The politics of Laura and George Bush

Why do you people do that? I mean, make statements that are simply false and easily proven false. You do this kind of thing all the time? Do you think it's cute to make us prove you wrong?

Tax cuts for individuals
Total: $237 billion

$116 billion: New payroll tax credit of $400 per worker and $800 per couple in 2009 and 2010. Phaseout begins at $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers.[27]
$70 billion: Alternative minimum tax: a one year increase in AMT floor to $70,950 for joint filers for 2009.[27]
$15 billion: Expansion of child tax credit: A $1,000 credit to more families (even those that do not make enough money to pay income taxes).
$14 billion: Expanded college credit to provide a $2,500 expanded tax credit for college tuition and related expenses for 2009 and 2010. The credit is phased out for couples making more than $160,000.
$6.6 billion: Homebuyer credit: $8,000 refundable credit for all homes bought between 1/1/2009 and 12/1/2009 and repayment provision repealed for homes purchased in 2009 and held more than three years. This only applies to first-time homebuyers.[39]
$4.7 billion: Excluding from taxation the first $2,400 a person receives in unemployment compensation benefits in 2009.
$4.7 billion: Expanded earned income tax credit to increase the earned income tax credit — which provides money to low income workers — for families with at least three children.
$4.3 billion: Home energy credit to provide an expanded credit to homeowners who make their homes more energy-efficient in 2009 and 2010. Homeowners could recoup 30 percent of the cost up to $1,500 of numerous projects, such as installing energy-efficient windows, doors, furnaces and air conditioners.
$1.7 billion: for deduction of sales tax from car purchases, not interest payments phased out for incomes above $250,000.
[edit] Tax cuts for companies
Total: $51 billion

$15 billion: Allowing companies to use current losses to offset profits made in the previous five years, instead of two, making them eligible for tax refunds.
$13 billion: to extend tax credits for renewable energy production (until 2014).
$11 billion: Government contractors: Repeal a law that takes effect in 2012, requiring government agencies to withhold three percent of payments to contractors to help ensure they pay their tax bills. Repealing the law would cost $11 billion over 10 years, in part because the government could not earn interest by holding the money throughout the year.
$7 billion: Repeal bank credit: Repeal a Treasury provision that allowed firms that buy money-losing banks to use more of the losses as tax credits to offset the profits of the merged banks for tax purposes. The change would increase taxes on the merged banks by $7 billion over 10 years.
$5 billion: Bonus depreciation which extends a provision allowing businesses buying equipment such as computers to speed up its depreciation through 2009.

Those are called giveaways, not tax cuts. Real tax cuts affect productive behavior at the margin. None of what you have cited does that.

What the hell is wrong with you NYcarbineer??

Don't you realize that tax cuts given to working families ar "Giveaways"????

Only tax cuts to the superwealthy trickle down to help the economy

I would ask him to be specific but it would probably only depress further my eternally optimistic faith in the intelligence of my fellow human beings.
Why do you people do that? I mean, make statements that are simply false and easily proven false. You do this kind of thing all the time? Do you think it's cute to make us prove you wrong?

Tax cuts for individuals
Total: $237 billion

$116 billion: New payroll tax credit of $400 per worker and $800 per couple in 2009 and 2010. Phaseout begins at $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers.[27]
$70 billion: Alternative minimum tax: a one year increase in AMT floor to $70,950 for joint filers for 2009.[27]
$15 billion: Expansion of child tax credit: A $1,000 credit to more families (even those that do not make enough money to pay income taxes).
$14 billion: Expanded college credit to provide a $2,500 expanded tax credit for college tuition and related expenses for 2009 and 2010. The credit is phased out for couples making more than $160,000.
$6.6 billion: Homebuyer credit: $8,000 refundable credit for all homes bought between 1/1/2009 and 12/1/2009 and repayment provision repealed for homes purchased in 2009 and held more than three years. This only applies to first-time homebuyers.[39]
$4.7 billion: Excluding from taxation the first $2,400 a person receives in unemployment compensation benefits in 2009.
$4.7 billion: Expanded earned income tax credit to increase the earned income tax credit — which provides money to low income workers — for families with at least three children.
$4.3 billion: Home energy credit to provide an expanded credit to homeowners who make their homes more energy-efficient in 2009 and 2010. Homeowners could recoup 30 percent of the cost up to $1,500 of numerous projects, such as installing energy-efficient windows, doors, furnaces and air conditioners.
$1.7 billion: for deduction of sales tax from car purchases, not interest payments phased out for incomes above $250,000.
[edit] Tax cuts for companies
Total: $51 billion

