The Real Greats

Use Recover

Jul 5, 2020
I recorded this nutty dude telling me all these conspiracy theories and here's an excerpt of one of his talks. He is talking about someone he knows really well, I think they are old friends. There's a lot more. I tried to get him to write this all out organized but he can't seem to get himself together enough to do it right. So, I used one of those little mini tape recorders to record him. Interesting stuff, if only he could be more specific.


He collected his mind and meditated on his current situation as a musician. He wasn't only a musician and being a musician wasn't central to his life although being a musician was central to him personally, he thought about this right here as it now is.

Right now he owned no instruments, hadn't since he became homeless. If he wanted to play music or record something new there were two choices; one, he could use the online music program that he already tried out. Two, he could purchase an instrument and risk having it taken or used or basically be fully unprotected. He couldn't have either of those things.

The online music program was interesting and had some good points for personal entertainment but the catch with it was you must be connected to the internet and everything you are playing could be monitored in real time from the other end and surely, there were people waiting for him in particular to login on there so they could manipulate the proceedings.

He couldn't buy a guitar and not have a safe place to keep it. He never was one to carry an instrument around, or use one outside. He was going to keep it that way. He puts his needs first and owning an instrument is nowhere near the top of that list. Somewhere below renting a place, owning a car, clothing and food, purchasing an instrument was going to need to wait.

Being a musician got him into this situation, turned him into a target and cost him everything in his life, including his privacy and his most valuable years, those prime years. Were he not a musician at all he wouldn't've been targeted and torn apart so hard. You couldn't blame him though, he was innocent, there wasn't a legitimate reason to hate him. All of his enemies were superficial and made up excuses to revile him.

That wasn't where it ended though. This was a huge conspiracy that ran deep into his parent's childhoods, long before he was born. He inherited these problems and couldn't be none the wiser about how it all began. Nobody told him anything at all, not even after he learned that the U.S. government was keeping track of this 'storyline' and was fully aware of this asinine quagmire. He wrote them several times and called some of the intelligence agencies pleading for help and information. They denied everything and refused him a solid and fair hearing on the matters. Then later on the U.S. government intervened on the situation without informing him of anything, he was completely in the dark on all of the matters pertaining to this huge 'entertainment conspiracy' that centraled on his family since at least the mid-1970s. The only option was that he must peice together what he could with his own resources and no help at all from anyone. And that's what he did. Only years after being homeless was he able to start putting the puzzle together.

Where to place the starting point of this tale is difficult to determine, depending on what perspective you would like to take. Let's just start with him and his personal experience and not the theories on what happened in the 1970s. Those theories were probably near the truth but innacurate. So, here's some of those most pertinent facts.
There were many references to him and people in his life in the entertainment products of his childhood. In movies, in the art and lyrics of rock and pop albums, in advertisements, so on and so forth. He didn't know and wouldn't until he was in his twenties. When that veil was lifted and he looked back at his family and their struggles he was very demotivated because the same thing that happened then in the 1980s was happening once again in the early 2000s through roughly 2015. All of this evidence of synchronization suggested that he and his whole family and everyone they associated with were being closely watches, manipulated and "teased" through a plethora of mediums and medias and entertainment products. There is this probability claus that says coincidences are rare and if you get hundreds of coincidences they are not coincidences, they were intentionally contrived that way upon a central target. Thus, the situation escallated as he explored these "coincidences" that mirrored his life, most often the worst parts, and as he looked deeper into those creations those same people that made them started making new ones and aimed them at him like psychological missiles meant to corrupt his well being and mental stability. They didn't win. Let's leave it at that.

So, to start, let's just say that his mother was the center of this media game with the stars of entertaining creations back in the early 1980s when he was a toddler. But as he grew up and became smarter that focus shifted to him from his mother and occasionally onto his younger brother and sister. Then one day it culminated into a focused beam onto him when he became aware of this media assault and he did everything he could to fight against it.

But it was being a musician that sent those media enemies over the edge and they wrecked his life and sabotaged everything in his life that they could and eventually they succeeded in keeping him down the further he sank until one day the economy crashed in 2008 and he found himself without work and they lashed into him like never before and didn't let up for a full 7 years, vowing to keep him homeless and sabotage everything he did to get himself together once again no matter how small that gain was or how many times they would need to repeat their actions, day in and day out, every single day, for at least a full 7 years, no mercy, no hope.

The problem was they built him up into a sort of central hub for their entertainment focus, assuming early on that he would go through his whole life unawares and too deep in a stupor to notice. They used this dynamic to influence other things and use other people who were watching what they did. So, you can imagine that when he "woke up" and started to notice that hey something aint right and why isn't this happening to anyone else and when he started to fight against their actions, you can imagine what anger that elicited in the media trolls that were using that magoo/mastermind dynamic to keep the support of their "watchers/observers". They became furious. They thought they had him hook line and sinker but for all of their wishes he wasn't the fish they wanted him to be.

He was taught some simple piano lines when he was 5 or 6, his mother, not being all that advanced herself on piano, but good enough to teach him the basics. He would later enjoy his choir classes in gradeschool, something he did until middle school. In middle school he wanted to play drums but his mother didn't have the money to send him to music class. He would abandon that pursuit until he was 15 and she bought him his first guitar. He practiced moderately for a couple years and then started playing with others when he was 19. He didn't really become well enough on the guitar or bass till he was about 22 years old, that's when his creative talent started to advance. He knew he was in the right direction and his playing was getting better and better. It all seemed to start coming naturally to him whereas in the start of it all it was a hard struggle. Now though, it was easy as cake.
He recorded two solid demonstration cassettes in 2005 and immediately sent himself on playing as much as he could with other people. He distributed about 80-100 of these cassettes around and even sent them through the mail. His closest friends that were musicians thought they were great and he used that to encourage them to write and record music with him. He loved co-writing a lot more because it made him more creative and there was something more satisfying about being a part of a good recording rather that being the only person in that recording. He pressed and pushed and encouraged as much as he could, trying his best to be supportive and get the ball rolling with forming a solid band. His encouragement worked well for a while but other problems started to set in as his advancement in this matter improved.
That's where the "conspirators" started to step in. These "conspirators" were big lefties and had a lot of resources at their disposal. When he started getting his act together they tried intervening with foreign operatives posing as new neighbors or the kid around the corner. One such instance was in 2006, right before the series of catastrophes that they sabotaged him with. He was renting an apartment in this small west coast town, working hard and trying to save up money for new instruments and a used car, when some shady character of a guy moved in next door, some guy that was middle eastern and acted like he already knew everything about him. There was an eerie sense of man this is a setup about the whole thing. This strange spy of a neighbor would quickly move out once firmly refused. He would try to get him to play some music or come over and visit. When that didn't happen he was gone as mysteriously as he appeared.

Then the break-ins started happening at that apartment. Break-ins with subtle clues, clues both related to horrible things that recently happened and clues that really he couldn't put together and figure out. He didn't care about decyphering clues though, he cared about keeping the burglars out.

So it was in 2007 that his friends who he played with on and off since 2003 started to get enough motivation to work with him on practicing and writing new music on a regular schedule. This formation lasted a good 4 or 5 months before it all started coming apart in spring 2008. Those "conspirators" had sent in a new crowd of folks that acquainted themselves with his bandmates and other close friends and they went upon spying all of their lives inside and out, determined to keep this band from forming or advancing although both him and at least one of his bandmate/friends was well aware that they were starting to sound real good and that there was a lot of great potential there. In spite of their awareness of their potential and the progress in their short development, they couldn't keep it together. This outside group of spy/invaders already had their spyological grips on them and were puppeteering a great many of the people they all knew. Everything started falling apart and everyone was turning against each other. And then, at the climax of it all, the economy crashed. That was the straw that broke the kittens back. It wasn't long before everyone was hurting for money and work was difficult to secure. That was when he ended up needing to ask one of his other friends for a place to crash while he searched for work. He had to drop his lease and store away all of his belongings. He would never return to reclaim his possessions. They could still be there in that shed for all he knew, probably not, but who knows, it doesn't matter anymore anyways.

