The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Coming next from the Zmericans.


You totally stole my Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn!

Give it back!

Ok, but it will cost you.:evil:
NO, respectfully, there is never any testimony at trial without cross examination.
The interviews are not testimony and the Judge charged the jury on that.
But read my post again, it helped Zimmerman because there was nothing to dispute it.
And no offense, nothing clever about any of that. They knew ahead of time that the prosecution was entering into evidence the interviews. That is done all the time and has to be. Nothing about being hard up for evidence. ALL statements and interviews are entered into evidence. Nothing about taking any bait, that is standard procedure.
The interviews are not testimony and the Judge charged the jury on that.
Not putting Zimmerman on the stand is a different matter and no one thought they would do that after hearing and seeing the way the case went. That was a good move.

NO, respectfully, there is never any testimony at trial without cross examination.

there didnt need to be

the state made zimmermans self serving hearsay evidence actual evidence

in which the jury got the chance to "hear from George" with the safety

of not having to be cross examined

it was a huge blunder by the state offering the fox news interview

One of many huge blunders

There I fixed it.

Won uh da many bigazz bundas, an shit.

There, I fixed it. :)
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?
He never testified at the trial.
Under the law since the prosecution entered in the interview with him by police that is what the jury heard.
And nothing he stated was ever disputed or proved wrong by the prosecution.
So the judge's instructions are always to the jury in a criminal trial and were in this trial:
"George Zimmerman has to prove nothing"
"George Zimmerman is presumed innocent"
"The entire burden of proof is on the prosecution 100% to prove each and every element of their case"
They had no evidence he lied so that was not considered by the jury.

I suspect the prosecution got the verdict they were shooting for.

No, they got the verdict the EVIDENCE revealed.
You need evidence to convict someone beyond a reasonable doubt.
And nothing that the media spun before the trial was true. They knew that going into the trial.
That was why everyone was so upset with the verdict. They believed what the media told them.

More to it than that. If the prosecution had gone for involuntary manslaughter based on negligence they probably would have put GZ away for a few years. They overshot. They ignored the advice of the investigation team. They let politics define the charges.

They got the verdict they were shooting for, because they knew he was not guilty of charges they charged him with.
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

That's one hell of a dream, ain't it?
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

That's one hell of a dream, ain't it?

If we're going Fantasy Land - let's go big.
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?
crappy rep software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to testarosa again.

Muddafuggin cheap azz soffware iz boolsheet aroun heah. :mad:
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

I don't ride my unicorn. His horn is too dangerous. I ride the long buses with an all day pass.
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

I don't ride my unicorn. His horn is too dangerous. I ride the long buses with an all day pass.

Um Snook. You're riding your unicorn backwards. Ride it on the other side where there's no horn.
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

I don't ride my unicorn. His horn is too dangerous. I ride the long buses with an all day pass.

You aren't supposed to be sitting on his damn horn!
Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

I don't ride my unicorn. His horn is too dangerous. I ride the long buses with an all day pass.

You aren't supposed to be sitting on his damn horn!

Pass him the Riding Unicorns for Dummies book.
Show me in her testimony that Martin started the fight. You hallucinating again?

You proud members of the Klan sure are a stupid lot.

{ "They don't understand, they understand, 'Oh, he would just bash, or was kill.' When somebody bash somebody, like, blood people, trust me, in the area I live, that's not bashing. That's just called 'whoop ass.' You just got your ass whooped. That's what it is."}

Nobody Will Go Near Rachel Jeantel's Revelation That Trayvon Martin Inflicted a "Whoop Ass" on George Zimmerman Because He Thought Zimmerman was Gay - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Oh SnooSnoo (I think I'll call you that for now.), is this your unicorn that you keep riding the wrong way?

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