot him dead.
....indisputable, beyond a reasonable doubt evidence:

First of all, George Zimmerman is Hispanic and Trayvon was 17 not 16. Zimmerman followed Martin but at a distance. Martin confronted Zimmerman and committed assault and battery upon him when he could have easily avoided the man following him. That is what is indisputable.
...has been successfully used by blacks to avoid conviction.

Blog: Holder: Stand your ground has got to go

As the Daily Caller reports, at least in Florida, blacks have been the beneficiary of stand your ground defense:

Name one case where the shooter is black and the victim white.



A black woman prosecuted for using a gun in self-defense.
Marissa Alexander's 20-Year Sentence Provokes Fresh Outrage Against George Zimmerman Prosecutor - US News and World Report

How about black mob attack videos?
Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos - From White Girl Bleed a Lot.

Most crime commited by black criminals is against black victims. STand Your GRound would benefit a far higher percentage of them against said criminals than it would for whites by a long shot.

You are talking out of your ass hat.
this case had nothing to do with stand your ground and the progressives are just using a dead body to prop their agenda up....Racist fucks,

Juror 37 said she and her girl friends discussed Stand-Your-Ground in reaching their decision to acquit Zimmerman.

Wonder where that came from?

Author Brad Thor offered in tweets to buy Zimmerman a gun and all the ammo he wants after the Department of injustice delayed the release of evidence.

Brad Thor?s Testy TV Exchange After He Offers to Buy George Zimmerman a New Gun | Video |

“Read this carefully, as I don’t want 2 be misunderstood: SCREW the #DOJ. If they won’t give #Zimmerman his gun back, I’ll buy him a new one,” he tweeted shortly after midnight Friday.

He followed up with a tweet to Zimmerman’s brother Robert Zimmerman Jr.: “Whatever gun he wants + however much ammo, consider it done. I’m buying. Done deal.”

He is right. The persecution of a innocent man has to stop.
You fail to realize that the stand-your-ground laws have saved several blacks from being convicted of murder .... name one
See my post above. I don't know their names...just that there have been more than a few.

Also, stand-your-ground was not applied in the Zimmerman defense. it was simple self defense - .... Jurist B37 said she and her girl friends considered the killing 'stand-your-ground'.
Read the article. Stand-your-ground was not invoked by the defense. The phrase was mentioned in the instructions but the law was not used in the instructions.

Obama and the media are intent on inciting riots and strife between races...even though Zimmerman was investigated by the FBI and found to NOT BE A RACIST! ... the media and all America want this racist killer not to get away with murder
He has been investigated by the FBI and found NOT guilty of being a racist. Christ Almighty! He had a black date to a prom, mentored black children, had a black grandfather...why the fuck do you think he's racist?...because Trayvon is said to have called him a creepy ass cracker? You are deluded!

You liberals have been brainwashed by your dear leader and race pimps among the black Sharpton, Jackson, X ....and Obama ... while you tea baggers have been brainwashed by your dear leaders and racist pimps among the white population ... like Limbaugh, Hannity .... and McConnell
Grabbing at straws and frantic introduction of lies never win debates.

Trayvon caused his own death by not going on home when he disappeared for 4 minutes and then appeared again near Zimmerman's which he was headed. That is evidenced by the timing of the phone calls .... the only clear indisputable evidence is that Zimmerman followed Martin and shot him
What is clear is that Martin had 4 minutes to complete a 30 second walk to his home. He decided to hang around or circle back and confront Zimmerman. That is evidenced by the phone records...NOT by anything that Zimmerman claimed. It was proved in court that the 4 minute gap existed. Trayvon caused his own death by returning.

You people need to learn how to digest EVIDENCE instead on using emotions to cloud the picture.... while you people need to understand that the killer's lies are not EVIDENCE

He didn't lie. The injuries to his head, the testimony of the witness that saw Trayvon pounding the shit out of Zimmerman...that is all that is necessary to know that Zimmerman acted in self defense.

I am not happy that Trayvon died from the gunshot. The story would ended a lot differently had he lived, recovered, been the plaintiff in a trumped up trial against Zimmerman for assault with a deadly weapon and had his own history of being a punk ass drug dealer and wanna-be thug as evidenced by his phone and Facebook records presented to the jury.
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Name one case where the shooter is black and the victim white.



Name one SYG case where the shooter was White and the beneficiary of the bullet was Black

After the poster responds


Gimme a fucking break with your games...

Here's the way it is, regardless of the SHIT you're reading in Media Mutters and Salon or the CPUSA...

Race plays complex role in Florida's 'stand your ground' law | Tampa Bay Times

A Tampa Bay Times analysis of nearly 200 cases — the first to examine the role of race in "stand your ground" — found that people who killed a black person walked free 73 percent of the time, while those who killed a white person went free 59 percent of the time.

But wait..!!

The reason for this is simple, White people tend to shoot White people and Black people tend to shoot Black people.

Want more?

If Zimmerman had been black, would authorities in Sanford have been so quick to accept his claim of self-defense? Are black defendants less likely to walk free than people of other races in "stand your ground" cases?

The Times analysis found no obvious bias in how black defendants have been treated:

• Whites who invoked the law were charged at the same rate as blacks.

• Whites who went to trial were convicted at the same rate as blacks.

• In mixed-race cases involving fatalities, the outcomes were similar. Four of the five blacks who killed a white went free; five of the six whites who killed a black went free.

• Overall, black defendants went free 66 percent of the time in fatal cases compared to 61 percent for white defendants — a difference explained, in part, by the fact blacks were more likely to kill another black.

libtards bore me
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