The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You guys can continue to retry this case over and over and over hoping for a different outcome until the cows come home.

But you won't change the fact that George Zimmerman received a fair trial in a formal court of law and was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. A previous investigation by the FBI turned up no evidence of racism or hate crime and they closed their file.

To continue to persecute him is a violation of his civil and unalienable rights. To persecute him because Trayvon Martin was black is a racist violation of his civil and unalienable rights. To persecute him out of political motivation should in itself be a felony.

Every freedom loving citizen should be demanding that the Federal government back off and now leave him alone. Otherwise the government itself is violating his civil and unalienable rights. And you never know. Their next target could be you.
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The lesson learned in this case is Never walk behind or near a black person because if they think you are following them that gives them the right to beat the crap out of you and if you defend yourself that will be classified as a racist attack.
Werd. What Zimmerman lovers always want to ignore and never argue against is that he followed WITH A gun. Even when I have said in this thread, they want to ignore this, they further ignore it. Why would you want to defend someone that follows another person with a gun?

I have followed persons behaving in a suspicious manner when I did not have a gun in my possession, let alone on my person. Why wouldn't Zimmerman have done the same?

Zimmerman has been carrying since 2009 and has reported more than 40 suspicious persons to the Sanford Police, all without any personal confrontation. He almost certainly followed at least some of those 40 people as have I when I have reported suspicious persons to the local law enforcement. Remember, the night that Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin, he did so AFTER the dispatcher asked him to let them know if the 'suspicious person' did anything.

Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman now is a violation of his unalienable and civil rights.
To persecute Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin happened to be black is racist.

You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.

Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.

All of the bickering here means nothing, guys and guyettes.

This is done. GZ will bear the consequences of his choice for the rest of his life, however long or short it may be.
I have followed persons behaving in a suspicious manner when I did not have a gun in my possession, let alone on my person. Why wouldn't Zimmerman have done the same?

Zimmerman has been carrying since 2009 and has reported more than 40 suspicious persons to the Sanford Police, all without any personal confrontation. He almost certainly followed at least some of those 40 people as have I when I have reported suspicious persons to the local law enforcement. Remember, the night that Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin, he did so AFTER the dispatcher asked him to let them know if the 'suspicious person' did anything.

Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law.

To continue to persecute Zimmerman now is a violation of his unalienable and civil rights.
To persecute Zimmerman because Trayvon Martin happened to be black is racist.

You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.

Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.


Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.
You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.

Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.


Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Since a lawful jury of Zimmerman's peers saw it otherwise, what you prefer to believe no longer matters. And if you and/or others continue to condone persecution of George Zimmerman just because you don't agree with a jury verdict, then you and none of the rest of us can ever count on receiving justice of any kind ever again. It will be open season for the media and the government and poltiically motivated activists to make our lives a living hell regardless of our innocence or guilt.

All freedom loving people should be demanding that everybody back off and leave Zimmerman to live his life as best as he can. If he is not allowed that, there is no individual liberty left and no justice to be had.
Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.


Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Since a lawful jury of Zimmerman's peers saw it otherwise, what you prefer to believe no longer matters. And if you and/or others continue to condone persecution of George Zimmerman just because you don't agree with a jury verdict, then you and none of the rest of us can ever count on receiving justice of any kind ever again. It will be open season for the media and the government and poltiically motivated activists to make our lives a living hell regardless of our innocence or guilt.

All freedom loving people should be demanding that everybody back off and leave Zimmerman to live his life as best as he can. If he is not allowed that, there is no individual liberty left and no justice to be had.

If it involves my freedom to move freely about, I will continue to debate this as long there's traffic about it on the forum.

To suggest otherwise would be communistic.
You don't seem to understand that "suspicious" to you may be just that, suspicious only to you. Report violations of the law, but only follow someone, if you must, if you actually saw them commit a serious crime. Freedom, what little we have left of it, must be protected at all cost.

Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.


Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Except, what you prefer doesn't matter. GZ received a fair trial and was found not guilty. The evidence DID NOT SUPPORT your accusations. I have not read all of your posts in this thread but that crap about false imprisonment doesn't hold water. No one claimed GZ brandished his weapon before the assault took place even the girl on the phone did not bring that up and I would think Trayvon would have said to her, "he has a gun", if he knew about it. He didn't and you are just making crap up to justify your own biased beliefs.

As I said earlier, I think GZ was most likely guilty of at least negligent homicide, but there is most definitely reasonable doubt in this case and because there is reasonable doubt GZ should remain a free man "innocent" of all charges. Just because I "think" he was guilty is not enough to convict him. Every one of the members of that jury may have believed he was at least partially responsible for the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, but if there was a reasonable doubt in their minds, they were bound by their oath to acquit him.

Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.


Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Since a lawful jury of Zimmerman's peers saw it otherwise, what you prefer to believe no longer matters.
Dishonest people have been outed for wrongdoing throughout America's history. If people believe that the jury was biased or unbalanced they have every right to continue to make an issue of it. If blacks hadn't kept protesting against the injustices they were subjected to we would have never had emancipation nor Civil Rights Laws.