$15 billion: Allowing companies to use current losses to offset profits made in the previous five years, instead of two, making them eligible for tax refunds.
$13 billion: to extend tax credits for renewable energy production (until 2014).
$11 billion: Government contractors: Repeal a law that takes effect in 2012, requiring government agencies to withhold three percent of payments to contractors to help ensure they pay their tax bills. Repealing the law would cost $11 billion over 10 years, in part because the government could not earn interest by holding the money throughout the year.
$7 billion: Repeal bank credit: Repeal a Treasury provision that allowed firms that buy money-losing banks to use more of the losses as tax credits to offset the profits of the merged banks for tax purposes. The change would increase taxes on the merged banks by $7 billion over 10 years.
$5 billion: Bonus depreciation which extends a provision allowing businesses buying equipment such as computers to speed up its depreciation through 2009.

Those are called giveaways, not tax cuts. Real tax cuts affect productive behavior at the margin. None of what you have cited does that.

Please stop.

Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.
Those are called giveaways, not tax cuts. Real tax cuts affect productive behavior at the margin. None of what you have cited does that.

Please stop.

Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.

As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?
Please stop.

Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.

As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?

Again... not only to the 'wealthy'... many taxpayers received the 'cuts'... does not make much sense for someone not paying income taxes to get a 'tax cut'

And do I support the way W spent like a drunken sailor? Hell no... You do not really see me or other conservatives defending Bush on his spending and a lot of his economic policies... there was really nothing to him that was fiscally conservative
Again... not only to the 'wealthy'... many taxpayers received the 'cuts'... does not make much sense for someone not paying income taxes to get a 'tax cut'

You just sufffered the worst terrorist attack in history and brought your country into two wars and paid for it through a tax cut? does not make sense
Again... not only to the 'wealthy'... many taxpayers received the 'cuts'... does not make much sense for someone not paying income taxes to get a 'tax cut'

You just sufffered the worst terrorist attack in history and brought your country into two wars and paid for it through a tax cut? does not make sense

You do not see me promoting spending more than we bring in in taxation, do you? If you are going to have cuts in taxes coming in, it has to be balanced with cuts in government spending. It is that simple. I said it then and I still say it now. Because you certainly cannot continue having the ~50% that do actually pay income taxes, continue to be burdened more and more to support massive government expansion, waste, and Robin Hood entitlements
Please stop.

Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.

As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?

Low unemployment. Low inflation. Increasing GDP. Increasing revenue to the federal gov't for most of his term.
Why do you ask?
I sure miss ole George. I wish we had someone even half as competent in the White House now.
Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.

As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?

Low unemployment. Low inflation. Increasing GDP. Increasing revenue to the federal gov't for most of his term.
Why do you ask?
I sure miss ole George. I wish we had someone even half as competent in the White House now.

Yea...right up until the part where he drove us into the largest recession in 70 years and then sat there with a deer in the headlights look
As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?

Low unemployment. Low inflation. Increasing GDP. Increasing revenue to the federal gov't for most of his term.
Why do you ask?
I sure miss ole George. I wish we had someone even half as competent in the White House now.

Yea...right up until the part where he drove us into the largest recession in 70 years and then sat there with a deer in the headlights look
Actually the recession didn't start until the Dems took over Congress in '06. Or have you selectively forgotten that part?
And he hardly sat there like a deer in the headlights. Instead he gave us TARP and the bailouts of AIG, Goldman, Chrysler and GM. All policies I opposed btw.
But don't let reality sway your fantasies. Bush stole the 2000 election, remember. Keep telling yourself that.
Low unemployment. Low inflation. Increasing GDP. Increasing revenue to the federal gov't for most of his term.
Why do you ask?
I sure miss ole George. I wish we had someone even half as competent in the White House now.

Yea...right up until the part where he drove us into the largest recession in 70 years and then sat there with a deer in the headlights look
Actually the recession didn't start until the Dems took over Congress in '06. Or have you selectively forgotten that part?
And he hardly sat there like a deer in the headlights. Instead he gave us TARP and the bailouts of AIG, Goldman, Chrysler and GM. All policies I opposed btw.
But don't let reality sway your fantasies. Bush stole the 2000 election, remember. Keep telling yourself that.

