The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If Zimmerman didn't have a gun that night, he wouldn't have followed Martin.

That gun made him feel like a hot shot, tough guy, trigger happy Enforcer.

Werd. What Zimmerman lovers always want to ignore and never argue against is that he followed WITH A gun. Even when I have said in this thread, they want to ignore this, they further ignore it. Why would you want to defend someone that follows another person with a gun?

I have followed persons behaving in a suspicious manner when I did not have a gun in my possession, let alone on my person. Why wouldn't Zimmerman have done the same?

Zimmerman has been carrying since 2009 and has reported more than 40 suspicious persons to the Sanford Police, all without any personal confrontation. He almost certainly followed at least some of those 40 people as have I when I have reported suspicious persons to the local law enforcement. Remember, the night that Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin, he did so AFTER the dispatcher asked him to let them know if the 'suspicious person' did anything.

Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman now is a violation of his unalienable and civil rights.
To persecute Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin happened to be black is racist.

You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.
We don't need a NATIONAL "Justice for George Zimmerman" Day.

Thankfully, every once in a while, despite the best efforts of the race hustlers and the liberal media, our system of justice still manages to work.

He was acquitted. As he should have been. George Zimmerman GOT justice to that extent.

What happened to Trayvon may have been tragic, but it was not an injustice. What Zimmerman is facing (threats of violence, etc) IS unjust.

And that should be the mantra of freedom loving people everywhere. If we do not respect the rule of law; if we do not respect the jury system, then there can be no rule of law and no system of justice.

George Zimmerman was indicted, tried, and found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Whether or not he should have been indicted or what the circumstances were is now moot. He was indicted. He was tried. And he was found not guilty. And that should be the end of it for everybody including our government and the race baiters who have the unmitigated gall to call themselves 'civil rights leaders'.

Heaven help us if this is the new normal. If the government or the mob mentality can continue to savage somebody after the due process of law has been concluded, then none of us are safe. And there is no more unalientable right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness as it was understood in the Declaration of Independence.

To continue to persecute George Zimmerman now is to violate his civil and unalienable rights.

To continue to persecute George Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin was black is racist.

Agreed, in general, with one BIG proviso.

Zimmerman didn't even get the protection of having a Grand Jury determine whether or not he should ever have been accused.

He was NOT indicted.

The manner in which he was prosecuted, including the original criminal filing charging him with the crimes for which he stood trial, was unjust.

Angela Corey is a national disgrace.
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Werd. What Zimmerman lovers always want to ignore and never argue against is that he followed WITH A gun. Even when I have said in this thread, they want to ignore this, they further ignore it. Why would you want to defend someone that follows another person with a gun?

I have followed persons behaving in a suspicious manner when I did not have a gun in my possession, let alone on my person. Why wouldn't Zimmerman have done the same?

Zimmerman has been carrying since 2009 and has reported more than 40 suspicious persons to the Sanford Police, all without any personal confrontation. He almost certainly followed at least some of those 40 people as have I when I have reported suspicious persons to the local law enforcement. Remember, the night that Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin, he did so AFTER the dispatcher asked him to let them know if the 'suspicious person' did anything.

Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman now is a violation of his unalienable and civil rights.
To persecute Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin happened to be black is racist.

You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.

You don't seem to understand anything.

Whether you like the fact or not, Trayvon brought suspicion on himself.

Whether you like it or not, George Zimmerman was absolutely entitled to follow Trayvon.

Actually having seen Trayvon committing a crime is NOT and never was a requirement.

Zimmerman's behavior was, in all respects, lawful.

Freedom is not protected by physically assaulting someone just because you "object" to having the cracker "following" you.

It is truly a shame that Trayvon's ensuing behavior ended up costing him his life. But it was HIS behavior that led to that fatal outcome. The responsibility was entirely HIS.