And if you and/or others continue to condone persecution of George Zimmerman just because you don't agree with a jury verdict, then you and none of the rest of us can ever count on receiving justice of any kind ever again.
That's not true. Our country has been handling division and opposition to laws from its inception and for the most part our justice system is fair. That there are pockets of racist people throughout the country who judge people by the color of their skin as opposed to evidence presented is not something new, and cases like these just brings them to light.

It will be open season for the media and the government and poltiically motivated activists to make our lives a living hell regardless of our innocence or guilt.
That seems a bit melodramatic.

All freedom loving people should be demanding that everybody back off and leave Zimmerman to live his life as best as he can. If he is not allowed that, there is no individual liberty left and no justice to be had.
I love freedom too, but just like TM was supposed to be free to walk the streets of his neighborhood but wasn't allowed to, something is wrong with our present system (at least in Florida, for now) GZ must now face the music of his actions. That's just the way America functions, whether we like it or not.
Yet you want to remove one of the most basic freedoms? That being the right to defend oneself. That just does not make a damned bit of sense.


Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Except, what you prefer doesn't matter. GZ received a fair trial and was found not guilty. The evidence DID NOT SUPPORT your accusations. I have not read all of your posts in this thread but that crap about false imprisonment doesn't hold water. No one claimed GZ brandished his weapon before the assault took place even the girl on the phone did not bring that up and I would think Trayvon would have said to her, "he has a gun", if he knew about it. He didn't and you are just making crap up to justify your own biased beliefs.

As I said earlier, I think GZ was most likely guilty of at least negligent homicide, but there is most definitely reasonable doubt in this case and because there is reasonable doubt GZ should remain a free man "innocent" of all charges. Just because I "think" he was guilty is not enough to convict him. Every one of the members of that jury may have believed he was at least partially responsible for the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, but if there was a reasonable doubt in their minds, they were bound by their oath to acquit him.


[ame=]George Zimmerman 911 Call To Stanford Police Department - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman admitted Trayvon ran towards the back gate, after 911 told him not to follow. Therefore, there is absolutely no way they could have met in the tragedy if he had gone back to his truck, unless GZ lied about further tracking down Trayvon. Zimmerman should not be following people period, unless they committed a serious or violent crime.
Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Since a lawful jury of Zimmerman's peers saw it otherwise, what you prefer to believe no longer matters.
Dishonest people have been outed for wrongdoing throughout America's history. If people believe that the jury was biased or unbalanced they have every right to continue to make an issue of it. If blacks hadn't kept protesting against the injustices they were subjected to we would have never had emancipation nor Civil Rights Laws.

That's not true. Our country has been handling division and opposition to laws from its inception and for the most part our justice system is fair. That there are pockets of racist people throughout the country who judge people by the color of their skin as opposed to evidence presented is not something new, and cases like these just brings them to light.

It will be open season for the media and the government and poltiically motivated activists to make our lives a living hell regardless of our innocence or guilt.
That seems a bit melodramatic.

All freedom loving people should be demanding that everybody back off and leave Zimmerman to live his life as best as he can. If he is not allowed that, there is no individual liberty left and no justice to be had.
I love freedom too, but just like TM was supposed to be free to walk the streets of his neighborhood but wasn't allowed to, something is wrong with our present system (at least in Florida, for now) GZ must now face the music of his actions. That's just the way America functions, whether we like it or not.

Regarding the last paragraph of your reply: if it were proven that Trayvon was attacked and had done nothing at all to confront GZ, I would be right there with you all in saying at the very least lock up GZ and throw away the key. Unfortunately, I do not think it happened that way. I think TM did what just about every young human male would do. He got pissed off at the audacity of someone obviously following him like he was some kind of criminal and went back to kick some ass. In this case he bit of more than he could chew, but had GZ not been carrying a weapon or had he been a woman who was suspicious of an unknown teenager in the neighborhood and been keeping an eye on the kid, s/he could very well be dead today.

I do not know what transpired that night, but I believe there is reasonable doubt as to who assaulted whom.

Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Since a lawful jury of Zimmerman's peers saw it otherwise, what you prefer to believe no longer matters.
Dishonest people have been outed for wrongdoing throughout America's history. If people believe that the jury was biased or unbalanced they have every right to continue to make an issue of it. If blacks hadn't kept protesting against the injustices they were subjected to we would have never had emancipation nor Civil Rights Laws.

That's not true. Our country has been handling division and opposition to laws from its inception and for the most part our justice system is fair. That there are pockets of racist people throughout the country who judge people by the color of their skin as opposed to evidence presented is not something new, and cases like these just brings them to light.

It will be open season for the media and the government and poltiically motivated activists to make our lives a living hell regardless of our innocence or guilt.
That seems a bit melodramatic.