That was in 2008. Immediately following this switch from apartment to friend's couch he started to really notice how much of his life was being replayed in the entertainment media. It was like there was a sideways camera locked onto him and recorded everything he did and no matter what it would play out on the big screen in some related way or watching the television became like watching himself in a mirror and then it started happening with the music he bought. It was like the world was secretly watching him and they didn't like him much, in fact, they downright despised him.

Maybe it was because he discussed starting a cockrock band with his bandmates, preaching to them that he didn't want to play speed metal anymore and he wanted to make big money and attract women. That's what he thought, but actually, that wasn't it. It was simply that he was ready to go and would have made it, he had it all in the right place. He was too smart to fail and wasn't some bland product in a generic can. He was a real artist with real talent and intellectually advanced in many ways. Their problem with that was that they were already using him in this strange symbiotic relationship that required him to be unawares and stupid and basically putty in their hands. He was the last person in the world they would want selling records and touring the world and meeting new people. They needed him poor, immobile and silenced. Well, that's what they did to him and he was none the wiser about the whole situation until it was too late.

So he found himself unemployed in a small town with this conspiracy of actors surrounding his social circles, bribing their way into everyone's hearts with the right booze, the right weed, the right sex. Whatever it was they could provide it, they had total control and were getting more confident in their crimes against him.

He couldn't find work. He didn't have much money left. He told his good friends who let him stay a sincere farewell and informed them of the "conspiracy" among their other friends, they believed him and took his advice, promising to keep them out and protect their family. He used the last of his money to thrust himself into the heart of it all, Hollywood, where over half of these "entertainment conspirators" that have tormented his family since at least the 1980s live and operate. Needless to say this only served to blow the already hot and severe situation open into a full on shithole of epic proportions. Once he made this move all sorts of people came out of the woodwork to piss on him and psychologically torture him, all to a backdrop of a failing economy and a new communist president who, by the way, spit on him as well and laughed at his peril when he requested government intervention.

This went on endlessly for him. To him, this period between 2008 and 2012 was an eternity. He soon tired of the horrible circumstance he was now in and couldn't find an escape. There was literally no work anywhere. He couldn't do anything without being seconded and reversed and sabotaged. Not a damn thing. Each time he landed a work lead or an interview it would be blocked through some sort of sabotage like stealing his phone or ruining his interview clothes or just basically robbing him of all of his posessions in one fell swoop. This happened repeatedly. Life was total shit and he couldn't leave L.A.
Eventually, he was able to get some money together when he went to North Hollywood and he used it to move to Vegas. At that time there was no better choice in the world for him. That constant cruel assault on him finally ceased when he left L.A. He lost them. They probably thought he was dead. But it wasn't long though before they caught up with him again and restarted their media assault but this time, in Vegas, it was to a much lesser severity as before. All those actors couldn't torment him on the street, and really, that was the worst part. He remained very spiteful and full of hate towards actors for the rest of his life due to those horrible experiences in Hollywood. He lost all his respect for them and their craft. It really is unfortunate because he admired many movie talents before this attack against him. Now he simply hates them and would probably get violent if given the chance against them.

Now though, it was 2020 and his life is still shit. He had to move 1/3 of the way around the world to escape them and their manipulative cruelty, intent on keeping him forever destitute and pained. He has asked himself many many times that if they hate that much to that severity, why don't just kill him? Why stew in a primordial swamp of perpetual hate like that? It's all much a mystery to him, as much a mystery as the question of why him at all? It's like he won the lottery pick and the world said, you know, lets pick this guy and fuck him day in and day out forever and ever amen. No reason, just screw him, no matter what, innocent or not, just do it.

He finally recorded some new music. It wasn't great and it wasn't real but it was new and it was a long time since he was able to actually play something. Had he not become homeless he would've never quit playing. But now, get this, those same people that spit and pissed on him and kicked him around are trying to encourage him to actually record a full album on this online platform. I was like yeah right, the same guys that stabbed you in the back 10,000 times want you to record on this platform? How can this be good for you? Exactly. Not at all. An insider has actually leaked the fact that there are fairy sports players waiting on the site to observe and manipulate the recordings were he to actually login and start at it. He's a real musician and isn't concerned, but it's a real testament to how outrageous these celebrities are and the lengths they go to in order to manipulate and influence the work of others. Its like, really? Do the real greats behave like this? No? Exactly. They aint the real greats.
I recorded this nutty dude telling me all these conspiracy theories and here's an excerpt of one of his talks. He is talking about someone he knows really well, I think they are old friends. There's a lot more. I tried to get him to write this all out organized but he can't seem to get himself together enough to do it right. So, I used one of those little mini tape recorders to record him. Interesting stuff, if only he could be more specific.


He collected his mind and meditated on his current situation as a musician. He wasn't only a musician and being a musician wasn't central to his life although being a musician was central to him personally, he thought about this right here as it now is.

Right now he owned no instruments, hadn't since he became homeless. If he wanted to play music or record something new there were two choices; one, he could use the online music program that he already tried out. Two, he could purchase an instrument and risk having it taken or used or basically be fully unprotected. He couldn't have either of those things.

The online music program was interesting and had some good points for personal entertainment but the catch with it was you must be connected to the internet and everything you are playing could be monitored in real time from the other end and surely, there were people waiting for him in particular to login on there so they could manipulate the proceedings.

He couldn't buy a guitar and not have a safe place to keep it. He never was one to carry an instrument around, or use one outside. He was going to keep it that way. He puts his needs first and owning an instrument is nowhere near the top of that list. Somewhere below renting a place, owning a car, clothing and food, purchasing an instrument was going to need to wait.

Being a musician got him into this situation, turned him into a target and cost him everything in his life, including his privacy and his most valuable years, those prime years. Were he not a musician at all he wouldn't've been targeted and torn apart so hard. You couldn't blame him though, he was innocent, there wasn't a legitimate reason to hate him. All of his enemies were superficial and made up excuses to revile him.

That wasn't where it ended though. This was a huge conspiracy that ran deep into his parent's childhoods, long before he was born. He inherited these problems and couldn't be none the wiser about how it all began. Nobody told him anything at all, not even after he learned that the U.S. government was keeping track of this 'storyline' and was fully aware of this asinine quagmire. He wrote them several times and called some of the intelligence agencies pleading for help and information. They denied everything and refused him a solid and fair hearing on the matters. Then later on the U.S. government intervened on the situation without informing him of anything, he was completely in the dark on all of the matters pertaining to this huge 'entertainment conspiracy' that centraled on his family since at least the mid-1970s. The only option was that he must peice together what he could with his own resources and no help at all from anyone. And that's what he did. Only years after being homeless was he able to start putting the puzzle together.

Where to place the starting point of this tale is difficult to determine, depending on what perspective you would like to take. Let's just start with him and his personal experience and not the theories on what happened in the 1970s. Those theories were probably near the truth but innacurate. So, here's some of those most pertinent facts.
There were many references to him and people in his life in the entertainment products of his childhood. In movies, in the art and lyrics of rock and pop albums, in advertisements, so on and so forth. He didn't know and wouldn't until he was in his twenties. When that veil was lifted and he looked back at his family and their struggles he was very demotivated because the same thing that happened then in the 1980s was happening once again in the early 2000s through roughly 2015. All of this evidence of synchronization suggested that he and his whole family and everyone they associated with were being closely watches, manipulated and "teased" through a plethora of mediums and medias and entertainment products. There is this probability claus that says coincidences are rare and if you get hundreds of coincidences they are not coincidences, they were intentionally contrived that way upon a central target. Thus, the situation escallated as he explored these "coincidences" that mirrored his life, most often the worst parts, and as he looked deeper into those creations those same people that made them started making new ones and aimed them at him like psychological missiles meant to corrupt his well being and mental stability. They didn't win. Let's leave it at that.

