The politics of Laura and George Bush

And yet, it's under Republican Administrations that the deficit always explodes. Odd that.

Are you still repeating this lie, despite having been shown numerous times that it is under Democratic Congresses that debt explodes?

I have adequately proven to you a number of times that this is a load of horse shit, Rabbi. Among other things, THE FUCKING PRESIDENT WRITES THE BUDGET.

I refuse to do your homework again, but I have previously provided you with a plethora of evidence that this ridiculous claim holds no water. But keep repeating it. That's what your good at.

I am sorry that you are so invested in your viewpoint you refuse to listen to reason and facts and keep parroting the party line. Too bad.
Its the ideas that have failed not just your politicains.

Democrats have helped by selling out to the big money interests.

The ideas of the democratic party have worked.

The ideas of teh republican party have failed Epicly

You mean like blocking any attempt at oversight of Freddie and Fanny by the Bush Administration? Yea, that worked real well.... it not only was it the major cause of the crash that brought down our own banking system.... but the whole fucking planet too. Really.... thanks for that Dems. The world loves you guys.

You are either naive beyond comprehension, stupid beyond comprehension or one of the most dishonest members of the board. I struggle to work out which label fits because you seem to fit all three.... but that can't be true.... no one can be that much of a fool.

Or can they?
You really do not understand what has been accomplished in the economy by him in one year do you?

Sure we do.
Prolonged the recession by months.
Increased unemployment to near record levels
Increased federal debt to almost unsustainable levels
Destroyed the rule of law in bankruptcy cases with Chrysler and GM
Asserted federal power over private matters like executive pay and hiring and firing.

Wow, quite an accomplishment for someone with zero experience. Color me impressed.

Wait boys and girls this guy is just getting started.The VAT is just around the corner.
The former first lady has written a book which I look forward to reading where she states that she supports gay marriage and a woman's right to choice.
Now say what you want about W's politics and term at the helm but I respect greatly a married couple that may differ on certain issues and continues to have such a strong relationship as a married couple. Both of them are to be commended and respected for this. I respect the former President even more on this.
Many men sit back and simply dictate to their wives how and what they should think. Clearly, this is not the case with the former President.

She's the best, lil' babysitter Babs could have arranged!! (...To keep that drunken frat-boy on the Straight & Narrow, in Daddy Bush's effort to create a Dynasty!)

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No liberal will ever beseen as a "great President" by producers.
It is real easy to be a liberal President spending other people's $.

And yet, it's under Republican Administrations that the deficit always explodes. Odd that.

Are you still repeating this lie, despite having been shown numerous times that it is under Democratic Congresses that debt explodes?

Under any Congress debt explodes.
Called AARP, the largest and deadliest street gang of thugs in America.
Its the ideas that have failed not just your politicains.

Democrats have helped by selling out to the big money interests.

The ideas of the democratic party have worked.

The ideas of teh republican party have failed Epicly

You mean like blocking any attempt at oversight of Freddie and Fanny by the Bush Administration? Yea, that worked real well.... it not only was it the major cause of the crash that brought down our own banking system.... but the whole fucking planet too. Really.... thanks for that Dems. The world loves you guys.

You are either naive beyond comprehension, stupid beyond comprehension or one of the most dishonest members of the board. I struggle to work out which label fits because you seem to fit all three.... but that can't be true.... no one can be that much of a fool.

Or can they?

You are close but the major cause of the crash was not Fannie and Freddie. Not by a long shot. Maybe 10% if that. Commercial real estate and land speculation, for future expansion and, in the housing markets you speak of, bundled mortgages with faulty Moodys AAA ratings.
That had nothing to do with Fannie and Freddie at all.
And yet, it's under Republican Administrations that the deficit always explodes. Odd that.

Are you still repeating this lie, despite having been shown numerous times that it is under Democratic Congresses that debt explodes?

I have adequately proven to you a number of times that this is a load of horse shit, Rabbi. Among other things, THE FUCKING PRESIDENT WRITES THE BUDGET.

I refuse to do your homework again, but I have previously provided you with a plethora of evidence that this ridiculous claim holds no water. But keep repeating it. That's what your good at.

The legislative appropriates the budget.
The executive has NO powers with any $. Never have and never will.
The former first lady has written a book which I look forward to reading where she states that she supports gay marriage and a woman's right to choice.
Now say what you want about W's politics and term at the helm but I respect greatly a married couple that may differ on certain issues and continues to have such a strong relationship as a married couple. Both of them are to be commended and respected for this. I respect the former President even more on this.
Many men sit back and simply dictate to their wives how and what they should think. Clearly, this is not the case with the former President.

Didn't she kill someone when she was 17? I am not sure, but I don't think it was at chappaquiddick, and we all know how you guys love to bring that up when speaking about Ol Ed, but the right never seems to remember this.........Imagine if it were Michelle Obama who killed someone at 17.

If memory serves, I read it was determined it was her who ran a red light (or a stop sign) and killed a man. NOTHING HAPPENED TO HER LEGALLY OF COURSE.
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The day he took office and laid down the law the jobs market did a 180 and started climbing.

You do realize that this actually hurts your position, that Obama is solely responsible for the recovery, right?

