The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is easy.
Big coward wife beater with a gun killed much smaller kid who wasn't armed with anything.
Further to that, he started the fight after mistaking the kid for a criminal because of the kid's skin colour.

There is no 'stand your ground' if you go to him.

Hold a rally or something
How many times do you need to be told that it was not illegal for GZ to follow TM? Following TM WAS STUPID, but GZ was not on trial for being stupid.


I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.

No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.
I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.

How is following somebody on a public sidewalk in a neighborhood in which you live in any way negligent? And was it even stupid when you are trying to be a conscientious citizen in a neighborhood plagued with residential burglaries, and the dispatcher at the police department has just told you to "Let us know if he does something. . ."? And when there is zero evidence that Zimmerman continued to follow Martin once the dispatcher inquired about that and told him they didn't need him to do that and he resonded, "Okay." And when there is a full four minutes that Martin had to go home before the altercation took place?

what they really are saying it was neglectful of George to get out of his truck

and follow a violent and dangerous thug into a darken area

so he could jumped and beat to death mma style by a gangster wannabe

Someone just doesn't end up dead for no apparent reason.
Do people really believe that this verdict is going to be overturned? Do any of you believe, that by arguing your idea of what happened against the facts presented during the trial, the verdict is going to magically change? Get out of fantasy land and into reality; Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law. Some may not like it, but that's the way it is. Those that started the witch hunt, reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials if you ask me, will eventually be answering to a court of law themselves for their hand in this fiasco.

If some of you need something to raise a little cain about, how about bringing awareness to all the crime in Chicago, where kids are killing each other every day. Where is Sharpton, Obama, Jackson, Lee, the media, etc for these people?

The verdict is done. No evidence. Jury of peers. Fair trial. The way it is supposed to bthe only people still doing "who followed who" didn't watch the trial or see the evidence or they have an agenda and are on board the witch hunt agenda bamdwagon.

It's over except those who want to hang their hat on this for their own purpose.

Get over it or what is your real purpose with this?

I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.

No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter

he was found not guilty of manslaughter as well
I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.

No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Not only was this guy not arrested, he got back in line and bought his shoes.

[ame=]Customer shoots, kills robber outside Atlanta shop while waiting to buy LeBron James sneakers - YouTube[/ame]
Rachel DD Jeantel said Trayvon turned around, went back & ran from the back of the houses a couple of times under oath. On the 911 call GZ said TM ran down the walkway behind the houses there he was found dead, then came back out & circled his vehicle sticking hand in wasteband as GZ was talking to dispatch. Then TM ran back down the walkway behind the houses to bait GZ in & hid out to ambush him. Rachel said she thought TM had made it home because 2 minutes before TM attacked, because he was all quiet & she could hear someone talking in the background that could help him. The only person standing outside talking in the rain that she could have heard was GZ talking to dispatch on his phone. TM was laying in wait close to GZ to ambush him when he hung up with police. Rachel Jeantel said that TM threw the first punch. That is proof enough to cause reasonable doubt in any B.S. you post on here.

the evidence debris field at the scene clearly shows it starting at the T where George

said it started

and ends at the place the body was found

T means truck?
No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Not only was this guy not arrested, he got back in line and bought his shoes.

[ame=]Customer shoots, kills robber outside Atlanta shop while waiting to buy LeBron James sneakers - YouTube[/ame]

That's great! They were being robbed at gunpoint.
I didn't say in itself it was illegal, but put it all together. You just need to show enough negligence was committed to prove manslaughter.

No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.

No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


If you get a lot of armed citizens following people around and enough problems arise from it, you are going to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon. How would you like to lose that right?
I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Not only was this guy not arrested, he got back in line and bought his shoes.

[ame=]Customer shoots, kills robber outside Atlanta shop while waiting to buy LeBron James sneakers - YouTube[/ame]

That's great! They were being robbed at gunpoint.