If you want to talk about standing up for freedom, you ought to be concerned about what happened to George Zimmerman.
The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

You fail to realize that the stand-your-ground laws have saved several blacks from being convicted of murder.

Also, stand-your-ground was not applied in the Zimmerman defense. it was simple self defense.

Obama and the media are intent on inciting riots and strife between races...even though Zimmerman was investigated by the FBI and found to NOT BE A RACIST!

You liberals have been brainwashed by your dear leader and race pimps among the black Sharpton, Jackson, X ....and Obama.

Trayvon caused his own death by not going on home when he disappeared for 4 minutes and then appeared again near Zimmerman's which he was headed. That is evidenced by the timing of the phone calls.

You people need to learn how to digest EVIDENCE instead on using emotions to cloud the picture.

Did Trayvon arrive back at the residence to find everybody had gone to sleep or nobody was answering, so he walked around a few minutes waiting for someone to be available to answer the door? He didn't want to cause a ruckus. Was he going back to 7-11 having forgotten to buy something or after being told he had forgotten something? Was he trying to get a wee bit more exercise or in a cooling down mode or doing a few stretches? He was an athlete.
We don't need a NATIONAL "Justice for George Zimmerman" Day.

Thankfully, every once in a while, despite the best efforts of the race hustlers and the liberal media, our system of justice still manages to work.

He was acquitted. As he should have been. George Zimmerman GOT justice to that extent.

What happened to Trayvon may have been tragic, but it was not an injustice. What Zimmerman is facing (threats of violence, etc) IS unjust.

And that should be the mantra of freedom loving people everywhere. If we do not respect the rule of law; if we do not respect the jury system, then there can be no rule of law and no system of justice.

George Zimmerman was indicted, tried, and found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Whether or not he should have been indicted or what the circumstances were is now moot. He was indicted. He was tried. And he was found not guilty. And that should be the end of it for everybody including our government and the race baiters who have the unmitigated gall to call themselves 'civil rights leaders'.

Heaven help us if this is the new normal. If the government or the mob mentality can continue to savage somebody after the due process of law has been concluded, then none of us are safe. And there is no more unalientable right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness as it was understood in the Declaration of Independence.

To continue to persecute George Zimmerman now is to violate his civil and unalienable rights.

To continue to persecute George Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin was black is racist.

Agreed, in general, with one BIG proviso.

Zimmerman didn't even get the protection of having a Grand Jury determine whether or not he should ever have been accused.

He was NOT indicted.

The manner in which he was prosecuted, including the original criminal filing charging him with the crimes for which he stood trial, was unjust.

Angela Corey is a national disgrace.

I think we are going to be seeing her name in print in the near future.
The President in his press conference speech, asked the question most non racist Americans are asking: "if George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and Trayvon shot him - would that be under "stand your ground?"

I could answer the President: "Hell no Mr. President - you know and I know the stand-your-ground is a law for white, rednecks only - that gives them license to shoot blacks"

You fail to realize that the stand-your-ground laws have saved several blacks from being convicted of murder.

Also, stand-your-ground was not applied in the Zimmerman defense. it was simple self defense.

Obama and the media are intent on inciting riots and strife between races...even though Zimmerman was investigated by the FBI and found to NOT BE A RACIST!

You liberals have been brainwashed by your dear leader and race pimps among the black Sharpton, Jackson, X ....and Obama.

Trayvon caused his own death by not going on home when he disappeared for 4 minutes and then appeared again near Zimmerman's which he was headed. That is evidenced by the timing of the phone calls.

You people need to learn how to digest EVIDENCE instead on using emotions to cloud the picture.

Did Trayvon arrive back at the residence to find everybody had gone to sleep or nobody was answering, so he walked around a few minutes waiting for someone to be available to answer the door? He didn't want to cause a ruckus. Was he going back to 7-11 having forgotten to buy something or after being told he had forgotten something? Was he trying to get a wee bit more exercise or in a cooling down mode or doing a few stretches? He was an athlete.
Did Trayvon arrive back at the residence to find everybody had gone to sleep or nobody was answering, so he walked around a few minutes waiting for someone to be available to answer the door?