No policy, enacted by any damn body, will have the effect of turning the economy up or down the day or month they take office. And IMO, that actually goes beyond day or month into 4 or 5 years in most cases.

Bush was just that bad baby.

The world hated him and breathed a sigh of relief when he left office.

Obama came in and did the RIGHT things to quell the fears.

It worked just like it did in FDRs time and now the con label is going to be stuck with the democratic success for it entire future.

YOUR con ideas failed and its been proven twice now in one lifetime, the dems have had to come in and clean it up twice now.

The republican brand better change or die.

Get some new ideas that might work instead of hanging onto ideas that have been proven failures twice in one lifetime now.

Grow up, man up and face facts YOUR IDEAS HAVE FAILED!

It worked in FDR's time? Seriously?

That's why the Great Depression was 12 years long? Because it was working so much well?

And that's why the even worse Depression of 1920 reversed itself within a year because of significant cuts in taxes and cuts in spending.

Because FDRs plan worked oh so well.
Bush is an OK guy, but a horrible president.

Obama is shaping up to be the same IMO.

First part I agree with. Second part, I do not agree with. Just because you disagree with what President Obama is doing does not mean he is not a great president - sorry to be the one to have to break the news.

You're right. Disagreement alot doesn't make him a horrible President.

His arrogance, lack of leadership abilities, and ability to pick the policies that make us worse as a nation are going to make him a bad President.
For Republicans, Obama will never be a great president as long as he's black.

Cause disagreement with Obama can't possibly be because of his dangerous policies.

What's going to happen when the tax increases and health care premium hikes jump after December? Do you think that's going to make the economy stronger or just demonstrate that our current recovery is merely spin?
Didn't she kill someone when she was 17? I am not sure, but I don't think it was at chappaquiddick, and we all know how you guys love to bring that up when speaking about Ol Ed, but the right never seems to remember this.........Imagine if it were Michelle Obama who killed someone at 17.

If memory serves, I read it was determined it was her who ran a red light (or a stop sign) and killed a man. NOTHING HAPPENED TO HER LEGALLY OF COURSE.

hey Zona.....did she leave the scene and forget to come back?.....
did she somehow forget to report it because of who she was and how it might tarnish her career and of course the family name?......

its funny how you and your Far-leftist minions never seem to think about this.....
Are you still repeating this lie, despite having been shown numerous times that it is under Democratic Congresses that debt explodes?

I have adequately proven to you a number of times that this is a load of horse shit, Rabbi. Among other things, THE FUCKING PRESIDENT WRITES THE BUDGET.

I refuse to do your homework again, but I have previously provided you with a plethora of evidence that this ridiculous claim holds no water. But keep repeating it. That's what your good at.

I am sorry that you are so invested in your viewpoint you refuse to listen to reason and facts and keep parroting the party line. Too bad.

No, no, believe me, I've looked into it, and the truth is that your an idiot. No, wait, stop - Don't even respond. You're an idiot. The evidence is overwhelming.

Its the ideas that have failed not just your politicains.

Democrats have helped by selling out to the big money interests.

The ideas of the democratic party have worked.

The ideas of teh republican party have failed Epicly

You mean like blocking any attempt at oversight of Freddie and Fanny by the Bush Administration? Yea, that worked real well.... it not only was it the major cause of the crash that brought down our own banking system.... but the whole fucking planet too. Really.... thanks for that Dems. The world loves you guys.

You are either naive beyond comprehension, stupid beyond comprehension or one of the most dishonest members of the board. I struggle to work out which label fits because you seem to fit all three.... but that can't be true.... no one can be that much of a fool.

Or can they?

You are close but the major cause of the crash was not Fannie and Freddie. Not by a long shot. Maybe 10% if that. Commercial real estate and land speculation, for future expansion and, in the housing markets you speak of, bundled mortgages with faulty Moodys AAA ratings.
That had nothing to do with Fannie and Freddie at all.

Yea, yea, yea.... I know about, and recognize, the input of both.... but.... FACT remains... Freddie and Fannie and their sub prime mortgages inflicted HUGE damage on the world's banking system.

And for THAT... the Democrats carry the can.
I have adequately proven to you a number of times that this is a load of horse shit, Rabbi. Among other things, THE FUCKING PRESIDENT WRITES THE BUDGET.

I refuse to do your homework again, but I have previously provided you with a plethora of evidence that this ridiculous claim holds no water. But keep repeating it. That's what your good at.

I am sorry that you are so invested in your viewpoint you refuse to listen to reason and facts and keep parroting the party line. Too bad.

No, no, believe me, I've looked into it, and the truth is that your an idiot. No, wait, stop - Don't even respond. You're an idiot. The evidence is overwhelming.


Denial. It's not just a river in Egypt.
Congress passes budgets. Check the figures for who was in control of Congress during various periods and get back to me.
What you are saying is Bush LIED about his beliefs at the cost to Americans to get elected by people he did not agree with.

The right has courted the right wing christian nutters to get elected and still had to cheat to win elections.


He lied to the American people about war which got Americans killed.

He a liar plain and simple.

No, the thread states that Laura has those beliefs despite what his are.

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