The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Pass him the Riding Unicorns for Dummies book.

Don't ask!

boolsheet soffware said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to AyeCantSeeYou again.

Muddafuggin gahdamm dummazz rools, an sheet. :mad:

It won't let me rep you yet either.
Who ever that thinks Zimmerman didn't have a right to self defense and should be in prison right now, don't believe in our system of evidence. I feel sorry for you.

Who said Zimmerman had no right to self defense? The unicorn?
You can have your black belt. I'll take a tec 9.

A Tec 9? C'mon...those are for gang bangers who can't hit what they're aiming at. It's a "thug" weapon. The kind of thing a wannabe tough guy buys.

It's not so much the gun itself. It's the street cred that comes with packing one.

The only idiots that think a Tec 9 is a good weapon are people that think "street cred" counts for something. You might as well hang a big sign around your neck that reads: "I DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT FIREARMS...BUT I'M TRYING TO LOOK TOUGH...SO PLEASE BE SCARED!!!"

Street thugs use weapons like a Tec 9 because they can't hit what they aim at so they need to hose the whole neighborhood down if they're trying to take out a rival.
I still think Zimmerman lied.

He never testified at the trial.
Under the law since the prosecution entered in the interview with him by police that is what the jury heard.
And nothing he stated was ever disputed or proved wrong by the prosecution.
So the judge's instructions are always to the jury in a criminal trial and were in this trial:
"George Zimmerman has to prove nothing"
"George Zimmerman is presumed innocent"
"The entire burden of proof is on the prosecution 100% to prove each and every element of their case"
They had no evidence he lied so that was not considered by the jury.

You've insinuated that the jury had to accept Zimmerman's story as the truth. :badgrin:
Again Zimmerman supporters have said a thousand times that Trayvon started the fight. Yet when the alternative is just suggested, we hear the same supporters screaming.

Screaming because there is no evidence of the alternative. If there was, do you think you're the ONLY one who knows about it? If there was a shred of evidence supporting what you're supposing don't you think the prosecution would have presented it? Just. Be. Real.

There is no dispute TM started the fight. The prosecution even thinks TM started the fight. There star witness Rachel Jeantel said TM started the fight.

There is also no dispute that GZ did not flash his gun threaten or threaten TM with it starting the fight.

SlowShitCrupon is to stupid for rational discussion.

Jeantel said in an interview after the trial, speaking on her gut feeling that Trayvon started. There is no true indication of who started the fight. Zimmerman lovers know this but since they have very little to prop up their idol with, they have to make their speculation look like fact. It's pathetic when done repeatedly.
Screaming because there is no evidence of the alternative. If there was, do you think you're the ONLY one who knows about it? If there was a shred of evidence supporting what you're supposing don't you think the prosecution would have presented it? Just. Be. Real.

There is no dispute TM started the fight. The prosecution even thinks TM started the fight. There star witness Rachel Jeantel said TM started the fight.

There is also no dispute that GZ did not flash his gun threaten or threaten TM with it starting the fight.

SlowShitCrupon is to stupid for rational discussion.

Jeantel said in an interview after the trial, speaking on her gut feeling that Trayvon started. There is no true indication of who started the fight. Zimmerman lovers know this but since they have very little to prop up their idol with, they have to make their speculation look like fact. It's pathetic when done repeatedly.

Ok, you're armed and have a Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. You ride it a few times while shopping downtown. You inadvertently lay it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone is riding your Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your unicorn back or let them be, thinking they must need a ride?

I don't ride my unicorn. His horn is too dangerous. I ride the long buses with an all day pass.

The way you're riding the unicorn you should be on the short bus ;)
What difference does it make that you have a gun? LOL Seriously, dude...what's wrong with you? If I REALLY wanted my chicken, I'd politely ask the guy to give it back. Chances are they're going to apologize and do just that.

Let me think that if someone has a gun that they're going to whip it out and start blasting the "chicken thief"? Too funny...

Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?

I just stated that I would politely ask the guy to give it back. Is English not your first language? The waste of our time is your inane scenario.

Then why did you click on it if you were going to give an obvious answer that accomplishes nothing?


Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand it back?
Screaming because there is no evidence of the alternative. If there was, do you think you're the ONLY one who knows about it? If there was a shred of evidence supporting what you're supposing don't you think the prosecution would have presented it? Just. Be. Real.

There is no dispute TM started the fight. The prosecution even thinks TM started the fight. There star witness Rachel Jeantel said TM started the fight.

There is also no dispute that GZ did not flash his gun threaten or threaten TM with it starting the fight.

SlowShitCrupon is to stupid for rational discussion.

Jeantel said in an interview after the trial, speaking on her gut feeling that Trayvon started. There is no true indication of who started the fight. Zimmerman lovers know this but since they have very little to prop up their idol with, they have to make their speculation look like fact. It's pathetic when done repeatedly.

The prosecution has the burden to prove their case, they didn't, and neither have you.
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Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?

I just stated that I would politely ask the guy to give it back. Is English not your first language? The waste of our time is your inane scenario.

Then why did you click on it if you were going to give an obvious answer that accomplishes nothing?


Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand it back?

Based on past experience, George will follow Trademark and call 9-1-1. Trademark, also based on past experience, will feel he is being dissed by the creepy ass cracker snitching on him to the po-po, and will return to George, bash him in the nose and pound his head into the sidewalk to make him "breed". George will then, and only then, pull his KelTec and blast Trademark to the other dimension. He will then pick up HIS chicken, and enjoy the rest of his meal.

Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn. He rides his unicorn while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin is riding around on his unicorn. He approaches and politely asks for his unicorn back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my unicorn back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to ride it while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand TM give his Fantasy Unicorn Land unicorn back?
George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - Yahoo!

so even though in their hearts they wanted to convict zimmerman, the evidence wasn't there to do so. I'd say that pretty much proves beyond a shadow of a doubt he is innocent.

"As much as we were trying to find this man guilty…they give you a booklet that basically tells you the truth, and the truth is that there was nothing that we could do about it," she said. "I feel the verdict was already told."

Well, good thing the idiot was surrounded by women with brains
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