The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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And that is what any citizen - including you -of these United States has the right to. Fair trial.

Not guilty.


Over and out
A black belt person can be prosecuted for fighting with a non black belt pierson.

A mere four minutes? Remember when the defense used four minutes of silence to prove that four minutes is a long, long, time?

Yes. It proved that Trayvon could have been home eating Skittles and drinking Arizona Fruit Drink and watching the All-Star game but decided to double back and assault GZ instead. Your point?
My point is that zimmerman had four minutes to identify himself instead of playing sergeant Friday. Zimmerman had no police power. You Zimmermans all assume that he did. Martin had a right to be there. He was on his way home.

Another reason Martin did not go home is that he did not want some crazy ass cracka following him home to gain knowledge of his address.

Would you lead a rapist who was following you to your house?

Let's examine the absolute absurdity of that statement....shall we?

If a rapist was following would leave the safety of your house...walk back a hundred yards in the dark and confront them with..."You got a problem?"

That really makes sense to you?

I hate to say this, Snookie but you started out amusing and have made it all the way to laughable...
A black belt person can be prosecuted for fighting with a non black belt pierson.

A mere four minutes? Remember when the defense used four minutes of silence to prove that four minutes is a long, long, time?

Yes. It proved that Trayvon could have been home eating Skittles and drinking Arizona Fruit Drink and watching the All-Star game but decided to double back and assault GZ instead. Your point?
My point is that zimmerman had four minutes to identify himself instead of playing sergeant Friday. Zimmerman had no police power. You Zimmermans all assume that he did. Martin had a right to be there. He was on his way home.

Another reason Martin did not go home is that he did not want some crazy ass cracka following him home to gain knowledge of his address.

Would you lead a rapist who was following you to your house?

They both had a right to be there.
Martin should have called 911, instead of starting the fight that lead to his demise.
I have several decades of experience with both Tae Kwon Do and Kempo Karate. In 1983 I took 3rd in the J. Park East Coast Nationals, men's fighting, middleweight division. The whole black belts have to register their hands and feet as lethal weapons is nothing more than an old wives tale. Nor do you have to inform someone that you are a black belt before you fight them. That also is an urban legend. I really wish people would research things at least a LITTLE bit before they state them as fact.
Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?

What difference does it make that you have a gun? LOL Seriously, dude...what's wrong with you? If I REALLY wanted my chicken, I'd politely ask the guy to give it back. Chances are they're going to apologize and do just that.

Let me think that if someone has a gun that they're going to whip it out and start blasting the "chicken thief"? Too funny...

Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?
Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?

What difference does it make that you have a gun? LOL Seriously, dude...what's wrong with you? If I REALLY wanted my chicken, I'd politely ask the guy to give it back. Chances are they're going to apologize and do just that.

Let me think that if someone has a gun that they're going to whip it out and start blasting the "chicken thief"? Too funny...

Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?

Why are the only choices demanding or leaving them be? Why is politeness not an option?

Perhaps you should just try and state your case instead of using very leading hypotheticals....
What difference does it make that you have a gun? LOL Seriously, dude...what's wrong with you? If I REALLY wanted my chicken, I'd politely ask the guy to give it back. Chances are they're going to apologize and do just that.

Let me think that if someone has a gun that they're going to whip it out and start blasting the "chicken thief"? Too funny...

Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?

Why are the only choices demanding or leaving them be? Why is politeness not an option?

Perhaps you should just try and state your case instead of using very leading hypotheticals....

It's an option but doesn't answer the question.

He didn't necessarily do anything wrong finding the abandoned chicken, but the guy who bought the chicken thinks he did. Apply that to Trayvon and the skittles or however you want to apply the armed Zimmerman.
Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?

What difference does it make that you have a gun? LOL Seriously, dude...what's wrong with you? If I REALLY wanted my chicken, I'd politely ask the guy to give it back. Chances are they're going to apologize and do just that.

Let me think that if someone has a gun that they're going to whip it out and start blasting the "chicken thief"? Too funny...

Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?

What difference does it make that you have a gun? LOL Seriously, dude...what's wrong with you? If I REALLY wanted my chicken, I'd politely ask the guy to give it back. Chances are they're going to apologize and do just that.

Let me think that if someone has a gun that they're going to whip it out and start blasting the "chicken thief"? Too funny...

Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?



That link says nothing about a black belt having to reveal that he's a black belt. :eusa_whistle:

Ok, it's a myth. I stand corrected. But the validity of the original questions are not minimized in any way. And don't ask me what that is. I have repeated the questions at least a half-dozen times. Go back. Read. Click if you like.

Beirne, Maynard & Parsons partner Scott Marrs, an intellectual property lawyer and a black belt in taekwondo, and Andy McGill, a firm associate and a muay Thai stylist, weigh in on how martial arts junkies can get themselves in hot legal water.

This piece is the first of two they did for the magazine. They warn that “martial artists generally find themselves potentially liable for injuring – and occasionally killing – another person in two arenas: street or bar fights, and sparing or competition.”

Durig the trial a prosecutor would probably point out if a black belt person identifie him/her self. This could probably influence the jury's decision .
I have several decades of experience with both Tae Kwon Do and Kempo Karate. In 1983 I took 3rd in the J. Park East Coast Nationals, men's fighting, middleweight division. The whole black belts have to register their hands and feet as lethal weapons is nothing more than an old wives tale. Nor do you have to inform someone that you are a black belt before you fight them. That also is an urban legend. I really wish people would research things at least a LITTLE bit before they state them as fact.

You can have your black belt. I'll take a tec 9.
I have several decades of experience with both Tae Kwon Do and Kempo Karate. In 1983 I took 3rd in the J. Park East Coast Nationals, men's fighting, middleweight division. The whole black belts have to register their hands and feet as lethal weapons is nothing more than an old wives tale. Nor do you have to inform someone that you are a black belt before you fight them. That also is an urban legend. I really wish people would research things at least a LITTLE bit before they state them as fact.

You can have your black belt. I'll take a tec 9.

You'd take the tec 9?

I guess Zimmerman is your hero eh?
Yeah, Zimmerman was in no danger


2012: Teen accused in El Paso police officer's death charged with capital murder (updated with mug shot) - El Paso Times

While Molina was talking, Gonzalez "struck the victim on the face and then grabbed his legs and threw him to the concrete. (Gonzalez) then got on top of the victim and continued to punch him in the face," the document states.
Police said that Molina was knocked unconscious when his head hit the ground, and that Gonzalez continued the assault despite Molina's being unable to defend himself. Gonzalez ran off when witnesses went to help Molina, who was taken by ambulance to a hospital in critical condition.
I still think Zimmerman lied.

He never testified at the trial.
Under the law since the prosecution entered in the interview with him by police that is what the jury heard.
And nothing he stated was ever disputed or proved wrong by the prosecution.
So the judge's instructions are always to the jury in a criminal trial and were in this trial:
"George Zimmerman has to prove nothing"
"George Zimmerman is presumed innocent"
"The entire burden of proof is on the prosecution 100% to prove each and every element of their case"
They had no evidence he lied so that was not considered by the jury.
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Is your name Troy?

Not that I'd expect you to tell the truth if it really is!
I still think Zimmerman lied.

He never testified at the trial.
Under the law since the prosecution entered in the interview with him by police that is what the jury heard.
And nothing he stated was ever disputed or proved wrong by the prosecution.
So the judge's instructions are always to the jury in a criminal trial and were in this trial:
"George Zimmerman has to prove nothing"
"George Zimmerman is presumed innocent"
"The entire burden of proof is on the prosecution 100% to prove each and every element of their case"
They had no evidence he lied so that was not considered by the jury.

zimmerman testified without taking the stand

with one of the cleverest moves by the defense

knowing so well that the state was so hard up for evidence

that they would enter self serving hearsay into evidence

they took the bait in less then 24 hours of airing on fox news
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