The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Shadowrun returns came out today and I was playing it came on here and still you guys are debating something that is over?????? You all need a hobby .... :) Including me LOL
Shadowrun returns came out today and I was playing it came on here and still you guys are debating something that is over?????? You all need a hobby .... :) Including me LOL

We have a new hobby!
If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

If Zimmerman had not followed Trayvon and at least stayed in his car. The police would have handled it and Trayvon would still be alive.

Trayvon was dumb enough to punch a guy walking away, are you sure he wouldn't have punched one sitting in his car?
It's sad when a thug dies young.

Say the people that watched every minute and every piece of evidence and testimony.

Again, there is no evidence of who started the fight. That is common household (chicken) knowledge.

I am NOT going to hash this out with you. This is it.

There is too evidence.

The key flashlight was at the T (see crime scene full photo) see where the body is located according to the T and the keys. The keys being up there highly suggests Z was on his way back to the truck. Also, his flashlight was broken, he was using the little flashlight. Have you ever tried to find something or someone in the dark with one of those? The purpose they serve is to give YOUR location away. Taking Z's testimony out completely, taking the 4 minutes out, Tude DD was speaking the truth, Drug DD got drugged and coached to "yesser". There is SO much other evidence, there's no way I'm going to go get it - you can when you're done eating your chikin. She said "I thought he was already home..." "his dad was there and I thought he would help him...." "I heard voices..." "I didn't think it was deadly just a fight..." Because he did too make it home and he did too go teach that cracka a lesson.

Too bad that cracka had a gun.

End of story.

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Not Guilty.

A flashlight? :tongue:

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

If Zimmerman had not followed Trayvon and at least stayed in his car. The police would have handled it and Trayvon would still be alive.

Trayvon was dumb enough to punch a guy walking away, are you sure he wouldn't have punched one sitting in his car?
It's sad when a thug dies young.

Careful! We may end up back at KFC chikin or "FOLLOWING".


We just got to fashion.
There's always some excuse. If you don't have the common sense or intelligence to know you're armed and need to act accordingly, then you are a menace to society.

If you believe he is telling the truth. Of course. You believed all his lies. Happy hunting.

LOL He didn't "save" or "rescue" anyone. He did what amounts to a roadside assistance. Nothing noble or heroic. Jesus, how pathetic and desperate people are to try to turn this nimno into a heroic figure. You know, it's not always wise to pull over and do a roadside assistance. Depending on the situation of the road, the traffic, etc., suddenly pulling over to assist someone on the roadside could endanger others, other cars following behind you. I wonder how many people's safety he may have endangered in his zeal to play the hero, yet again. That's his specialty though: endangering lives so he can play the hero.

I addressed this to you back at

Esmeralda needs to understand the dangers involved in TRYING to be a good citizen. Even nurses and doctors are worried about being sued for their good deeds. A spinal injury or just an "imagined" injury from the rescue could empty their bank accounts. Not only that, but being at ANY roll-over is a dangerous deal.. There could be an explosion at any time. Particularly if the ignition is still on. To not understand the risks Zimmerman was taking means that YOU should never attempt to be a hero...

Now you're advocating simply turning your head when you see folks in trouble.. Says a BUNCH about your principles and view of "community"..

George Zimmerman doesn't have the brains to understand the dangers involved in trying to do the right thing, his murder of an innocent, unarmed person proves that point quintessentially. He would have pulled over with only one thought in mind: he would look like a hero. That's all he cares about. He is a ridiculous, ludicrous nimno Barney Fife character who is lethal: a joke and a menace to society. He is proof positive guns should not be in the possession of ordinary citizens. That is the reason, the only reason you pro-gun people support him. Had the killing been with anything other than a gun, you would not bother with it at all. It's all about your pro-gun stance. You don't care who gets hurt or dies or how many or how young they are: you only care about the right to own guns.
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LOL He didn't "save" or "rescue" anyone. He did what amounts to a roadside assistance. Nothing noble or heroic. Jesus, how pathetic and desperate people are to try to turn this nimno into a heroic figure. You know, it's not always wise to pull over and do a roadside assistance. Depending on the situation of the road, the traffic, etc., suddenly pulling over to assist someone on the roadside could endanger others, other cars following behind you. I wonder how many people's safety he may have endangered in his zeal to play the hero, yet again. That's his specialty though: endangering lives so he can play the hero.

I addressed this to you back at

Esmeralda needs to understand the dangers involved in TRYING to be a good citizen. Even nurses and doctors are worried about being sued for their good deeds. A spinal injury or just an "imagined" injury from the rescue could empty their bank accounts. Not only that, but being at ANY roll-over is a dangerous deal.. There could be an explosion at any time. Particularly if the ignition is still on. To not understand the risks Zimmerman was taking means that YOU should never attempt to be a hero...

Now you're advocating simply turning your head when you see folks in trouble.. Says a BUNCH about your principles and view of "community"..

George Zimmerman doesn't have the brains to understand the dangers involved in trying to do the right thing, his murder of an innocent, unarmed person proves that point quintessentially. He would have pulled over with only one thought in mind: he would look like a hero. That's all he cares about. He is a ridiculous, ludicrous nimno Barney Fife character who is lethal: a joke and a menace to society.

wow, just wow
LOL He didn't "save" or "rescue" anyone. He did what amounts to a roadside assistance. Nothing noble or heroic. Jesus, how pathetic and desperate people are to try to turn this nimno into a heroic figure. You know, it's not always wise to pull over and do a roadside assistance. Depending on the situation of the road, the traffic, etc., suddenly pulling over to assist someone on the roadside could endanger others, other cars following behind you. I wonder how many people's safety he may have endangered in his zeal to play the hero, yet again. That's his specialty though: endangering lives so he can play the hero.

I addressed this to you back at

Esmeralda needs to understand the dangers involved in TRYING to be a good citizen. Even nurses and doctors are worried about being sued for their good deeds. A spinal injury or just an "imagined" injury from the rescue could empty their bank accounts. Not only that, but being at ANY roll-over is a dangerous deal.. There could be an explosion at any time. Particularly if the ignition is still on. To not understand the risks Zimmerman was taking means that YOU should never attempt to be a hero...

Now you're advocating simply turning your head when you see folks in trouble.. Says a BUNCH about your principles and view of "community"..

George Zimmerman doesn't have the brains to understand the dangers involved in trying to do the right thing, his murder of an innocent, unarmed person proves that point quintessentially. He would have pulled over with only one thought in mind: he would look like a hero. That's all he cares about. He is a ridiculous, ludicrous nimno Barney Fife character who is lethal: a joke and a menace to society.

Chickens and Fashion.......

I did NOT photoshop this! (But it does give me some ideas.)

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