The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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A black woman prosecuted for using a gun in self-defense. Marissa Alexander's 20-Year Sentence Provokes Fresh Outrage Against George Zimmerman Prosecutor.

Marissa Alexander was not self defending or standing her ground. She became the aggressor & tried to kill her man. Her shots missed him as testified to by her own kids. The went into the wall at head level, out the other side & deflected up into the ceiling. She ran into the garage, into her car, grabbed her gun, went back inside & shot at her man. She should have locked herself in her car with her gun or went out the garage door to the neighbors house & called 911. Then she violated bail/bond by going to his house & beating him again, was re-arrested for assault & had to sit in jail before trial because she was to dangerous to remain free on bond.

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edge is the reactionary equivalent of a Maxine Waters: lefties and reactionaries are for laughing at.
this case had nothing to do with stand your ground and the progressives are just using a dead body to prop their agenda up....Racist fucks,

Juror 37 said she and her girl friends discussed Stand-Your-Ground in reaching their decision to acquit Zimmerman.

Wonder where that came from?


Still trying to use dead bodies to prop up your lies?
The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"



Absolutely Not! - Following is not reasonable fear or force applied to warrant Trayvon to apply deadly force from a gun. Trayvon should have & would have been jailed. GZ broke no law & applied no force to warrant Trayvon to apply deadly force.

Trayvon had no reasonable fear the the man following him for 100 yards meant harm?
Whites have fear of blacks, but blacks have no fear of whites - even as they look down the barrel of a gun, or feel the pinch of the rope around their necks?

uh huh.....

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Is there ANYTHING libtards disagree with the CPUSA about?


You might think I'm being facetious, but go to the site. Read it. Look into it. Examine it.

There is not a GODDAMN thing there that goes against the grain of the dimocrap party

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Communist Party: Justice for Trayvon Martin!
The trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin concluded with a not guilty verdict. But Zimmerman is far from innocent and the entire case reminds us of the pervasive nature of racism in the U.S.
by: Communist Party USA 16.Jul

You know what guys and gals....?? When you find you're on the same side as the CPUSA 99% of the time, you might want to re-examine your beliefs.

And you Conservatives...?? If it walks like a Duck, quacks like Duck and swims like a Duck, it might just be a ................
this case had nothing to do with stand your ground and the progressives are just using a dead body to prop their agenda up....Racist fucks,

Juror 37 said she and her girl friends discussed Stand-Your-Ground in reaching their decision to acquit Zimmerman.

Wonder where that came from?


Still trying to use dead bodies to prop up your lies?

Juror B37 is dead?

Gosh, I didn't know .....

edge is the reactionary equivalent of a Maxine Waters: lefties and reactionaries are for laughing at.

When you lack the intelligence to make a cogent argument, you need to revert to personal attacks.

I attack libtards and dimocrap scum, mostly because they deserve it. But in those attacks are intelligent and thoughtful arguments.

You have none.

What's the old saying...?? You know you've won an argument with a libtard when he calls you a racist?

Yep. I'm 99 and 0 losers.

Either say something intelligible or bring in the 'A' Team because you guys suck at this
Is there ANYTHING libtards disagree with the CPUSA about?


You might think I'm being facetious, but go to the site. Read it. Look into it. Examine it.

There is not a GODDAMN thing there that goes against the grain of the dimocrap party

Home » cpusa

Communist Party: Justice for Trayvon Martin!
The trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin concluded with a not guilty verdict. But Zimmerman is far from innocent and the entire case reminds us of the pervasive nature of racism in the U.S.
by: Communist Party USA 16.Jul

You know what guys and gals....?? When you find you're on the same side as the CPUSA 99% of the time, you might want to re-examine your beliefs.

And you Conservatives...?? If it walks like a Duck, quacks like Duck and swims like a Duck, it might just be a ................

Is there anything Conservatives disagree with the White Aryan Nation about?
The one about repealing Emancipation was questionable before the tea party, but now ....

This thread will become self-aware at 30,000 posts. The Matrix-ZM.
Is there ANYTHING libtards disagree with the CPUSA about?


You might think I'm being facetious, but go to the site. Read it. Look into it. Examine it.