So, to start, let's just say that his mother was the center of this media game with the stars of entertaining creations back in the early 1980s when he was a toddler. But as he grew up and became smarter that focus shifted to him from his mother and occasionally onto his younger brother and sister. Then one day it culminated into a focused beam onto him when he became aware of this media assault and he did everything he could to fight against it.

But it was being a musician that sent those media enemies over the edge and they wrecked his life and sabotaged everything in his life that they could and eventually they succeeded in keeping him down the further he sank until one day the economy crashed in 2008 and he found himself without work and they lashed into him like never before and didn't let up for a full 7 years, vowing to keep him homeless and sabotage everything he did to get himself together once again no matter how small that gain was or how many times they would need to repeat their actions, day in and day out, every single day, for at least a full 7 years, no mercy, no hope.

The problem was they built him up into a sort of central hub for their entertainment focus, assuming early on that he would go through his whole life unawares and too deep in a stupor to notice. They used this dynamic to influence other things and use other people who were watching what they did. So, you can imagine that when he "woke up" and started to notice that hey something aint right and why isn't this happening to anyone else and when he started to fight against their actions, you can imagine what anger that elicited in the media trolls that were using that magoo/mastermind dynamic to keep the support of their "watchers/observers". They became furious. They thought they had him hook line and sinker but for all of their wishes he wasn't the fish they wanted him to be.

He was taught some simple piano lines when he was 5 or 6, his mother, not being all that advanced herself on piano, but good enough to teach him the basics. He would later enjoy his choir classes in gradeschool, something he did until middle school. In middle school he wanted to play drums but his mother didn't have the money to send him to music class. He would abandon that pursuit until he was 15 and she bought him his first guitar. He practiced moderately for a couple years and then started playing with others when he was 19. He didn't really become well enough on the guitar or bass till he was about 22 years old, that's when his creative talent started to advance. He knew he was in the right direction and his playing was getting better and better. It all seemed to start coming naturally to him whereas in the start of it all it was a hard struggle. Now though, it was easy as cake.
He recorded two solid demonstration cassettes in 2005 and immediately sent himself on playing as much as he could with other people. He distributed about 80-100 of these cassettes around and even sent them through the mail. His closest friends that were musicians thought they were great and he used that to encourage them to write and record music with him. He loved co-writing a lot more because it made him more creative and there was something more satisfying about being a part of a good recording rather that being the only person in that recording. He pressed and pushed and encouraged as much as he could, trying his best to be supportive and get the ball rolling with forming a solid band. His encouragement worked well for a while but other problems started to set in as his advancement in this matter improved.
That's where the "conspirators" started to step in. These "conspirators" were big lefties and had a lot of resources at their disposal. When he started getting his act together they tried intervening with foreign operatives posing as new neighbors or the kid around the corner. One such instance was in 2006, right before the series of catastrophes that they sabotaged him with. He was renting an apartment in this small west coast town, working hard and trying to save up money for new instruments and a used car, when some shady character of a guy moved in next door, some guy that was middle eastern and acted like he already knew everything about him. There was an eerie sense of man this is a setup about the whole thing. This strange spy of a neighbor would quickly move out once firmly refused. He would try to get him to play some music or come over and visit. When that didn't happen he was gone as mysteriously as he appeared.

Then the break-ins started happening at that apartment. Break-ins with subtle clues, clues both related to horrible things that recently happened and clues that really he couldn't put together and figure out. He didn't care about decyphering clues though, he cared about keeping the burglars out.

So it was in 2007 that his friends who he played with on and off since 2003 started to get enough motivation to work with him on practicing and writing new music on a regular schedule. This formation lasted a good 4 or 5 months before it all started coming apart in spring 2008. Those "conspirators" had sent in a new crowd of folks that acquainted themselves with his bandmates and other close friends and they went upon spying all of their lives inside and out, determined to keep this band from forming or advancing although both him and at least one of his bandmate/friends was well aware that they were starting to sound real good and that there was a lot of great potential there. In spite of their awareness of their potential and the progress in their short development, they couldn't keep it together. This outside group of spy/invaders already had their spyological grips on them and were puppeteering a great many of the people they all knew. Everything started falling apart and everyone was turning against each other. And then, at the climax of it all, the economy crashed. That was the straw that broke the kittens back. It wasn't long before everyone was hurting for money and work was difficult to secure. That was when he ended up needing to ask one of his other friends for a place to crash while he searched for work. He had to drop his lease and store away all of his belongings. He would never return to reclaim his possessions. They could still be there in that shed for all he knew, probably not, but who knows, it doesn't matter anymore anyways.

That was in 2008. Immediately following this switch from apartment to friend's couch he started to really notice how much of his life was being replayed in the entertainment media. It was like there was a sideways camera locked onto him and recorded everything he did and no matter what it would play out on the big screen in some related way or watching the television became like watching himself in a mirror and then it started happening with the music he bought. It was like the world was secretly watching him and they didn't like him much, in fact, they downright despised him.

Maybe it was because he discussed starting a cockrock band with his bandmates, preaching to them that he didn't want to play speed metal anymore and he wanted to make big money and attract women. That's what he thought, but actually, that wasn't it. It was simply that he was ready to go and would have made it, he had it all in the right place. He was too smart to fail and wasn't some bland product in a generic can. He was a real artist with real talent and intellectually advanced in many ways. Their problem with that was that they were already using him in this strange symbiotic relationship that required him to be unawares and stupid and basically putty in their hands. He was the last person in the world they would want selling records and touring the world and meeting new people. They needed him poor, immobile and silenced. Well, that's what they did to him and he was none the wiser about the whole situation until it was too late.

So he found himself unemployed in a small town with this conspiracy of actors surrounding his social circles, bribing their way into everyone's hearts with the right booze, the right weed, the right sex. Whatever it was they could provide it, they had total control and were getting more confident in their crimes against him.

He couldn't find work. He didn't have much money left. He told his good friends who let him stay a sincere farewell and informed them of the "conspiracy" among their other friends, they believed him and took his advice, promising to keep them out and protect their family. He used the last of his money to thrust himself into the heart of it all, Hollywood, where over half of these "entertainment conspirators" that have tormented his family since at least the 1980s live and operate. Needless to say this only served to blow the already hot and severe situation open into a full on shithole of epic proportions. Once he made this move all sorts of people came out of the woodwork to piss on him and psychologically torture him, all to a backdrop of a failing economy and a new communist president who, by the way, spit on him as well and laughed at his peril when he requested government intervention.

This went on endlessly for him. To him, this period between 2008 and 2012 was an eternity. He soon tired of the horrible circumstance he was now in and couldn't find an escape. There was literally no work anywhere. He couldn't do anything without being seconded and reversed and sabotaged. Not a damn thing. Each time he landed a work lead or an interview it would be blocked through some sort of sabotage like stealing his phone or ruining his interview clothes or just basically robbing him of all of his posessions in one fell swoop. This happened repeatedly. Life was total shit and he couldn't leave L.A.
Eventually, he was able to get some money together when he went to North Hollywood and he used it to move to Vegas. At that time there was no better choice in the world for him. That constant cruel assault on him finally ceased when he left L.A. He lost them. They probably thought he was dead. But it wasn't long though before they caught up with him again and restarted their media assault but this time, in Vegas, it was to a much lesser severity as before. All those actors couldn't torment him on the street, and really, that was the worst part. He remained very spiteful and full of hate towards actors for the rest of his life due to those horrible experiences in Hollywood. He lost all his respect for them and their craft. It really is unfortunate because he admired many movie talents before this attack against him. Now he simply hates them and would probably get violent if given the chance against them.

Now though, it was 2020 and his life is still shit. He had to move 1/3 of the way around the world to escape them and their manipulative cruelty, intent on keeping him forever destitute and pained. He has asked himself many many times that if they hate that much to that severity, why don't just kill him? Why stew in a primordial swamp of perpetual hate like that? It's all much a mystery to him, as much a mystery as the question of why him at all? It's like he won the lottery pick and the world said, you know, lets pick this guy and fuck him day in and day out forever and ever amen. No reason, just screw him, no matter what, innocent or not, just do it.

