The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Then why did you click on it if you were going to give an obvious answer that accomplishes nothing?


Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand it back?

This continues to get more absurd with each feeble attempt, Quick! This bit of "fiction" has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened in Sanford, Florida that night. There was no disputed property (chicken)...there was no argument over disputed property.

For some unknown reason, Trayvon Martin thought someone following him was deserving of a savage beating. That's the REALITY of the situation. Martin got shot because he committed assault and battery on another person. You can try and spin this, flip it, turn it upside down and inside out and that won't change.

Possession is nine points of the law. But ok, does this suit you better?

George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Trayvon and George continue to talk about various things including the chicken occasionally both trading racial slurs and Trayvon finishes the bucket of chicken. Will the armed Zimmerman still continue in a vain attempt to seek justice? Will he wait an hour it will take for the police to arrive after George would call 911? Will he follow Trayvon home? Or will he just let it go knowing he is armed, not wanting to get into an irreversible position?

[ame=]Obama The Cat gets confronted (cat girlfriend betrayal mashup/remix) - YouTube[/ame]
remember this one?

Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block
Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block

Use your eyes to look up Use your ears to hear Walk up to the corner when the coast is clear And wait And wait Until you see the light turn green

Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block

Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block

Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block

Use your eyes to look up Use your ears to hear Walk up to the corner when the coast is clear And wait And wait Until you see the light turn green

Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block

Don't cross the street in the middle in the middle In the middle in the middle in the middle of the block
Eat More Chikin

OMG already!!!

Where is your sense, Quick? So what if GZ had a gun? Your comments are just.....ignorant. Sorry. But for you to say it's all about the gun is beyond ridiculous. You must be painfully naive.

The violence and crime and guns used in crimes - guns that are used in murders - are NOT the guns owned, possessed and registered to licensed carry permit holders!!! Those guns are unregistered, or stolen street weapons.

Why in the name of the Lord do you keep insisting Zimmerman was irresponsible or that he was puffed up because he had a gun? You're delusional, you really are. Do you not know people who have concealed carry permits? Are they in any manner similar to the way you are portraying Zimmerman?


We weren't only talking about Zimmerman. Maybe you'll accept the challenge. :D

Should just ANY ARMED PERSON follow around ANYONE who they deem suspicious?

Any PERSON should follow around anyone who they deem suspicious. Why are you emphasizing ARMED? If they are licensed to carry a weapon then the fact they are ARMED has nothing to do with anything.

If any person is so inclined to follow around a suspicious person then they should do it since it is not unlawful. Whether they have a weapon or not is completely, totally, indisputably irrelevant...except for the fact that they would be better able to protect themselves if they are attacked if they are armed.

What's your point, anyway?

Whats yours? If everyone thought like this we would all be dead. That's why we have police so they can take care of it.
Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area woulds not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.

You obviously don't have a concealed carry permit. People who do usually put on their holster and gun when they get dressed every morning. At least that's how we do it in our house.

It is pointless to carry a gun just sometimes. Honestly. That's like wearing your seat belt only when it rains.

Great answer.. You might also have to ask if the store manager has a gun in the back room whilst he is denying your right to carry. OR has armed security response hired for the store..
You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

And how is walking downj the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged inthe neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.

It's a gated community. The #1 REASON that people choose to live in gated communities is for security. The fences and gates are supposed to keep outsiders out. Trayvon Martin was a visitor to that community...a guest of a resident. Yes, he had every right to be there but he also should have recognized the fact that he WAS a stranger in a gated community and that someone MIGHT question who he was. You don't punch someone in the face for following you under those circumstances. You tell them that you're a guest of So & So and you're staying in Such & Such unit. THAT is the way you should "act"!

How was he supposed to prove to Zimmerman that he was visiting someone there? So you are admitting more or less that Zimmerman started to demand proof. That sounds like Zimmerman starting something there. :cool:
Then why did you click on it if you were going to give an obvious answer that accomplishes nothing?


