The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'd like to see some credible reference to this supposed black belt law as well.

First off, as has been said, there are many forms of martial arts for which someone can achieve a black belt.

Second, it is quite possible to become an expert martial artist without ever going through the belt rankings. There is, so far as I'm aware, no law requiring the use of a belt ranking system for a person learning a martial art.

Third, this sounds like a law that, if it exists, would be a state or local law, rather than a federal law.

This has the feel of an old wife's tale or internet myth to me. ;)
It just goes to show that Zimmerman almost surely either pulled the gun, sported the gun, or told Trayvon he had a gun before the fight started.

1) Do you think every time a black belt is threatened with his life he announces that he's a black belt and gives the assailant the chance to retreat? Is that what you think? What Olympic event do you think transpires in those circumstances???

2) Do you have an ability to place yourself in a position that the players in this event (GZ and TM) were experiencing? This happened in a mere few minutes, at MOST. It was not a choreographed fight scene for a movie. It's real life, man. I'm sure GZ did not announce to TM to stand down because he had a weapon and was prepared to use it. What? Are you caught up in a Law and Order episode or something? Please be real.

I'm finding it difficult to understand anything you're saying since it is so unrealistic. You really need to see things for as they were and not how you fantasize them to be.

A black belt person can be prosecuted for fighting with a non black belt pierson.

A mere four minutes? Remember when the defense used four minutes of silence to prove that four minutes is a long, long, time?
So now we have Zimmerman as a black belt? Who knew?
1) Do you think every time a black belt is threatened with his life he announces that he's a black belt and gives the assailant the chance to retreat? Is that what you think? What Olympic event do you think transpires in those circumstances???

2) Do you have an ability to place yourself in a position that the players in this event (GZ and TM) were experiencing? This happened in a mere few minutes, at MOST. It was not a choreographed fight scene for a movie. It's real life, man. I'm sure GZ did not announce to TM to stand down because he had a weapon and was prepared to use it. What? Are you caught up in a Law and Order episode or something? Please be real.

I'm finding it difficult to understand anything you're saying since it is so unrealistic. You really need to see things for as they were and not how you fantasize them to be.

A black belt person can be prosecuted for fighting with a non black belt pierson.

A mere four minutes? Remember when the defense used four minutes of silence to prove that four minutes is a long, long, time?

Yes. It proved that Trayvon could have been home eating Skittles and drinking Arizona Fruit Drink and watching the All-Star game but decided to double back and assault GZ instead. Your point?
My point is that zimmerman had four minutes to identify himself instead of playing sergeant Friday. Zimmerman had no police power. You Zimmermans all assume that he did. Martin had a right to be there. He was on his way home.

Another reason Martin did not go home is that he did not want some crazy ass cracka following him home to gain knowledge of his address.

Would you lead a rapist who was following you to your house?
A black belt person can be prosecuted for fighting with a non black belt pierson.

A mere four minutes? Remember when the defense used four minutes of silence to prove that four minutes is a long, long, time?

Yes. It proved that Trayvon could have been home eating Skittles and drinking Arizona Fruit Drink and watching the All-Star game but decided to double back and assault GZ instead. Your point?
My point is that zimmerman had four minutes to identify himself instead of playing sergeant Friday. Zimmerman had no police power. You Zimmermans all assume that he did. Martin had a right to be there. He was on his way home.

Another reason Martin did not go home is that he did not want some crazy ass cracka following him home to gain knowledge of his address.

Would you lead a rapist who was following you to your house?
If he was as worried as you portrayed Trayvon, why wasn't he on the phone with 911?

Ok, it's a myth. I stand corrected. But the validity of the original questions are not minimized in any way. And don't ask me what that is. I have repeated the questions at least a half-dozen times. Go back. Read. Click if you like.

Beirne, Maynard & Parsons partner Scott Marrs, an intellectual property lawyer and a black belt in taekwondo, and Andy McGill, a firm associate and a muay Thai stylist, weigh in on how martial arts junkies can get themselves in hot legal water.

This piece is the first of two they did for the magazine. They warn that “martial artists generally find themselves potentially liable for injuring – and occasionally killing – another person in two arenas: street or bar fights, and sparing or competition.”
1) Do you think every time a black belt is threatened with his life he announces that he's a black belt and gives the assailant the chance to retreat? Is that what you think? What Olympic event do you think transpires in those circumstances???

2) Do you have an ability to place yourself in a position that the players in this event (GZ and TM) were experiencing? This happened in a mere few minutes, at MOST. It was not a choreographed fight scene for a movie. It's real life, man. I'm sure GZ did not announce to TM to stand down because he had a weapon and was prepared to use it. What? Are you caught up in a Law and Order episode or something? Please be real.

I'm finding it difficult to understand anything you're saying since it is so unrealistic. You really need to see things for as they were and not how you fantasize them to be.

A black belt person can be prosecuted for fighting with a non black belt pierson.