He finally recorded some new music. It wasn't great and it wasn't real but it was new and it was a long time since he was able to actually play something. Had he not become homeless he would've never quit playing. But now, get this, those same people that spit and pissed on him and kicked him around are trying to encourage him to actually record a full album on this online platform. I was like yeah right, the same guys that stabbed you in the back 10,000 times want you to record on this platform? How can this be good for you? Exactly. Not at all. An insider has actually leaked the fact that there are fairy sports players waiting on the site to observe and manipulate the recordings were he to actually login and start at it. He's a real musician and isn't concerned, but it's a real testament to how outrageous these celebrities are and the lengths they go to in order to manipulate and influence the work of others. Its like, really? Do the real greats behave like this? No? Exactly. They aint the real greats.
I ran a music school around the time of the bush Great Recession. I didn’t make a lot of money but I had a lot of fun. I worked with musicians who worked with some pretty famous performers. Like Mitch Ryder or bob seager. Two girls who took voice lessons with us made it pretty far on American idol.

All these people are artists not business people. The small percent who get rich can afford to be a accentric. The vast majority are starving artists. Dreamers.
I recorded this nutty dude telling me all these conspiracy theories and here's an excerpt of one of his talks. He is talking about someone he knows really well, I think they are old friends. There's a lot more. I tried to get him to write this all out organized but he can't seem to get himself together enough to do it right. So, I used one of those little mini tape recorders to record him. Interesting stuff, if only he could be more specific.


He collected his mind and meditated on his current situation as a musician. He wasn't only a musician and being a musician wasn't central to his life although being a musician was central to him personally, he thought about this right here as it now is.

Right now he owned no instruments, hadn't since he became homeless. If he wanted to play music or record something new there were two choices; one, he could use the online music program that he already tried out. Two, he could purchase an instrument and risk having it taken or used or basically be fully unprotected. He couldn't have either of those things.

The online music program was interesting and had some good points for personal entertainment but the catch with it was you must be connected to the internet and everything you are playing could be monitored in real time from the other end and surely, there were people waiting for him in particular to login on there so they could manipulate the proceedings.

He couldn't buy a guitar and not have a safe place to keep it. He never was one to carry an instrument around, or use one outside. He was going to keep it that way. He puts his needs first and owning an instrument is nowhere near the top of that list. Somewhere below renting a place, owning a car, clothing and food, purchasing an instrument was going to need to wait.

Being a musician got him into this situation, turned him into a target and cost him everything in his life, including his privacy and his most valuable years, those prime years. Were he not a musician at all he wouldn't've been targeted and torn apart so hard. You couldn't blame him though, he was innocent, there wasn't a legitimate reason to hate him. All of his enemies were superficial and made up excuses to revile him.

That wasn't where it ended though. This was a huge conspiracy that ran deep into his parent's childhoods, long before he was born. He inherited these problems and couldn't be none the wiser about how it all began. Nobody told him anything at all, not even after he learned that the U.S. government was keeping track of this 'storyline' and was fully aware of this asinine quagmire. He wrote them several times and called some of the intelligence agencies pleading for help and information. They denied everything and refused him a solid and fair hearing on the matters. Then later on the U.S. government intervened on the situation without informing him of anything, he was completely in the dark on all of the matters pertaining to this huge 'entertainment conspiracy' that centraled on his family since at least the mid-1970s. The only option was that he must peice together what he could with his own resources and no help at all from anyone. And that's what he did. Only years after being homeless was he able to start putting the puzzle together.

Where to place the starting point of this tale is difficult to determine, depending on what perspective you would like to take. Let's just start with him and his personal experience and not the theories on what happened in the 1970s. Those theories were probably near the truth but innacurate. So, here's some of those most pertinent facts.
There were many references to him and people in his life in the entertainment products of his childhood. In movies, in the art and lyrics of rock and pop albums, in advertisements, so on and so forth. He didn't know and wouldn't until he was in his twenties. When that veil was lifted and he looked back at his family and their struggles he was very demotivated because the same thing that happened then in the 1980s was happening once again in the early 2000s through roughly 2015. All of this evidence of synchronization suggested that he and his whole family and everyone they associated with were being closely watches, manipulated and "teased" through a plethora of mediums and medias and entertainment products. There is this probability claus that says coincidences are rare and if you get hundreds of coincidences they are not coincidences, they were intentionally contrived that way upon a central target. Thus, the situation escallated as he explored these "coincidences" that mirrored his life, most often the worst parts, and as he looked deeper into those creations those same people that made them started making new ones and aimed them at him like psychological missiles meant to corrupt his well being and mental stability. They didn't win. Let's leave it at that.

So, to start, let's just say that his mother was the center of this media game with the stars of entertaining creations back in the early 1980s when he was a toddler. But as he grew up and became smarter that focus shifted to him from his mother and occasionally onto his younger brother and sister. Then one day it culminated into a focused beam onto him when he became aware of this media assault and he did everything he could to fight against it.

But it was being a musician that sent those media enemies over the edge and they wrecked his life and sabotaged everything in his life that they could and eventually they succeeded in keeping him down the further he sank until one day the economy crashed in 2008 and he found himself without work and they lashed into him like never before and didn't let up for a full 7 years, vowing to keep him homeless and sabotage everything he did to get himself together once again no matter how small that gain was or how many times they would need to repeat their actions, day in and day out, every single day, for at least a full 7 years, no mercy, no hope.

The problem was they built him up into a sort of central hub for their entertainment focus, assuming early on that he would go through his whole life unawares and too deep in a stupor to notice. They used this dynamic to influence other things and use other people who were watching what they did. So, you can imagine that when he "woke up" and started to notice that hey something aint right and why isn't this happening to anyone else and when he started to fight against their actions, you can imagine what anger that elicited in the media trolls that were using that magoo/mastermind dynamic to keep the support of their "watchers/observers". They became furious. They thought they had him hook line and sinker but for all of their wishes he wasn't the fish they wanted him to be.

He was taught some simple piano lines when he was 5 or 6, his mother, not being all that advanced herself on piano, but good enough to teach him the basics. He would later enjoy his choir classes in gradeschool, something he did until middle school. In middle school he wanted to play drums but his mother didn't have the money to send him to music class. He would abandon that pursuit until he was 15 and she bought him his first guitar. He practiced moderately for a couple years and then started playing with others when he was 19. He didn't really become well enough on the guitar or bass till he was about 22 years old, that's when his creative talent started to advance. He knew he was in the right direction and his playing was getting better and better. It all seemed to start coming naturally to him whereas in the start of it all it was a hard struggle. Now though, it was easy as cake.
He recorded two solid demonstration cassettes in 2005 and immediately sent himself on playing as much as he could with other people. He distributed about 80-100 of these cassettes around and even sent them through the mail. His closest friends that were musicians thought they were great and he used that to encourage them to write and record music with him. He loved co-writing a lot more because it made him more creative and there was something more satisfying about being a part of a good recording rather that being the only person in that recording. He pressed and pushed and encouraged as much as he could, trying his best to be supportive and get the ball rolling with forming a solid band. His encouragement worked well for a while but other problems started to set in as his advancement in this matter improved.
That's where the "conspirators" started to step in. These "conspirators" were big lefties and had a lot of resources at their disposal. When he started getting his act together they tried intervening with foreign operatives posing as new neighbors or the kid around the corner. One such instance was in 2006, right before the series of catastrophes that they sabotaged him with. He was renting an apartment in this small west coast town, working hard and trying to save up money for new instruments and a used car, when some shady character of a guy moved in next door, some guy that was middle eastern and acted like he already knew everything about him. There was an eerie sense of man this is a setup about the whole thing. This strange spy of a neighbor would quickly move out once firmly refused. He would try to get him to play some music or come over and visit. When that didn't happen he was gone as mysteriously as he appeared.