Ok, you're armed and have a large bucket full of KFC. You eat a few pieces while shopping downtown. You inadvertently set it down on a park bench while you walk back to your car to drop off some groceries. When you come back, you see someone has walked off with your chicken and is eating it while they walk. Having a gun now, would you approach them and demand your chicken back or let them be, thinking they must be hungry?


George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Now armed with a gun, what will Zimmerman do? Demand it back?

This continues to get more absurd with each feeble attempt, Quick! This bit of "fiction" has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened in Sanford, Florida that night. There was no disputed property (chicken)...there was no argument over disputed property.

For some unknown reason, Trayvon Martin thought someone following him was deserving of a savage beating. That's the REALITY of the situation. Martin got shot because he committed assault and battery on another person. You can try and spin this, flip it, turn it upside down and inside out and that won't change.

Possession is nine points of the law. But ok, does this suit you better?

George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Trayvon and George continue to talk about various things including the chicken occasionally both trading racial slurs and Trayvon finishes the bucket of chicken. Will the armed Zimmerman still continue in a vain attempt to seek justice? Will he wait an hour it will take for the police to arrive after George would call 911? Will he follow Trayvon home? Or will he just let it go knowing he is armed, not wanting to get into an irreversible position?

You now seem to believe this stemmed from a property dispute...two people fighting over who owns something. I don't have the faintest idea how you arrived at that conclusion unless you think George Zimmerman was following Trayvon Martin because he lost his fried chicken. This wasn't about wasn't about wasn't about Arizona ice tea! It's about a fight that started because one of the two people involved thought that someone following him deserved a beating for doing so. That's it...that's all she wrote!
And how is walking downj the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged inthe neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.

It's a gated community. The #1 REASON that people choose to live in gated communities is for security. The fences and gates are supposed to keep outsiders out. Trayvon Martin was a visitor to that community...a guest of a resident. Yes, he had every right to be there but he also should have recognized the fact that he WAS a stranger in a gated community and that someone MIGHT question who he was. You don't punch someone in the face for following you under those circumstances. You tell them that you're a guest of So & So and you're staying in Such & Such unit. THAT is the way you should "act"!

How was he supposed to prove to Zimmerman that he was visiting someone there? So you are admitting more or less that Zimmerman started to demand proof. That sounds like Zimmerman starting something there. :cool:

Who straps on a gun to go shopping? Store's in my area woulds not let you in the door with a gun. Security would boot your butt right on out of the door.

You obviously don't have a concealed carry permit. People who do usually put on their holster and gun when they get dressed every morning. At least that's how we do it in our house.

It is pointless to carry a gun just sometimes. Honestly. That's like wearing your seat belt only when it rains.

Great answer.. You might also have to ask if the store manager has a gun in the back room whilst he is denying your right to carry. OR has armed security response hired for the store..

I'll tell ya, every single time I walk into the grocery story carrying concealed I get frisked at the door and the metal detectors go off.

Not really, I was just trying to be part of Fantasy Unicorn Land for a sec.
And how is walking downj the street talking on cell phone not acting like he belonged inthe neighborhood? I was not awair there was a certain way you should act when just walking down the street in your neighborhood.

It's a gated community. The #1 REASON that people choose to live in gated communities is for security. The fences and gates are supposed to keep outsiders out. Trayvon Martin was a visitor to that community...a guest of a resident. Yes, he had every right to be there but he also should have recognized the fact that he WAS a stranger in a gated community and that someone MIGHT question who he was. You don't punch someone in the face for following you under those circumstances. You tell them that you're a guest of So & So and you're staying in Such & Such unit. THAT is the way you should "act"!

How was he supposed to prove to Zimmerman that he was visiting someone there? So you are admitting more or less that Zimmerman started to demand proof. That sounds like Zimmerman starting something there. :cool:

Instead of approaching out of the dark with a confrontational "You got a problem?" and a sucker punch to the face when getting a response of "I don't have a problem with you."...I would have stood off at a safe distance, asked the man who was following me WHY he was doing so and THEN I would have told him I was visiting the fiancee of my Dad who lived at unit #106.

I don't think Zimmerman ever demanded anything. Martin punched him in the face almost immediately. Or do you see "I don't have a problem with you." as a "demand"?
See...this is why I don't post web pics. I don't know how to copy and paste. Just get the link.