No. His father's fiance's son was watching the second half of the NBA All Star game.
Was he going back to 7-11 having forgotten to buy something or after being told he had forgotten something?

No. The path George saw him walking aimlessly on was away from the 7-11 and towards the crib he was staying at.

Was he trying to get a wee bit more exercise or in a cooling down mode or doing a few stretches?

No. George did not observe him doing either of those things. If he had, he would not have thought he was on drugs or something.
You fail to realize that the stand-your-ground laws have saved several blacks from being convicted of murder.

Also, stand-your-ground was not applied in the Zimmerman defense. it was simple self defense.

Obama and the media are intent on inciting riots and strife between races...even though Zimmerman was investigated by the FBI and found to NOT BE A RACIST!

You liberals have been brainwashed by your dear leader and race pimps among the black Sharpton, Jackson, X ....and Obama.

Trayvon caused his own death by not going on home when he disappeared for 4 minutes and then appeared again near Zimmerman's which he was headed. That is evidenced by the timing of the phone calls.

You people need to learn how to digest EVIDENCE instead on using emotions to cloud the picture.

Did Trayvon arrive back at the residence to find everybody had gone to sleep or nobody was answering, so he walked around a few minutes waiting for someone to be available to answer the door? He didn't want to cause a ruckus. Was he going back to 7-11 having forgotten to buy something or after being told he had forgotten something? Was he trying to get a wee bit more exercise or in a cooling down mode or doing a few stretches? He was an athlete.

No. His father's fiance's son was watching the second half of the NBA All Star game.
Was he going back to 7-11 having forgotten to buy something or after being told he had forgotten something?

No. The path George saw him walking aimlessly on was away from the 7-11 and towards the crib he was staying at.

Was he trying to get a wee bit more exercise or in a cooling down mode or doing a few stretches?

No. George did not observe him doing either of those things. If he had, he would not have thought he was on drugs or something.

Trayvon Martin's Family Calls For Arrest Of Man Who Police Say Confessed To Shooting (UPDATE)

During halftime of the NBA All-Star Game, Martin's family said he walked to a nearby convenience store to get some candy for his younger brother. On his way back home, according to reports, he caught the attention of George Zimmerman, a self-appointed captain of The Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood watch...

I don't know if that's an official report or not, but it says Martin's family was watching the game there when Trayvon left for 7-11. It doesn't say what was going on at the home when he returned. Did they turn the game off then?

Are you trying to say George told us truthfully everything he saw Trayvon doing?

And how again do you know if Trayvon wasn't going back to 7-11?
I have followed persons behaving in a suspicious manner when I did not have a gun in my possession, let alone on my person. Why wouldn't Zimmerman have done the same?

Zimmerman has been carrying since 2009 and has reported more than 40 suspicious persons to the Sanford Police, all without any personal confrontation. He almost certainly followed at least some of those 40 people as have I when I have reported suspicious persons to the local law enforcement. Remember, the night that Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin, he did so AFTER the dispatcher asked him to let them know if the 'suspicious person' did anything.

Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman now is a violation of his unalienable and civil rights.
To persecute Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin happened to be black is racist.

You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.

Whether you like it or not, George Zimmerman was absolutely entitled to follow Trayvon.

Actually having seen Trayvon committing a crime is NOT and never was a requirement.

We are all also entitled to our freedom without being harassed or falsely imprisoned.
We don't need a NATIONAL "Justice for George Zimmerman" Day.

Thankfully, every once in a while, despite the best efforts of the race hustlers and the liberal media, our system of justice still manages to work.

He was acquitted. As he should have been. George Zimmerman GOT justice to that extent.

What happened to Trayvon may have been tragic, but it was not an injustice. What Zimmerman is facing (threats of violence, etc) IS unjust.

