'The origin of global warming lies in capitalism'


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
'The origin of global warming lies in capitalism'
Lima, Peru—Evo Morales, the president of the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia, is a superstar politician here at the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP-20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The press gaggle follows him around like puppies and enthusiastically applauds his unrelenting diatribes against rich industrialized countries. The headline is a quotation taken from Morales’ response to being asked at a press conference if he was optimistic about the summit meeting here in Lima? “The deep causes of global warming are not being dealt with here. The origin of global warming lies in capitalism,” asserted Morales. “If we could end capitalism then we would have a solution.”
Finally. An AGW cultist admits it's all about Communism.

But then, it's not like normal people didn't already know this.
'The origin of global warming lies in capitalism'
Lima, Peru—Evo Morales, the president of the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia, is a superstar politician here at the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP-20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The press gaggle follows him around like puppies and enthusiastically applauds his unrelenting diatribes against rich industrialized countries. The headline is a quotation taken from Morales’ response to being asked at a press conference if he was optimistic about the summit meeting here in Lima? “The deep causes of global warming are not being dealt with here. The origin of global warming lies in capitalism,” asserted Morales. “If we could end capitalism then we would have a solution.”
Finally. An AGW cultist admits it's all about Communism.

But then, it's not like normal people didn't already know this.

The AGW assholes just want Capitalists' money.

So we have a couple of our fruitloops quoting their fruitloops.

The origin of global warming is the industrial revolution, and the CO2 doesn't care whether the smokestack is in a socialist or capitalist nation.
So we have a couple of our fruitloops quoting their fruitloops.

The origin of global warming is the industrial revolution, and the CO2 doesn't care whether the smokestack is in a socialist or capitalist nation.

^ AGWCult Member
The commie fruitloops and the capitalist fruitloops on this thread are indistinguishable. All fringe political cultists sound alike to normal people. Just different buzzwords. Do a cut and paste to substitute the buzzwords, and libertarians sound like socialists.

The science? It doesn't care about anyone's politics.
The commie fruitloops and the capitalist fruitloops on this thread are indistinguishable. All fringe political cultists sound alike to normal people. Just different buzzwords. Do a cut and paste to substitute the buzzwords, and libertarians sound like socialists.

The science? It doesn't care about anyone's politics.

The science doesn't care about anyone's insanity, that's why the AGWCult won't be caught dead in a lab
The commie fruitloops and the capitalist fruitloops on this thread are indistinguishable. All fringe political cultists sound alike to normal people. Just different buzzwords. Do a cut and paste to substitute the buzzwords, and libertarians sound like socialists.

The science? It doesn't care about anyone's politics.

I strongly suspect that the Science has been adapted to fit the theory. That is a no no in real science.I remember clearly my lecturer saying that global cooling was man-made in the 70s. The same guy, now a Professor, says it's warming. One thing remains the same: It's America's fault. I didn't buy it back then and I don't buy it now!!

Forums like this are a modern version the Campus Revolutionary Bookstore, where the sandal-clad libertarians/socialists gather to stroke their beards as they drink coffee and pass out their pamphlets/links.
Ive always felt that many of the AGW climate crusaders are largely folks who are just spectacularly naïve........the matrix dwellers who cant see past the billboard and trust government implicitly. The thinking is pretty dang fascinating.........particularly missing the UN memo and the corruption associated with the UN. The UN in 2014 has one single mission.......wealth redistribution and they are using climate alarmism to try to achieve their goals.......I have even posted in this forum whole training manuals that even state it right on the cover!!!:coffee:
Non-PC naïve zombies really, really need to read this >>>

The UN climate change panel that developed out of the Copenhagen conference wants more money: “[panel leaders] Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia said there carbon emission taxes must be used as a deterrent to producing the gases blamed for global warming and to raise revenue.”

“Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization. The climate summit in Cancun at the end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War. … One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore … But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.”

UN - AGW for Money

Details how the UN uses environmentalism to move all societies towards one world government.

This shit is the main reason I ruthlessly and relentlessly expose the AGW frauds for the past 20+ years............assholes read too much Plato 20, 30 40 years ago and embraced it hook, line and stinker. Fucking asshats............I remember 35 years ago reading "Republic" and Hobbes "Laviathan" and being romanticized beyond words.........then learned what a crock of shit that stuff is ( they never wrote on the economics of their societies....nor did Marx ) and realized we have some reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal gullible fucks out there in radioland.!!!:slap::rock::rock:
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Skook, good luck in getting Johnny to ask you to the prom instead that awful Maria. Or whatever problem it is you're squealing about now. Remember, nobody actually reads your posts, or cares about such bitching.
Skook, good luck in getting Johnny to ask you to the prom instead that awful Maria. Or whatever problem it is you're squealing about now. Remember, nobody actually reads your posts, or cares about such bitching.

a TOTAL dickhead s0n!!!:banana:

Oh.....by the way s0n..........we ( the skeptics) have a thread on here that sports almost 3,500 posts!!! But nobody reads the skeptics threads!!!:2up:

How many hits did your last thread get?

The commie fruitloops and the capitalist fruitloops on this thread are indistinguishable. All fringe political cultists sound alike to normal people. Just different buzzwords. Do a cut and paste to substitute the buzzwords, and libertarians sound like socialists.

The science? It doesn't care about anyone's politics.
Moron alert.
The commie fruitloops and the capitalist fruitloops on this thread are indistinguishable. All fringe political cultists sound alike to normal people. Just different buzzwords. Do a cut and paste to substitute the buzzwords, and libertarians sound like socialists.

The science? It doesn't care about anyone's politics.
Moron alert.

.... said skook as he thoughtfully stroked his goatee, thinking that the gesture made him look sophisticated.

Little did skook know that RKM thought of skook as a bourgeois swine, and not a true Marxist son of the soil like himself. RKM just ached for the time to arrive when he'd be running the purges.

Such is life in the denier kaffeeklatsch. It's not all sandal-shopping and brie-tasting. While they may be polite to each other on the surface, they're always plotting. It's either Stalin or Trotsky, not both.
.... said skook as he thoughtfully stroked his goatee, thinking that the gesture made him look sophisticated.

Little did skook know that RKM thought of skook as a bourgeois swine, and not a true Marxist son of the soil like himself. RKM just ached for the time to arrive when he'd be running the purges.

Such is life in the denier kaffeeklatsch. It's not all sandal-shopping and brie-tasting. While they may be polite to each other on the surface, they're always plotting. It's either Stalin or Trotsky, not both.
You tend to project a lot. You don't even know you're doing it.

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