The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?
you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?


But, I would have thrown the chicken at you
George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - Yahoo!

so even though in their hearts they wanted to convict zimmerman, the evidence wasn't there to do so. I'd say that pretty much proves beyond a shadow of a doubt he is innocent.

"As much as we were trying to find this man guilty…they give you a booklet that basically tells you the truth, and the truth is that there was nothing that we could do about it," she said. "I feel the verdict was already told."

Well, good thing the idiot was surrounded by women with brains

kind of sad when a jury goes in with a predisposed intention of convicting the creepy ass cracker. I'd say zimmernans civil rights were violated.
you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?


But, I would have thrown the chicken at you

white or dark meat? I want to know if i have a civil case later on.
you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?


But, I would have thrown the chicken at you

While the unicorn bashes the hood of the car in with his horn.
you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?



I killed you in self defense.
Why do I get the feeling that the libs, with this case, think they're playing horseshoes or using napalm and only have to be close to win?

Beyond a "reasonable doubt" just can't move those two words around.
you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?


But, I would have thrown the chicken at you

white or dark meat? I want to know if i have a civil case later on.

Let's do white this time just to kick it up a Unicorn and KFC chicken notch.
Why do I get the feeling that the libs, with this case, think they're playing horseshoes or using napalm and only have to be close to win?

Beyond a "reasonable doubt" just can't move those two words around.

Fantasy Rainbow and Unicorn Land has a different dictionary than the Real World.
you are driving down the highway and you make a lane change and don't use a directional. I feel you cut me off, so at the next light I get out of my car and start to beat the shit out of you. you have a gun and shoot me. Did you murder me?


But, I would have thrown the chicken at you

While the unicorn bashes the hood of the car in with his horn.
Poor Snookie ...his behind is in some dudes windshield now :eek:
I was talking to a friend of mine about the trial the other day, and mentioned to him that I wondered why Trademark didn't call 911 when he realized he was being followed. His answer to me cleared it all up.

"Think about it. If he was as stupid as his girlfriend DeeDee, he probably didn't call because he couldn't find an "11" button on his sail foam."
I was talking to a friend of mine about the trial the other day, and mentioned to him that I wondered why Trademark didn't call 911 when he realized he was being followed. His answer to me cleared it all up.

"Think about it. If he was as stupid as his girlfriend DeeDee, he probably didn't call because he couldn't find an "11" button on his sail foam."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
No offense. But this is calling for segregation again. It also seems to be a slap in the face to the civil rights movement and all who faught to eradicate it. I do not think this is the solution to the problem.

Yea, I posted it sarcastically and to show the futility of opposing no action, etc.

Oh I see. I was just talking about how I felt on the bill. Nothing personal. :)
No offense. But this is calling for segregation again. It also seems to be a slap in the face to the civil rights movement and all who faught to eradicate it. I do not think this is the solution to the problem.

Yea, I posted it sarcastically and to show the futility of opposing no action, etc.

Oh I see. I was just talking about how I felt on the bill. Nothing personal. :)

You were being thorough. I like that.
And it is extremely difficult to make a case for harrassment when somebody has a perfect right to go wherever he or she chooses on a public sidewalk whether or not somebody else worries that he or she might be followed. There is no law that prevents any of us from following anybody. I do it all the time when I think somebody is headed some place I need to go. I have done it when somebody seemed to look or be behavingly suspicious to me. And I have done it inadvertently with no intention to actually follow. How many of us have observed a car following us for some distance, making the same turns as we did, etc. and then noted that they turned into a driveway when they got where they were going or turned off someplace. The following was purely coincidental.

If following somebody on a public sidewalk is considered harrassment, then we all could be charged with harrassment.

This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

And how is walking down the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged in the neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.
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Thanks for wasting our time again and totally ignoring the wording of the question. While armed, would you demand the chicken back?

I just stated that I would politely ask the guy to give it back. Is English not your first language? The waste of our time is your inane scenario.

Then why did you click on it if you were going to give an obvious answer that accomplishes nothing?


Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand it back?

This continues to get more absurd with each feeble attempt, Quick! This bit of "fiction" has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened in Sanford, Florida that night. There was no disputed property (chicken)...there was no argument over disputed property.

For some unknown reason, Trayvon Martin thought someone following him was deserving of a savage beating. That's the REALITY of the situation. Martin got shot because he committed assault and battery on another person. You can try and spin this, flip it, turn it upside down and inside out and that won't change.
This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

And how is walking downj the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged inthe neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.

Walking down the Street | Manners & Etiquette | Meredith Sweetpea: Old-Fashioned Tea & Etiquette

Proper ladies and gentlemen know the pleasures of walking together down the sidewalk. But Meredith Sweetpea is afraid that many people have forgotten these simple etiquette rules, so she’ll gently remind you of them here:
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