Then the break-ins started happening at that apartment. Break-ins with subtle clues, clues both related to horrible things that recently happened and clues that really he couldn't put together and figure out. He didn't care about decyphering clues though, he cared about keeping the burglars out.

So it was in 2007 that his friends who he played with on and off since 2003 started to get enough motivation to work with him on practicing and writing new music on a regular schedule. This formation lasted a good 4 or 5 months before it all started coming apart in spring 2008. Those "conspirators" had sent in a new crowd of folks that acquainted themselves with his bandmates and other close friends and they went upon spying all of their lives inside and out, determined to keep this band from forming or advancing although both him and at least one of his bandmate/friends was well aware that they were starting to sound real good and that there was a lot of great potential there. In spite of their awareness of their potential and the progress in their short development, they couldn't keep it together. This outside group of spy/invaders already had their spyological grips on them and were puppeteering a great many of the people they all knew. Everything started falling apart and everyone was turning against each other. And then, at the climax of it all, the economy crashed. That was the straw that broke the kittens back. It wasn't long before everyone was hurting for money and work was difficult to secure. That was when he ended up needing to ask one of his other friends for a place to crash while he searched for work. He had to drop his lease and store away all of his belongings. He would never return to reclaim his possessions. They could still be there in that shed for all he knew, probably not, but who knows, it doesn't matter anymore anyways.

That was in 2008. Immediately following this switch from apartment to friend's couch he started to really notice how much of his life was being replayed in the entertainment media. It was like there was a sideways camera locked onto him and recorded everything he did and no matter what it would play out on the big screen in some related way or watching the television became like watching himself in a mirror and then it started happening with the music he bought. It was like the world was secretly watching him and they didn't like him much, in fact, they downright despised him.

Maybe it was because he discussed starting a cockrock band with his bandmates, preaching to them that he didn't want to play speed metal anymore and he wanted to make big money and attract women. That's what he thought, but actually, that wasn't it. It was simply that he was ready to go and would have made it, he had it all in the right place. He was too smart to fail and wasn't some bland product in a generic can. He was a real artist with real talent and intellectually advanced in many ways. Their problem with that was that they were already using him in this strange symbiotic relationship that required him to be unawares and stupid and basically putty in their hands. He was the last person in the world they would want selling records and touring the world and meeting new people. They needed him poor, immobile and silenced. Well, that's what they did to him and he was none the wiser about the whole situation until it was too late.

So he found himself unemployed in a small town with this conspiracy of actors surrounding his social circles, bribing their way into everyone's hearts with the right booze, the right weed, the right sex. Whatever it was they could provide it, they had total control and were getting more confident in their crimes against him.

He couldn't find work. He didn't have much money left. He told his good friends who let him stay a sincere farewell and informed them of the "conspiracy" among their other friends, they believed him and took his advice, promising to keep them out and protect their family. He used the last of his money to thrust himself into the heart of it all, Hollywood, where over half of these "entertainment conspirators" that have tormented his family since at least the 1980s live and operate. Needless to say this only served to blow the already hot and severe situation open into a full on shithole of epic proportions. Once he made this move all sorts of people came out of the woodwork to piss on him and psychologically torture him, all to a backdrop of a failing economy and a new communist president who, by the way, spit on him as well and laughed at his peril when he requested government intervention.

This went on endlessly for him. To him, this period between 2008 and 2012 was an eternity. He soon tired of the horrible circumstance he was now in and couldn't find an escape. There was literally no work anywhere. He couldn't do anything without being seconded and reversed and sabotaged. Not a damn thing. Each time he landed a work lead or an interview it would be blocked through some sort of sabotage like stealing his phone or ruining his interview clothes or just basically robbing him of all of his posessions in one fell swoop. This happened repeatedly. Life was total shit and he couldn't leave L.A.
Eventually, he was able to get some money together when he went to North Hollywood and he used it to move to Vegas. At that time there was no better choice in the world for him. That constant cruel assault on him finally ceased when he left L.A. He lost them. They probably thought he was dead. But it wasn't long though before they caught up with him again and restarted their media assault but this time, in Vegas, it was to a much lesser severity as before. All those actors couldn't torment him on the street, and really, that was the worst part. He remained very spiteful and full of hate towards actors for the rest of his life due to those horrible experiences in Hollywood. He lost all his respect for them and their craft. It really is unfortunate because he admired many movie talents before this attack against him. Now he simply hates them and would probably get violent if given the chance against them.

Now though, it was 2020 and his life is still shit. He had to move 1/3 of the way around the world to escape them and their manipulative cruelty, intent on keeping him forever destitute and pained. He has asked himself many many times that if they hate that much to that severity, why don't just kill him? Why stew in a primordial swamp of perpetual hate like that? It's all much a mystery to him, as much a mystery as the question of why him at all? It's like he won the lottery pick and the world said, you know, lets pick this guy and fuck him day in and day out forever and ever amen. No reason, just screw him, no matter what, innocent or not, just do it.

He finally recorded some new music. It wasn't great and it wasn't real but it was new and it was a long time since he was able to actually play something. Had he not become homeless he would've never quit playing. But now, get this, those same people that spit and pissed on him and kicked him around are trying to encourage him to actually record a full album on this online platform. I was like yeah right, the same guys that stabbed you in the back 10,000 times want you to record on this platform? How can this be good for you? Exactly. Not at all. An insider has actually leaked the fact that there are fairy sports players waiting on the site to observe and manipulate the recordings were he to actually login and start at it. He's a real musician and isn't concerned, but it's a real testament to how outrageous these celebrities are and the lengths they go to in order to manipulate and influence the work of others. Its like, really? Do the real greats behave like this? No? Exactly. They aint the real greats.
I ran a music school around the time of the bush Great Recession. I didn’t make a lot of money but I had a lot of fun. I worked with musicians who worked with some pretty famous performers. Like Mitch Ryder or bob seager. Two girls who took voice lessons with us made it pretty far on American idol.

All these people are artists not business people. The small percent who get rich can afford to be a accentric. The vast majority are starving artists. Dreamers.
Tucson and Bisbee Arizona are loaded with stars that never were.
I recorded this nutty dude telling me all these conspiracy theories and here's an excerpt of one of his talks. He is talking about someone he knows really well, I think they are old friends. There's a lot more. I tried to get him to write this all out organized but he can't seem to get himself together enough to do it right. So, I used one of those little mini tape recorders to record him. Interesting stuff, if only he could be more specific.


He collected his mind and meditated on his current situation as a musician. He wasn't only a musician and being a musician wasn't central to his life although being a musician was central to him personally, he thought about this right here as it now is.

Right now he owned no instruments, hadn't since he became homeless. If he wanted to play music or record something new there were two choices; one, he could use the online music program that he already tried out. Two, he could purchase an instrument and risk having it taken or used or basically be fully unprotected. He couldn't have either of those things.

The online music program was interesting and had some good points for personal entertainment but the catch with it was you must be connected to the internet and everything you are playing could be monitored in real time from the other end and surely, there were people waiting for him in particular to login on there so they could manipulate the proceedings.

He couldn't buy a guitar and not have a safe place to keep it. He never was one to carry an instrument around, or use one outside. He was going to keep it that way. He puts his needs first and owning an instrument is nowhere near the top of that list. Somewhere below renting a place, owning a car, clothing and food, purchasing an instrument was going to need to wait.

Being a musician got him into this situation, turned him into a target and cost him everything in his life, including his privacy and his most valuable years, those prime years. Were he not a musician at all he wouldn't've been targeted and torn apart so hard. You couldn't blame him though, he was innocent, there wasn't a legitimate reason to hate him. All of his enemies were superficial and made up excuses to revile him.

