
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
The Only Solution To Racism Is For Racist People To Die…That’s It

Beginning at a young age a significant population of American children are CONDITIONED to accept and embrace what the late American recording artist and Childhood Trauma victim Tupac Shakur describes as "Thug Life", an acronym for "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvcks Everyone".


When a majority of my African American neighbors get their act together and begin raising a large majority of fairly happy children maturing into reasonably responsible teens and adults, the people embracing racist thoughts will have very little justification for embracing their ignorant beliefs.

Ugh. Wish I didn't look in here.
"The Only Solution To Racism Is For Racist People To Die…That’s It"

Actually not – young racists will simply come along to replace them.

Indeed, there is no 'solution' for racism, the bane of racism will be with us for the foreseeable future.

The best course of action is to use the political and legal process to mitigate its adverse effects, keep it on the fringe of society, so it damages as few lives as possible.
Well, you could round them all up, put them on trains and drive them to the Gas ovens. will that make you happy? You will NEVER get racism out of a SOCIETY of 360 million people, so go worry over your own racism and bigotry.
If you see little kids playing - whatever ethnicity they are, you quickly realize they don't give a thought to that nonsense. Some POS adult has to burden them with racist BS somewhere along the line.
Like I said, anyone who has actually seen small children play...
"The Only Solution To Racism Is For Racist People To Die…That’s It"

Actually not – young racists will simply come along to replace them.

Indeed, there is no 'solution' for racism, the bane of racism will be with us for the foreseeable future.

The best course of action is to use the political and legal process to mitigate its adverse effects, keep it on the fringe of society, so it damages as few lives as possible.

Deploying the thought police won't work, either.
The OP - the new USMB racist troll.......

Hi, iamwhatiseem.

I am puzzled by something, perhaps you or someone can help?

When & Why Did Our Moms Become Less Than Human?

iamwhatiseem, who is responsible for *influencing or conditioning* many young Americans of African descent to characterize our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts as less than human creatures?

Growing up in the 60s, year after year I'd roll out of bed in the morning, crank up my 9v transistor radio listening to contemporary sounds, including a new genre of American music its artists, composers, lyricists and producers called Motown.

My Motown musician friends wrote and performed music that made me smile, wanting to dance, celebrate life and wanting to experience the love between a man and a woman they were constantly telling me about. Every hour of every day I could tune in my radio and listen to my talented Motown musician friends singing songs praising and loving women

Listening to these musicians celebrating life and loving women *conditioned me* to believe they are good, peaceful people deserving of respect, admiration and a large *"Thank you"* for sharing their musical talent with me, my friends and our world.

iamwhatiseem, what I am trying to figure out is why today, many of my Motown friend's children and grandchildren are writing contemporary music performance lyrics that clearly are demeaning and HATING on each other, as well as writing lyrics demeaning women, our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts, characterizing women as *itches* and *hores*...essentially less than human creatures or women undeserving of respect...which is pretty much how greedy or genuinely ignorant early Euros characterized the African people they abducted and enslaved.

What happened? Why have females fallen out of favor with many young people who write rap hip hop performances?

iamwhatiseem, another question?

Today when *ten-year-old American kids* wake up, tune into their fav contemporary radio station, listening to lyrics describing anti-social activities and behaviors their parents, community and educators are telling them are harmful to them, their neighbors and community, what opinions, if any, will these 5th grade children form about the music performers writing music lyrics describing anti-social behaviors and activities that often emotionally traumatize and physically harm individual peaceful people and the neighborhoods they live or work in?

Dating back to the early-mid 80s when Brooklyn rappers were selling their CDs from car trunks, many music performers and artists of African descent were performing raps that characterized *the maternal half of our population*, as less than human *itches?

Who or what is responsible for influencing their hateful and demeaning rap lyrics?

iamwhatiseem, what subliminal messages are today's youngsters learning when they hear mega-popular Americans of African descent characterizing women, aka our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces, as *hores, not worthy of respect?

Finally iamwhatiseem, is racism or white supremacy responsible for inspiring these musically inclined people to rap about hating-on their less fortunate neighbors, gun violence, selling dangerous drugs to their depressed neighbors, or characterizing females a Bitches and Whores?


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