Now I look like a perv. :redface:

This continues to get more absurd with each feeble attempt, Quick! This bit of "fiction" has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened in Sanford, Florida that night. There was no disputed property (chicken)...there was no argument over disputed property.

For some unknown reason, Trayvon Martin thought someone following him was deserving of a savage beating. That's the REALITY of the situation. Martin got shot because he committed assault and battery on another person. You can try and spin this, flip it, turn it upside down and inside out and that won't change.

Possession is nine points of the law. But ok, does this suit you better?

George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Trayvon and George continue to talk about various things including the chicken occasionally both trading racial slurs and Trayvon finishes the bucket of chicken. Will the armed Zimmerman still continue in a vain attempt to seek justice? Will he wait an hour it will take for the police to arrive after George would call 911? Will he follow Trayvon home? Or will he just let it go knowing he is armed, not wanting to get into an irreversible position?

You now seem to believe this stemmed from a property dispute...two people fighting over who owns something. I don't have the faintest idea how you arrived at that conclusion unless you think George Zimmerman was following Trayvon Martin because he lost his fried chicken. This wasn't about wasn't about wasn't about Arizona ice tea! It's about a fight that started because one of the two people involved thought that someone following him deserved a beating for doing so. That's it...that's all she wrote!

This continues to get more absurd with each feeble attempt, Quick! This bit of "fiction" has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened in Sanford, Florida that night. There was no disputed property (chicken)...there was no argument over disputed property.

For some unknown reason, Trayvon Martin thought someone following him was deserving of a savage beating. That's the REALITY of the situation. Martin got shot because he committed assault and battery on another person. You can try and spin this, flip it, turn it upside down and inside out and that won't change.

Possession is nine points of the law. But ok, does this suit you better?

George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Trayvon and George continue to talk about various things including the chicken occasionally both trading racial slurs and Trayvon finishes the bucket of chicken. Will the armed Zimmerman still continue in a vain attempt to seek justice? Will he wait an hour it will take for the police to arrive after George would call 911? Will he follow Trayvon home? Or will he just let it go knowing he is armed, not wanting to get into an irreversible position?

You now seem to believe this stemmed from a property dispute...two people fighting over who owns something. I don't have the faintest idea how you arrived at that conclusion unless you think George Zimmerman was following Trayvon Martin because he lost his fried chicken. This wasn't about wasn't about wasn't about Arizona ice tea! It's about a fight that started because one of the two people involved thought that someone following him deserved a beating for doing so. That's it...that's all she wrote!

Trayvon finished the chicken. All gone. Do you want him to return it by barfing it up? :badgrin:
Possession is nine points of the law. But ok, does this suit you better?

George Zimmerman is armed and has a large bucket full of KFC. He eats a few pieces while shopping downtown. He inadvertently sets it down on a park bench while he walks back to the car three blocks away to drop off some groceries. When he comes back, he sees Trayvon Martin has walked off with his chicken and is eating it while he walks. He approaches and politely asks for the chicken back. Trayvon says "WHO ARE YOU?" and keeps walking. Zimmerman also yells, "I want my chicken back." Trayvon turns to him, says "no" and continues to eat while staring at Zimmerman. Trayvon and George continue to talk about various things including the chicken occasionally both trading racial slurs and Trayvon finishes the bucket of chicken. Will the armed Zimmerman still continue in a vain attempt to seek justice? Will he wait an hour it will take for the police to arrive after George would call 911? Will he follow Trayvon home? Or will he just let it go knowing he is armed, not wanting to get into an irreversible position?

You now seem to believe this stemmed from a property dispute...two people fighting over who owns something. I don't have the faintest idea how you arrived at that conclusion unless you think George Zimmerman was following Trayvon Martin because he lost his fried chicken. This wasn't about wasn't about wasn't about Arizona ice tea! It's about a fight that started because one of the two people involved thought that someone following him deserved a beating for doing so. That's it...that's all she wrote!

Trayvon finished the chicken. All gone. Do you want him to return it by barfing it up? :badgrin:

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