That wasn't where it ended though. This was a huge conspiracy that ran deep into his parent's childhoods, long before he was born. He inherited these problems and couldn't be none the wiser about how it all began. Nobody told him anything at all, not even after he learned that the U.S. government was keeping track of this 'storyline' and was fully aware of this asinine quagmire. He wrote them several times and called some of the intelligence agencies pleading for help and information. They denied everything and refused him a solid and fair hearing on the matters. Then later on the U.S. government intervened on the situation without informing him of anything, he was completely in the dark on all of the matters pertaining to this huge 'entertainment conspiracy' that centraled on his family since at least the mid-1970s. The only option was that he must peice together what he could with his own resources and no help at all from anyone. And that's what he did. Only years after being homeless was he able to start putting the puzzle together.

Where to place the starting point of this tale is difficult to determine, depending on what perspective you would like to take. Let's just start with him and his personal experience and not the theories on what happened in the 1970s. Those theories were probably near the truth but innacurate. So, here's some of those most pertinent facts.
There were many references to him and people in his life in the entertainment products of his childhood. In movies, in the art and lyrics of rock and pop albums, in advertisements, so on and so forth. He didn't know and wouldn't until he was in his twenties. When that veil was lifted and he looked back at his family and their struggles he was very demotivated because the same thing that happened then in the 1980s was happening once again in the early 2000s through roughly 2015. All of this evidence of synchronization suggested that he and his whole family and everyone they associated with were being closely watches, manipulated and "teased" through a plethora of mediums and medias and entertainment products. There is this probability claus that says coincidences are rare and if you get hundreds of coincidences they are not coincidences, they were intentionally contrived that way upon a central target. Thus, the situation escallated as he explored these "coincidences" that mirrored his life, most often the worst parts, and as he looked deeper into those creations those same people that made them started making new ones and aimed them at him like psychological missiles meant to corrupt his well being and mental stability. They didn't win. Let's leave it at that.

So, to start, let's just say that his mother was the center of this media game with the stars of entertaining creations back in the early 1980s when he was a toddler. But as he grew up and became smarter that focus shifted to him from his mother and occasionally onto his younger brother and sister. Then one day it culminated into a focused beam onto him when he became aware of this media assault and he did everything he could to fight against it.

But it was being a musician that sent those media enemies over the edge and they wrecked his life and sabotaged everything in his life that they could and eventually they succeeded in keeping him down the further he sank until one day the economy crashed in 2008 and he found himself without work and they lashed into him like never before and didn't let up for a full 7 years, vowing to keep him homeless and sabotage everything he did to get himself together once again no matter how small that gain was or how many times they would need to repeat their actions, day in and day out, every single day, for at least a full 7 years, no mercy, no hope.

The problem was they built him up into a sort of central hub for their entertainment focus, assuming early on that he would go through his whole life unawares and too deep in a stupor to notice. They used this dynamic to influence other things and use other people who were watching what they did. So, you can imagine that when he "woke up" and started to notice that hey something aint right and why isn't this happening to anyone else and when he started to fight against their actions, you can imagine what anger that elicited in the media trolls that were using that magoo/mastermind dynamic to keep the support of their "watchers/observers". They became furious. They thought they had him hook line and sinker but for all of their wishes he wasn't the fish they wanted him to be.

He was taught some simple piano lines when he was 5 or 6, his mother, not being all that advanced herself on piano, but good enough to teach him the basics. He would later enjoy his choir classes in gradeschool, something he did until middle school. In middle school he wanted to play drums but his mother didn't have the money to send him to music class. He would abandon that pursuit until he was 15 and she bought him his first guitar. He practiced moderately for a couple years and then started playing with others when he was 19. He didn't really become well enough on the guitar or bass till he was about 22 years old, that's when his creative talent started to advance. He knew he was in the right direction and his playing was getting better and better. It all seemed to start coming naturally to him whereas in the start of it all it was a hard struggle. Now though, it was easy as cake.
He recorded two solid demonstration cassettes in 2005 and immediately sent himself on playing as much as he could with other people. He distributed about 80-100 of these cassettes around and even sent them through the mail. His closest friends that were musicians thought they were great and he used that to encourage them to write and record music with him. He loved co-writing a lot more because it made him more creative and there was something more satisfying about being a part of a good recording rather that being the only person in that recording. He pressed and pushed and encouraged as much as he could, trying his best to be supportive and get the ball rolling with forming a solid band. His encouragement worked well for a while but other problems started to set in as his advancement in this matter improved.
That's where the "conspirators" started to step in. These "conspirators" were big lefties and had a lot of resources at their disposal. When he started getting his act together they tried intervening with foreign operatives posing as new neighbors or the kid around the corner. One such instance was in 2006, right before the series of catastrophes that they sabotaged him with. He was renting an apartment in this small west coast town, working hard and trying to save up money for new instruments and a used car, when some shady character of a guy moved in next door, some guy that was middle eastern and acted like he already knew everything about him. There was an eerie sense of man this is a setup about the whole thing. This strange spy of a neighbor would quickly move out once firmly refused. He would try to get him to play some music or come over and visit. When that didn't happen he was gone as mysteriously as he appeared.

Then the break-ins started happening at that apartment. Break-ins with subtle clues, clues both related to horrible things that recently happened and clues that really he couldn't put together and figure out. He didn't care about decyphering clues though, he cared about keeping the burglars out.

So it was in 2007 that his friends who he played with on and off since 2003 started to get enough motivation to work with him on practicing and writing new music on a regular schedule. This formation lasted a good 4 or 5 months before it all started coming apart in spring 2008. Those "conspirators" had sent in a new crowd of folks that acquainted themselves with his bandmates and other close friends and they went upon spying all of their lives inside and out, determined to keep this band from forming or advancing although both him and at least one of his bandmate/friends was well aware that they were starting to sound real good and that there was a lot of great potential there. In spite of their awareness of their potential and the progress in their short development, they couldn't keep it together. This outside group of spy/invaders already had their spyological grips on them and were puppeteering a great many of the people they all knew. Everything started falling apart and everyone was turning against each other. And then, at the climax of it all, the economy crashed. That was the straw that broke the kittens back. It wasn't long before everyone was hurting for money and work was difficult to secure. That was when he ended up needing to ask one of his other friends for a place to crash while he searched for work. He had to drop his lease and store away all of his belongings. He would never return to reclaim his possessions. They could still be there in that shed for all he knew, probably not, but who knows, it doesn't matter anymore anyways.

That was in 2008. Immediately following this switch from apartment to friend's couch he started to really notice how much of his life was being replayed in the entertainment media. It was like there was a sideways camera locked onto him and recorded everything he did and no matter what it would play out on the big screen in some related way or watching the television became like watching himself in a mirror and then it started happening with the music he bought. It was like the world was secretly watching him and they didn't like him much, in fact, they downright despised him.

Maybe it was because he discussed starting a cockrock band with his bandmates, preaching to them that he didn't want to play speed metal anymore and he wanted to make big money and attract women. That's what he thought, but actually, that wasn't it. It was simply that he was ready to go and would have made it, he had it all in the right place. He was too smart to fail and wasn't some bland product in a generic can. He was a real artist with real talent and intellectually advanced in many ways. Their problem with that was that they were already using him in this strange symbiotic relationship that required him to be unawares and stupid and basically putty in their hands. He was the last person in the world they would want selling records and touring the world and meeting new people. They needed him poor, immobile and silenced. Well, that's what they did to him and he was none the wiser about the whole situation until it was too late.

So he found himself unemployed in a small town with this conspiracy of actors surrounding his social circles, bribing their way into everyone's hearts with the right booze, the right weed, the right sex. Whatever it was they could provide it, they had total control and were getting more confident in their crimes against him.

He couldn't find work. He didn't have much money left. He told his good friends who let him stay a sincere farewell and informed them of the "conspiracy" among their other friends, they believed him and took his advice, promising to keep them out and protect their family. He used the last of his money to thrust himself into the heart of it all, Hollywood, where over half of these "entertainment conspirators" that have tormented his family since at least the 1980s live and operate. Needless to say this only served to blow the already hot and severe situation open into a full on shithole of epic proportions. Once he made this move all sorts of people came out of the woodwork to piss on him and psychologically torture him, all to a backdrop of a failing economy and a new communist president who, by the way, spit on him as well and laughed at his peril when he requested government intervention.