And that should be the mantra of freedom loving people everywhere. If we do not respect the rule of law; if we do not respect the jury system, then there can be no rule of law and no system of justice.

George Zimmerman was indicted, tried, and found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Whether or not he should have been indicted or what the circumstances were is now moot. He was indicted. He was tried. And he was found not guilty. And that should be the end of it for everybody including our government and the race baiters who have the unmitigated gall to call themselves 'civil rights leaders'.

Heaven help us if this is the new normal. If the government or the mob mentality can continue to savage somebody after the due process of law has been concluded, then none of us are safe. And there is no more unalientable right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness as it was understood in the Declaration of Independence.

To continue to persecute George Zimmerman now is to violate his civil and unalienable rights.

To continue to persecute George Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin was black is racist.

Agreed, in general, with one BIG proviso.

Zimmerman didn't even get the protection of having a Grand Jury determine whether or not he should ever have been accused.

He was NOT indicted.

The manner in which he was prosecuted, including the original criminal filing charging him with the crimes for which he stood trial, was unjust.

Angela Corey is a national disgrace.

Absolutely Corey bypased the Grand Jury, who would have had all the evidence ALL of us have had instead of that allowed in formal court, and who almost certainly would have returned an opinion that there was insufficient evidence to indict.

You could be right, but I am thinking that indictment at the state level does not require a grand jury decision but can be brought by the prosecutor. In other words charging and indictment are the same thing. At the federal level I believe the law requires a grand jury to convene. But if there are legal eagles with a different opinion about that, I am not absolutely certain and wouldn't bet the farm that I am right. :)

But absolutely this was a politically motivated trial from the beginning and is still being used to deflect attention away from Administration woes of a collapsing Obamacare, IRS scandals, State Dept. scandals, GSA scandals, Consumer Protection scandals, and a miserable economy.

And it still remains that to continue to persecute George Zimmerman now is a violation of his unalienable and civil rights, and if motivated because Trayvon Martin's race, it is a violation that is also racist.
A little while ago today I watched Greta the Lawyer of Fox News walking through the scene of the killing of TM. The film was done in the dark to 'prove' GZ couldn't have know that TM was black.

There are misrepresentations of commission and omission; I can't decide which misrepresentations to charge her with. You see, GZ first saw the suspicious person while driving in his car, presumably with the lights on. A fact which escape Ms. Greta in her defense of "George" as she called him throughout, or decided was not worth reporting.
Following Martin at night, confronting him, giving him the 3rd degree, all the while showing a gun is false imprisonment in my book. Just because he had a CHL doesn't mean he was concealing it. I also think that Zimmerman brought the gun out as soon as he didn't like Trayvon's answers.
Following Martin at night,

The job of any neighborhood watchman when seeing someone the rain...with their identity concealed.

Are you suggesting we should outlaw neighborhood watches?

confronting him,

Not in any way illegal, nor deserving of being attacked.

giving him the 3rd degree,

You have zero evidence to support this assumption.

all the while showing a gun

Again, no evidence of this...and it directly contradicts the evidence presented in the trial.

is false imprisonment in my book.

That God 'your book' isn't the law, because that is NOT imprisonment, false or otherwise.

Just because he had a CHL doesn't mean he was concealing it.

True, but once again, you have zero evidence to suggest he brandish his firearm until such time as he believed his life was threatened.

I also think that Zimmerman brought the gun out as soon as he didn't like Trayvon's answers.

And again, you have nothing to support this assumption.

My God, logic and reason have no place in your thought process. Good luck with that.
Following Martin at night,

The job of any neighborhood watchman when seeing someone the rain...with their identity concealed.

Are you suggesting we should outlaw neighborhood watches?

confronting him,

Not in any way illegal, nor deserving of being attacked.

You have zero evidence to support this assumption.