All freedom loving people should be demanding that everybody back off and leave Zimmerman to live his life as best as he can. If he is not allowed that, there is no individual liberty left and no justice to be had.
I love freedom too, but just like TM was supposed to be free to walk the streets of his neighborhood but wasn't allowed to, something is wrong with our present system (at least in Florida, for now) GZ must now face the music of his actions. That's just the way America functions, whether we like it or not.

So we'll see how you feel when you are in a situation that could go either way--innocent or guilty. Let's say you drink a bit and drive and kill somebody. You are certain the accident was not your fault, but you are charged with vehicular manslaughter. But when the jury judges you not guilty, you will be okay with the rest of us, who oppose drunk driving, continuing to harrass you, issue death threats against you and your family? You are okay with being trashed in the media, and you condone the government going after you on civil rights violations or accusing you of a hate crime because the victim was a minority?

That's the way America functions?

God help us.
Since it has been shown numerous times Zimmerman lied, I would prefer to believe Trayvon was defending himself.

Except, what you prefer doesn't matter. GZ received a fair trial and was found not guilty. The evidence DID NOT SUPPORT your accusations. I have not read all of your posts in this thread but that crap about false imprisonment doesn't hold water. No one claimed GZ brandished his weapon before the assault took place even the girl on the phone did not bring that up and I would think Trayvon would have said to her, "he has a gun", if he knew about it. He didn't and you are just making crap up to justify your own biased beliefs.

As I said earlier, I think GZ was most likely guilty of at least negligent homicide, but there is most definitely reasonable doubt in this case and because there is reasonable doubt GZ should remain a free man "innocent" of all charges. Just because I "think" he was guilty is not enough to convict him. Every one of the members of that jury may have believed he was at least partially responsible for the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, but if there was a reasonable doubt in their minds, they were bound by their oath to acquit him.


[ame=]George Zimmerman 911 Call To Stanford Police Department - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman admitted Trayvon ran towards the back gate, after 911 told him not to follow. Therefore, there is absolutely no way they could have met in the tragedy if he had gone back to his truck, unless GZ lied about further tracking down Trayvon. Zimmerman should not be following people period, unless they committed a serious or violent crime.

How many times do you need to be told that it was not illegal for GZ to follow TM? Following TM WAS STUPID, but GZ was not on trial for being stupid.

I trust in the American peoples' sense of liberty and justice will see that GZ receives the consequences of his choice.
Except, what you prefer doesn't matter. GZ received a fair trial and was found not guilty. The evidence DID NOT SUPPORT your accusations. I have not read all of your posts in this thread but that crap about false imprisonment doesn't hold water. No one claimed GZ brandished his weapon before the assault took place even the girl on the phone did not bring that up and I would think Trayvon would have said to her, "he has a gun", if he knew about it. He didn't and you are just making crap up to justify your own biased beliefs.

As I said earlier, I think GZ was most likely guilty of at least negligent homicide, but there is most definitely reasonable doubt in this case and because there is reasonable doubt GZ should remain a free man "innocent" of all charges. Just because I "think" he was guilty is not enough to convict him. Every one of the members of that jury may have believed he was at least partially responsible for the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, but if there was a reasonable doubt in their minds, they were bound by their oath to acquit him.


[ame=]George Zimmerman 911 Call To Stanford Police Department - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman admitted Trayvon ran towards the back gate, after 911 told him not to follow. Therefore, there is absolutely no way they could have met in the tragedy if he had gone back to his truck, unless GZ lied about further tracking down Trayvon. Zimmerman should not be following people period, unless they committed a serious or violent crime.

How many times do you need to be told that it was not illegal for GZ to follow TM? Following TM WAS STUPID, but GZ was not on trial for being stupid.


I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.
I trust in the American peoples' sense of liberty and justice will see that GZ receives the consequences of his choice.

I trust that the American people's sense of justice (I have no idea what Fakey means by "sense of liberty") and their respect the rule of law leads them to properly leave poor GZ alone.

He already received more than his fair share of "consequence" for his rational, moral and legal choice. He got unfairly prosecuted and justly acquitted.
George Zimmerman 911 Call To Stanford Police Department - YouTube

Zimmerman admitted Trayvon ran towards the back gate, after 911 told him not to follow. Therefore, there is absolutely no way they could have met in the tragedy if he had gone back to his truck, unless GZ lied about further tracking down Trayvon. Zimmerman should not be following people period, unless they committed a serious or violent crime.

How many times do you need to be told that it was not illegal for GZ to follow TM? Following TM WAS STUPID, but GZ was not on trial for being stupid.


I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.

How is following somebody on a public sidewalk in a neighborhood in which you live in any way negligent? And was it even stupid when you are trying to be a conscientious citizen in a neighborhood plagued with residential burglaries, and the dispatcher at the police department has just told you to "Let us know if he does something. . ."? And when there is zero evidence that Zimmerman continued to follow Martin once the dispatcher inquired about that and told him they didn't need him to do that and he resonded, "Okay." And when there is a full four minutes that Martin had to go home before the altercation took place?
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