A mere four minutes? Remember when the defense used four minutes of silence to prove that four minutes is a long, long, time?

That's total bullshit. Anyone can be prosecuted for fighting and it has nothing to do with having a black belt. First of all some black belts are a joke and mean nothing. You need to get out into the big wide world and experience some things before spouting off in here. You're embarrassing yourself.

No it's not total BS. A black belt will be regarded very differently by a judge than someone that doesn't have one after they have injured someone Zimmerman should have been with his gun.
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Martin could have gone home.
Instead he hid in the bushes and attacked Zimmerman because he thought he had been followed by a gay rapist.
See the interview with Piers Morgan of the girlfriend.
Trayvon Martin was a homophobe and thought he was beating to death a gay rapist.
You're exhausting, Quick.

Nothing you have said comports with the evidence presented at trial. soooo want to condemn GZ. Why?

All here - from what I've seen - feel this is a terrible tragedy. But the jury reached a decision. Why do you continue to rehash issues that never were? They might be better suited to the firearms thread. Not here. This is done. George Zimmerman acted responsibly and has been exonerated from wrongdoing. He is not a racist. He is not a vigilante. What don't you understand about that?

Why does anybody? There are many reasons. Go back. Read.

Snookie - your scenario is unrealistic. Trayvon was already where he was staying, per Rachel, and had no worries about leading George to that condo. Trayvon had lost the "Nigga", as I recall he called Zimmerman at that point in the telephone conversation. You KNOW this. Why keep fighting it?

I've said it a dozen times...this case is not worth fighting for. It is a tragedy George Zimmerman wishes never happened much more than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or anyone else wishes never happened. THEY will not live with this every day of their lives, but George Zimmerman will. THEY are making it something it is NOT for completely political purposes. That is disgusting. I cannot see how honest people would continue this and support their racist agendas. That is disrespectful to the memory of Trayvon Martin.

Trayvon Martin's death should be a learning lesson for every teen contemplating retaliation against authority. Teens and early twenties age males of all races should be reminded how to handle themselves in all situations. Go over it again, parents. Get to safety and call the police. Do NOT take the law into your own hands by touching another person. You might touch a person who is ready to defend him or herself and might wind up paying for that assault with your life.

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Snookie - your scenario is unrealistic. Trayvon was already where he was staying, per Rachel, and had no worries about leading George to that condo. Trayvon had lost the "Nigga", as I recall he called Zimmerman at that point in the telephone conversation. You KNOW this. Why keep fighting it?

I've said it a dozen times...this case is not worth fighting for. It is a tragedy George Zimmerman wishes never happened much more than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or anyone else wishes never happened. THEY will not live with this every day of their lives, but George Zimmerman will. THEY are making it something it is NOT for completely political purposes. That is disgusting. I cannot see how honest people would continue this and support their racist agendas. That is disrespectful to the memory of Trayvon Martin.

Trayvon Martin's death should be a learning lesson for every teen contemplating retaliation against authority. Teens and early twenties age males of all races should be reminded how to handle themselves in all situations. Go over it again, parents. Get to safety and call the police. Do NOT take the law into your own hands by touching another person. You might touch a person who is ready to defend him or herself and might wind up paying for that assault with your life.

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

Add to that.

I appreciate so much standing up and believing for and in something. Wholeheartedly. I live my life that way.

But this is the wrong thing to stand up and fight and devote so much energy to.

This was a tragedy.

Made into a media and political monster of monsters.
Get off the crack. This is 70 threads and 6 months combined into one broken record.

Stop feeding it.
Do you think we post 3 pages of graphics for our health?

Enough of spinning around in a pointless circle.
LOL Oh, thanks. I've never murdered anyone. We need more murderers? More trigger happy, gun toting folks on prescription anti-depressants? More people who blow away unarmed, innocent civilians? Really? How about I get armed and go after you, as you need more people like Zimmerman, armed and dangerous? :cuckoo:

What a coincidence. George Zimmerman never "murdered" anyone, either . . . or did you miss that whole "acquitted" thing? Need me to define the word "acquitted" for you, twerp?

No, YOU are wrong. The acquittal proved to many only that Zimmerman was street-smart enough not to leave enough clues or evidence of the murder/manslaughter for it to proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Murder - : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

Acquittal - : a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process

Learn English, shitstain, and then put the two together. You're not always going to have kind, charitable people like me around to give you lessons in what words mean.
What a coincidence. George Zimmerman never "murdered" anyone, either . . . or did you miss that whole "acquitted" thing? Need me to define the word "acquitted" for you, twerp?

No, YOU are wrong. The acquittal proved to many only that Zimmerman was street-smart enough not to leave enough clues or evidence of the murder/manslaughter for it to proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Murder - : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

Acquittal - : a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process

Learn English, shitstain, and then put the two together. You're not always going to have kind, charitable people like me around to give you lessons in what words mean.

Acquittal means it couldn't have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It doesn't mean he really didn't kill Trayvon wrongfully.
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