Yea ....yea

Same old song Rabbi.........nobody is buying it
Yea...right up until the part where he drove us into the largest recession in 70 years and then sat there with a deer in the headlights look
Actually the recession didn't start until the Dems took over Congress in '06. Or have you selectively forgotten that part?
And he hardly sat there like a deer in the headlights. Instead he gave us TARP and the bailouts of AIG, Goldman, Chrysler and GM. All policies I opposed btw.
But don't let reality sway your fantasies. Bush stole the 2000 election, remember. Keep telling yourself that.

Yea ....yea

Same old song Rabbi.........nobody is buying it

Except the voters.
Those are called giveaways, not tax cuts. Real tax cuts affect productive behavior at the margin. None of what you have cited does that.

Please stop.

Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.

How did Bush stimulate the economy? I remember just about everyone being sent some money.
Stop what? Telling the truth? I realize that is anathema to you and your crowd. Giving away $250 to seniors to "stimulate the economy" is more your speed.

As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?

Again... not only to the 'wealthy'... many taxpayers received the 'cuts'... does not make much sense for someone not paying income taxes to get a 'tax cut'

And do I support the way W spent like a drunken sailor? Hell no... You do not really see me or other conservatives defending Bush on his spending and a lot of his economic policies... there was really nothing to him that was fiscally conservative

Amazing, all of the sudden conservatives say Bush? Bush who? Aw, we never supported that guy!! We never supported his budget busting fiscal policy! We never supported his war in Iraq!

You guys are Peter denying he ever knew Christ.

It's pathetic.
Actually the recession didn't start until the Dems took over Congress in '06. Or have you selectively forgotten that part?
And he hardly sat there like a deer in the headlights. Instead he gave us TARP and the bailouts of AIG, Goldman, Chrysler and GM. All policies I opposed btw.
But don't let reality sway your fantasies. Bush stole the 2000 election, remember. Keep telling yourself that.

Yea ....yea

Same old song Rabbi.........nobody is buying it

Except the voters.

The same voters who voted Republicans out of office at all levels of Government?

Yea...I can see why you would think they were enamored with Republican economic policies
As opposed to what?

George Bush borrowing to give away $2.5 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy?

How did that work out?

Low unemployment. Low inflation. Increasing GDP. Increasing revenue to the federal gov't for most of his term.
Why do you ask?
I sure miss ole George. I wish we had someone even half as competent in the White House now.

Yea...right up until the part where he drove us into the largest recession in 70 years and then sat there with a deer in the headlights look

I swear to god... Man looked like he thought he was getting punk'd.
Yea ....yea

Same old song Rabbi.........nobody is buying it

Except the voters.

The same voters who voted Republicans out of office at all levels of Government?

Yea...I can see why you would think they were enamored with Republican economic policies

Actually they voted them out of office because they were NOT pursuing Republican economic policies but Democrat ones.
And you see how well that has worked out for everyone in question.
Except the voters.

The same voters who voted Republicans out of office at all levels of Government?

Yea...I can see why you would think they were enamored with Republican economic policies

Actually they voted them out of office because they were NOT pursuing Republican economic policies but Democrat ones.
And you see how well that has worked out for everyone in question.

Come on rabbi.....we are trying to have a serious discussion here

We gave the GOP eight years to show that their economic and political policies were what the country needed. The results were a dismal failure and the GOP paid the price

If you want to believe "They were not conservative enough"...go ahead try to sell America on "we plan to do worse to you next time"
What you are saying is Bush LIED about his beliefs at the cost to Americans to get elected by people he did not agree with.

The right has courted the right wing christian nutters to get elected and still had to cheat to win elections.


He lied to the American people about war which got Americans killed.

He a liar plain and simple.

Im laughing............the k00ks are still angst about this "lied to the America people" thing..........and meanwhile, except for them, NOBODY gives a flying fcukk!!! Truth Matters, RDean, NYCaribineer, Wry Catcher, Rightwinger et. al..........all the dummies who guaranteed impeachment due to George Bush "lying"........I gotta bring you up to speed. Its 2010, not 2005!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Time to move on s0ns............................


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