The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If both actions are legal separately, why wouldn't they be legal together?

Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?

Do you know the circumstances? He did not strap on a gun to go patrolling the neighborhood that night. He was off to go shopping.. For you to suggest that his agenda was to follow someone and shoot them isn't even a starter. Some folks carry weapons. The REAL bad guys know that. Especially in Florida. That's why crime is a riskier business there...

Please don't suggest that the only reason a gun was present is that Zimmerman was out HUNTING the neighborhood for kicks...

Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area would not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.
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Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?

Do you know the circumstances? He did not strap on a gun to go patrolling the neighborhood that night. He was off to go shopping.. For you to suggest that his agenda was to follow someone and shoot them isn't even a starter. Some folks carry weapons. The REAL bad guys know that. Especially in Florida. That's why crime is a riskier business there...

Please don't suggest that the only reason a gun was present is that Zimmerman was out HUNTING the neighborhood for kicks...

Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area woulds not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.

He was shopping for a teen to shoot on a night where everyone would be inside due to the rain.
Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?

Do you know the circumstances? He did not strap on a gun to go patrolling the neighborhood that night. He was off to go shopping.. For you to suggest that his agenda was to follow someone and shoot them isn't even a starter. Some folks carry weapons. The REAL bad guys know that. Especially in Florida. That's why crime is a riskier business there...

Please don't suggest that the only reason a gun was present is that Zimmerman was out HUNTING the neighborhood for kicks...

Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area woulds not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.

who lives in a neighborhood that has security at a supermarket?
This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

And how is walking downj the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged inthe neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.

It's a gated community. The #1 REASON that people choose to live in gated communities is for security. The fences and gates are supposed to keep outsiders out. Trayvon Martin was a visitor to that community...a guest of a resident. Yes, he had every right to be there but he also should have recognized the fact that he WAS a stranger in a gated community and that someone MIGHT question who he was. You don't punch someone in the face for following you under those circumstances. You tell them that you're a guest of So & So and you're staying in Such & Such unit. THAT is the way you should "act"!
You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

And how is walking downj the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged inthe neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.

Walking down the Street | Manners & Etiquette | Meredith Sweetpea: Old-Fashioned Tea & Etiquette

Proper ladies and gentlemen know the pleasures of walking together down the sidewalk. But Meredith Sweetpea is afraid that many people have forgotten these simple etiquette rules, so she’ll gently remind you of them here:

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When you're following a trouble maker, sometimes it's exactly what you need.
Case in point.

If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

If Zimmerman had not followed Trayvon and at least stayed in his car. The police would have handled it and Trayvon would still be alive.
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Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area woulds not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.

You obviously don't have a concealed carry permit. People who do usually put on their holster and gun when they get dressed every morning. At least that's how we do it in our house.

It is pointless to carry a gun just sometimes. Honestly. That's like wearing your seat belt only when it rains.
If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

If Zimmerman had not followed Trayvon and at least stayed in his car. The police wqould have handled it and Trayvon would still be alive.

Actually, assumes facts not in evidence:eusa_hand:

The kid liked to jump people. May have been just a matter of time before he jumped another armed person.
If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

Trayvon had no reason to start a fight, but Zimmerman did. He finaly figured out that there was nothing that the police could do to Trayvon so he made sure "These assholes" NEVER "get away."

BTW Trayvon was not a thug. Nothing has been reported to suggest anything of the kind.

They try. There is a whole web page named after Trayvon's former step mother. Were the person took great pains to go over Trayvon's social accounts and scrutinize everything he ever posted and make what they want of it.
Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?

Do you know the circumstances? He did not strap on a gun to go patrolling the neighborhood that night. He was off to go shopping.. For you to suggest that his agenda was to follow someone and shoot them isn't even a starter. Some folks carry weapons. The REAL bad guys know that. Especially in Florida. That's why crime is a riskier business there...

Please don't suggest that the only reason a gun was present is that Zimmerman was out HUNTING the neighborhood for kicks...

Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area woulds not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.

Not for you to deny a person weapons of self-defense is it? Florida allows it. Lived there 15 years and never saw a shootout. Not even in a grocery store.

I would reserve the right not to shop in that store. You don't know when and where you might be a target of a crime. Go put a "gun-free zone" sign in your yard and tell me what happens to your personal crime rate...

G.Z. did NOT take that gun that night to go hunting in his neighborhood. Fact...
If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

Trayvon had no reason to start a fight, but Zimmerman did. He finaly figured out that there was nothing that the police could do to Trayvon so he made sure "These assholes" NEVER "get away."

BTW Trayvon was not a thug. Nothing has been reported to suggest anything of the kind.

They try. There is a whole web page named after Trayvon's former step mother. Were the person took great pains to go over Trayvon's social accounts and scrutinize everything he ever posted and make what they want of it.

That's called "Defense Discovery".

It's Real Stuff.

It'd be faster and less turtle posting effort if everyone could catch up.

I just stated that I would politely ask the guy to give it back. Is English not your first language? The waste of our time is your inane scenario.

Then why did you click on it if you were going to give an obvious answer that accomplishes nothing?


Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand it back?

This continues to get more absurd with each feeble attempt, Quick! This bit of "fiction" has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened in Sanford, Florida that night. There was no disputed property (chicken)...there was no argument over disputed property.

For some unknown reason, Trayvon Martin thought someone following him was deserving of a savage beating. That's the REALITY of the situation. Martin got shot because he committed assault and battery on another person. You can try and spin this, flip it, turn it upside down and inside out and that won't change.

Possession is nine points of the law. But ok, does this suit you better?

George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Trayvon and George continue to talk about various things including the chicken occasionally both trading racial slurs and Trayvon finishes the bucket of chicken. Will the armed Zimmerman still continue in a vain attempt to seek justice? Will he wait an hour it will take for the police to arrive after George would call 911? Will he follow Trayvon home? Or will he just let it go knowing he is armed, not wanting to get into an irreversible position?
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