Again, no evidence of this...and it directly contradicts the evidence presented in the trial.

That God 'your book' isn't the law, because that is NOT imprisonment, false or otherwise.

Just because he had a CHL doesn't mean he was concealing it.

True, but once again, you have zero evidence to suggest he brandish his firearm until such time as he believed his life was threatened.

I also think that Zimmerman brought the gun out as soon as he didn't like Trayvon's answers.

And again, you have nothing to support this assumption.

My God, logic and reason have no place in your thought process. Good luck with that.

So this means that ALL arguments go out the door. And how does dissection of what someone said help your case?
Following Martin at night,

The job of any neighborhood watchman when seeing someone the rain...with their identity concealed.

Are you suggesting we should outlaw neighborhood watches?

Not in any way illegal, nor deserving of being attacked.

You have zero evidence to support this assumption.

Again, no evidence of this...and it directly contradicts the evidence presented in the trial.

That God 'your book' isn't the law, because that is NOT imprisonment, false or otherwise.

True, but once again, you have zero evidence to suggest he brandish his firearm until such time as he believed his life was threatened.

I also think that Zimmerman brought the gun out as soon as he didn't like Trayvon's answers.

And again, you have nothing to support this assumption.

My God, logic and reason have no place in your thought process. Good luck with that.

So this means that ALL arguments go out the door.

No, just the ones you attempted to make.

And how does dissection of what someone said help your case?

The defense made the case for Zimmerman. I have no case to make other than to point out the ludicrous nature of the crap you attempted to spew.

Massive fail there pal.
The job of any neighborhood watchman when seeing someone the rain...with their identity concealed.

Are you suggesting we should outlaw neighborhood watches?

Not in any way illegal, nor deserving of being attacked.

You have zero evidence to support this assumption.

Again, no evidence of this...and it directly contradicts the evidence presented in the trial.

That God 'your book' isn't the law, because that is NOT imprisonment, false or otherwise.

True, but once again, you have zero evidence to suggest he brandish his firearm until such time as he believed his life was threatened.

And again, you have nothing to support this assumption.

My God, logic and reason have no place in your thought process. Good luck with that.

So this means that ALL arguments go out the door.

No, just the ones you attempted to make.

And how does dissection of what someone said help your case?

The defense made the case for Zimmerman. I have no case to make other than to point out the ludicrous nature of the crap you attempted to spew.

Massive fail there pal.

I have made many arguments in this thread and more than 600 posts in it. So I am required to make them all in one paragraph. LOL
So this means that ALL arguments go out the door.

No, just the ones you attempted to make.

And how does dissection of what someone said help your case?

The defense made the case for Zimmerman. I have no case to make other than to point out the ludicrous nature of the crap you attempted to spew.

Massive fail there pal.

I have made many arguments in this thread and more than 600 posts in it. So I am required to make them all in one paragraph. LOL

No one said that. Nice deflection...

However, the "arguments" you made here had no basis in reality, no evidence in support, and contained no logic or reason.

Feel free to try again but be forewarned, if you continue to spout unsubstantiated bullshit, you will be called out and you will once again fail...miserably.
No, just the ones you attempted to make.

The defense made the case for Zimmerman. I have no case to make other than to point out the ludicrous nature of the crap you attempted to spew.

Massive fail there pal.

I have made many arguments in this thread and more than 600 posts in it. So I am required to make them all in one paragraph. LOL

No one said that. Nice deflection...

However, the "arguments" you made here had no basis in reality, no evidence in support, and contained no logic or reason.

Feel free to try again but be forewarned, if you continue to spout unsubstantiated bullshit, you will be called out and you will once again fail...miserably.

Zimmerman lovers have done this in most of their arguments so far so those that want Justice for Trayvon can't bring up even the possibility that what George did was false imprisonment? If GZ showed him a gun or told Trayvon he had one at anytime before things escalated, a good case for false imprisonment could be made.
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