This went on endlessly for him. To him, this period between 2008 and 2012 was an eternity. He soon tired of the horrible circumstance he was now in and couldn't find an escape. There was literally no work anywhere. He couldn't do anything without being seconded and reversed and sabotaged. Not a damn thing. Each time he landed a work lead or an interview it would be blocked through some sort of sabotage like stealing his phone or ruining his interview clothes or just basically robbing him of all of his posessions in one fell swoop. This happened repeatedly. Life was total shit and he couldn't leave L.A.
Eventually, he was able to get some money together when he went to North Hollywood and he used it to move to Vegas. At that time there was no better choice in the world for him. That constant cruel assault on him finally ceased when he left L.A. He lost them. They probably thought he was dead. But it wasn't long though before they caught up with him again and restarted their media assault but this time, in Vegas, it was to a much lesser severity as before. All those actors couldn't torment him on the street, and really, that was the worst part. He remained very spiteful and full of hate towards actors for the rest of his life due to those horrible experiences in Hollywood. He lost all his respect for them and their craft. It really is unfortunate because he admired many movie talents before this attack against him. Now he simply hates them and would probably get violent if given the chance against them.

Now though, it was 2020 and his life is still shit. He had to move 1/3 of the way around the world to escape them and their manipulative cruelty, intent on keeping him forever destitute and pained. He has asked himself many many times that if they hate that much to that severity, why don't just kill him? Why stew in a primordial swamp of perpetual hate like that? It's all much a mystery to him, as much a mystery as the question of why him at all? It's like he won the lottery pick and the world said, you know, lets pick this guy and fuck him day in and day out forever and ever amen. No reason, just screw him, no matter what, innocent or not, just do it.

He finally recorded some new music. It wasn't great and it wasn't real but it was new and it was a long time since he was able to actually play something. Had he not become homeless he would've never quit playing. But now, get this, those same people that spit and pissed on him and kicked him around are trying to encourage him to actually record a full album on this online platform. I was like yeah right, the same guys that stabbed you in the back 10,000 times want you to record on this platform? How can this be good for you? Exactly. Not at all. An insider has actually leaked the fact that there are fairy sports players waiting on the site to observe and manipulate the recordings were he to actually login and start at it. He's a real musician and isn't concerned, but it's a real testament to how outrageous these celebrities are and the lengths they go to in order to manipulate and influence the work of others. Its like, really? Do the real greats behave like this? No? Exactly. They aint the real greats.
I ran a music school around the time of the bush Great Recession. I didn’t make a lot of money but I had a lot of fun. I worked with musicians who worked with some pretty famous performers. Like Mitch Ryder or bob seager. Two girls who took voice lessons with us made it pretty far on American idol.

All these people are artists not business people. The small percent who get rich can afford to be a accentric. The vast majority are starving artists. Dreamers.
Tucson and Bisbee Arizona are loaded with stars that never were.
The thing is these guys would do it for free where me, you would have to pay me a million bucks to get me to tour the country in a bus with my band.
I recorded this nutty dude telling me all these conspiracy theories and here's an excerpt of one of his talks. He is talking about someone he knows really well, I think they are old friends. There's a lot more. I tried to get him to write this all out organized but he can't seem to get himself together enough to do it right. So, I used one of those little mini tape recorders to record him. Interesting stuff, if only he could be more specific.


He collected his mind and meditated on his current situation as a musician. He wasn't only a musician and being a musician wasn't central to his life although being a musician was central to him personally, he thought about this right here as it now is.

Right now he owned no instruments, hadn't since he became homeless. If he wanted to play music or record something new there were two choices; one, he could use the online music program that he already tried out. Two, he could purchase an instrument and risk having it taken or used or basically be fully unprotected. He couldn't have either of those things.

The online music program was interesting and had some good points for personal entertainment but the catch with it was you must be connected to the internet and everything you are playing could be monitored in real time from the other end and surely, there were people waiting for him in particular to login on there so they could manipulate the proceedings.

He couldn't buy a guitar and not have a safe place to keep it. He never was one to carry an instrument around, or use one outside. He was going to keep it that way. He puts his needs first and owning an instrument is nowhere near the top of that list. Somewhere below renting a place, owning a car, clothing and food, purchasing an instrument was going to need to wait.

Being a musician got him into this situation, turned him into a target and cost him everything in his life, including his privacy and his most valuable years, those prime years. Were he not a musician at all he wouldn't've been targeted and torn apart so hard. You couldn't blame him though, he was innocent, there wasn't a legitimate reason to hate him. All of his enemies were superficial and made up excuses to revile him.

That wasn't where it ended though. This was a huge conspiracy that ran deep into his parent's childhoods, long before he was born. He inherited these problems and couldn't be none the wiser about how it all began. Nobody told him anything at all, not even after he learned that the U.S. government was keeping track of this 'storyline' and was fully aware of this asinine quagmire. He wrote them several times and called some of the intelligence agencies pleading for help and information. They denied everything and refused him a solid and fair hearing on the matters. Then later on the U.S. government intervened on the situation without informing him of anything, he was completely in the dark on all of the matters pertaining to this huge 'entertainment conspiracy' that centraled on his family since at least the mid-1970s. The only option was that he must peice together what he could with his own resources and no help at all from anyone. And that's what he did. Only years after being homeless was he able to start putting the puzzle together.

Where to place the starting point of this tale is difficult to determine, depending on what perspective you would like to take. Let's just start with him and his personal experience and not the theories on what happened in the 1970s. Those theories were probably near the truth but innacurate. So, here's some of those most pertinent facts.
There were many references to him and people in his life in the entertainment products of his childhood. In movies, in the art and lyrics of rock and pop albums, in advertisements, so on and so forth. He didn't know and wouldn't until he was in his twenties. When that veil was lifted and he looked back at his family and their struggles he was very demotivated because the same thing that happened then in the 1980s was happening once again in the early 2000s through roughly 2015. All of this evidence of synchronization suggested that he and his whole family and everyone they associated with were being closely watches, manipulated and "teased" through a plethora of mediums and medias and entertainment products. There is this probability claus that says coincidences are rare and if you get hundreds of coincidences they are not coincidences, they were intentionally contrived that way upon a central target. Thus, the situation escallated as he explored these "coincidences" that mirrored his life, most often the worst parts, and as he looked deeper into those creations those same people that made them started making new ones and aimed them at him like psychological missiles meant to corrupt his well being and mental stability. They didn't win. Let's leave it at that.

So, to start, let's just say that his mother was the center of this media game with the stars of entertaining creations back in the early 1980s when he was a toddler. But as he grew up and became smarter that focus shifted to him from his mother and occasionally onto his younger brother and sister. Then one day it culminated into a focused beam onto him when he became aware of this media assault and he did everything he could to fight against it.

But it was being a musician that sent those media enemies over the edge and they wrecked his life and sabotaged everything in his life that they could and eventually they succeeded in keeping him down the further he sank until one day the economy crashed in 2008 and he found himself without work and they lashed into him like never before and didn't let up for a full 7 years, vowing to keep him homeless and sabotage everything he did to get himself together once again no matter how small that gain was or how many times they would need to repeat their actions, day in and day out, every single day, for at least a full 7 years, no mercy, no hope.

The problem was they built him up into a sort of central hub for their entertainment focus, assuming early on that he would go through his whole life unawares and too deep in a stupor to notice. They used this dynamic to influence other things and use other people who were watching what they did. So, you can imagine that when he "woke up" and started to notice that hey something aint right and why isn't this happening to anyone else and when he started to fight against their actions, you can imagine what anger that elicited in the media trolls that were using that magoo/mastermind dynamic to keep the support of their "watchers/observers". They became furious. They thought they had him hook line and sinker but for all of their wishes he wasn't the fish they wanted him to be.