There is not a GODDAMN thing there that goes against the grain of the dimocrap party

Home » cpusa

Communist Party: Justice for Trayvon Martin!
The trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin concluded with a not guilty verdict. But Zimmerman is far from innocent and the entire case reminds us of the pervasive nature of racism in the U.S.
by: Communist Party USA 16.Jul

You know what guys and gals....?? When you find you're on the same side as the CPUSA 99% of the time, you might want to re-examine your beliefs.

And you Conservatives...?? If it walks like a Duck, quacks like Duck and swims like a Duck, it might just be a ................

Is there anything Conservatives disagree with the White Aryan Nation about?
The one about repealing Emancipation was questionable before the tea party, but now ....

Yes everything you fucking moron. The ayrian nation are socialists LOL
Waiting ....

Richard "Ricky" Kelly (a black man) shot Don Madak (a white man) and the prosecution declined to prosecute based upon self defense.

Don't let these liberal douche-nozzles send you to do their work for them.

They'll have you chasing your tail like crazy.

They pick up some lie or half-truth (a half truth is a half lie) from one of the commie websites and bring it here like they're super-sleuths and will have you running yourself ragged.
Zimmerman had a broken nose and multiple lacerations to the head and Martin had not a scratch.

Zimmerman acted in self-defense, plain and simple and the jury issued a verdict based on that evidence, and that verdict should be respected.

The evidence was so hacked up by the media and I would sue each and everyone of them that distorted that evidence, as well as withheld it.
Is there ANYTHING libtards disagree with the CPUSA about?


You might think I'm being facetious, but go to the site. Read it. Look into it. Examine it.

There is not a GODDAMN thing there that goes against the grain of the dimocrap party

Home » cpusa

You know what guys and gals....?? When you find you're on the same side as the CPUSA 99% of the time, you might want to re-examine your beliefs.

And you Conservatives...?? If it walks like a Duck, quacks like Duck and swims like a Duck, it might just be a ................

Is there anything Conservatives disagree with the White Aryan Nation about?
The one about repealing Emancipation was questionable before the tea party, but now ....

Yes everything you fucking moron. The ayrian nation are socialists LOL

National Socialists aren't socialists as far as idiot libtards are concerned.

Must be that word 'socialist' in the Party's name that has them confused
edge is the reactionary equivalent of a Maxine Waters: lefties and reactionaries are for laughing at.

When you lack the intelligence to make a cogent argument, you need to revert to personal attacks.

Yes, you demonstrate a lack of intelligence. You are the reactionary equivalent of Maxine Waters.

You just proved it. :lol:
If his response was "ok", then why did he continue to follow Trayvon?

Sorry...............but if you tell me that you don't need me to follow someone, and I answer "ok", but continue to do so, that means that I didn't follow the directions that I was given.

Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after being told he didn't need to do that.
There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow him. Besides the non-emergency operator has no authority to tell anyone anything. He can only advise. Why don't you learn the facts so you don't look so ignorant.

[You're right..................because of political correctness and all that other bullshit, the 911 operator didn't have the authority to tell Zimmerman to stop following. However...............they DID tell him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow Trayvon

And what did Zimmerman SAY when he was told "we don't need you to do that?"


What do you do when someone tells you to stop doing something, but you intend to continue doing it? Do you just say "ok" and continue or stop and argue to convince them of what you're doing?
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The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"


You've been moved again slugger, tough to stay on topic with the Aryan Nation!

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Yet once again, the evidence for murder or manslaughter was not there even though the jury looked diligently for it. Because nobody knows exactly what happened that night, Zimmerman was found not guilty by virtue of insufficient evidence to convict him. Believe me, had there been ANY evidence to convict him, he would have been convicted.

The FBI had already looked into the case early on and found zero grounds to include racism as a factor in the case.

If we don't believe in vigilante justice in this country but in due process of law, Zimmerman is now entitled to be presumed innocent as he was not judged to be guilty. And we all know that if Trayvon Martin had been white or Hispanic, we wouldn't even be having this discussion as almost none of us would ever have heard of the incident in the first place.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman is a violation of his civil rights.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin happened to be black, is racist.
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