The people want this to be exposed.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2023
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You have to say what you see. You can’t be afraid to say what you see because that is the beginning of the end for your freedom. You need to understand that highly educated people are not all your friends. They will find ways to accumulate all the good things for themselves at your expense and tell you it is for your own good. After all, they are highly educated, well connected, and own much of the wealth so they know better what is for your own good than you could ever know. At least that is what they believe. The elites had to build a wall in East Germany not to keep the people out but to keep them in. In a closed totalitarian society, it is a straightforward process to crush opposition. They just roll into towns with military force.

In society built on individual freedom like the United States, more covert methods are employed. The elites still want to steal your freedom and make you poor, but they swindle it from you instead of just threatening you with a gun or a tank. After they have destroyed everything with bad social engineering and corrupt education, they use your own information systems to set you against your neighbors and create chaos. It’s the same thing. All the power and wealth along with everything good is horded by the educated elite. Rather than just taking it by force, they just trick the people into fighting each other. In some ways it is even more sinister than outwardly authoritarian systems. You still end up poorer with less freedom.

It remains to be seen if the current president can get into the books to show the people how they have been robbed and display who did the robbing. It may work to change things, it may not. The people want this.

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You have to say what you see. You can’t be afraid to say what you see because that is the beginning of the end for your freedom. You need to understand that highly educated people are not all your friends. They will find ways to accumulate all the good things for themselves at your expense and tell you it is for your own good. After all, they are highly educated, well connected, and own much of the wealth so they know better what is for your own good than you could ever know. At least that is what they believe. The elites had to build a wall in East Germany not to keep the people out but to keep them in. In a closed totalitarian society, it is a straightforward process to crush opposition. They just roll into towns with military force.

In society built on individual freedom like the United States, more covert methods are employed. The elites still want to steal your freedom and make you poor, but they swindle it from you instead of just threatening you with a gun or a tank. After they have destroyed everything with bad social engineering and corrupt education, they use your own information systems to set you against your neighbors and create chaos. It’s the same thing. All the power and wealth along with everything good is horded by the educated elite. Rather than just taking it by force, they just trick the people into fighting each other. In some ways it is even more sinister than outwardly authoritarian systems. You still end up poorer with less freedom.

It remains to be seen if the current president can get into the books to show the people how they have been robbed and display who did the robbing. It may work to change things, it may not. The people want this.

Anyone Born with a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak with a Forked Tongue

Nothing about Birth-Class Supremacy. You can't hit a target if you don't know where the bull's eye is.
Does anyone know about ISO 9000/9001? That is to neuter the American Workforce and get it to assume the position for globalist Marxist Socialism. So what is going with DOGE is just one small antidote to the International Organization for Standardization.

Exposing Federal Student Loan programs will make the USAID corruption look like peanuts. They are the equivalent of drug dealers passing out free samples to further enrich their patrons. The institutions that benefited at the expenses of unwitting students should be held as liable as the tobacco companies were for selling products that cause lung cancer.
The fact that it is easier for a student can get $250k+ in loans because they are feeling entitled to go to an elite private college three time zones away and concentrate in a major with no market is sinful when it is harder to get a mortgage and small business loan.

Student loans need to be capped.
What a bunch of MAGAmoronic goobers. That makes no sense above.
You need to understand that highly educated people are not all your friends.


Exposing Federal Student Loan programs will make the USAID corruption look like peanuts. They are the equivalent of drug dealers passing out free samples to further enrich their patrons. The institutions that benefited at the expenses of unwitting students should be held as liable as the tobacco companies were for selling products that cause lung cancer.
Federally guaranteed student loans and government grants is a huge Democrat CASH COW.
Does anyone know about ISO 9000/9001? That is to neuter the American Workforce and get it to assume the position for globalist Marxist Socialism. So what is going with DOGE is just one small antidote to the International Organization for Standardization.

Yeah, the guy who wants to increase HB-1 visas to take our jobs is gonna assume his position for global Marxism and oligarchy-supported socialism of the wealthy. You dope, yer sharpening the knife Musk will slit yer throat with, dope.
Federally guaranteed student loans and government grants is a huge Democrat CASH COW.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Do richkids have to take out student loans? Then no other American should have to, especially since it the HeirDads who mandate that the rest of us have to pay tuition so the corporations can make money off our slavish sacrifice.
Ideology Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Do richkids have to take out student loans? Then no other American should have to, especially since it the HeirDads who mandate that the rest of us have to pay tuition so the corporations can make money off our slavish sacrifice.
Wealth envy?? The desire for FREE shit? Want someone else to pay YOUR bills? This is very libiral sounding.
Wealth envy?? The desire for FREE shit? Want someone else to pay YOUR bills? This is very libiral sounding.
Affluenzist Affirmative Action

Tell it to the spoiled snobs. By twisted logic, you make richkids exempt from being called "moochers." Being pre-ordained for political power, they are the ones who enabled the other parasites.
Affluenzist Affirmative Action

Tell it to the spoiled snobs. By twisted logic, you make richkids exempt from being called "moochers." Being pre-ordained for political power, they are the ones who enabled the other parasites.
Who knows what you are babbling about, perhaps someone in an alternate universe. If you want to make a point kid make it plainly, don't try to be cute.

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