He was taught some simple piano lines when he was 5 or 6, his mother, not being all that advanced herself on piano, but good enough to teach him the basics. He would later enjoy his choir classes in gradeschool, something he did until middle school. In middle school he wanted to play drums but his mother didn't have the money to send him to music class. He would abandon that pursuit until he was 15 and she bought him his first guitar. He practiced moderately for a couple years and then started playing with others when he was 19. He didn't really become well enough on the guitar or bass till he was about 22 years old, that's when his creative talent started to advance. He knew he was in the right direction and his playing was getting better and better. It all seemed to start coming naturally to him whereas in the start of it all it was a hard struggle. Now though, it was easy as cake.
He recorded two solid demonstration cassettes in 2005 and immediately sent himself on playing as much as he could with other people. He distributed about 80-100 of these cassettes around and even sent them through the mail. His closest friends that were musicians thought they were great and he used that to encourage them to write and record music with him. He loved co-writing a lot more because it made him more creative and there was something more satisfying about being a part of a good recording rather that being the only person in that recording. He pressed and pushed and encouraged as much as he could, trying his best to be supportive and get the ball rolling with forming a solid band. His encouragement worked well for a while but other problems started to set in as his advancement in this matter improved.
That's where the "conspirators" started to step in. These "conspirators" were big lefties and had a lot of resources at their disposal. When he started getting his act together they tried intervening with foreign operatives posing as new neighbors or the kid around the corner. One such instance was in 2006, right before the series of catastrophes that they sabotaged him with. He was renting an apartment in this small west coast town, working hard and trying to save up money for new instruments and a used car, when some shady character of a guy moved in next door, some guy that was middle eastern and acted like he already knew everything about him. There was an eerie sense of man this is a setup about the whole thing. This strange spy of a neighbor would quickly move out once firmly refused. He would try to get him to play some music or come over and visit. When that didn't happen he was gone as mysteriously as he appeared.

Then the break-ins started happening at that apartment. Break-ins with subtle clues, clues both related to horrible things that recently happened and clues that really he couldn't put together and figure out. He didn't care about decyphering clues though, he cared about keeping the burglars out.

So it was in 2007 that his friends who he played with on and off since 2003 started to get enough motivation to work with him on practicing and writing new music on a regular schedule. This formation lasted a good 4 or 5 months before it all started coming apart in spring 2008. Those "conspirators" had sent in a new crowd of folks that acquainted themselves with his bandmates and other close friends and they went upon spying all of their lives inside and out, determined to keep this band from forming or advancing although both him and at least one of his bandmate/friends was well aware that they were starting to sound real good and that there was a lot of great potential there. In spite of their awareness of their potential and the progress in their short development, they couldn't keep it together. This outside group of spy/invaders already had their spyological grips on them and were puppeteering a great many of the people they all knew. Everything started falling apart and everyone was turning against each other. And then, at the climax of it all, the economy crashed. That was the straw that broke the kittens back. It wasn't long before everyone was hurting for money and work was difficult to secure. That was when he ended up needing to ask one of his other friends for a place to crash while he searched for work. He had to drop his lease and store away all of his belongings. He would never return to reclaim his possessions. They could still be there in that shed for all he knew, probably not, but who knows, it doesn't matter anymore anyways.

That was in 2008. Immediately following this switch from apartment to friend's couch he started to really notice how much of his life was being replayed in the entertainment media. It was like there was a sideways camera locked onto him and recorded everything he did and no matter what it would play out on the big screen in some related way or watching the television became like watching himself in a mirror and then it started happening with the music he bought. It was like the world was secretly watching him and they didn't like him much, in fact, they downright despised him.

Maybe it was because he discussed starting a cockrock band with his bandmates, preaching to them that he didn't want to play speed metal anymore and he wanted to make big money and attract women. That's what he thought, but actually, that wasn't it. It was simply that he was ready to go and would have made it, he had it all in the right place. He was too smart to fail and wasn't some bland product in a generic can. He was a real artist with real talent and intellectually advanced in many ways. Their problem with that was that they were already using him in this strange symbiotic relationship that required him to be unawares and stupid and basically putty in their hands. He was the last person in the world they would want selling records and touring the world and meeting new people. They needed him poor, immobile and silenced. Well, that's what they did to him and he was none the wiser about the whole situation until it was too late.

So he found himself unemployed in a small town with this conspiracy of actors surrounding his social circles, bribing their way into everyone's hearts with the right booze, the right weed, the right sex. Whatever it was they could provide it, they had total control and were getting more confident in their crimes against him.

He couldn't find work. He didn't have much money left. He told his good friends who let him stay a sincere farewell and informed them of the "conspiracy" among their other friends, they believed him and took his advice, promising to keep them out and protect their family. He used the last of his money to thrust himself into the heart of it all, Hollywood, where over half of these "entertainment conspirators" that have tormented his family since at least the 1980s live and operate. Needless to say this only served to blow the already hot and severe situation open into a full on shithole of epic proportions. Once he made this move all sorts of people came out of the woodwork to piss on him and psychologically torture him, all to a backdrop of a failing economy and a new communist president who, by the way, spit on him as well and laughed at his peril when he requested government intervention.

This went on endlessly for him. To him, this period between 2008 and 2012 was an eternity. He soon tired of the horrible circumstance he was now in and couldn't find an escape. There was literally no work anywhere. He couldn't do anything without being seconded and reversed and sabotaged. Not a damn thing. Each time he landed a work lead or an interview it would be blocked through some sort of sabotage like stealing his phone or ruining his interview clothes or just basically robbing him of all of his posessions in one fell swoop. This happened repeatedly. Life was total shit and he couldn't leave L.A.
Eventually, he was able to get some money together when he went to North Hollywood and he used it to move to Vegas. At that time there was no better choice in the world for him. That constant cruel assault on him finally ceased when he left L.A. He lost them. They probably thought he was dead. But it wasn't long though before they caught up with him again and restarted their media assault but this time, in Vegas, it was to a much lesser severity as before. All those actors couldn't torment him on the street, and really, that was the worst part. He remained very spiteful and full of hate towards actors for the rest of his life due to those horrible experiences in Hollywood. He lost all his respect for them and their craft. It really is unfortunate because he admired many movie talents before this attack against him. Now he simply hates them and would probably get violent if given the chance against them.

Now though, it was 2020 and his life is still shit. He had to move 1/3 of the way around the world to escape them and their manipulative cruelty, intent on keeping him forever destitute and pained. He has asked himself many many times that if they hate that much to that severity, why don't just kill him? Why stew in a primordial swamp of perpetual hate like that? It's all much a mystery to him, as much a mystery as the question of why him at all? It's like he won the lottery pick and the world said, you know, lets pick this guy and fuck him day in and day out forever and ever amen. No reason, just screw him, no matter what, innocent or not, just do it.

He finally recorded some new music. It wasn't great and it wasn't real but it was new and it was a long time since he was able to actually play something. Had he not become homeless he would've never quit playing. But now, get this, those same people that spit and pissed on him and kicked him around are trying to encourage him to actually record a full album on this online platform. I was like yeah right, the same guys that stabbed you in the back 10,000 times want you to record on this platform? How can this be good for you? Exactly. Not at all. An insider has actually leaked the fact that there are fairy sports players waiting on the site to observe and manipulate the recordings were he to actually login and start at it. He's a real musician and isn't concerned, but it's a real testament to how outrageous these celebrities are and the lengths they go to in order to manipulate and influence the work of others. Its like, really? Do the real greats behave like this? No? Exactly. They aint the real greats.
Use Recover, I think your homeless musician friend would be well served if you gave him a harmonica to him for Christmas Thanksgiving, or Halloween which will be here sooner than other celebration days. Thanks for sharing his story. I will put homeless people on my prayer list. Our creator is merciful when we talk things over with him in prayer. Best of good fortune to you and your friend. :hands:

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