He was running away when he got shot and killed. Funny how this is great, but a kid getting shot while assaulting someone is not ok.:cuckoo:
It behooves ardent supporters of gun rights like myself to speak out against Zimmerman simply because he screwed up defending yourself with a gun, when that should rarely be questioned. Now there will be endless questions every time. You don't even have to believe Zimmerman was guilty to speak out against the apparent things GZ did wrong.
Not only was this guy not arrested, he got back in line and bought his shoes.

Customer shoots, kills robber outside Atlanta shop while waiting to buy LeBron James sneakers - YouTube

That's great! They were being robbed at gunpoint.

He was running away when he got shot and killed. Funny how this is great, but a kid getting shot while assaulting someone is not ok.:cuckoo:

Running away so he can take cover and shoot as many people as possible?
I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


If you get a lot of armed citizens following people around and enough problems arise from it, you are going to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon. How would you like to lose that right?

Only if DC liberals get their way and that doesn't require anyone ever actually brandishing a weapon in the future. If they could disarm us now they would and that goes for both parties.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


If you get a lot of armed citizens following people around and enough problems arise from it, you are going to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon. How would you like to lose that right?

Only if DC liberals get their way and that doesn't require anyone ever actually brandishing a weapon in the future. If they could disarm us now they would and that goes for both parties.


I wasn't talking about any attempts to disarm us. My question couldn't have been clearer. Do you want to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon because of irresponsible actions taken by those that have that right? The Zimmerman case will always be a thorn in your side there.
If you get a lot of armed citizens following people around and enough problems arise from it, you are going to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon. How would you like to lose that right?

Only if DC liberals get their way and that doesn't require anyone ever actually brandishing a weapon in the future. If they could disarm us now they would and that goes for both parties.


I wasn't talking about any attempts to disarm us. My question couldn't have been clearer. Do you want to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon because of irresponsible actions taken by those that have that right? The Zimmerman case will always be a thorn in your side there.

Actually, this case strengthens CCW merits

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed

Only if DC liberals get their way and that doesn't require anyone ever actually brandishing a weapon in the future. If they could disarm us now they would and that goes for both parties.


I wasn't talking about any attempts to disarm us. My question couldn't have been clearer. Do you want to lose the right to carry a concealed weapon because of irresponsible actions taken by those that have that right? The Zimmerman case will always be a thorn in your side there.

Actually, this case strengthens CCW merits

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed


A furor like this strengthens it. :badgrin:
No, you need to prove that GZ committed murder which was what they attempted to charge him with, then when they realized how poorly they had done in that regard, they tried to eek out a victory by throwing in a lessor charge. When everything is said and done, the prosecution failed miserably.

They had to prove that Trayvon was not a typical young adult male who thought he was immortal and that he did not double back to confront Zimmerman. If Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, then it becomes self defense in Zimmerman's case and he has every right to defend himself. I believe this is what happened. Because the confrontation obviously took place. There is no evidence that Zimmerman raced around Trayvon and prevented him from going home. Trayvon must have stopped to at least scare Zimmerman away. My guess is he got physical and that was when all hell broke loose.

Even if that is not what happened, a reasonable person, without evidence proving otherwise, could believe that is what happened and that is why George Zimmerman is a free man today and why he should be. He is not required to prove his innocence. The prosecution is required to prove his guilt.

You have stated you will fight for our freedoms. This IS one of those freedoms you should be fighting for because if we want to remain free we MUST oppose the tyranny of those who hold so much power over us. That is why I, as a conservative, opposed The Patriot Act. I could see the potential of abuse that we saw with the NSA Wiretapping under Bush and the additional abuses under Obama and I believe things are only going to get worse.

Trayvon Martin's death was a tragedy. I THINK George Zimmerman was at least partially at fault for this needless death, but our legal system says we need more than just a gut feeling to convict a man. If we didn't Ted Kennedy would never have been a Senator because too many people had the "gut feeling" that he killed Mary Jo Kopechne.


I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


If someone followed me like zimmerman he would be pushing daisies now. That shit works two ways, you know.
I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


If someone followed me like zimmerman he would be pushing daisies now. That shit works two ways, you know.

You mean you would murder someone who is walking behind you?

Man, that's heavy

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